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San Diego's Finest Cuts


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ICMag Donor
esco-WOW-(and i hit those keys hard too!) those girls are lookin badass. i have heard of the planewreck-but fill me in a little would ya? anyways-nice pics- and that mk back aways-great job-lookin forward to seein more.....sub


Active member
Dragor said:
Damn GT - sounds like something I would do too LOL, glad to hear your intelligence and understanding of plant's needs came to the rescue! That's what growing is all about, dealing with the challenges and learning from mistakes (sometimes it needs to be first-hand haha ;))....

Actually when I think about it - I think that damn CMH light I put them all under after transitioning from T5's was what set off the burn reaction on my Chemist... plus the overfeed -> I am still trying to figure out what the real benefits of CMH are... to this day... nothing positive, maybe someone here who's used it can give some insight...

I'm putting the CMH thoughts to rest for me after this last test....I'm ordering the Growzilla hood that holds 2 bulbs in 1 reflector....(2) 400's 800 watts of CMH over half of a 3x6 and a 600 watt hps over the other half......my money is on the 600 hps outperforming it...we'll see

If this bulb doesnt do the trick..I'm never fucking with them again



Ossy - nice nice... glad to hear you chime in on this baffling subject... I totally forgot you had CMH experience - that experiment should definitely set the subject straight once and for all - I trust your expertise on this... CMH thread seemed like an advertising gig for the select few (no names) who keep dropping tons of confusing information on it, I just looked at the graph, saw a cheap bulb on eBay, bought it, and dealt with all sorts of issues left and right - does the Growzilla have glass barrier and aircooled? I would suggest installing one, unless they will be way high up and have passive cooling (a/c and what not) cause that shit is toaster oven hot - a frickin 250 puts off so much heat I can only imagine 2x 400 CMH - please be careful I don't wanna see you suffer the shit I went through... look forward to hearing the ongoing results - thanks again for da valuable contribution! ++karma++


Resident pissy old man
I transition from CFL and shop lights to a 1000W conversion MH and find that I have to keep the MH light quite high for 3-4 days to harden off the plants. They are not used to that bright light. I wonder if the color spectrum has anything to do with it or if it is just heat and light intensity. I use air cooling, so I don't think it is heat. I doubt that spectrum would do it. My CFl and shop lights are all 6500K daylight bulbs and the MH is around 4000-4100K. I switch them to HPS for flower.


Pops - I concur that it's probably not the spectrum change that causes disruption in the photosynthetic processes, rather the lumens/intensity that can "poison" the plants... as far as heat goes, that's the major pitfall of CMH imho, seems one needs more CFMs to air cool those than traditional MH (HPS being the lowest in heat production?)...

On another note Pops... I wanted to pick your brain for a minute... Was telling Greyskull yesterday how I only smoke sativa or sativa-dominant herbs because the high cbd in indicas I think triggers some weird kinda depression in my body (both mental and physical) - have you found this to be the case with any of the patients you care for? Also, do you have any feedback about sativas (high THC) being more effective in stimulating appetite (forgot the medical term for this)? Your input is always of great value to our online community here...


what up sub... the plane is trainwreck x afghani ,70 days , kills trainwreck IMO,smells more like afghani then train, kinda like afgooey but a lil diff(puffing afgooey as i type) some peeps have straight up barf'd off of it the taste was so strong, makes killer bubble aswell . i havent given her a run in awhile though, ever since i got the SDXOG i started to run her in its place.

that master came out about as good as i think it could , i grew it a couple times just wasnt what i was looking for, i was told it was related to so cal kush which wasnt the case, taste was total afghani, nice but not the "kush".

Grow Tech

I've got a stalk of sinsemilla growing in my back
Hey Guys,
I've been trying to get my thoughts into a post but not having much luck. Basically...I think maintaining some similarity in light spectrum is adventageous when going from one setup to the another. I'll try to figure a way to elaborate later.



Resident pissy old man
Dragor said:
Pops - I concur that it's probably not the spectrum change that causes disruption in the photosynthetic processes, rather the lumens/intensity that can "poison" the plants... as far as heat goes, that's the major pitfall of CMH imho, seems one needs more CFMs to air cool those than traditional MH (HPS being the lowest in heat production?)...

On another note Pops... I wanted to pick your brain for a minute... Was telling Greyskull yesterday how I only smoke sativa or sativa-dominant herbs because the high cbd in indicas I think triggers some weird kinda depression in my body (both mental and physical) - have you found this to be the case with any of the patients you care for? Also, do you have any feedback about sativas (high THC) being more effective in stimulating appetite (forgot the medical term for this)? Your input is always of great value to our online community here...

Dragor, it depends on when you harvest the plant and how you cure it. Fresh plants that are harvested when the trics are cloudy have almost no CBN. CBN is a degraded form of THC that is only 10% as psychoactive as THC. If you harvest an Indica when the trics are half cloudy(no amber) you should not get any CBN. THc is at its most potent when the trics are cloudy and starts to degrade as trics turn amber. It also degrades during the cure, due to heat, light and air. We are constantly enjoined by others to wait until the trics turn amber, but that is not always good for some of us. I harvest at 20%amber for our patients, but when clear and 50% cloudy for myself. The effects of an indica strain VS a sativa strain has to be due to other factors than THC or CBN.

You would expect a 15%THC indica strain to have the same effect as a 15% THC sativa strain, if THC is the only determining factor. Since this is not true, we must assume that there is another factor(or factors) involved, such as combinations of cannabinoids or terpenes that affect the "stone". Some strains from S. Africa, nigeria, Afghanistan, India,Pakistan and Nepal contain high levels of THCV, a CB1 receptor antagonist. Some of these same plants also contain high levels of CBD(in the unworked strain). CBD is also a CB1 receptor antagonist. CBD can keep you from getting as stoned and THCV prolongs the time that THC is in your body. We know very little about the effects of combinations of cannabinoids on the body and next to nothing about whether terpenes affect the way our body uses THC. You might try harvesting an indica early to see if you get the same physical effects that you get from one harvested later.

My daughter uses Ak-47 to fight depression as do several of our med patients. C-99 can also work for some. Most folks use sativas to fight depression and Indicas to fight anxiety, however my daughter also uses Ak-47 for mild anxiety. The Chinese Yunnan Indica also seems to help with anxiety.

Back on the MH issue. A 1000W MH has about 110,000 lumens ,while a HPS has 130-140,000 lumens. However, I believe that a MH puts off more heat. I don't have as much trouble transferring small plants to a HPS as I do a MH. I agree about needing more airflow to handle a MH.
Last edited:


Resident pissy old man
Grow Tech said:
Hey Guys,
I've been trying to get my thoughts into a post but not having much luck. Basically...I think maintaining some similarity in light spectrum is adventageous when going from one setup to the another. I'll try to figure a way to elaborate later.


GT, I go from CFL(6500K) to MH(4000-4100K) to HPS(2000-2100K). This takes the plants through the veg spectrum to the bloom spectrum. I have gone from start to finish with HPS, but notice that the plants tent to stretch more and have much more internodal space.

Shan Diego

I mixed spectrums this time in my flower chamber, and I thought there was a clear difference in the plants sitting in between the MH and HPS bulbs. Those with a mix of light had greater and earlier crystallization than those with brighter HPS alone. It even showed on the sun leaves...


Resident pissy old man
Shan, I am going to try that myself in my little clone area. I have been using all daylight bulbs(6500k), but plan on mixing in some warm white to add a different spectrum. I think that mixing the spectrums might aid in overall growth.


Pops - gracias por la informacia! I completely catch your intent to differentiate between harvest/grower-related strain results vs actual genetic-related strain results... (i.e. cbn vs cbd as "depressive" factors) --> I find from my past growing experience, when I have harvested at the 50cloudy/50clear (either sativa/indica), before noticing any signs of amber'ism, that I get results too racy and the restless leg syndrome kick in... yet when I wait til I can just barely start to see amber'ism (5-10% tops) that I get the most perfect medicinal qualities from the harvest (mainly sativas, as indicas bring me down under those same harvest situations), seems I walk a fine line when it comes to my tolerability to trichome maturity... I really think that this "cannabinoid profile" thing has a lot to do with it (which labs/organizations are doing the best research on this topic? I am ready to donate money for the cause...) And your point about terpenes having a strong effect I think that's more than just a hypothesis... most of the strains I've come to hold dearly have been ones that also give me a very uplifting aromatherapy effect from the fresh buds... here's my crazy thought of the day on this subject: if we were to exhale the smoked bud matter through our nose, which holds the sensory receptors, directly connected to the brain, would we feel more of the terpenoid effects from that particular strain, or do terpenes get altered in the combustion process? [Rambles on as the time reverts]... about the THCv thing - so it keeps THC in the system longer? So strains with more of it will keep you higher longer? Could it be that it is a "cb1 receptor Agonist" and not an antagonist? I've had strains like Malawi (Africa) and Satori (Nepal) that stimulated my thoughts to an entirely new level, very very interesting stuff this THCv is...
Let's try to keep this discussion going, I think there's a lot to be shared on this subject, and please, everyone, chime in too..


Resident pissy old man
Some doctors believe that there are several cannabinoids that have medical value. We already know that THC and CBD, the 2 most common, have a lot of medical properties. Right now, THCV is in Phase 2 trials in the U.K. by G.W. Pharm. for treatment of Type 2 diabetes. Some folks also believe that GBG(Cannabigerol,the precurser of THC, CBD and CBC) may have medical properties along with CBC(cannabichromene). CBC is anti-inflammatory, as is beta Caryophyllene, a dietary cannabinoid, also found in Oil of Cinnamon,Oil of Oregano and Oil of Sweet Basil.

THCV is considered an antagonist at CB1 as it attenuates the effects of THC. It will not get you high. Sam the Skunkman said that he has tried pure THCV and it does nothing.

Since, cannabinoids are terpenophenolic compounds, they are similar to terpenes, of which, there are from 160 to 200 in cannabis. Some terpenes cause irritations of the eyes or skin in some people. I have an online friend in Israel who is an organic chemist, whose specialty is organoleptics(the study of smell and taste). He told me that some terpenes definately affect the type of high. Myrcene produces a heavier high and limonene and pinene produce a lighter high. So far, Greenhouse Seeds are the only commercial breeders who have paid any attention to terpenes. They list the major terpenes in each of their strains.


great info>>>
i believe the same^^^.when seperating/ harvesting thc>>>the different bags>>grab different sizes>>>all the same pot...same hash>>different meshes>>>have different felling when smoked;)different smells>>>textures>>>and feelings>>.from same herb>>


Resident pissy old man
Dragor, I don't know if terpenes get altered by combustion. Some folks claim that there is a difference in taste from smoking and vaping bud. Vaping heats at much lower temps and would not alter the terpenes as much. Since the smell of pot changes during the cure, I would suggest that there are changes in terpene levels through time. Some may dissipate and others grow stronger. Many terpenes have qualities that make them useful as natural pesticides. Oxidation will change a terpene to a terpenoid, but I will be fucked if I know the difference. I believe that both THc and CBd are natural anti-oxidants, which is one reason the U.S. Government put a patent on them for the medical value that they say it doesn't have. The other reason was for neuroprotective values(Gee, another medical value).

I have rambled on enough. Time to drive into town and pick up my son,who is flying in from Florida. I have spent the weekend building wheelchair ramps and handicapped grab bars around the house. I have not seen my son since he came down with ALS and he warned me that he has really gown downhill. It will be strange seeing my husky, muscular son using a walker or wheelchair and not being able to use his hands much. He is why I study this shit, most of which is over this old mans head.


Resident pissy old man
Morning,JS. I forgot to add that at least 5 of the most common cannabinoids have antibacterial effects which show promise in treating multiresistant bacterial strains like staph and MRSA.

Grow Tech

I've got a stalk of sinsemilla growing in my back
Grow Tech said:
Hey Guys,
I've been trying to get my thoughts into a post but not having much luck. Basically...I think maintaining some similarity in light spectrum is adventageous when going from one setup to the another. I'll try to figure a way to elaborate later.


Hey Friends,
I'll try to explain....
I have tried veging under MH then going straight to HPS. I found that my plants would stall for about a week, and then push out new foliage that depending on strain, often looked just a little different than was being produced prior.
I am now a big fan of 6500K T5 bulbs ( Fulham workhorse ballasts rock)and have found that if I use them in my nursery and then include them as supplemental in my HPS room that I avoid the stalling I mentioned earlier. The best situation I have found personally was when I also include a little HPS in my nursery along with the floros.

Here's my basic hypothesis-
Plants are capeable of producing leaves that are specifically "tuned" for their specific growing environment. I present the visible difference that can be witnessed if you were to grow one clone of a particular strain in a lower light situation vs how that plant would look in a high light situation as support. If the light spectrum changes dramatically & suddenly ( vs gradual changes that occur in nature) it seems logical to me that existing foliage would not be optimally suited for the new flavor of light. This is why I try to dovetail my lighting sources as I go from veg to bloom.

Pops solution -
CFL(6500K) to MH(4000-4100K) to HPS(2000-2100K)
may very well br graduated enough that his girls transition without skipping a beat. Do you ever mix light sources Pops? ( ie CFL+MH or MH+HPS )

Of course....I'm the dumbsh1t that posted recently about how poorly I transitioned my nursery to my flower room this last time frying my babies in the process. So much for gradual transitions allowing for optimal leaf tuning :cuss:

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Vantranist said:
no but looks are just about all that matters 2 the people who buy it.

Ill smoke some stress anyday i don't care.

EDIT, and i don't really have that much time to build up reputation on an online forum, but thanks for the info.

once i get started on my 2-4 kw grow im sure my rep will skyrocket, but i need 2 know what 2 grow first ^^

I plan on just getting about 20 different strains from different co-ops and running them all at the same time and see what cut bests suits my purposes.

You guys didnt really expect me to read through 120 pages of posts did you?
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

another no experience,, get rich quick schemer???

wait:::hes rocking 4k??? careful not to over load your grid :asskick:

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