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Set it and forget it outdoor growing?

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Thanks man, I'd give you K+ but I can't until I spread it around a little more :D

So until mid, late June I'm probably ok... well thats good news for the autoflowers, considering they'll be done in June. Now the normal strains... ugh, no fun.


Active member
I'm a left-coaster (bay area, CA) and just recently started doing a little hole-digging. Nasty job! Given our heavy clay soil, folks around here will definitely be well served by an earth augur. It'd be a major PITA to get sufficiently deep holes without one. I've not done this before, so I can't speak from experience, but lower maintenance plants don't seem possible without a good-sized hole. Can only improve yields, too. I also plan to mulch heavily.

Tip o' the hat to Julian for the earth augur idea :smoke:


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Mr Celsius said:
So until mid, late June I'm probably ok... well thats good news for the autoflowers, considering they'll be done in June. Now the normal strains... ugh, no fun.
Well, I saw earlier and was going to mention AF and spring runs, but, assume you got it all down :smoke:....

Not necessarily mid or later June......Assume a May 1st plant, nice holes, some crystals soaked......depends on temps and humidity and such, but, might make it till June 1st.......(again, size being the issue, and, if nicely established, should get some serious penetration also making it easier......ie: My 6"ers sometimes have 12" or more of roots coming out bottom, etc, so......you throw on every other little thing also....closer April rains are to may...maybe sinking them a little when planting, etc, all add's up and buys you time :smoke: Soak a nice hole.......6"-1' plant not going to eat up all in that hole quick....nutes?...if hole nice prep?....nutes your good for a while (I hesitated to say a time because al do different....my holes, when I do em usually don't see any deficiencies for couple months, because my soil not sterile to start with........I've done no maintenance with no holes and no nutes and they came out good...yields would have been higher, but, were still not bad.......My areas I try to do can easily get 1+ lb'ers from straight in ground no nutes...holes and nutes?...might get 3, etc....

NPK said:
I'm a left-coaster (bay area, CA) and just recently started doing a little hole-digging. Nasty job! Given our heavy clay soil, folks around here will definitely be well served by an earth augur. It'd be a major PITA to get sufficiently deep holes without one. I've not done this before, so I can't speak from experience, but lower maintenance plants don't seem possible without a good-sized hole. Can only improve yields, too. I also plan to mulch heavily.

Tip o' the hat to Julian for the earth augur idea :smoke:
Was talking in other thread about contemplation :smoke:...reflection......etc....

Drilling came out of one of those moments :biglaugh:

Don't remember if were digging, planting, end of season thinking about next, but.....sure every person (grower) does not enjoy digging fuckin holes...and, the more you dig?....the more one dislikes :biglaugh: Fuck, even in great soil, still a major PITFA......major :biglaugh:

Yeah, was one of those..."Hmmmm..........why don't we just" :biglaugh:.....

Note: Issue with drilling in clay is sides of hole can almost be cut smooth (making like, a glass, cup, etc, so...might want to use claw, etc, rip up sides a little after drilling if heavier clay.....I've done a lot of clay heavy spots...not completely, but...pretty high content it seemed......)
it can be done in south florida. they have a rain season. lots placeds in fla enjoy summer long afternoon showers consistantly. best smoke i ever had the pleasure was in key largo. :joint:


My holes are 40 inches deep and 4 inch round about 5 gallons maybe and i'm thinking 3 tablespoons of crystals for each hole should do it,we rarely ever get 3 weeks with out rain around here but it does happen and the RH up in the mountains is around 70% also the plants will most likely be 2ft when i put them out in a week or so.I'm just hoping by the time the first heat wave comes they will have penetrated enough.As of right now i'm still waiting for my seedling to show their pre-flowers as their indoors under hps lights,after they show their sex i'll rip the males out as i put 2 seedlings per pot so some pots will have two females and most will not so should i leave them or rip them extra females out as i have not done 2 plants per hole before and i don't know if they will be taking in more water then the rest?Or will they help each other out and give me a nice bonus?


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
I've never done 2 per but, of course assume will uptake 2 x what one would :smoke:...

Simple: You get them in, roots established, anything turned or drilled will be penetrated as it eats and soil dries, rains come, all the more.....so, usually, bout 2 weeks after planting, they're grabbed.., and good to go, and should have penetrated down that far 2-4 weeks after plant....

I looks for the "grab".....easy to see.....as above, bout 2 weeks after planting they will have settled into new environment, broken into hole and started touching possible surrounding soil, and, they're good man...easy to see by gowth spurt......ie: They go in at 2.......week or so later at 2.......next thing you know, couple weeks later they surpass 3 and your good to go....

3 might be recommended dosage....I've probably done more.....could see more......make sure mixed well throughout.....and as always watered well on planting.....ideally before a rain...if possible (If couple days to go to rains, you just water heavy enough to get them through but as close as you can get it........can't always get out right before, ya know?...)

Yeah, I've never done 2 per....know many do....would assume if too close would only hinder yield, but, haven't done it,so, wouldn't even try making a comment on that :smoke:.......some might produce fine results from experience, etc...

I try to only stick to commenting on what I know :smoke:

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I was thinking about letting the rain do it for me,good old mother nature you know....For example once i get a good forcast i'll put the dirt in and wait for it to rain then wait for another good forecast to plant.But buy this time my plants might get root bound as their in 4 inch pots but i think they would be ok as long as they don't go past 3 ft.The question is will mother nature cooperate?most likely it won't.....i have 2 other irrigated plots i have to do to so i have to be cautious.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Well, yeah, but that being the case it should already be done and ready :smoke: (more or less).......I was referring to watering enough to get them through the rain...ie: if rains coming in for weekend....Fri, Sat.....getting them in Wed/Thursday, etc.........good soaking rain does the work.....

Always want to get them in before rains if possible, and, in good.
Julian said:
Well, yeah, but that being the case it should already be done and ready :smoke: (more or less).......I was referring to watering enough to get them through the rain...ie: if rains coming in for weekend....Fri, Sat.....getting them in Wed/Thursday, etc.........good soaking rain does the work.....

Always want to get them in before rains if possible, and, in good.
Depends on area for example i think it was 3/4 days ago at about 1 a.m. and i looked out my window and it was snowing,nothing heavy just some wet snow but today it was 70F+++ at least.....never seen anything like it in all my years growing and then i think about last year and how i've never seen a wetter season in my life....irrigation wasn't necessary.... You know around here the snow line is around 3000ft and my low maintenance plot is 2100ft or so,i have to save my irrigated plots for later dates....maybe early june because their even higher.But i love this shit and you can't complain when theirs people getting tumors and illness's due to their water sources being poisoned by chemicals sprayed from coca eradication missions,even their legal crops like fruits/vegtables die so if they are not getting sick their starving to death,no country is inoccent.....RANT......RANT...but dam bush stop killing people!!!


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
I know, I know...was a given......depending on your region, etc, etc, etc....

Figured we're all aware of those variables.....so.......a given.....(I was going to throw a pic up with some snow I took on my way down south recently :smoke:.....I'm well aware of lat and elevation :smoke:...)
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