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Second Attempt At My First Grow


Down to 3 now, and I think the final number is going to be 2. Two out of nine lol. Two girls to flower should give me a good opportunity to learn :) At least that is what I am taking from this first attempt. A few buds to burn will just be the bonus. I will take some pics, and post them tomorrow.


Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death !!
Down to 3 now, and I think the final number is going to be 2. Two out of nine lol. Two girls to flower should give me a good opportunity to learn :) At least that is what I am taking from this first attempt. A few buds to burn will just be the bonus. I will take some pics, and post them tomorrow.
Will look for it !!

Consider starting some seeds (if ya didn't take clones) soon so you can have the next batch ready to go to flower as soon as these are done.

Can't waste that nifty box ya built.


Will look for it !!

Consider starting some seeds (if ya didn't take clones) soon so you can have the next batch ready to go to flower as soon as these are done.

Can't waste that nifty box ya built.

Dude, I wish I could have some ready, But my nifty little box is used for veg and flower. I have the lights, but I have no more space lol. I am going to purchase some seeds on Monday. It will probably take 2 weeks to get them. I guess I can then germ them, and let the seedlings grow under the dome for a couple weeks. By that time I might be ready to swich the box over to veg and start over. Rest assured, the box will not be a waste. It will be used again. I will succeed !!!!! :joint:


Here are the remaining 3. Soon to be 2 I think :(


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New member
Sorry ur having problems with ur harem turning into a sausage fest. May have been the tragic, life threatening events at the early stages. But remember brother, u might have lost about 70% or more, but u gained ALL experience. Not a total loss.


This is day 19 of flowering, and I am starting to see some hairs on my 2 remaining girls. I still have 3 plants, and I still think one is a boy. He just isn't showing his sex as quickly as the others did. As soon as I see some grapes, his ass is history :)

Here are a few pics of the girls :joint:


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james lee

Plants not doing well

Plants not doing well

I am growing a couple of varieties of plants in hydro, I started in a clone machine and the roots took off and plants did fine and then I transplanted them into the hydro system with the large blue reservoir and after two weeks
their growth is slow and they do not look well so i changed them to soil. I use 1000 mh, ac set at 80 with oscillating fan. My ppm's are set at 600 - 800
plants are at veg right now I never seem to make it to flowering with hydro I end up reverting to soil which I hate since it takes longer. I am using FF organic products and cal-mag. Can someone tell me what I may be doing wrong. I also use hydrogen peroxide (5 drops per gal)


I am growing a couple of varieties of plants in hydro, I started in a clone machine and the roots took off and plants did fine and then I transplanted them into the hydro system with the large blue reservoir and after two weeks
their growth is slow and they do not look well so i changed them to soil. I use 1000 mh, ac set at 80 with oscillating fan. My ppm's are set at 600 - 800
plants are at veg right now I never seem to make it to flowering with hydro I end up reverting to soil which I hate since it takes longer. I am using FF organic products and cal-mag. Can someone tell me what I may be doing wrong. I also use hydrogen peroxide (5 drops per gal)

Dude, I dont know that I can help ya here, but I will give it a shot.

First of all, what kind of hydro system do you have set up? Aeroponic, DWC, Ebb and Flo, ect.

I do know that the big blue res is a problem. My first res was blue, and it allowed light to bleed through the sides of the res. The light bleed along with high res temps promoted some problems with my roots. Roots must live in total darkness or they will rot and the plants will die.Use a Black res, any other color will allow light bleed.

Thats about all the help I can give. There are a few subscribers to my thread here that might be able to help more. Your best bet may be looking and posting in the sick plant forum here at IC Mag.

I hope things turn around for you. Keep us informed :)


Now I have 2 ladies. I hope they do well. They are healthy, and looking good. They are a little small but I have been afraid to give them full strength nutes until today. Now the nutes are at 1200ppm, PH is around 5.5 to 6, and my res temps are between 70 and 72*F.
I have tried to purchased seeds today but The Attitude and WorldWide can not validate any of my cards. Since I will not send cash, I guess it will be bag seed again for the next run. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. So I am sort of pissed off over the seed thing. I really wanted to get some feminized seeds from a good strain. :(

Here are some pics from the 2 remaining plants. The new hair growth isnt to visible in the pics, but trust me, they are there, and looking real good.


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I just added up the wattage of all the lights that are in use inside the grow box. 420 Watts. 420, how fitting. i hope that is enough for 2 flowering plants. I am also putting out 28000 lumens.

I just thought the 420 thing was funny and wanted to add another post.

Its also 4-20-09 BTW :joint:


Day 17 of flowering and all seems well. One of the girls is exploding with little white hairs. The other one is fuller with foliage but seems to be a little behind on maturity. I may take a few clones if i am not to far along into flowering. Am I?


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I have succesfully taken clones around day 17. At least I think it was around 17. Memory ya know... Anyway. I had 100% success with that and it was my first try so in my opinion; go ahead!

I used peat pellets, one 11 watt cfl and tap water. 6 sweetcindy clones.

Good luck man!


I took a few clones today. No males in the next batch :) I just need to keep the alive until I harvest the 2 females. I have an Idea ;) stay tuned.

The 2 remaining females are doing well. I cant wait to see them really get going.


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Day 19 into flower, and all seems well. One of the plants is just taking off. Its already got little nugs growing on it. The other plant is just slower. I am not seeing any hairs on it, but its also showing no signs of being a boy. I am sure it is a female. I just hope its not a hermie.


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I hope they are all girls too! They sure are looking good. It would be cool to have a room where you could grow a male just to get the pollen.But.... as I said I hope they are ALL ladies.


3 weeks into flower and things are going well. My wife has given up a closet in our master bath area, so now I have a small veg room. I have taken my old rez, the first pump I bought, and all the scrap pieces of pvc I had laying around to build another aero unit. By the time the 2 plants I have flowering now are done I should have a new run of all females ready to flower. Ive taken some pics but I have also fkd up the settings on my camera some how, and most of the came out blurry as hell. I do have a few I can post though. Like I said, I used scrap pvc so dont laugh. lol
This will work until I get my lazy ass out and buy some new. After I get the veg closet finished tomarrow, i will post some more pics.


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I have finished putting my little veg closet together. Not a lot of room, but should be fine for what I am using it for. Its a small closet. Check it out.


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22 days into flowering and the plants seem to have quit growing taller. They are bushing out but not getting taller. I still have the one that is just exploding with white hairs. It has bud sites all over it. The other one is just growing leaves. I still see no signs of sex with it. I guess no signs are better than male signs. I figured they would both get taller but they are not. Will they hit a growth spirt and get taller? Or could it be the CFLs? I have been keeping the lights 4 to 6 inches off of the tops.
Here are a few pics. I got the camera set right this time :)


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