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ScrOG Hawaiian snow & AUH#2



whoa. she seems so much bigger outside the tent!
enjoy that sassy gal!


Active member
When I’m stonned I can talk with about anything. :kos:

I can hear what your plants are saying – they say “don’t chop us yet tequila…” :smokeit:

Here is a video of the manicured HS – when it was last seen still connected to its pot

dude that is pretty sick! I took another look and they are even bigger than I thought lol! You got that 250 dialed in :)

I'd be interested to see how much she'd weigh.


yea, please let us know if you get a second away from all that smoke!
Hay, also, hows that new vapo working out???


Hi guys,
You’re right – I was (and am) too stoned to start and write update-posts ….
But here is a short one – also featuring some pictures taken by my cell phone.

After 5 days of drying the main cola turned form this: -

To this:

The thin stems snapped and all in all I jarred
****** 87 grams / (3 oz)******** of dried bud
– much more then I ever expected

I’ve bee smoking this plant for 3 weeks now – my estimation is that I smoked something around 0.5 oz – so the nice HS lady did yielded nicely

Oh – yes –I also made some ice hash from the leaves – Although the plant was big –it wasn’t leafy so I had only around 70 gram of half dried leaves that turned to 3 gram of hash

Yes, I got the vaporizer – bottom line – I do like it.
it would let you smoke the bud instead of vaporizing it if you inhale slow enough.

I’m also trying to quit tobacco – so now when I feel that I need a cigarette I just roll my self a cigarette of organic buds – but I do hope that I’ll end up vaporizing more then smoking – it is my first time vaporizing and I think I need to get used to it…

I got this tool with the vaporizer – A must for every smoker – it is a picking tool like dentists have… - it served me for countless tasks in the past week


well i just found this thread and think you did bloody fantastic getting 3oz off your first plant :) you should be very proud of yourself and be happy in the knowledge that your next grow is bound to be even bigger and better than this one was :)


hahah I hear you about the slowness of the forum, especially when you're excited about something. I've just put my plans up here for review and I had to start looking at other things so my F5 key wouldn't get worn out. That's how I found this thread! I'm glad I caught it when I did, from start to finish pretty much today! =)

Looks like you did well and had a good time! This is very encouraging for someone like me who hasn't even started growing yet.


Greetings Duplicate :wave:

Actually the grow didn't end yet - the HS was just a fueling point to the challenging AUH2 grow...


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hey fatass great work with the HS which isnt an easy strain. the haze looks promising too.



Active member
87 gram from a single plant on my first grow - and not single post...

That is some fine work there! And, you have another plant to back you up. If you pass 200g (total) you are doing VERY well for a first grow.

The ideal expectancy is 1g / w so you will be close to it if you can push over 200.

Good luck!


That is some fine work there! And, you have another plant to back you up. If you pass 200g (total) you are doing VERY well for a first grow.

The ideal expectancy is 1g / w so you will be close to it if you can push over 200.

Good luck!

I'm running on 400w HPS so I guess I will never get to 1g/w in that 80 tent.
After a week I finnaly got the hang of the new position of the AUH2 - I'll be posting an update soon


Active member
I'm running on 400w HPS so I guess I will never get to 1g/w in that 80 tent.
After a week I finnaly got the hang of the new position of the AUH2 - I'll be posting an update soon

lol I gotta quit posting when I am over medicated... I swore you were running a 250 with complimentary CFL's :D


Active member
Oh man! Great work.
The hawaiian snow is looking so sexy!!
I hope to have some smoke report on this thread soon !!
Mine is kicking 2m50... Hope the yield will be great too!

Peace :rasta: