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Serious Seeds AK-47 & Bubblegum, Ongoing Pictures, Advice Welcome!


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Day 31.

AK Looking good.. couple burnt leaves, but she's going strong! 7 shoots all at the same height. She's been in the 5 gallon for a couple nights.

I'm not sure how much longer I shold leave her, I was thinking a couple weeks. I have a good amount of space for her to bud. I know this is somewhat of a ridiculous question, but based on other's experience, what would one figure I would gain in yield by leaving it for a week as opposed to two? Does a little more veg time make much difference?

I have included more pics. I've got one girl for certain, and one guy for certain. Then I have two more, one looks like a guy, and one looks like a girl, but it's still a little early to tell for sure.

The for sure fem bubblegum is on the very left.

All of my clones look pretty good too. 6 days old. I pulled the clone of the male and it had little root knubs. The AK47 top is a little droopy, cause the stalks and leaves are much much bigger and heavier, but I still think it'll do fine, just needs some more roots than the others to support herself.


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Day 34,

I transplanted the Bubblegum female into a 5 gal just after I took the picture, not really sure why I did it in that order but I did..

Still one more plant to sex, can't quite tell yet on the one I burnt nicely, it got pretty stunted I guess.

I've killed two males now, and their clones. I was curious to see how the roots were doing, they look pretty good to me! Interesting though that no roots grew from the cut I made, or the scarification on the stem, they all just grew from the skin of the stem.

The female Bubblegum clone is doing even better than the male pictured.. she's splitting through the sides of her plug. I'm thinking I might try a DWC bucket setup with her.

And just for fun, I threw one male clone into old nute solution to see how it does.


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Tarus Bulbar

Nice work Shafto!! That Bubblegum in the 5gal
should put out some sweet colas!!
Cheers Bro


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The AK47 is the one pictured in the 5gal, it's been in there for a few days now. I'm not sure how much longer to veg it.

The bubblegum is on the left of the AK, in a 6" pot, right after I took the picture I transplanted it into a 5 gal aswell though. Planning to give it one more internode before I take the top as a clone, and then another couple weeks of veg or so I think.. it's a bit behind the AK.


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I'm thinking I'll flip the AK47 over any time, I just wanted to let her recover from the transplanting first and maybe grow a few new roots beore I put it into 12/12

I also know that the more I veg it the more I'll get :)


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Fed the AK47 the flowering mix today, and put her under the 1000W sodium just a minute ago. It's only been a 9 days from a 6" pot to a 6 gallon bucket, and there are already big fat roots coming out the bottom!

1000W, 1 plant, haha. She'll be on the 12/12 now. Christmas will be extra special :)

I'll be flipping my bubblegum in another couple weeks or so.
very nice project man, ill be tuning in to this grow quite. im about almost 5 days into my flowering on 12/12 and just started a little LST tonight. ill post picks on the newbie forum later tonight. just look for pootsmcgoots.


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Day 39 since the first seed sprouted on my first indoor grow.

Day 1 for the AK47 in Bud.

I thought I would have played with soil less mix a little longer than a month, but DWC just seems like such a better method, and easier on the nute mixing.

I made up some mini DWC buckets for the veg chamber, two for now, the other two when the AK47 clones are ready, they seem to be taking a little longer to root than the bubblegum clones, which are the two in the DWC setup. The only buckets I could find were white, so I covered them in duct tape. I plan to take the lids off of these smaller buckets, and just place them on top of a 5 gallon bucket lid, with a hole in it of course, as I move them into the bud chamber.

The two plants in soil in the veg chamber are the two bubblegum females I got from the 4 seeds, and cross corner to each one is it's clone in the DWC setup.

I burned my plants by foolishly mixing foliar spray earlier on in their life, and then subsequent flushing with RO water (because I wasn't sure if I burned with foliar or the watering at the time) I think I got a cal-mag defiency, which I took a picture of on my AK47, but I mixed in magical with the last feeding so hopefully that will clear up.

Hopefully all continues to go well!

I hooked up the air pump haning from the ceiling, so the vibration isn't transfered into anything, works quite nicely.


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Made a modification this morning. I stuck a thermometer down one of the level gauges, and it was 74F. From what I recall, it should be 65-75F?

So I ran a length of airline down through the passive intake, so it'll get airflow too, down into the basement and coiled up a few feet in a tub of water sitting on the floor, and then back up and into the DWC buckets.

What a difference! About 10min after setting this up and going to check, temps are down to 70F, badass! Free passive cooling :) As long as the air cooling res sits on the foundation in the basement, it'll probably keep that air nice and cool all summer even.


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Thanks Brainsellz!

The thread was moved into the grow diary section. Which happened before I made some DWC buckets, but it's more fitting now anyway since I've got hydro/soil.

I can't believe how huge she's getting, she's turning into a monster!

Day 4 into bud, she loves the 1000W sodium. Once I'm perpetual and vegging my clones for 2 months to bud as the budding plants are done, wow.. I don't think I can go with 4, they're gonna be trees! I guess I'll wait to see the full size of this AK, but it's just gone insane since I put it on 12/12 under the 1000W.

I don't know what my EC/PPM are. I use the technaflora recipe for success


I just mix as per the instructions. I was using R/O water I bought from the store, but that got annoying. No more using well water, but I do have city water as well, I just have to go down to the street to turn it on. I tested some the other day and it's perfect 6.0ph with my colour changing aquarium drop tester :) After adding the veg mix it's the same 6.0 recommended in the recipe for success.

I know my water is soft around here, so I'm not too worried about it. I should get a proper testing meter though. I just bought a house and stopped working my bag off up in the far frozen north to start my own LED lighting business, so growing my own was something I always wanted to do, coupled with me having to save some doe right now!

I actually put this room together for about $200 in total, that includes everything. The main expense would have been the 1000W with hood and ballast, but it was a gift for a promise of some good future smoke. Everything else was recycled material and home made, besides a few things that had to be bought.

Whew I'm stoned! I'll have to throw up some pics of my home made all glass digital temp controlled vaporizer soon. Vaping up some purple kush/bubblegum I bought a while ago.. .whewwee! can't wait till I have my own. Anyone who tries this vape wants to throw their volcano in the garbage. Who wants an aluminum heating element?


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Haha, so baked I forgot to post the pics.

There are foot long roots snaking out the drain holes in the 6 gallon bucket, I hope she's got enough space!


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Active member
Hey Shafto shes lookin god my man, thats cool you started an LED business as a couple friends of mine were talking that up a few months back, good luck with that. On the other hand one thing to get for sure is a ppm/ec meter, its a must have. a little ppm pen shouldnt cost too much. How are the temps in the 1000k watt room? I noticed the fan kinda blowin under the light, if you drop the fan down to about the plant height or maybe just below it, it wont blow the heat from under the light around.
All in all its lookin real good.


Active member

LEDs are the future for certain. Not quite there for growing yet though, because they aren't made specifically for it. Red needs to be a deeper red, blue needs to be closer to a UV wavelength. When high power LEDs like this are made, we'll be able to take true advantage of dominant wavelegth lighting for plants.

Everyone uses one of these EC meteres, so they must be useful, but I don't quite understand the significance!

If I poured some table salt into my water the EC would change, how does this help me determine how many nutes are going in? Isn't that just best dealt with by measuring how much you put in with a measuring spoon?

Temps are good, unfortunately the fan goes no lower, but I'm never above 80 or so. It stays cooler if I leave it all sealed up. Once I open everything the passive intake stops stucking from the basement it's a couple degrees warmer. The air cooled hood on the 1000W with the 450CFM fan does the job!

I actually had to install a heater in my veg cab, which then blows into the bud room and out. It went down to 57 the other night, winter coming! My basement is getting cold at night.

You get more colourful buds when it gets cold at night though I've heard, but I also don't want to stunt growth. I set the heater to stop it from going bellow ~65 or so. Does this sound about right?


Active member
LEDs are the future for certain. Not quite there for growing yet though, because they aren't made specifically for it. Red needs to be a deeper red, blue needs to be closer to a UV wavelength. When high power LEDs like this are made, we'll be able to take true advantage of dominant wavelegth lighting for plants.

If I poured some table salt into my water the EC would change, how does this help me determine how many nutes are going in? Isn't that just best dealt with by measuring how much you put in with a measuring spoon?

You get more colourful buds when it gets cold at night though I've heard, but I also don't want to stunt growth. I set the heater to stop it from going bellow ~65 or so. Does this sound about right?
The Led lighting is definitely interesting for sure.

Basically its kinda like this, each plant has a level of nutes that it can take, they all very. What the ppm/ec meter does is keeps you from adding too much nutes and helps you add just the right amount.
Say if your plant could only handle 1.0ec/560ppms well the only way to figure out what your ec/ppm is of your mixture is to check it with an ec/ppm meter. Without the meter you will never know if its getting the right amount and plants sometimes take nutes up different when they reach different stages so be careful. Its always good to know the ppm of your tap water also. And one of the most important things is to measure your runoff water before you feed just to make sure the soil isnt building up with salts or this could have ill effects.

I remember someone breaking this down but cant remember who or where. i went and found what i thought was correct, could be wrong "when you lower the temp for a couple days the plant can't photosynthize because of the low temp it thinks it should stop producing chloraphil(the green) after the green fades the glucose sugar that is left tends to be purple in most plants." Anyhow its something like that.

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