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don't tell me these will be seeds!?


New member
don't tell me these will be seeds!? please !



State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
dont look like seeds to me... if you get any youll notice them popping out the top first... all flower females have this fat sacks on the nodes...


Active member
They are what could be seeds if you had a male plant(or a hermi) in there with them, but most female plants will show some false seed pods. When they are dried out, they will be like the "skin" that is on he outside of seeds, just without the seed.


european ganja growers
she looks fine to me bro...if your worried go and nick it with your nail and see (i bet there is NO seed developing)....

keep it green

master shake

Active member
How long have they been flowering? looks like around 24 days and that young they shouldn't be showing that many hairs turning brown; that means they could have been pollinated. Look for some little yellow sacks, typically you'll find em at the bottom of a budsite well hidden.

Also, you can pluck off one of those pods to see if there's a seed forming inside.


the flowers on the stalk are pre flowers and always appear larger and as if pollinated but they are not..however your plant does have a lot of red hairs for so early into flowering..looks like you could have a bannana somewhere just look for yellow dust under the plants or on buds

Denial N Error

Just looks swollen, you can always poke one to see if its empty or not :O


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Have you gone on Nanner Patrol? The yellow spot just above center is a nanner. When they're low in number you can just pick them out. Lacking these or males, the only way for seeds to appear is if you're sucking pollen into your grow through the intakes.



hi kornholio my friend is growing White Rhino and has the some of things and is not seeds , but double chek with yours mate because is a diferent strain. but they look good!!


burnt out og'er
Probably just a fat calyx like most people are saying here, however on those fat preflower calyxes just below some of your flowers I would keep an eye on.
Give em another week and see if they're not starting to split open slightly from a bean forming within them, pinch with fingers to feel for hardness.


Non Conformist


I dunno fellers, some of those hairs look spent.... This thread was started almost a month ago, so I'm sure the OP knows by now. For the sake of everyone learning, please post and let us know if it was or not. Thanks, BC


burnt out og'er
I dunno fellers, some of those hairs look spent.... This thread was started almost a month ago, so I'm sure the OP knows by now. For the sake of everyone learning, please post and let us know if it was or not. Thanks, BC

heh heh wow I didnt even see the date on this thread BC.
It does remind me of a thread that happened here a while back from stonedstoner, where everybody told him it was just a few fat calyxes and I ended up being ridiculed by several folks for telling him I could visually see a bean peaking out of one of his split open preflowers. He even said nope none there heh heh

Then low and behold a couple weeks later, I get a pm from him offering his apology that indeed the plants had been slightly seeded by one of his plants that had tossed out a few un-noticed nanners. I'm still waiting for him to post to his thread and confirm it in public.


Non Conformist
Well.... umm.... uhhh.... Hey, at least ya got the PM, right?!? lol!

Really though, if someone asks a question here in the infirmary, they need ta post the end results, right, wrong, or otherwise, so others can learn from it. Take care... BC