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Server Problems




I just tried to replace the missing pics.

All I get is

"/data/web/icmag/icmag.com/www/gallery/uploads/1131: Error creating directory (check permissions). Please notify the System Administrator."

What do I do?



Bubblegum Specialist
I lost the most then?

I lost the most then?

I guess my 30 mb of gallery is gone then or at least all my hi res pics? LOL... do you know how long it took to upload my gallery to the site? I spent a lot of time with this dial up connection Skip. :rolleyes:

Oh well, I guess we can always sue the people you paid to back up the site right? They must at least be willing to pay back something shouldn't they if they continueing in business.

Yes, I am pissed by it because I saw this happen repeatedly at the Sensi Cafe not just here and all my work has been lost as the uploading time is what I wait for most of the day. Why hasn't this happened at OG. They dump old data as they please but my gallery is intact with over 3000 pics there.

We will weather this storm but upload times must be improved and eased to be like OG or we will never make the progress we want and members must know this won't just happen again or they won't post here. I am sorry that it happened and I am of course most invested in this site. I also love you Skip.

I can upload a couple megs at OG in 20 minutes but the same here can take an hour easily and often I get a thumbnail image error and this loses the whole upload. Have I bitched enough yet? BOG

Probably. ;)

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
....I concur....

....I concur....

...yes....I agree BOG....we do need a better photo-up-loading situation here....hopefully we can implement this in the not-to-distant future...

....my apologies to all who lost data in the recent crisis.....


Bubblegum Specialist
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?

Aww Gypsy... :( Don't let a glich get us down man. Just think of the future! :cool:

Let's focus on our strategies for winning the useless war on friendly people as we might say. :p

I keep all my pics because some day I am going to publish a BIG BOOK of BOG BUDS!!! hehe... :)

Do you think that the next issue of ICMAG will be getting finalized for release pretty soon? You better not put that pic of me mooning ZOE you caught. :mad: Someone might recognize my ass! :eek:

I will get busy reposting some pics to my gallery I guess...

We still love the site Skip and Gypsy and we know that shit happens that we can't always prevent. I know you tried and that you are sad about this but don't worry. I have big plans!!! BOG ;)


Don't throw out the baby with the hash water... :)
Last edited:


Bubblegum Specialist
? for Skip...

? for Skip...

Should I start deleting all the bad pics in my gallery or is there some other option left? BOG



Can't post pic!

Can't post pic!

Can't post pic! check permission please!

BOG my lifesaver is on day 40 with a huge cola! smellin great! trichs are still 100% clear....

Got to post pics taken today



Original Editor of ICMagazine
From the lost Editor...

From the lost Editor...

Yes, I am still alive, having resurfaced from the Grower's Cup and finished off the bookkeeping thereof. Imagine my shock and horror about the server/backup snafu... it hasn't been a happy week with everything going on... all I have to say is a big


to Skip for hanging in there and making sure this thing is repaired, made much better for everyone, and is going forward yet again in the face of disaster to please all of you - the members and users of this site...

I want to also extend my personal apologies to all of you that have spent many hours uploading photos into the galleries, and hope that the new way of uploading photos that we will offer soon makes the entire experience way more fun...

And yes, the next issue of the magazine is being worked on now... I will be travelling thru the US promoting the magazine for the next three weeks and doing interviews and writing stories for Issue Number Two. I predict an appearance in early July if all goes well...

I would like to start a new forum about the trip so you can get some feedback as I visit the Library of Congress to submit our publication!!!! Also planned - a visit with NORML, Eddy Lepp, Ed Rosenthal and much, much more!!!

So like a phoenix, we will rise again... and go forward into the future...

Thanks BOG and everyone else for sticking with us through all of this drama...

Peace, Love and Happiness from


I feel your frustration. I deal with stuff like this everyday as it is what do for a living. I am sure you know already but it will pass. You might go crazy in mean time but you will get it.

As Fg would say, Shit Happens!

filter xp

Even if the system did have such checks, you can bet that the first thing an admin does is disable the dialogs and warnings that keep them from doing the job........Mistakes happen, which is why there is no excuse for a data center that does not follow their backup schedule or verify their process.

I agree totally, cant blame an individual typo for an entire site almost being lost. The systems and their backup scripts should be stable enough to recover from a mistake like that.

...yes....I agree BOG....we do need a better photo-up-loading situation here....hopefully we can implement this in the not-to-distant future...

I can help you guys out with that if you want, im sure tons of other ppl could too, its just a simple php script. Rather than use the plug-in photo scripts that may come with vBulletin we could write a custom one to fit the site and server needs.

I guess my 30 mb of gallery is gone then or at least all my hi res pics? LOL... do you know how long it took to upload my gallery to the site? I spent a lot of time with this dial up connection Skip.

Bog if you want to send me a cd-rom with all your pics on it, ill upload em for you. :)


Thanks to SD

Thanks to SD

New things have new problems.

I am very happy that people like Gypsy Nirvana provide and support this forum.

So I have to upload missing lost pics.

Something to tell our granchildren about. You know, remember when we lost all the pics. :)

I'd like to thank everyone that supports this site.

Once I see a admin. or mod. saying that it's OK to start uploading pics. I'll just wait.

Thanks again everyone.

It's not half full, it's not half empty. It's always full when you have people like we have on IC.



honey oil addict


well i see some are uploading pics today... but not me! i tries twice.. but , to no avail... ah welll. i am not special enuffff... ;lol;

Sensi Star

I feel ya Skip!

I feel ya Skip!

And it does pisses me off having the same situation happen to me like more than 5x since the start of the year.

Take it easy and I see the site's up and running fine.

Sensi Star


Bubblegum Specialist
Thanks but I cant write to disk...

Thanks but I cant write to disk...

I was just hoping that Skip could do a purge of all the unindexed gallery's so we didn't have to.

I am ready to do it all over again and thanks for the offer to help. BOG :)


hey bog........

hey bog........

.............you needin sumtin to calm ya down...........havin shutterbug withdrawl :p

skip ya better get that gallery goin, bogs gonna have some type a failure.....ya know he got a new camera:D



dunno bout you blokes , but i always keep a copy of my pics on cd , and often somewhere on the pc , just do a clean now and then , make a cd easy as ...


Bubblegum Specialist
Thanks Skip and nevermind... ;)

Thanks Skip and nevermind... ;)

I see that all the unindexed pics have been deleted and that's one job done we can all be glad we didn't have to do individually.

I lost 20 mb of uploads but hell... I gotta milloin of 'Em!! :D BOG
