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Sarah Palin, Marijuana Law Reformer?


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal


BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Sarah Palin in favor of cannabis relegalization????

HAHHAAH yo i just spit whisky alll ove ther screen from laughing too hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!


They offered her 25K, but her standard fee is 75K, then on top of that pitance, they make a demand? They need to come up about 50K more just to be taken seriously.

And anyone critisizing her - could you point to another politician who would show up at that venue for any amount of money?

As a supporter of states rights and jury nullification, she'll do just fine on the marijuana issue as president. :)

From AK local:

WHEREAS, September 5, 2008, will mark the 338th anniversary of the day when the jury, in the trial of William Penn, refused to convict him of violating England’s Conventicle Acts, despite clear evidence that he acted illegally by preaching a Quaker sermon to his congregation.

WHEREAS, by refusing to apply what they determined was an unjust law, the Penn jury not only served justice, but provided a basis for the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment rights of freedom of speech, religion, and peaceable assembly.

WHEREAS, September 5th, 2008, also commemorates the day when four of Penn’s jurors began nine weeks of incarceration for finding him not guilty. Their later release and exoneration established forever the English and American legal doctrine that it is the right and responsibility of the trial jury to decide on matters of law and fact.

WHEREAS, the Sixth and Seventh Amendments are included in the Bill of Rights to preserve the right to trial by jury, which in turn conveys upon the jury the responsibility to defend, with its verdict, all other individual rights enumerated or implied by the U.S. Constitution, including its Amendments.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Sarah Palin, Governor of the State of Alaska, do hereby proclaim September 5, 2008, as: Jury Rights Day in Alaska, in recognition of the integral role the jury, as an institution, plays in our legal system.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
As a supporter of states rights and jury nullification, she'll do just fine on the marijuana issue as president. :)


WOW listen to this ass hat!!!!! sarah palin could spend the next 2+ years on her knees orally pleasuring every man, woman and child and she still wouldnt have a chance for 2012


Well-known member
Sarah Palin in favor of cannabis relegalization????

HAHHAAH yo i just spit whisky alll ove ther screen from laughing too hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had scotch coming out my nose as well, after reading it.

Sarah Palin isn't even qualified to work in a Tennis Ball Factory, putting air into tennis balls.

She is nothing but your typical media-whore, who's political desires far exceed her true abilities.

She's a bad joke which cant be taken seriously.



I'll ask again:
And anyone critisizing her - could you point to another politician who would show up at that venue for any amount of money?

I realize there is an ingrained hatred for Palin, especially by racists, and sexists (shown above in all their glory) but how about citing a specific policy you don't like, or a specific action (exluding long debunked trash your side made up).

Seems to me anyone on the other side of the aisle is incapable of citing anything factual about Palin. Yet they fully support a marxist by either ignoring his complete and proven ineptitude or creating lies to cover it up. Odd times we're facing.

But its OK, the lefts only argument seems to be to portray someone on the right as "stupid". You did it with Reagan, Bush, Bush again, And now Palin.

Also, the old "I spit up my drink" comeback is going on about a decade past its prime. IOW - its older than my grandpas coonskin rubber. Unless you really did spit up your drink. Then I'd say you need to practice drinking. Maybe a sippy cup till you get the hang of it. :)


I'll ask again:

I realize there is an ingrained hatred for Palin, especially by racists, and sexists (shown above in all their glory) but how about citing a specific policy you don't like, or a specific action (exluding long debunked trash your side made up).

Seems to me anyone on the other side of the aisle is incapable of citing anything factual about Palin. Yet they fully support a marxist by either ignoring his complete and proven ineptitude or creating lies to cover it up. Odd times we're facing.

But its OK, the lefts only argument seems to be to portray someone on the right as "stupid". You did it with Reagan, Bush, Bush again, And now Palin.

Also, the old "I spit up my drink" comeback is going on about a decade past its prime. IOW - its older than my grandpas coonskin rubber. Unless you really did spit up your drink. Then I'd say you need to practice drinking. Maybe a sippy cup till you get the hang of it. :)

Show me someone who goes public for what they believe in, not for money...

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
I'll ask again:

I realize there is an ingrained hatred for Palin, especially by racists, and sexists (shown above in all their glory) but how about citing a specific policy you don't like, or a specific action (exluding long debunked trash your side made up).

Seems to me anyone on the other side of the aisle is incapable of citing anything factual about Palin. Yet they fully support a marxist by either ignoring his complete and proven ineptitude or creating lies to cover it up. Odd times we're facing.

But its OK, the lefts only argument seems to be to portray someone on the right as "stupid". You did it with Reagan, Bush, Bush again, And now Palin.

Also, the old "I spit up my drink" comeback is going on about a decade past its prime. IOW - its older than my grandpas coonskin rubber. :)

I feel like the more I talk with die-hard right wing republicans, the more positive I am that we are going to turn into a society that mimicks the society in the film "Idiocracy".

I am looking forward to the election of President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho.


President Camacho is a porn star and five-time ultimate smackdown wrestling champion!!!!

He will serve up a can of whoop ass if you cross him. He will stomp your ass if you don't!




Actually you are talking with a 20 year straight card carrying libertarian. So, after you are finished with the lame ass jokes, maybe you could answer the question I posed. Apparently you can't. But I'm the stupid one huh?

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
No, answer the question.

....so we're supposed to respect her because she do anything you want her to for a little bit of cash? Where i'm from we have a different name for women of that nature:tiphat:


....so we're supposed to respect her because she will say anything you want her to for a little bit of cash?

Where do you get that conclusion, from her refusal to say something for cash? Now name some other serious politician who would show up at a pro legalization rally for 25k.

I'm for legalization of ALL drugs. Heroin, crack, huffing paint, shooting paint, whatever someone wants to do to themselves is fine by me. But I'm not dumb enough to demand that someone I vote for come out in favor of full legalization of every substance.

I'm not only agaisnt gay marriage, I'm against ALL marriage. At least the governments recognition of marriage. Government has no business knowing that marriage exists at all. Palin isn't against all marriage. I'd still vote for her over the marxist currently occupying the White House. Actually, you could take a retarded person, knock them out with a bat, put them in the presidency and they would cause less destruction than the guy in office right now.


Personally I feel America and the world will continue in a downward spiral, so...

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
I was going to come and make a comical remark regarding Sarah Palin, but knowing this is as far as she will ever make it is far enough for me......




Active member
ICMag Donor
Herb, you do realize that the left's intense attention on Palin shows that they are very, very concerned about her validity. If not, she wouldn't even be in the headlines.
She is so very threatening to you folks on the left, so much so that you seem to be obsessed.
What is funny is that you folks on the left always feel like the majority of the nation feels just like you do about people, like Palin. Here is the thing though...the left is the minority in this nation, and the center/right dominates. So, no matter what you leftists think is best, or what you want...it just aint gonna happen without at least the support of the middle of the road centerists.

See, the leftist leadership knows this, so they..with the help of the media as well as academia...mount the campaigns of demonizing and your basic divisive throwing of mud. This gets you simple folks all fired up, and the circus ensues.
I find your fear amusing.


Sarah represents most of what I find frustrating about society.

Her smug attitude that if the puritanical naive answers she offers up are criticized or logically shot down, the citizens expressing opposition are a bunch of dumb ignorant fools led by some imaginary media tune, or are godless heathens that need conversion.
All wrapped up in a nice little MILF/T&A package that gets 100's of thousands of dollars per appearance.

I feel total lack of trust with either party and will be voting against all incumbents that don't support individual rights over property rights.

Hoosier I love your grow threads and respect your skills, but I find your faith and belief in the right very funny too.
Its just a hammer in the right hand instead of the left, a hammer is a hammer.
We are the nails.

Peace :joint: