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Seeds of Africa seedbank???


Registered Med User
just put my lone durban magic female outside to see what it do, if it will finish in the foothills.


Active member
^^ the soa sativa Durban does come in late nov./early dec. from my experience with that strain.

what was the smoke like?

I liked it but I have other strains doing what I was looking for in the soa Durban. met my expectations of what a Durban would do but did not outperform other strains I have. it was low temp hardy.

cops or someone else busted/ripped that patch but the early mature buds were good. I took down quite a few pics. I had posted due to almost getting busted in this one.

usually cops take the plants up by the roots but in this patch someone harvested buds. maybe someone ripped a hot patch and got away with it? don't know.


A little update on Pondo, Mozambica and Coffee Gold from my side:

Always keep in mind that it is my personal experience with only a pack of each, to get a more detailed and better picture of the strains I am growing one would have to grow a few more packs of each and let them really get big.
So nonetheless with my limited and not perfect setup I can say that (I use the word strain, you can use landrace in your mind if prefered):

Mozambica looks like a real strain, grows like a "Sativa"has distinct leaves that are (in my opinion) very nice, somewhat rounded edges and the leaflets (?) on the leaf tend to bend inward like a sort of crown (dont know the right word in english, like cesar had on his head in asterix), the plants are very delicate, sativaish, stretch a lot and have very thin leaves, haze style but a different shape.
The smell is now a kind of liquorice, maybe a bit carrot, bit hazy in the background maybe, flowers like a sativa.

Pondo is similar but has different leaves, they look a bit more like a rocket and dont bend inwards, smell is similar in the beginning they were different now they smell very similar.
flowers like a sativa.

Coffee Gold is very similar to Pondo but the leaves are a bit more distinctly serrated and have sharper edges, I once saw a photo of a Senegal plant and the leaves looked a bit like Coffee gold.
Leaves are also thin and "Sativa" kind of hazey. The smell was fruity now it is also more liquorice, carrot, hazey but also a bit fruit. Two plants still smell fruity, very delicious, maybe a bit mangobut also something flowery, nice. Flowering is also sativa-style, stretching and very delicate looking plants,

Pondo and Coffee are a bit harder to distinguish from eachother in my grow, but the flowering onset is different.

Earliest was Coffee Gold, then came Mozambica and then Pondo.

I am very pleased by the plants and currently they are in my top 5 ever.


Active member
now grow second time mozambique and coffe together with mozambiqueXhash plant and coffeXhashplant from first time growing those africans last year
mozambique was always the shortest nodes plant even shorter to indicas in beginnig of growing//she became long nodes too but only for search of light and better penetration of light// and high tendency to grow side branches in 12/12 ccle from seed, always darkgreen and some slim leafs
coffe gold darkgreen too but way more lime slim leafs and medium long nodes
all two are dominant in F1 with hash plant when i see almost the same leaf structure as those africans
The Durban has a berry licorice taste . The buds were light and fluffy and could have used a warmer longer hang , they don,t burn so well , it was 28 outside and 30 in the garage were they were hung . If I new how to post pictures I would maybe with my roommates help , they were huge tropical purple and magnificent , they needed a warmer greenhouse , they ate curing in purple quart mason jars and are getting better , like good 70 s Mexican or Thai .


Active member
from my experience you have to pheno search in some of soa strains. these are not homogeneous genetics in the strains I ran.

Is durban magic any good? Racy?
I ran several and culled the wide leafed phenos and kept three narrow leafed gals + 1 narrow to mid leafed male for seeds.

they were good. up, energetic highs, good potency.

I did not find a keeper and i'm now using no mercy santa maria nld (narrower leafed phenos) for the effects and potency I was wanting from the durbans. i'm testing out the no mercy santa marias in three hybrids outdoors this year to confirm my first test runs as santa maria in hybrids being "the dope bomb" I am looking for. santa maria might be killer for "entourage effect" when used in hybrids. puro santa maria was good but not super special.

despite no mercy's claims most of the pheons were wld and I wanted nld. only a few nld out of the 24# pack I ran. I made beans of these selected nld phenos and now have pretty good nld %'s in those beans I made.


I use the "entourage effect" meaning a little different than some but it's the synergestic effect of santa maria genetics in hybrids I am excited about.
I just started a few Zamal Reunion seeds, hopefully I'll find something representative of some spicy zamal, all day happy meds. cheers. Nice Thread.


far beyond driven...
high @all,
well i also bought all 10 strains to find some keepers ...
Zumal is sold out @ SOA got a mail... but a dutch reseller still had 2 packs... so i'm lucky...
many thx to Idit and all others for all these info's here....
the idea is like all of you to find a keeper in each strain and then maybe marriage it to a other afrika strain... like Malawi&Zamal&Durban...
keep it up!


Registered Med User
Ill go take a pic.so far it doesnt seem to like thebed as much as the rest do, been uh lik light with red stems. Looks to be pure sativa fasho.


Registered Med User
Here it go


