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Seeking Critique on Vert Colosseum SOG concept.


Fuck Entropy.
According to my humidistat, the lowest it goes is 62% and the highest is around 79% in a 24 hour period. I think part of this is that the humidifier drains as it is being used. So when it's full, we're almost always in the 72% - 75% range and I am refilling it every 24-30 hours.
Put a float valve in your humidifier so that you don't have to fill that bad boy up every day manually and could take a vaca once in a while.
Automation is an attentive gardener's best friend.

Automation is the lazy gardener's worst enemy.

For you, a rigged top-off is an easy solution to keep your humidity where it needs to be without killing yourself over it.

And you'll still be there in the garden every day, twice a day, three times a day.

And instead of crawling around to refill your humidity, you'll be staring at your beauties, and talking to them, and taking care of them.

Fat, stupid people try to automate so that they can do less.

Clever gardeners try to automate so they can do more.
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Fat, stupid people try to automate so that they can do less.

Clever gardeners try to automate so they can do more.

Damn I like that!


Automation is an attentive gardener's best friend.

Automation is the lazy gardener's worst enemy.

For you, a rigged top-off is an easy solution to keep your humidity where it needs to be without killing yourself over it.

And you'll still be there in the garden every day, twice a day, three times a day.

And instead of crawling around to refill your humidity, you'll be staring at your beauties, and talking to them, and taking care of them.

Fat, stupid people try to automate so that they can do less.

Clever gardeners try to automate so they can do more.
Truer words were never spoken.......

Makes me proud ta know there`s folks like IF that get this shit cuz I`m just a pore `ol country boy that grows killer maters and peppers these days......



Your grow rules, however its my own personal nightmare...2 levels of beautiful plants with hardly any way to adequately photograph them due to space constrictions :comfort:

Looks awesome man, I'm pumped to see the harvest from this one.


Active member
I knew yas were just fuckin wit me RBDF....but....Been gettin bored round here without Bobbles and HGO along with Mega and several others fadin into the backgrond , so we need some new talent up in here......

Anti`s just gettin rollin and rockin so come on in the water`s fine.....


woah... Watch your tone there Freds..... :biglaugh: I'm just getting warmed up.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
*** UPDATE WITH PICS! Round II (WEEK IV of 12/12) ***

*** UPDATE WITH PICS! Round II (WEEK IV of 12/12) ***



^^^ Full Disclosure ^^^


^^^ A Little Closer ^^^


^^^ View From Center Right Looking Left ^^^


^^^ Developing Cola ^^^


^^^ Let There Be Frostiness (And He Saw That It Was Good!) ^^^


Sorcerer's Apprentice


^^^ Bud Shot ^^^


  • Bottom Tier is nowhere near as full and fat as the top tier plants.
  • It's nearly impossible to get a good picture of what's going on in between the lights.
  • I will probably start the defoliation at week 5 (Thursday).
  • Plants upward growth has mostly ended, but they still seem to be getting slightly taller day by day, so I am gonna hold off a little longer before defoliating this round. (Last round defoliation was at about week 4.5, which is where we are as of these pics. I'm gonna let them go just a few more days and then give everybody a major haircut over the next week.
  • I will not have access to a camera for the next 10-12 days, so I will not be able to post a week 5 update. (This is pretty much a week 4.5 update as it is.)


Experiencing first hand with new hybrid setups helps folks know what to do as well as what not to do , as in the lower level not swelling as much as the upper with more sideways lumens blastin due to better/more proximity to lumen exposure.....

Pretty sure its plain that yas need ta make all the plants equidistant from stacked lights/lumens in the future , but that `s your call Bro.....

Lumens diminsh toward the bottoms of the bare bulbs , and that`s why they`re smaller down below , but still looks 1000% better than last run so it`s all good from where I`m lookin...and yeah....

You gotta lotta foliage ta deal with removin once stretch is totally done and swellage is in full swing , so take it slow and don`t stunt yer bitches my buddy....

All things in moderation and...Runs under yer belt.......Sooner than later everything falls into place once yas dial environment and watts per sq ft....



Sorcerer's Apprentice
DHF - if I had money to spend I'd already be building the octogonal one-tier-per-light replacement. Due to monetary constraints, plan is to run only top tier with clones prevegged under cfl as soon as this harvest is pulled, then rebuild while that harvest finishes.

I'll sketch something up well before then so you guys can poke holes in it.


Active member
I'll sketch something up well before then so you guys can poke holes in it.

I like your google thingy...I'll be the first one pokin' holes.

Your plants look healthy...just too tall. Remember the good ole cab days?

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
So Anti, the unit you're running now was built for stealth so it would fit into a predetermined closet space. Are you thinking now of expanding out of that 2 1/2' x 6' space into the room?


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Crusader - well... Sorta. I'm gonna get a light meter so I can figure out the perfect radius for the octagon. Based on lamp ratings, that octagon would fit in a 4'x4' space. The highest I can go in my basement is about 6'.

So I would probably build another small closet to enclose it in and stack the bulbs.

I'm open to all suggestions but I will be incorporating stealth as much as possible.
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Active member
I like the new signature Anti... Your PM box must be filling up regularly now. :D. I'm setting up a 1200w stack w/ 400's shortly, so I'll be sure to let you know what i find out as far as spacing and distance. Fyi, you're a pro in my eyes... You could handle more lights if you wanted... ;). If space and the gf permits, you should keep that stadium running, and flip the light over to the new coli... Start harvesting every month...