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ThAnk u . Its day 51 now and seems the plants continue to shrink. I tell the truth minus the one plant that Hermes The room shrunkn 33%, turned a hps light off, temp dropped 2 degrees, yeah! Here's the thing..... i know how many the room can really hold now. If the sites do the avg speculation as seen before but under an amended footprint its going to be healthy in da cure buckets if ya know what I'm saying..... happy weight. Given the right strain for high density sog we could help the people at the collective mó betterest. I look forward to operation shoe horn and do hope u will join us. Have a special groovy night. Glorious

I apologize that the buds aren't stickier. I'm not a real good grower


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Weed Cannasaur
Looking great!
Happy jewish new year :-D

May you be blessed with enormous jars of weed


Hello fonzee!
Happy Jewish New Year
Much thanks for blessings in harvest!
You shall be blessed by the fruit of your labors.
I really wanted to say until this round was down/done and a full amount of sites for the c9d run ready to go for operation shoe horn but I will say now..... I'm striving for a fully documented .9g/watt push. If successful I will be applying to the international growers Union for a master grower apprentice license but seriously I may move the operation so that im not space limited in the future. One thing at a time I must remind myself. However, I honestly see where if one wants to put in the labor and the weather is condusive to bare bulb growing and low cooling requirements that nice turns can be achieved. In hopes of success I will be hanging a pic of neo in the room so that walls hold the expansion and shrink of a fully stocked footprint. For all intentional purposes it will technically be a big bag seed grow. Epic triumph or epic failure!!! Send karma for the first
Glorious triumphant
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Day 52
First flora Klein flush application. Three more scheduled flush waterings before day 60. Mass and stench continues. If your a stinky diesel lover you might want to consider sage sour. Odor control is a bear with this one


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Hello day 57 pistils bending over turning orange red. I'm taking at 60 but if allowed 65 and thus another feeding before flush that this strain would be really hardcore. There is like an oily cream on the sites its so gooey. Having some trippy 6th sense on da purps beans sitting here. I believe now I will in fact run them, so....... we shall see just how the strain really does. I was gonna try soma lavender which is the best I have ever experienced but I just can't shake the ghost of da purps.


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Da purps, mk ultra, sage sour, amnesia, afghan kush, sleestack skunk, and critical super silver haze. Should be a good winter


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Appreciation for good luck wishes.
Day 59, wet trim tomorrow
Next flower round starts in 28 days, it will be 8 lights in bloom, Cindy 99 cross diesel
Just so u know..... I will find a purps keeper from the seed lot


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Hello everyone I hope this Sunday finds u well. Wet trim to begin today, last light cycle scheduled for this round. Have been hitting the new CD9 sprouts with water and then low ppm fertilizer alternating everynight, those sprouts look quite good, I have faith that they will be of size reqd for flip in that 28 day time frame. My issue is that I have enough count to fill one room to desired footprint but will be short on the second room, so in lieu of that we will be dividing the count and splitting between rooms, sould still be fat. I hope that you will follow as it should be fun getting ready and catching up for the next round. I would of never been able to kick the next as soon as 28 days if I didn't have the femed seed stock on hand. Catch up will consist of the aforementioned strains.... with concentration on the th seeds mk ultra FEMS and the fast finishing world of seeds afghan kush fem freebies. Da purps will be a good experience as the search will be happening when its nice and cold out so no reason not to turn colors... 55 to 60 lights off no problem, might even throw a couple outside in the winter air.
Its kinda a bummer to have to wait the better part of three months for another crop out but like that stoner actor dude says in the Lincoln commercial...... gotta go backward to go forward.
Everyone take care, oh yeah will get a wet trim pic room with plants attached.
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Active member
i am little disappointed over critical super silver haze having such a low yield report i would of thought it would be a huge yielder coming from haze
owe well 400-500 grams per is not that bad scoby i am subbed you got some nice seeds for the winter grows cheers Doc


Doc, thank u for the sub and stop by, seeing that that the delicious critical ssh is advertised at 10 to 11 weeks I dont plan on going clone heavy from it nor on the free world of seeds amnesia as it advertises 11 weeks.... not wanting to lock up rooms that long, 65 is about the max I look to go. Bummer about the disappointment with that strain, I will let you know how it goes here.

Doc... Checked out your scrog, pretty sick, if I could get my hands on a good sog flavor.... do some damage


Wet trimmed.
Ironically enough both amnesia and critical ssh are showing the most vigor from seed to sprout.


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Crooked8 thank you for that and stopping by. Now that I'm filling out the post run audit, I can do better, need to do couple things better next time. Be more aggressive with lollipop sites, water every third day, feed every 6th day, shuffle floor plan more often, ensure every site is mature out of veg, and a couple other things I can't remember right now. The new c9d sprouts look good and are coming along well. Just 5 days to hang dry and then another trim off the branches before bucket storage/cure.


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Haven't found one seed in the last run, I think I got the Hermy out just in time. Im sure somewhere in there a couple beans can be found. Well the new c9d sprouts are a lil bit uneven due to germination date but they should be close for flower when I planned. I'm glad that last round is done. This is technically a bag seed run lol, while the genetics I acquired..... the first sprouts are the freebie amnesia and critical ssh...... every time I try to get out they pull me back.... maybe sativa runs again??? Ugghhh long flower, plus I'm sure u have seen like me, plants grow like monsters in veg and then flower horribly while the sickly veggers blow out trophy nugs. Holding out for the Afghani k's and the mk ultras..... some purps sprouts would smile us up too.. fingers crossed. Operation shoe horn is a go


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In the fairness of impartiality and having a great pheno of both darkstar and sage sour, I must say that Im a littlle to alot bummed about the germination and non sprout of th seeds da purps and mk ultra. Having to "scratch the shells" with sandpaper just to get them to open, then allowing to set in a moist paper towel for an additional two days seeing nothing more than a little tongue barely sticking out never seeing an aggressive tap root emerging , followed by 4 days in moist coco with no signs of sprouts, meanwhile I have freebie beans that started in paper towl method on the same day allready under lights with true leaves going. Im sure every breeder had old stock out there or stock that doesn't want to get going at first, but after spending the coin for international shipment, not very happy. Well my introduction to th seeds came by freebie and now I have freebie sativas from other breeders tearing it up on the growth meter so maybe karma is pushing me in the new freebie strains direction anyways?? After sitting and thinking about it I need a Indie dom strain to run these sog ops so I will take a look at the new sativas on a limited space basis but will continue to look for a good indie sogger. Im not going to say th seeds is bad because they are not, the darkstar I had was pretty much mentally crippling and the sage sour took a carbon filter in the room, 2 more in the crawl space with a 5 gal bucket of ona gel, so very stinky strong. If anyone has a suggestion for a indie dom strain good for sog, Im all ears. Those sprouts may just be late developers but not real happy so far.


Well I'm very happy and thankful, it seems that the great one almighty has blessed me with two mk ultra sprouts and 6 regular da purps sprouts. Im sure there's going to be a keeper in the lot of 6 purps and one of the two ultras is going to be choice. I'm excited to see all 3 of the Afghani kush FEMS moving along as well as the 2 amnesia and one critical super silver FEMS sprouts moving along. So here's the game plan, veg up the fem c9d another 3 weeks, those will flower 60 days in the mean time that will give me just 10 weeks to get ready for next round. Get some cuts of da purps flower the seed plant and go from there. Same with the Afghani kush, and mk ultra, in the mean time I will flower out the amnesias, critical, and sleestack skunk without taking cuts, if any of those do so well I will be forced to reveg or be grippend into ordering those beans, lol. To be honest the last free skunks I got.... they did OK. Smiles here because I have both a great mk ultra, a purps, and less not forget Afghani kush on the way as moms for sog ops. The Afghani being landrace indica maybe a good candidate for those single kolas. take care and be happy


Emmmmm? I do have 10 weeks to be ready for next round after the c9d run..... I do have 9 new feminized plants..... scratch head.... mean sick scrog in 10 weeks. Mean sick crazy scrog...... hmmmm 6300 watt scrog wif new genetics... .hmmmm? Da 6 purps outside in the cold with cuts inside hmmmmmm?


Wow I'm a real turd bucket, 2 more purps sprouted and I managed to kill a third mk ultra sprout... knocked over cup and wet coco ball fell out of cup, when returning ball mass to cup it broke apart tearing away tap root from cotyledons.... yeah I'm a real ass.. 3 for 5 mks and 8 for 10 purps... I'm a jerk cry baby... in my defense when I saw the c9d sprouts push thru the paper towel in 2 days it kinda sent a precedent. Pretty good rates out of the th seeds as the other fem sage sour just sprouted. Man o man head slap. Thank u th seeds


Kinda bummed I don't have a flower room going, kinda relieved I don't, lol. The stench on the sage sour is amazing even thru a 5 gal bucket with a rubber o-ring..... Yeah real stanky danky. OK let's be honest it was just a bit over 1700 and I was running 3100, but I know the room can hold more next time.... So we shall see, I'm thinking 2-3 weeks and then stagger out a week to 10 days for next room. I hate trimming but at the same time don't and won't bring extra hands. Its all gone except for three bags of trim in the freezer, donated to the collective for medicinal purposes. Being told very stoney even thou it was 100% white and sativa Dom? Good none the less. Well here's a pic of the bag seeders, to be honest I'm expecting seed but their always female and its very high in thc% patients suck it up pretty fast. Would be nice if it didn't this run but she's such a good yielder donations at discount rates are still good. Have gotten a request for white widow, gonna let things calm down here a bit and then go ahead and get green house seeds version, had one a long time ago from a colored seed pack that was a mini pineapple slinger (size not taste). So anyways hope u all are well I'm really starting to think that if these c9ds do well to keep running it, very durable and its the gift that keeps giving. Sometimes medicines can be cheap and affordable.


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