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Seeking Critique on Vert Colosseum SOG concept.


Active member
thanks brudda. i went into the options in my cheapo digi camera, and selected "email size" (640 x 480), so im gonna see if that works. thanks for the info.


Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over
Anti you have done one hell of a job and just think back to all the dunking you had to do come water time, I'm pretty sure you have a lot of extra time nowadays and you can put that time and energy to other parts of the garden. I'm so happy to see how well the plants look, big cyber pat on the back from me.

Oh and just don't do anything too crazy on your girlfriend and fingers crossed you'll be have nothing to worry about lol. I've seen a few horror stories and close calls with psycho bitch ex girlfriends picking up the phone, always good to have an escape plan if your in the situation of having a girlfriend 'in the know', otherwise say NOTHING to anyone.

Looking forward to the harvest update :)



Anti you have done one hell of a job and just think back to all the dunking you had to do come water time, I'm pretty sure you have a lot of extra time nowadays and you can put that time and energy to other parts of the garden. I'm so happy to see how well the plants look, big cyber pat on the back from me.

Oh and just don't do anything too crazy on your girlfriend and fingers crossed you'll be have nothing to worry about lol. I've seen a few horror stories and close calls with psycho bitch ex girlfriends picking up the phone, always good to have an escape plan if your in the situation of having a girlfriend 'in the know', otherwise say NOTHING to anyone.

Looking forward to the harvest update :)

Respect from stressin "Bitch`s be Trippin"..........but.....

Glad ya`ll are close A.....Means a lot...Family`s everything in my book......



Sorcerer's Apprentice
For the sake of the record so that I don't forget, I chopped everything friday evening (78 days, just over 11 weeks) and it is hanging to dry before the final trim. Some of the plants were fucking monsters. Some of the plants on the sides were pretty pathetic. Nearly all of the plants on the bottom row were pathetic. Lesson learned.

I'll have some weights and some dry shots up sometime this week.


Active member
Hey nice build and this gave me something to read on a dead Sunday afternoon, lol. I did a similar stadium but hand watered though the whole deal with 2 gallon bags, hwew back breaking. My corners were weak so I rotated them to the center. Only diferences I had four shelves and were wood covered with panda. runoff was messy. I'd re-design a gutter and catch it or do e/f. I used tight twine to hold the bags from overturning. It worked most of the time. I also did three 600's vert hung on yo-yos, still got a couple burns, lol. Great read and as said great build.

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
Some of the plants were fucking monsters. Some of the plants on the sides were pretty pathetic. Nearly all of the plants on the bottom row were pathetic. Lesson learned.

Could you interpret anything from looking at your root masses? Did the monster plants out compete the smaller for root space? Or was it such an intertwined network that nothing could be deciphered? Did the roots make use of all the space or was there loose coco at the surface? How did the root masses compare between the two tiers?


half cat half man half baked
Atta boy Anti! Give him some time guys and he'll follow through with an amazing update. Sure there were some humble short comings, but was the whole thing bit an improvement over last run that ya are happy with? Perfectionism is a bitch and a blessing at times and as usual, I'm here to speak up for the hundreds of people who ya made drop their jaws, but won't say nothin! You know you did a good job bro so keep them spirits high and them scissors clipping. I can't wait to hear and see how it all went down :)


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Could you interpret anything from looking at your root masses? Did the monster plants out compete the smaller for root space? Or was it such an intertwined network that nothing could be deciphered? Did the roots make use of all the space or was there loose coco at the surface? How did the root masses compare between the two tiers?

It's impossible for my amateur mind to attempt to quantify the root mass. It's all one big mass. I can grab any of the plants by their stump and lift up and the entire medium will start to lift out.

I'd say more root space would help a lot. I would also think direct light for the bottom tier would help them a lot. Also, keeping everybody at least 6" further back than they are would help a lot.

On the sides, I currently have 5-6 plants. Besides eliminating the two in the corners of each side, I would also eliminate at least one more plant and space the rows a little further from one another. (currently about 6" apart, maybe move them all to at least 8" apart.)

I didn't think there'd be much interest and I was planning to wait until all final manicuring was done, but since people have requested it, here are some pictures from today.

All of the bottom tier were pitiful (see pic below) so they dried quickly and are already in jars. I'm just starting on the meatier, top tier plants.



^^^ Example of Bottom Tier ^^^


^^^ Average Top Tier ^^^


^^^ Above Average Top Tier ^^^


^^^ One Third of the Plants Have Been Harvested Prior to This Photo ^^^


^^^ Side View of Same ^^^
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Sorcerer's Apprentice

^^^ More Hanging Shots ^^^


^^^ More Hanging Shots ^^^


^^^ More Hanging Shots ^^^


^^^ Remains of Bottom Tier ^^^


^^^ Bottom Tier Buds From Jar ^^^​

I will put up weights and some more manicured nug shots up when it's all in the jars.
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I must fell sorry for you. Oh how your hands will hurt the next round you do. so much to trim It looks like you got the bugs work out in your mind .
I am greedy to see the next grow


We are Farmers
Even with the trials and tribulations of this round you pulled a nice looking harvest and it will only get better as you tweak and perfect your method. Nice work brother and thank you for sharing.

silver hawaiian

Active member
You know what they say bobble - if it looks like 2, it's probably closer to 1.25 or so..


, on the real, that shit looks fucking killer. Props to you also for showing the scraggly-ass bottom row misfits too. :) No curtain here ladies and gents!



Active member
Well done Anti, Looks like you've got some nice nuggage for yourself. It's great to see someone learning and applying all the given advice from the other members here and improving each round. You are truly an inspiration:)


Anti as you sate the bottom row did not look as good as you want . do you think IT MAY be better to cut in haft stack 4 levels high and do your lights stacked
you be ruining the same # of plants but the bounce back light would not be as far .
IE. if you where 8X4 some of the bounce back light has to go 6 to 8 foot but if 4x4 then 3 to 4 feet . and not lousing the up and down light
and with the light center a Little lower on the bottom row and center a little higher on the top 2 rows that way the center is wash by 2 lights
Not saying to do this buT what are your mind set on this with how your bottom row turn out Thanks