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Sprayed some nitro foilar from home and garden at a reduced rate. Stuff works out pretty good, speaking of under mix I believe that a lot of my early yellowing was from a lil underfeeding. I mix according to GH feed charts but notice my ppm is as much as 200 below suggested ranges. I'm simply attesting this theory to the fact that my current sprouts in coca vs happy frog look limper and paler. Going bump up ppm a weee bit and see what happens, adding cal mag too. Got the lights tuned up to 24/0 today, afterbyrner stage lol. Hope everyone is well
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Hello all, hope this finds u well. Cal maged the c9d sprouts both root drench and foiliar spray. Cooking them 24/0 as of today. Hopeing the day after halloween brings a good time to start the operations shoe horn, before I said .9 per but I must be honest I'm gonna have to have a lot of things going for me, like strong seed phenos and good room management.
As far as the next round goes, thinking scrog out the fem afghan indicas along with the mk ultra. I would like to try one site scrogs on homemade trellis frames. In a 10x9 that's going to be a geometry nightmare, lol. Everyone take good care


With all the bs bellyaching made over slow rate on the mk's and purps they are actually moving as good as the quick sprouting freebie Sativa's. That lot was uncappsulated much later then c9ds taking up bulk but where's waldo..... Those th can easily be spotted center bottum in pic hiding. Excited about both of those, if they do well I will for sure have to look at heavy duty and bub gums then I can say that I have looked at a fair amnt from said breeder. That's if..... Lol. I'm sure we will be fine.... No we will be diamond.... Own that my friends. Be your destiny and own it... Lol just happy. Everyone be safe shake off the world and have a groovy weekend.


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Foreground plants are coco and aft or top of pic are preedemonatly happy frog. Now the size in height is not in play because both sets are about 5 days apart from when taking from glass jar and thrown in wet paper towel. What is in play here friends is the shade of green. Uping the micro content and supplementing cal magerous has helped tremendously as a couple of days ago the coca plants looked really jaundice more than green and now they are starting to be green. To be honest the coca moms I had never had an issue because I was hitting them with a lot of n and p so tomorrow in going to hit em pretty rich with feed. I typically like to get a water in there in the middle but the last two feed dates have been realitivly low on the ppm range dept. I'll tell ya its been 4 days of 24/0 I can't speak where they would be if left 18/6 but I diffenenently see a boost in growth big time. I must admit the following pic is note worthy in the following pheno type stability in comparable growth..... Nice seed plant canopy ehhh? Well I'm just thankful to have the stock. I hope everyone a miraculous week with a slice of magnificent, me.... I'm looking forward to throwing these plants in 1 gals and getting dem dere flower rooms going in the near future. Peace pot microdot


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Let me be clear on last, not so much a boosted amount of n and p as it should read a boosted amount of grow and micro nutrients from the GH 3 part line.


This is probably one of the many reasons why my apprentice license application keeps being rejected. However its a lot easier than dragging a bunch of trash bags out full of old pot plant plugs and then dragging in large suspicious looking bales of coco mix. Lol, no really its pentince for cutting the next round of sage sours and healthy moms to the ground. No lol, honestly since I have nothing cooking in flower its kinda keeping me busy. Well here's what many, including your local retailer kringing.... Soiless reclamation, find room full of plugs, followed with a 1 gal plant plug beaten vigorously against the inside of a empty 5 gal, followed by clean rootless reclaimed soiless mix, and the last pic, well its getting kinda nice, can't wait to feed healthy ppm mix tomorrow. Let the beatings continue until all soilless is recovered. Everyone take care and we will see ya tomorrow.


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Hello again everyone, between breaking down old containers, panning for roots, treating reused promix with cannazyme, cleaning up flower room, and getting the reqd c9d plants transplanted it has been busy none the less. While today begins day 1 for operations shoe horn where I will attempt .9 per. See pic one, I will be more deligent this round with room management to include pm treatment on a regular basis. Excited to see what happens while pic two is the thinned and spread out veg room when really it still looks full even after taking over a half of the room. I think a lot of that is attested to the 24/0 light schedule. In my experience it boosted plant growth big time, in a matter of 4 days on that schedule I went from wanting to start flower Nov 1 to starting today..... Yeah! So argue what you must I can only attest to what I have seen. If I waited another week the plants would have been to big. Also in the field found pic 2 is the mk ultra, purps, afghan k, amnesia, critical ssh, sleestack, and sage sour. A majority is still c9d which I hope to start soon in the other flower room. Take care everyone


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heya brother ;)

VEEEERY NICE thing u've managed to do over there!! I'm impressed !!!!

I agree that 24/0 boosts growth in a welcome manner and quite pushes them to the limits. If you do 18/6 then you face "ugly" stretch which is unwanted in SoG ^^

Looking forward for new pix and updates ~! GOGO m8 !


Active member
Hello again everyone, between breaking down old containers, panning for roots, treating reused promix with cannazyme, cleaning up flower room, and getting the reqd c9d plants transplanted it has been busy none the less. While today begins day 1 for operations shoe horn where I will attempt .9 per. See pic one, I will be more deligent this round with room management to include pm treatment on a regular basis. Excited to see what happens while pic two is the thinned and spread out veg room when really it still looks full even after taking over a half of the room. I think a lot of that is attested to the 24/0 light schedule. In my experience it boosted plant growth big time, in a matter of 4 days on that schedule I went from wanting to start flower Nov 1 to starting today..... Yeah! So argue what you must I can only attest to what I have seen. If I waited another week the plants would have been to big. Also in the field found pic 2 is the mk ultra, purps, afghan k, amnesia, critical ssh, sleestack, and sage sour. A majority is still c9d which I hope to start soon in the other flower room. Take care everyone
Damn its been 20 years since i have seen that
many seedlings.. I am going to have to start from
the beginning

But nice looking batch


hey there LegacyTron glad you could stop by, to be honest the diesel influence in this strain leaves it a little leafy but still very sticky and aromatic. Kinda was looking for something more of the mini bowling pin to small pineapple type of producing cola, I had the seed stock and didnt want to wait to veg up a mom take cuts, grow out and then flower so I decided to wet the beans. It did very well topped so we shall see what single colas do. I was a little discouraged after transplanting the sites leaving them looking stressed but with cold night with no lights and a healthy watering they said lets go kicking them into bloom period right away.

I have one issue Im still dealing with and thats odor, running a portabale ac unit with the exhaust dumping marijuana odor molecules into the crawl space and then to the street. Last run, I had the air conditioner outlet tube sitting next to a 6 inch scrubber with a can of ona masking gel next to it. This time Im going to actually build a styroboard box allow the portable ac exhaust dump into that inclosed box and then within the box I will have a 6 inch scrubber then dumping the air into the crawl space. I figured this way there is no open free odor exhaust it has to pass thru a carbon scrubber first before going into the crawl space and the street.

I figure I have about 4 weeks, it seems on the last run right around day 30 it started to get stinky with the sage sour another diesel influenced strain.


Damn its been 20 years since i have seen that
many seedlings.. I am going to have to start from
the beginning

But nice looking batch

ok but you can skip the part where I mowed down a room full of both healthy moms and clones when my airconditioner failed

I have run this strain before from seed, you can go back to pages 2 and 3 see what they did topped, 2 to 3 phenos, small medium and large all same nose and structure

Thanks HillBilly1
ps Im just a border east, wanting to go to my property in the hills and do 100 gal bags, that there crazy cookie you have looks mmmmalicious
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Active member
Ok I will start a couple pages back..

Well quit
Messing around and head out this way..

Thanks for the nice words about the Cookie, I just
Finished a nice Pipe load and it and thinking about
A nap lol but I will get caught up her soon


I have been reading where folks are not getting effective odor control by pulling preheated ac exhaust air thru a scrubber, so not wanting to experiment with putting hot air in a fabricated styroboad box and attempting to pull odor I'm going the direction of panda poly and separating the cold air discharge from the intake portion of the ac. Both flower rooms have closets that have utility area on back side so a lung hole will be easy. I figured why mess with odor control go with what will work and to be honest letting the hot air straight out the unit the way it was designed will probably be way better long run.

Giving transition feed tonight, I also read where a fellar who uses promix gets best results by keeping it wet as it a soiless medium and the watering helps airate the roots. I know for a fact that I have let containers get way to dry in the past. Perhaps every third night, full ppm feed with cal mag followed by reduced mix to a 20% ratio. Same feller also stated That he believed straight water in soiless can lead to flush shock, well seeing how much early yellow I had on last run I certainly don't think it will hurt as the c9d is a hungry line anyways.


20 mins till my lights turn on , then it's work time for me :p

Would you ever believe that 144 plants in 1 liter pots would be doing 10grams per plant single cola with my setup or no chance (4x4 tent 2x600w)? i was thinking 60 in 3 litter pots but ppl around also do 144 in 1-liter...(no way i make 144 clones lol) so just educational


Ya know I'm not sure I hope u see 144 x 14
7 hours for me. Already rehearsing the container pull, floor plan shift, mix, Handfeed, replacing pulled plants take pic, and close door.
I have to strip down another 100 gals of used soiless tonight too. Less not forgetting to water veg room too..... Busy busy


Dog gone this odor control with a portable really has my head spinning, at least I have some time being its day 2. While surveying the room I noticed the hood power lines running into the closet which will make things a lil more interesting for doing a poly condom between the portable ac and the soon to be odor filled room. Another issue was the 8 inch carbon scrubber that's also in the closet next to the ac, where would it go? On the floor and sacrifice sight #s.... Ahhh no way Jose, lol. I was becoming frustrated trying to resolve this very important thing in the expression of LegacyTron. What was I going to do hang poly and then cut a bunch of holes in it for duct, cords, and the such? Kinda defeats the purpose. I even began thinking about mini splits which isnt condusive to my environment having a condenser running outside when most folks have their windows open for mild winters. So I just dropped my bags of frustration and asked what I believe to be the supreme energy of the universe for a solution. No kidding no more than a couple of minutes after sitting down for a bowl the clarity in mind came to me, and I might just have to do a new small thread with a pic so that others may get sum ideas, as odor control with portables is not a highly resolved topic on the net. Well here's what the thought is.... Incase the ac unit in its entireity within 2 inch construction styroboard, yep I'm gravitating to the board again. Cut a hole for the discharge tube and caulk around it for a seal, make another hole for a 6 inch flex duct which will lead from the intake radiator out the back of the closet to the utility room which has no odor and have a small fan blowing air into keeping airflow to the intake side of the unit. The fan won't be inline, it will be there providing just enough pressure so that the unit doesn't starve for air exchange in its styrobox. Bang boom box and done.... Now all that's left go to the orange home store get a sheet of u know what, some caulk and construction adhesive. This thing is probably going to look pretty ghetto but for less than 35 bucs and a couple hours build time I can sit back and relax to the idea that Joe blow won't know what I'm baking. Of course my idea incorporates the fact that a separate area free of odor is reqd and I'm not sure if most portable users have that freedom. I may even put a sealed access on the box to add a container of ona as that should really take the skunk out of the equation. Thank u supreme energy for the clarity in thought. Everyone take good care..... Happy grow season and God bless ya


Weeding out some weed plants. These ones pictured were lacking in growth or displayed mutant growth so they were removed from the veg field. Starting flower round 10 in the next three days as I should have the south flower room cleaned and plants transplanted in that time frame. Unfortunately the room will only be 75% capacity of operations shoe horn. The good thing is along with the c9d I will be looking at some sleestack and da purps, both regular beans, during flower round 10. Here's a twist... Once the second flower room is baking I'm going to continue veggin the afgan kush, mk ultra, sage sour, amnesia haze, and critical ssh at night under metal halides and placing in the sun during the day. I have been itching to do some outdoor veg and its about the the time of year for where I'm at. Take care and medicate


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Hello there, hope everyone had a good trick treating, been busy here. Managed to get flower room south fired up again it will be designated flower round 10. It consists of c9d, purps, and sleestack skunk, see pics one and two. While op shoe horn is coming along nicely at day 7 in north room, see pics 3 and 4. While the last pic is down to veggie FEMS.... Sage sour, mk ultra, afghan kush, critical ssh, and amnesia. With the better part of 9 weeks to veg Im going to scrog those out.


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