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Seniors Dealing With Thugs & Vandals

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One Step Ahead ...

One Step Ahead ...

Nothing like a couple of MEAN ass family friendly dogs watching over your home scaring the crap out of most people but these PRICKS sound like the type's that wouldn't think anything about poisoning your family pets.
Good Luck

Actually, a decade ago, we think they tried to poison our dog.

Some suspicious stuff was tossed over a 6ft. + wooden fence.

We spotted it before the dog did, and tossed it in the trash.

At the time, we had a wonderful 75 lb. Dalmatian with "bite".

He was a wonderful pet we raised from a pup, and had "fixed".

A pure-breed with recessive traits, he had very few spots & one blue eye, and as a result wasn't breeding material. He had real attitude. Great watchdog, with one bad habit ... biting guests on the butt as they left the house. ; )

At present we're "canine deprived". The new place has a larger yard, so we plan to get a brace of "rescue dogs" in the near future.


Well-known member
if people been coming to that block along time to buy drugs they wont stop coming even if the trouble makers are in jail or whatever ,someone else will just pick up where they left off .best to just cut and run brother.it sux but you will sleep better


if people been coming to that block along time to buy drugs they wont stop coming even if the trouble makers are in jail or whatever ,someone else will just pick up where they left off

The voice of experience, not speculation, thank you!


Well-known member
The voice of experience, not speculation, thank you!
yes it is i was down for a lil over 7yrs i went to places that i still cant believe i got out of just to get some dope .i aint been to them places since i moved away from nyc area in 93 been straight except weed of course since


Cautiously Optimistic
Further notes ...

Further notes ...

if anybody really thinks that moving out is the answer then consider this.

you're going to get less for your property as it'll be obvious you're moving out of a bad neighborhood (remember! you haven't done a THING to change it from deteriorating) so you'll get less than real value for something you've worked a lifetime for.

In the first place, this IS a nice neighborhood! We're across the street from a large park on one side, and a large church on the other ( corner property ). The Only fly in the ointment is this One family of dingbats. We've done a lot to improve the area already, including completely reworking the house next door into a little gem that gets $1,400 a month in rent from 3 medical students. We have no intention of selling this place, we'll rent it out. We've been active in the neighborhood association for many years, and similar "problems" have been few and far between.

you're definitely going to spend more to buy a crib in a nicer neighborhood, can you suddenly afford MORE @ this time of your life old timer?

Actually, the answer is yes. We paid cash for the new place, and though it's not finished, we're still on budget. ; )

you've given up w/out a fight once so I'm wondering how many more times can/will you cave in in the coming years?

We haven't caved, just avoided direct confrontation.

Remember young man, only a fool gets into a straight-up fight.

We'd much rather hit them when they don't expect it, and don't see it coming.

If it can't be avoided, so be it, we'll give it our best shot.

In the meantime, we'd rather scheme than roll the dice.

Those punks are half our age, but we're Twice as mean.
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Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Ala "Grand Torino"? IMHO, that was not such a happy ending. :ying:

jesus christ almighty what a zipperheaded thing to say. first of all Gran Torino is a movie & NOT real life, get it? NOT REAL LIFE!!!

secondly you mentioned Gran Torino NOT ME!!!!!!!

at least when I quoted you I went on to discuss something you'd said unlike your gran torino comment back to me.......

I'll bet you had your lunch money stolen from you everyday of school, now go lie down next to your bowl.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
In the first place, this IS a nice neighborhood! We're across the street from a large park on one side, and a large church on the other ( corner property ). The Only fly in the ointment is this One family of dingbats. We've done a lot to improve the area already, including completely reworking the house next door into a little gem that gets $1,400 a month in rent from 3 medical students. We have no intention of selling this place, we'll rent it out. We've been active in the neighborhood association for many years, and similar "problems" have been few and far between.
you're moving out because of bad neighbors, you caved in, they've already won.

that's good news, now wouldn't that be a wonderful thing if that happened clear across the USA, moving out because of bad neighbors yet RETAINING real estate values, WOW as a former real estate broker I'm fuckin' amazed!!!!!!!

We haven't caved, just avoided direct confrontation.

Remember young man, only a fool gets into a straight-up fight.

We'd much rather hit them when they don't expect it, and don't see it coming.

If it can't be avoided, so be it, we'll give it our best shot.

In the meantime, we'd rather scheme than roll the dice.

Those punks are half our age, but we're Twice as mean.
I'm no young man, I'm a treacherous old mother fucker and when I do battle I win because I make sure sides aren't 'straight up' as you say.

so either these punks are over 120 years old each or your thread title is EXTREMELY deceitful, being a senior means 60ish to me, how 'bout you?

lastly why did you come here to ask advice if you already knew you were caving in and moving? your OP was @ 9pm yesterday & yet today 18 hours later you already know you're moving, nice flip flop.


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
You have the right to quiet enjoyment of your property, take them to court and let the system deal with it. Get a lawyer and ask for advice, if they rent it won't be to hard to get them out.
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So here's an idea. We start an alternate site called "you flush my turd and I'll flush yours". Model a club after Hitchcock's 'Strangers on a Train'. With three or more involved it's even sweeter. The movie premise was that two guys get to talkin' on the train in to town every day, but they really don't know each other all that well. All the same the one guy has a cheatin' ass wife and the other dude has a girlfriend who's bein' dogged by a nasty soon to be ex. They decide the perfect crime is that they each take care of the other's problem. This gives each a chance to set up an iron clad alibi, and with the detecting abilities of the LEO's, since there's no motive connecting the actual perp to the crime...everybody walks. Course since it's Hitchcock he had to fuck it all up by makin' the cheatin' wife of one and the girl friend of the other one in the same. Entertaining premise though ya gotta admit.

Another bit from Sun Zhu; Death of a Thousand Cuts.
Visit the news stand in a big mall. What happens when ya pick up any magazine...shit falls out right. So having sized up your problem neighbor (white trash rednecks, junkies, whatever) maybe you decide that they might like a subscription to a couple of new magazines like; Black Hair Monthly, Quilting Gazette, Spoon Collectors' Weekly, Ebony, Jet, Redbook, Family Circle,...any fuckin' thing that you're sure they will never ever read. Maybe throw in a couple of club memberships too: Jam of the Month Club, Thimble of the Month Club, Bulb of the month Club, etc. And then just for good measure a couple of record clubs. Of course you also get to pick the initial dozen or so selections so make 'em good: Montivani, Lawrence Welk, Johnnie Mathis...you get the idea.

If anyone has ever tried to cancel one of these fuckers you can begin to appreciate the insidious nature of the process. First of all, anything that you receive through the mail that you did not actually order you don't have to pay for...but a lot of folks don't know that. Besides, when the 'Bill Me Later' subscriptions all start to come due, the record clubs in particular don't fuck around. They are on the addressee like flies on shit. Sometimes they'll even go so far as to notify the credit bureaus. Trying to cancel just one takes at least a couple of letters and several long distance phone calls, to say nothing of the chunks that it takes out of your life writing and calling and sitting on hold.
Now earlier I mentioned hookin' the ass pains up with a couple of these treats. What I actually meant was a couple of hundred. The aggravation of one times two hundred can be a bit overwhelming even if you're relatively together, which these guys don't sound like they have going for them. What's a letter or two cost to mail...and a notarized signature? Not too bad I guess, unless you have to do it two hundred times. Here's the really fucked up part. Even if it's canceled...you can always sign 'em up again for the same shit.

Imagine the fun when the mailman has to drag boxes of shit to the door 'cuz their mail box ain't big enough. There's as good a chance as any that once he takes notice of how they live that he mentions the volume problem to his Post Master. That just might be a good time to start up their membership in the 'Weed Seed of the Month Club' if ya get my drift. Just some bag seed shit, 'cuz the Post Master ain't gonna care too much about genetics. Won't the dirt bags have a good time tryin' to convince Mr. anal retentive government official that it's not really theirs. Wouldn't it be a hoot if they started an outdoor grow without even knowin' it? They don't sound like the type that spends their Sunday afternoons weedin' the flower beds and trimmin' the lawn. Might get pretty big before anybody notices. How many plants make a felony in your State?

Again, this is all just hypothetical ideas for a humorous book of fiction, but I wonder what would happen if someone stole one of your credit cards and suddenly thousands of dollars of shit starts to show up on their porch? Maybe the packages are filled with cold meds from Mehico. The Feds just love a good meth lab bust. Hell I'd score some just to drop it in their car and narc 'em out.

Did I already ask ya about cats?

Also, don't fuck with the roofin' nails. Scored sidewalls are where it's at. A slow leak is just a small ass pain whereas a blow out at speed in a corner could be Christmas on Bass' street.

Hows about super glued tooth picks in the door locks? Tape together a couple of straws and see how far up their tail pipe you can spray some urethane foam insulation. Gas burns real fuckin' hot in a diesel. Wanna learn more about 'em? There's a plastic interface box on the side of most homes where the drop of the phone company's line comes down the outside wall and enters the house. The box opens pretty easily with a Phillips screwdriver usually. The Shack and a bunch of places on-line sell small voice activated micro recorders cheap that you can patch in with a modular plug. Stop by and switch tapes or pick up and download every couple of days, listen and learn. If you get to know what's what well enough, do a little B&E and plant some shit where they'll never find it - then drop a dime on 'em.

The more I think about people feelin' like they have to move just 'cuz some shit bag doesn't want to learn to walk upright, the more fucked off I get.
Sorry for the sociopathic meanderings.

Bass, when you get the dog(s)...feed'em nuthin' but bloody raw meat and keep'em real fuckin' hungry.

Rowdy, yer boy I might just hook up with a not so well hidden stash of some not too healthy blow. If he drives, maybe invest in a tracker to get a discrete mapping of his haunts. The spy shit is gettin' pretty cheap nowadays. Might give ya some insight into the new grow you're equipping. That or throw a bag of trim back in there that has sometin' less than healthy sprayed all the fuck over it. Probably worth the time to camo a few bear fuck traps in the yard...

Fuck it...snatch him, tie his ankles together and hang him upside down off a bridge out in the middle of fuckin' no where. Let him scream til he chokes to death on his own organs. Sorry, patience is just one more virtue I missed out on.

I have a lot in common with Clint's 'Gran Torino' character, actually almost everything...so take what I suggest with more than a grain of salt. :)
Damn Stoner...you make me sound warm and fuzzy...chill bra

I'm a treacherous old fuck too, and were it my house and my neighborhood I'd be pullin' out the ghillie suit and loadin' some special mail, but not everybody is as happy go lucky as you and me. :)


Game Bred
pack up a QP into individual quarter oz baggies.
label each one "1/4 oz $100"
put them all in a box with a set of postal scales.
put said box in the shed/backyard/bbq grill.. whatever..
make a call to your local taskforce.

it will work itself out from there...

Panama Red

Active member
Bag o' shwag + a couple tablespoons of diatomaceous earth.

Shake well, toss on their porch.

Bottle of cheap booze + a couple of tablespoons of finely ground glass.

Shake well, toss on their porch.

Add in a couple of perforated condoms for uncle rump ranger.

Start a neighborhood pool that includes drop-dead dates for each scumbag family member and collect a few bucks while watching the festivities.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Damn Stoner...you make me sound warm and fuzzy...chill bra
what can I say? I mention not giving in and standing your ground & I'm beset by wimps coming after me arguing otherwise like I'm the bad guy. I think by now we realize who here isn't going to give up w/out making a stand for what's right.

and I'd you all to know that even though I sound like a mean old man I do have a heart. nearby I keep guns for protection, my favorite is a 12 gauge Mossberg model 500 pump action. loaded up front for the first two shots are 2 Fiocchi rubber buckshot shells for non-lethal fair warning, behind those are the Remington Hi-Power people shredders made of lead.


NO, I don't live in fear but way out here in the country the local sheriffs response time can be better than an hour for non emergency type calls, an emergency call by me might take 30-40 minutes to get a deputy to my crib depending upon where he is atm. we protect ourselves and our own property out here.......

Aw com'on now. Rubber buck shot? Admit it...that's just to slow'em down so they're easier to hit with the good shit. Then it's jus' like when we was kids pullin' legs and wings off of flies...take 'em off one limb at a time.

On second thought, with those response times...you don't even need the high brass. All you need is that rubber buck shot and a backhoe. Time the sheriff shows the hole's all filled in and you're plantin' tomaters on 'em.

Truth be told, I've always been rather partial to the idea of feedin' some scumquat to the hogs. That might be even more fun to watch than the rats, (they just take way too damn long to git'er done and my mind does tend to wander). :)
Bag o' shwag + a couple tablespoons of diatomaceous earth.

Shake well, toss on their porch.

Bottle of cheap booze + a couple of tablespoons of finely ground glass.

Shake well, toss on their porch.

Add in a couple of perforated condoms for uncle rump ranger.

Start a neighborhood pool that includes drop-dead dates for each scumbag family member and collect a few bucks while watching the festivities.

Bro...we may be related. :)


Active member
if i was your neighbor id help you out how i could ,you sound like you have alot of immature old people around you.
i know what happens to them and you may not see satisfaction, but trust me they are a victom of their own stupidity as much as you are.
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