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Serious Seeds AK-47 & Bubblegum, Ongoing Pictures, Advice Welcome!


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Day 14 of bud for the AK 47, I thre thew bubblegum over to bud 3 days ago.

I think I bleached out the AK47 somewhat with too much light, you can see the difference in the leaf colour with the bubblegum. I moved the light up quite a bit, and now it's off to the side because two plants are under there, so hopefully it will be ok now.

I think I have/had a deficiency of some kind, it's not on any of the new growth, what does it look like? I posted a couple pics of affected leaves.

I have my mini DWC buckets going.. and I'm loving it! I just put the AK47 top I took as clone into the DWC, it took a while to root, the other AK47 clone is still rooting, been rooting for a long time, I took it out and it started to droop, so I put it back under the dome and it came back to life, hopefully it will root soon. Bubblegum clones in the DWC are enjoying themselves.

All in all I'm very happy and things seem to be generally going quite well!

PS, screw soil/soilless. DWC is definitely the way to go for me.

When I put a male clone in a styrofoam floater in some nute solution it sat there for days loving life before I threw it out, then when my 2 AK47 clones were a bit dry and still in the peat pellets, I dunked them into some of the same solution to wet them, and they burned a bit, just very slightly, but still a bit on the very tips. The mail clone sitting in the same solution with some bubbles under it showed no burn. I think with oxygenated water the plants can handle a higher concentration. Maybe it's cause after the water starts to evap in the peat pellet the concentration gets higher and burns a bit, but either way, I love DWC and I won't go back, it's so easy, and so little work.

Take it easy everyone!


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Active member
I think I have/had a deficiency of some kind, it's not on any of the new growth, what does it look like? I posted a couple pics of affected leaves.
When I put a male clone in a styrofoam floater in some nute solution it sat there for days loving life before I threw it out, then when my 2 AK47 clones were a bit dry and still in the peat pellets, I dunked them into some of the same solution to wet them, and they burned a bit, just very slightly, but still a bit on the very tips. The mail clone sitting in the same solution with some bubbles under it showed no burn.
It will attack the new growth later if not careful. Is there any way to read your EC or ppm? You really need one, i cant stress this enough. Sometimes clones show a little tip burn when they start to root, not that this is what happened to you but its just something to know.


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I just don't think it will help me if I don't know how it will help me.

I can kind of see the use of checking how many PPMs have been lost and comparing that to what there was originally, but I'm going to be changing my buckets every 10 days in veg and I will be every 7 days in bud.. so I'm not really too worried about it.

The bottles I have all say what the PPM value will be if you mix 4ml per litre and such. I'm satisfied with just measuring. I'm not going to get out the eye dropper to get the PPMs exact.

I just can't wait to get rid of this soil crap I have left.. DWC is so much easier to see how the plants react and what is doing what.


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Day 20 for the AK47 in bud. A few days behind is the Bubblegum on the left.

Veg cab has 4 DWC going, the two bubblegum clones are getting big and will probably overgrow my veg cab before the budding plants are done! But oh well, I suppose I can always cut back until ready.

The other two are the AK clones, quite a bit behind. With these little buckets in my veg cab the PH fluctuates pretty good. I'm going to set up a recirc system with a res. How do you generally split the pump output in 4? Is it best to run the solution down through the hydroton? Or just into the bucket? I'm not relying on the recirc to oxidize, I have air stones. I just want some recirc to have a bigger res to feed from for less fluctuation and more available nutes overall.

My deficiency problem on the AK has all cleared up, and having the light moved up to the proper level has allowed her to start getting her green back. She looks pretty good to me! I can't wait :)


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Active member
Hey Shafto they are lookin good, real good bro. Elbows and grease:D Probly some hose and 4 feeder noodles to split that up. About running it thrpugh the hydroton, i believe running it through the hydroton will help maintain a lower ph since those clay pellets are acidic. Glad you got this all figured out and things are lookin great:good: easy does it!

Tarus Bulbar

what up Shafto!! I cant believe the size
of the trunks on those ladies in ur veg
Great Work man


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Thanks guys!

I hadn't really thought about it until now, but yeah those stems are super thick!

The plants grow so much differently in the DWC. Faster, stronger, better! Thicker stems, bigger, thicker, greener leaves. You can just tell they are loving their life.

I seem to have a few of those bugs that live in the soil, the kind that fly up when you tap the pot. Thripes I think they are? You just use those yellow sticky pads for them right? They don't seem to be doing too much harm, I think I can see a couple spots on the leaves where they are eating.

Shouldn't be a problem for much longer at all though, as I won't have any soil left in my garder in another 40 days or so. Then they should have nowhere to live and will go away? I don't imagine they'll live in the hydtroton.

Cheers everyone! And happy growing.


I do buble ponics and I love it. Faster, stronger, better! Thicker stems, bigger, thicker, greener leaves. You can just tell they are loving their life and so am I.


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The growth is amazing. The size of the leaves on the DWC plants is blowing me away. They're huge, like the size of maple leaves.

The moms that these clones came from have leaves and stems nowhere near the size! I think the roots are running out of room in the little bucketrs I have in my veg cab.

I have some new buckets I'm going to make a recirc system with that are 2.5 gallon for the veg cab, like a 5 gallon cut in half, perfect size for my space. Then the bud closet will have 5 gallons. With the size of the growth on these plants in my DWC though, I think I might end up going down to 3 plants.

If I wait until about 40 days of veg to cut the top off to use as a clone for the next run, it should be rooted in about 20 days, ready to go into the DWC veg bucket as the vegging plant going into the bud room as the budding plant is done it's ~60 day cycle.

That's my plan anyway, but with 20 days to root and 60 days to veg I they're gonng to pretty big when they're done! I hope they don't overgrow my veg cab.


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Day 30 for the AK! She's half way there! The bubblegum on the left in the bud room will be done about 10 days behind her.

Day 30 for the vegging DWC plants as well from clone. I have a whole new setup now. DWC with recirc, bigger buckets, more air pumping. I got really tired of checking and adjusting PH on 4 different buckets!

Also decided to go down to 3 in the veg and bud. They're gonna be huge, 4 just won't fit.

Can't believe the size of stems and leaves on these bubblegums in the DWC. Little bit of some kind of deficiency or something you can see on the huge leaf I'm holding, on the left of it. Also some bug munching but I think that was from the flies that were living in the soil that are gone now.

The AK47 is the smaller one in the DWC with some kind of pale thing going on in the leaf I pictured, I dunno what that is either. I guess it takes a while to get acquanted with all of these different signs of something not being quite right.

All in all I'm very happy and things seem to be going great!

Please let me know what you think!


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Forgot a couple pics. I think I'll start posting them like this so they're easier to look at.

I forgot to tape down my air hose lines, I'll do that next res change. My drain lines are clear, so the lights get at the draining water, but I dunno if it'll make a difference moving that quickly? I don't think algae will grow. I've starting using a small amount of H2O2 in my res as well just incase anything tries to happen.

Oh.. and my genious idea (I thought) to drain the buckes into the res before dumping it all out when I change it... rather than any fitting on the bottom of the buckets to create possible leaks, (like happened last time) I just pull the air stone hoses off the pumps, and siphon out the water in the buckets through the air stones, it works great!




Smile Vs Cry
perfect progress shafto, plants look healthy n' fuck..green!! put out a chair n' pop corn like a cinema gallery eh eh , just funny for the great work man !!


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Thanks KW!

I think I discovered something useful by accident!

I used what I had around, so my drain lines are small air lines, but not as small as the feed, so they still drain faster and all is well.

They are small enough though that rather than a smooth flow of water with air space above, there are many air bubbles forced down the drain tubes separated by solid water. It looks like air, water, air water, about 1/4" spacing in the small tubes. They all go into a larger tube that drops a couple feet into the res below. These air bubbles get forced down through the drain and bubble up inside the water in the drain tube! I'll have to take some pictures to better show what I'm trying to explain. The end result though, is some extreme oxygenation of the drain water. So much so that it frothed right up 3 feet of tubing and started making some frothy bubbles at the top of it. All of my water is like soda fiz outa control, I've never seen it like this before, with the same amount of air stones.

I think tuning the drain tube in a recirc setup to the right size to create this effect might be pretty beneficial!


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DWC vegging plants overgew my veg cab.

I wasn't expecting that to happen so fast but I made up a couple ODWC buckets (Overflow DWC) which is my version of DWC I explained earlier.

Moved 'em over and all looks good! I also just made a little 3 site bubble cloner to try. We'll see how that goes. Got three in there right now. No dome with the bubble cloner. I don't see others using them with bubble cloners.. see what happens I guess!

Couple close up shots of the AK-47 bud a couple weeks away.





