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Seed Germination Techniques

just as an update, i used my method described earlier recently and i am stand at 35/36 babies successfully sprouted this time around....i figured i would have 34/36 as two of the seeds were very small and immature looking....strains were alpha D from res, SS kalimist, nirvana's ww x gh ssh, and gypsy's mazar-i-sharif.....it amazes me how people struggle with germing and cloning....those to me are the 2 easiest parts of the job!


As long as methods give consistent, confident results then stick with them. I know that when seeds don't pop for me, its because of the seed. If the thing had any life in it it would pop. Really though, the only store bought seeds ive gotten that didn't pop were freebies and i think they were old.


I popped 20 sour bubblex3 seeds this morning that I bought in i believe 2004. They hadnt been refridgerated so I was concerned. Who knows how old they were when I bought them. 18 pops out of 20 seeds. Im working on the 2 no shows now. Instead of paper towels, I use a cellulose sponge that I cut in half. The suface of the sponge is shaped with little 1/8" deep pockets and each one holds a little seed just perfect. I put 1 tbs of water on each sponge 1/2, but thats it. This method keeps any water away from the seed and only provides light, consistent moisture.
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One Love

Take rapid rooter plugs and soak well in tap water. Plant seeds in rapid rooters, then into prewatered soil mix (in a 16oz beer cup) and under cfl bulb (i use 125w enviro-light). Let them grow!

I've found that I can start seeds in a ffof mix (which is considered 'hot' by some) when I use the rapid rooters. By the time they get a few good roots into the soil they really take off. I only transplant one time into finals pots a week or so before flowering.

No need for special soil to start seedlings in.
Nice explosion of growth once the seedling has rooted the plug.

How many of these damn rooter things will I have to buy?!?!
Rooter plugs can sometimes be a bitch to keep at the right moisture levels. (ie they often dry out quickly and are hard to get back to the right moisture levels)

Does anyone have any input on starting seeds with FFOF? I would like to get out of the habit of using the plugs, but they seem to work really well for me. Maybe I should try planting into ewc and chunky perlite for the first week and then onto ffof in 16oz cups?

Good thread silverback!


Get two birds stoned at once
I like peat pucks a lot honestly. They are wicked cheep and work well for me.


New member
I have never found any advantage whatever in germinating seeds in paper towels, it just adds a totally unnecessary extra step. I can list several disadvantages.
I start my seeds off about 4 mm deep in my compost mix, keep them warm and moist, they pop the surface in 1 to 5 days.
If you were growing tomatoes or cacti you would read the instructions on the packet and put them straight in soil - why treat MJ differently??


Active member
I have to agree, Spanishfly.

I first started with the paper towel method because that's what the book (High Times Encyclopedia of Recreational Drugs) I had read recommended. The first attempt didn't work because I underestimated the evaporation rate and ended up with the seeds drying and failed germination.

I then filled an old small aquarium I had with water and a few drops of fish emulsion. I also added a light and aquarium heater (water was mid 80's). I placed the plate with paper towel and seeds on top of the aquarium with the paper towel corner dangling in the water to act as a wick. I had seeds growing right out of the paper towels in 2 days.

But as time had gone on, I've dropped all that and just plant into soil. Recent germ rates have been 100% on Aurora Indica and above ground in 72 hours. I doubt I could have done better using any more elaborate methods.

The paper towel method allows the observation of the process which can be reassuring, but a little patience and waiting will show your progress as well.

I can certainly see some attractiveness in the paper towel method and it might be necessary (or other measures) for seeds that are proving difficult to germ, but for good seed stock I don't find the extra steps add anything but allowing to see when the seeds first begin to crack.

Generally speaking, I try to stick with what's simplest all other factors being equal.


all praises are due to the Most High
HempHut said:
I have to agree, Spanishfly.

...but a little patience and waiting will show your progress as well.

that is sound advice when it comes to planting and growing anything really... everything seems like an extra step once you see for yourself that if you plant at the correct depth direct into properly moistened soil which can be a rich organic soil and have no problems at all with any deficiencies at the start of their life and seeds will sprout just fine.

perhaps wanting to see the seed crack open and show its tiny white tap-root while still in the water or in the paper-towel is some kind of "morbid" grower pleasure some of us have?

also, using special soils in the germination just gives a little more ease of thought in terms of sterility, but it is not really necessary when working with healthy organic soils.


New member
I also use the paper towel method. I get 2 or 3 paper towel and fold them several times. I wet them down with distilled water... I then put them in an old recycled margarine container put the seeds in the paper towel and cover the. I cut stab a few holes in the lid and close the lid on top. I then put the container on a seedling mat with a dish tower cover the mat. I have the mat set on low. I check them daily and spray the paper towel sometimes with more distilled water. Seems to work perfectly well. I also put the sprouted seeds in jiffy pellets. I know it isn't necessary but I think they're extra easy on the seeds and you can see when the roots break through the bottom, which I always enjoy.

- Peace. :badday:
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One Love

silverback said:
Ill bet your right Hemp Hut. Damn. 20$ a bag.

I know man. The stuff is expensive, especially for the hoops I have to jump through to get it. However, I just recycle everything and let it cook in a sort of rotation so i don't have to constantly buy dirt. Some may not like organic growing methods, but it works ok for me.

on another note i just dropped 5 c99xblueberry this weekend. soaked for 6 hours in tap water (on heat pad) then dropped right into a small cup of soil mix. Any bets on how many will pop? i'm guessing 100% :confused:

Jack Pot

New member
I dumped paper towels , too many chances to hurt the babies when moving them around.

Just a quick overnight visit in a fridge, then in a glass of room temp water for another night or so. Then in rockwool,soil,whatever medium.

Higher humidity and temp are helpful.


My community replaced its water treatment plant this year. My humidfier now has calcium carbonate stalactites hanging from it. Can't trust the tap water now. Looks like I will be collecting rain water.

I use a 4 watt 4" X 6" reptile heat mat with a double folded terry cloth over that. A plastic sandwich container has a wet paper towel with the seeds and sits atop the cloth. Few holes in the cover and sits in front of a sunny window. In 36 hours or less, they have sprouted. Germination rate has been 90% + every time. I'm inclined to think that slightly higher than average room temp for germination increases the female/male ratio. For instance....7 of 10 Nirvana NLXS this year were female! It generally averages 60% or better ratio for me using this method.

Use the same heat mat to start pepper seeds but in soil. Cut the germination time in half. Yields increased from plants started that way. However I haven't seen increased yields from other seeds started on the mat. Just improved germination rates.

Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!

One Love said:
I know man. The stuff is expensive, especially for the hoops I have to jump through to get it. However, I just recycle everything and let it cook in a sort of rotation so i don't have to constantly buy dirt. Some may not like organic growing methods, but it works ok for me.

on another note i just dropped 5 c99xblueberry this weekend. soaked for 6 hours in tap water (on heat pad) then dropped right into a small cup of soil mix. Any bets on how many will pop? i'm guessing 100% :confused:

What was your germ rate in the end?


Active member
It helps with germination. Itsorta IMATATES the cold/cool nights of fall/winter. And it really does work, though i put mine in fppr 3-7 days.. pax

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