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Scrub's PLL Coco Cupboard and Friends


Grow like nobody is watching
Where there's a Will, there's a Ray. :) That's good news.

I only ended up removing 3 leaves and that should be plenty I hope. It's really kicked into bud mode in there! When I move house I can do some side-by-sides because it needs to be settled once and for all, with pics. Reading threads on it is a waste of time, lol. One says this, one says that, and none of them seem to have any real basis for their opinion, apart from the usual arguments for and against.

I trimmed back some of the mums, it was just getting too hectic in the tent.

The Leda Uno has really surprised me. I'm going to get some big ol' colas off that sucka. :D I wish it was in a bigger pot but oh well. Peace.


Grow like nobody is watching
I took various shots of the PK to give a good idea how thick it is (not all that thick really, but lots of branches)








I gave them all a light booster of PK. Do you have a favoured time for applying that, Hydrosun?

Here is the Leda Uno:




A slight change in bud density from when I grew it with the 24w vertical PLL, LOL!

Good evening :tiphat:


I love my life
Leda's buds look nicer, I hope PK fattens up for you. I use Phospoload between 14 and 28 days. I normally give them three applications of it. I can really notice how it fattens up the buds.

Peace, :joint:


Grow like nobody is watching
Wikkid, dude. Thanks for the info. Looks like I missed the boat on that too, haha. I still have faith she'll pull her weight :) Certainly, on the next grows she will, now that I'm more familiar.


Grow like nobody is watching
Thanks for reading xcogollox, glad you're enjoying it! PLLs are the best fluoro there is, no question :yes:

I just got done reading wick.96's excellent pk grow. They outline pk fairly well I think - I wish I had paid more attention before I started.

This is where i notice the major difference in PK growth vs NL growth. (NL) Stalk growth in a given time frame is not as quick nor as largely defined.. Therefore bud size is smaller without "extended" veg growth and more pruning. PK takes a lot more to control pruning wise as well, it "pukes" out new shoots everywhere after you make a cut..Instead of the plant focusing veg growth into fewer branches(bulk up growth ie stalk girth) PK seems to put more energy into producing nodal growth(light overall growth) in a given time period. PK also stretches like crazy in flower, only main stalks have tight nodal spacing, the rest of them seemed very gaped..Each budsite however grows into killer, even lower budsites with less light..I find the (bulk type growth) also lacking in flower.. they seem to pack on tricomes in mid to late flower vs flower bulk growth.. The flowers don't get any bigger, just more killer in other words.

Next time I will massacre it so there's only a set number of tops with even, and plentiful penetration. I'll start on flower nutes very early, maybe even before 12/12 begins? I still have some Rock Juice left over from many moons ago and that shit would be perfect for this strain, but alas, it's a PGR and not suitable for smoking.

If money allows, I'd like to flower her under 6500k or so too - this would help more than anything. If all things are aimed towards stopping that internodal gapping, I think she would yield like the blazes. As it is she has the laws of physics working against her in a fluoro grow. I would also try something like 13:11 hours to drag some more out of her.

Outdoors, I think she would be just perfect as is. When it's done I'd like to work out the yield your way too Hydro, to see how it compares in micro.

Have a good one :wave:


Grow like nobody is watching
Thanks bro. I believe HS takes his PK ~60 days so I'm expecting it around there somewhere. I have no idea with the Leda Uno but I'd guess around the same time or a bit earlier.

Took a smart pot of coco to my outdoor area tonight. Holy jayzuz it was a chore. I'm not sure I'm going to do it. It's logistically very, very hard to pull off. I found a great slope with a spring running down the mountain but it's very hard not to leave tracks. I have a battery powered garden water timer, like you can set it to go for 1 minute every 3 days, or so forth, but setting up a reservoir so I could use that would be fucking hard work. And a rat or something would just chew through it on the first night I'm sure.

Could you have a permanent drip onto a soil plant? That would be so much easier. I know it sounds like a bad idea but I'm sure I heard of someone doing it. Anyways, gonna sleep on that. Another option is to put the coco plant into some pretty awesome soil mix I have. Right now it's in like 2.5 litres or so of straight coco, and it would be planted in a 3 gallon smart pot on day 1 of flower. I figure if it's soil I can at least get water from the spring and not have to carry that there. If I did all coco I'd have to mix the nutes at home and carry them up.

The worst bit is that you have to walk up a huge hill, I have to take several breaks to avoid heart attacks, then over the hill and halfway down the other side. Very depressing. Have to go at night and even though I waited for a fullish moon, it rained and it was sheer hell. Spider webs in the face. Blah. Trying to think up other plans that don't involve me going there all the time. Peace.


Lol, shit man. Seems like my outdoor spot last year! Hahah. I had a few seeds from a friend that I germ'd last summer, so I stuck them in a ditch by my parents house. Mind you, they live in the middle of no where, surrounded by rice fields. It was such a pain in the ass, walking into the nasty ditch, sometimes goin' in the water, not to mention spiders and bees and wasps everywhere. Next time I grow outside, I'll do it the right way. Hahah. Actually, I found a GREAT spot to grow some outdoor this season. Too bad it's in my home town and now where I live now! Hope you find a better spot, or something to make it a tad easier on yourself Scrubs! Oh, by the way, loving the plants. they look SO healthy! I wish mine were as clean and green as yours. Mine seem to be dirty all the time. Hahah. Later homie.


Grow like nobody is watching
Haha yeah outdoors is a bad trip, lol. The best I've found so far is just living somewhere ultra-chill out in the boonies and grow it in your yard, disguised of course. My first coco plants started out in a really messed up spot. I think I told the story about swimming across a water hole and meeting up with a snake, lol. Good times for sure. I'd often see dead toads floating belly up. I hate snakes to an irrational level now. Don't get me started!

Anyways yeah, if it's in your yard, there's far less danger of stepping on a snake, my biggest fear of all fears. I live in quite a built up area now but even still, I stepped on a fucking snake right on my deck! I saw another one just days ago, chilling on the steps. They follow me. They want to hurt me :(

But yes, the plant is way healthy. All the others look pretty bad because I'm lazy and mix the nutes at the perfect level for the pk scrog, so everything else takes what it gets, generally. Sometimes I give veg nutes to the ones in veg, lol. The Leda Uno has looked underfed all the way, despite giving my highest strenghts ever. I think the small pot is causing that mostly though. It loses a lot of leaves daily, down low. Take it easy bro, thanks for popping in.


yeah, if it's in your yard, there's far less danger of stepping on a snake, my biggest fear of all fears. I live in quite a built up area now but even still, I stepped on a fucking snake right on my deck! I saw another one just days ago, chilling on the steps. They follow me. They want to hurt me :(

Lol, I've never heard the story about you swimming across the water hole. I'd like to read that sometime. Hahaha. I can deal with snakes. Around here, the only one we have to worry about is a rattlesnake. Even then, you can just smash 'em with a good sized rock. They hardly come down into the valley I live in anyhow. Lol, I actually lol'd when I read "They follow me. They want to hurt me :(." Hahahah. They are repulsive creatures, I must admit. Spiders get to me more though. Ick.

I'm lookin' for a house with a back yard right now. I'll get one before it's time to plant, and then I'll get some sweet ass outdoor going. :D


Grow like nobody is watching
Thanks as always!

Yeah the thing with snakes is they serve no purpose except to kill us! Sure they play a part in the environment but it's no big loss if they got wiped out. They eat like mice and insects and lizards - but plenty of things eat those - and the other things don't eat humans ;) Another time I was *this* close to stepping on the second most venomous land snake in the world - in the world, man.

Spiders don't freak me out nearly as much but they suck anyway, haha. I don't bother killing the snakes because I know I'll fuck something up, slip or something, and wham, that's how they get ya. And get this, it's illegal to kill them! We wiped out so many cute, fuzzy, harmless things, but it's wrong to kill snakes? I don't get it. There are a lot of snake sympathisers here but I have no problem personally if someone wants to kill a venomous snake.

Most venomous ones will disappear when they hear you coming but some times of year they become ultra aggressive and stand their ground. OK no more snake talk it's freaking me out, lol.


Yeah don't get me started. I swear to god our property was like copperhead central. My buddy lived on fuckin' rattlesnake ridge. Kill 'em all. Spiders too. Fuck 'em. Fuck all that nasty shit. Squash bugs. If you step on 'em right, they pop.

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
Hey scrub, hopefully i can get this micro thing down like you one day. I just flipped the switch on 4/20 on my less than 1sq. ft. cab. You turned me on to PL-L's and micro's. Well heres a pic from 4/20-21(?)

Things have actually changed a lot since than.

Stay green bro.


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Oh Yeah snakes down here will fukk you up in a minute no fear about that. I've seen a 8ft taipan move over 50m across my yard in the rainforest quicker than you can take a breath of air. I think of them as psycho guarddogs and you just have to really respect them and have a good eye in the bush when walking.

Peace an Respects
Scrubs, have you thought of using a soil moisture tester to find a good spot near the spring fed creek with just the right amount of moisture and just plant some clones and leave it to nature to do the rest?

No worries about nutes or leaving trails, just go back when it is time to harvest, means a lot less effort and less chance of snake related encounters too.


Oh Yeah snakes down here will fukk you up in a minute no fear about that. I've seen a 8ft taipan move over 50m across my yard in the rainforest quicker than you can take a breath of air. I think of them as psycho guarddogs and you just have to really respect them and have a good eye in the bush when walking.

Peace an Respects

Damn, that's crazy. I'm glad we don't have crazy ass snakes in California. Hahaha, only rattla'z! Up at my parents property in the mountains, my dad kills quite a few rattle snakes. We ate one, once. So stringy, but tasted EXACTLY like chicken. Just a little more tough. Hahahah.

Scrubs, have you thought of using a soil moisture tester to find a good spot near the spring fed creek with just the right amount of moisture and just plant some clones and leave it to nature to do the rest?

No worries about nutes or leaving trails, just go back when it is time to harvest, means a lot less effort and less chance of snake related encounters too.

That's a good idea. I might have to try that out, too!


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
WooHoo as of today I've got above the ground going for it:- 3 OGer99's, 4 Mystic Gems, 3 Camelot Kush's, 1 Double Cindy99(H3ad's C99 X Mosca's C99) out of 3, 4 Double Strawberry Diesels f2s(by Marlo). Going to get a Dyna X PD going in the next couple of days for the jiffy competition. Things are looking up thankfully after the mutant mites causing a complete shutdown and ensuring a chemical warfare approach from me.
Hope ya doing well bro.

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