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Second Attempt At My First Grow


Can anyone tell me the sex of this plant? It has been flowering for 24 days. Since I haven't seen any signs of it being a male I have assumed it was female. The other plant has nugs growing all over it. This plant has no grapes, and I haven't seen anything that tells me it is in fact a female. Ive just figured I would see some kind of sign by now.


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This is the plant That I know for sure is female, just look at the little nugs. She is doing very well. She seems to have stopped getting taller but she is filling out nicely. I just wish the other one will start doing like this one.


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Because its taking so long to show the sex, I would think that its a female. The only reason why I say this is because males usully show their sex earler than females. I would still keep watching it just to make sure. When I grow from seed, I let them veg for a month or so, by then all most all the males will start to show lil balls. Hope this helps:)


My other plant has finally shown her sex. She has little white hairs everywhere. It only took her 31 days lol. My other lady is doing real good. Here little nugs are looking great. The 8 clones are 11 days old, and 4 of them have started to root. They will probably go into my other bin in 7 to 10 days. A nice new batch of young ladies :) I cant wait to get them going soon.


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I have run upon a new problem I think. 33 days into flowering and the leaves about 3/4 the way up one of my plants aren't looking to good. Instead of fanning out they are drawing in, and starting curl downwards along the sides of the leaves. I have posted pictures. Here is yet another chance for you guys to shine. As always, any help here will be appreciated.


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It looks like they are starving for light, which is why the leaves are "drawing in" and the curling could either be an overwatering problem or the plant may just not like your nutes or the pH. My second rosetta stone pheno has the curling leaf syndrome too but it's just a piece of crap runt that hates life LOL :D


At a quick glance I would say that you might want to add an air pump with 2 outlets and a couple air stones to your unit to help bring more oxygen to your roots. I is probably not getting much O2 in that unit with the top sealed like that.
Also, I didn't see what nutrient strength you were running in there. Pushing the plants nutrition can cause curling too.
Not saying you are, just saying to look at that too.



the keeper of the creeper
Nevermind the curling leaf look at the rest of them. Your tips are yellow and dieing. This commonly happens with a bouncing ppm/ph. Or a lockout from ph. try to stabilize it. If that means more rez changes, do more.


I flushed the system on Monday. Iran straight water for 24 hours then add nutes. Running around 1100 ppm. My PH is running pretty stable between 5.8 and 6. I do have a 20 gallon air stone and pump in my system. The plants seem to like 1100 ppm, any higher and the tips start to brown. I will check in a few mins. to see if I have had a PH or ppm gain and report back. I have 364 actual watts of 2700k CFL light( 14- 26W CFLs ) and 2-40W T5 tubes for a total of 444W. I think I have enough light. But I am still learning and may be wrong. 444 watts should be enough for 2 plants,, right?


I could have 6000W of flourescents.....still doesn't mean I have enough light. As you probably know, flourescents have almost ZERO canopy penetration so when I mean light starved, that is what I am talking about. More than likely only a few tips are even getting full strength light while everything else is starving for it.

Also, if your ph goes too low, you could suffer as well. But your plants may be asking for a lower pH. When I ran Cherry Slider a few years back, it wasn't happy unless the pH was around 5.2 so you never do know.....different strains want different things :D


I just checked again, and other than a slight nute gain everything is normal. I have 2 plants, having the problem with one but the other is thriving, no probs at all. Thats what I don't understand.
I understand about the light penetration wit floros Smith, and i am sure that I am not getting enough under the canopy. I do have lights set up on the sides to try to get underneath though. Dont get me wrong, I am not trying to shoot down your theory, I do appreciate all the help and suggestions you have given me :) And I will work on getting more light under the canopy. Its just the leaves on the one plant are freaking me out, and I dont want to get this far along and have somthing happen to kill it.


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Bogie if you are attaching the images from your album copy and paste the link of the image that says IMG before and after the link that will show the pic in the thread.. it should b the bottom link when viewing your images to attach


All in all your plants look pretty healthy in the pictures. If there is one thing I have learned 30 years of growing it is that not every leaf is going to be perfect on your plants. Sometimes a few will curl, turn brown on the ends or even die for no apparant reason. If it is just on a couple leaves and not all over and moving up the plant it is usually just nature. The fact that your other plant is fine is a sure clue to that.



O ok.. Well you can make it where everyone can see the pics but its all good... great lookin plants by tha way


Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death !!
Yo Bogie. I think everything is lookin really good. Nice and healthy.

I've never seen a leaf draw its leaves in like that (not that I've noticed anyway) so I cannot help ya there. I wouldn't worry about it though.

When you see leaf tips curl down and begin to point back at the main stalk (Rams Horn or Canoe Ends) you have a Nitrogen overdose. I see that VERY SLIGHTLY in one of those photos and the very dark green color confirms it. But your still good. You could back off the PPMs by a couple hundred and still be fine and get the same results at harvest. To much nutrient without HID lights is pointless and can burn your plants because they can't use it all up. But again. It all looks good. Just passing along some info for ya.

Good Job !!


Due to a lightning strike and a major reformat, Ive been offline for a few days. Ive just now got everything running again. GRRRRRRRRRRR.
37 days into flowering and all seems well. I have taken Pirates advice and dropped the ppm down to around 980. I probably wont see a difference until I do my weekly flush. I also took Agent Smiths advice, and have gotten more light below the canopy. Thanks Guys :) The main thing is that the little nugs are getting bigger and thicker :) I am thinking I have 3 to 4 weeks left on it before harvest.
The plant that has taken so long to start flowering is doing awesome. It will triple the one thats already budding. I call her my late bloomer. hehe :) She has many nodes, and many bud sites. The foliage is growing so fast and so big that I think I may need to do some pruning. The biggest leaves that ar blocking most of the light are up near the tops of the nodes. Can I get rid of these? I would like to thin it out quite a bit. How much can I safely take off?
I have posted a few pics.
I have also started a diary for my second grow. The link is in my signiture but I cant get it to work, any ideas? I have succesfully cloned for the very first time :) check it out.


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Its been a few days since my last update. The plant that was flowering so well is no more. All the leaves started drawing up and wilting really bad, and it appeared to have gotten a rather quick and fatal case of root rot. I pulled it out and flushed everything. I ran straight water for 3 days. I didn't want the same to happen to the 1 remaining plant. On an up note, i have dried and am smoking the little immature buds right now, and to be immature, they have a pretty good kick to them. The other plant never once showed the same signs of sickness, and is doing very well. It has actually turned into a monster. This one will be the best one of this venture. I am sure it will more than triple the one that got sick. This one had gotten so big it had started to push the other one over, and seemed to be chocking it out. I don't know but this may have led to the problems of the other one. My daughter was away on a school trip with our camara so I couldnt get any pics of the sick plant. I have taken some of the one I have left. See how she has grown :)

I have started vegging my new clones. Check them out in my diary.


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