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San Diego's Finest Cuts



Hey Caligreen...what kind of Stone beer is that? I live in a small town and not much access to Stone stuff but love it. Some of their limited release ales are over the frikkin top. A hopheads dream!

Man I just went to a small town for a vacation recently and I had to SEARCH but I found two places with stone beer!! I understand it can be hard to find though and that sucks cuz stone is a real man beer and I went to the tour at the brewery they even said that hops has just been proven to prevent prostate cancer in men. So two glasses(or 7 lol for me) a day is recommended haha.

I have been loving their limited release called "cali belgi"(belgium) it's a stone IPA(indian pale ale) crossed with a Belgian style beer. I say crossed because I look at beers like I look at weed ;)

Right now I'm getting faded off my other growler I picked up full of Ruination, it's like 7.7% alc I think and it's tasting decent after it warms up a bit. I poured it into a frozen mug when it was already cold as fuck so it needed to come down in temp. IMO.

So here's that "Elvis" plant I am working with, looking dank!!!!!

Oh and I made some cookies and oil today:muahaha:

Honestly edibles never get me feeling to different even when I used an ounce one time...So I used about 10 grams of my outdoor and came out with a 1/4 cup of oil for the chocolate batch and 4 tbs of oil for my peanut butter cookies. I don't think they'll do much for me but there fun to eat, and maybe some of my sober friends will enjoy them haha. Alright PEACE


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
caligreen said:
Man I just went to a small town for a vacation recently and I had to SEARCH but I found two places with stone beer!! I understand it can be hard to find though and that sucks cuz stone is a real man beer and I went to the tour at the brewery they even said that hops has just been proven to prevent prostate cancer in men. So two glasses(or 7 lol for me) a day is recommended haha.

I have been loving their limited release called "cali belgi"(belgium) it's a stone IPA(indian pale ale) crossed with a Belgian style beer. I say crossed because I look at beers like I look at weed ;)

Right now I'm getting faded off my other growler I picked up full of Ruination, it's like 7.7% alc I think and it's tasting decent after it warms up a bit. I poured it into a frozen mug when it was already cold as fuck so it needed to come down in temp. IMO.

So is this "Cali-Belgi" a IPA and a wheat beer blended? I know not all belgians are wheat beer but I could see those crazy Stone bastards doing that =)

I cant wait to be back in an area that actually takes shipment of Stone beer, I will have to settle for Rogue on tap though (not close but will do in a pinch)

ow yeah, drink up bud! Save that prostate! haha


New member
^^^ D-BAG

Caligreen your the shit. i really want the c99 and GI strain you have. i love early finishers. the earliest i have is TW and thats like 45-50. Do they produce pretty well???


lol Slackerbri, it had to be said man I'm sorry to be a dick but I'm sure most of you understand.

Rushdog-Yea the C99 is done at around 55-65 depending on when you prefer and fills out dense and is a very great yield IMO. The GI yields less, but finishes faster, I'd say she is completely done by day 55 while C99 could go longer. I had a TW that was done in 45 too, she was one of the frostiest plants I've ever seen and I have some beans from her hermie flowers that might be worth while, but the TW didn't yield as well as the GI and didn't come close to the C99 so I don't have her in my lineup anymore.



I need to be a bit more patient with my girls. I think the way to look at it is one day at a time. I just went and checked my ladies (day 57 today) and feeling inspired I'll let them go another day or 2.


New member
What up fellas!

What up fellas!

I'm a SD man via Louisiana that was sent this was by a friend (TD), Thanks bro! Very nice site bro, I used to post at overgrow a while back but haven't really been doin the forums since it went down.....still been growing though :canabis: I've actually got some cuts from APE right now, I think a cherry AK, some Grape Apes, a mendo purp, c99s. I'll post some pics up manana. I look forward to meeting some of you and maybe even organizing a party or two. Everyone's pics look amazing! Keep it up guys! yall take care




Don't be sorry, I dont think anything dick was said at all as you could have been way harsher. I am all about safety so it definately made me raise an eyebrow to see that post the first and now second time.

Patience is a virtue, if it's going to come out at all like the MTF then the wait will be well worth it.

Welcome, enjoy. Whats up with TD how is he?

Here is my Banana Kush baby, she is about 10"-12" tall and will be hanging out in veg for a while, she's a beaut eh'

Here is a GDP I was gifted as well, she has been topped once and is filling out a bit now. I put the top cutting into a Jiffy using some Olivia's and she's got some grip and stability after just 2 days. I've also got another GDP baby I was gifted with from another friend, I'll do comparative shots along the way but they are about 3 weeks apart from each other.

Thanks again to all those who've graced me with these and other fine genetics, it's been greatly appreciated.
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Wazup SD crew
Nice to have ya here kali'mister, this thread would take forever to get through but a nice long bud story indeed ;) as for the risky business of trading, is out of the question, shouldn't have to post publicly for that, if you know someone well enough it shouldn't be a problem procuring cuts personally... good luck building rep, when there's a will there's a way (bob). slackerbri that's a fine looking Banana Kush, have heard it holds great potency, look forward to seein what you do with her. I have some stuff in veg too right now, topped and trained for a month now...
chemist (aka mustang mist)


kali mist bx1's

Fall is the best time for indoor growing so I'm sure we'll be seeing a surge in quality of pics soon ;) keep up the positive attitude everyone... cannabis is the cure for centuries to come...


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
the dago crew is revvin up again!
--slacker-that banana kush gonna be sweet! im smokin somadat gdp right now and it is fine!!!!!!!
---kalim-welcome. tell td he should get back on the boards too!!!!lol
--dragor-found some of that stonehedge x skunk you grew, that shit is stroooong! i love it when i find a lost stash! cant wait too see that white! good luck all.
-gettin my camera back tom. got some girls to photograph-the skunks are thriving and almost done.
--anyways, sounds like some killer pics coming up. :rasta:

Grow Tech

I've got a stalk of sinsemilla growing in my back
Hey SD Amigos,
I got my grow space turned around and a new batch of babies in. This time were looking at C4, Ogre, Black Domina, (Purple)Queen, Blackberry Kush, Ice Cream & Banana. I fu@ked up big time and light poisoned the lil ones by throwing them under my 600w hps for 18hrs after they had spent the last month under low light conditions :wallbash: I now have them with just floros and will slowly start introducing the 600w a few hours each night. They all look like they'll pull out of it with the possibe exception of the Black Domina. Pisses me off because I finally got a verified good cut of the Black Dom and I go and fry the crap out of it. Oh well, live and (try to) learn.


PS- BHT, glad to see ya back! Was starting to wonder if you had gotten lost in the desert.
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don't fuk wit da BHT yo! ;)
sub - that's awesome dude, that shit is probably cured to perfection now, haha maybe you can mine around and find some of that kaia I gave ya too 8-! lol enjoy the smokes dude, more dankalicious nugs coming soon...
growtech - what a bummer mate, I've had that light burn happen to mine too, but since I was only working with a single 250w CMH it wasn't as bad I guess... BD will always be around, no worries, at least you got the mega resistant and tasty Ice Cream in the mix ;P what's the Ogre all about? How's the last batch of C4 treating ya?

Grow Tech

I've got a stalk of sinsemilla growing in my back
Hey Dragor,
I'm likeing the C4. Its developing a mellow, slightly woody, hashy flavor and has a good head to it. One of my best yielders too. Looking forward to getting your impressions down the road.
The Ogre is a mutant Sensi-star cut from what I understand. Got it from a solid source but it was a fairly recent addition to his offerings so well see what it does.


Grow Tech

I've got a stalk of sinsemilla growing in my back
Hi Pops,
This is the last girl I found in a 10-pack. I have also smelt what I could call an astringent celery smell particularly when I rub the plants as they grow. I would characterize the burning smell & taste as possibly on the cedar side. This woody taste was called "hashy" by a fellow patient who has tried it. Not claiming it to be the best tasting herb ever but the combination of yield, potency, and fairly quick finish time will keep her in my garden for awhile. Especially since alot of what i produce goes into edibles which bring their own yummy taste.



Resident pissy old man
No doubt, GT ,that C-4 can bring a punch as its name implies. I have a couple dozen seeds from a C-4 x princess Diesel cross I made to try to improves on the taste. I consider the PD to be giggle weed that relieves stress and C-4 to be effective pain meds. It will be interesting to see how this cross blends, if I ever get time to grow it out. I have been too busy with the land races. I may have to get a tester. I have seeds for 92 strains sitting in my fridge. I will have to live to 145 to grow them all out. Damn. it is hard being a seed whore!

Shan Diego

Wow, Pops, that is a lot of potential!

I just discovered I have the opposite...just found a hermie and have a bunch of unwanted pregnancies on my hands, 5 weeks into flower and things are way too crystally and sticky in there to even spray them off. I'm screwed, right...there is nothing I can do?


Resident pissy old man
Shan, you might want to remove the hermie and lightly mist the rest of the plants. Water kills the pollen. With the kind of humidity in SD, you will want to run a dehumidifier to get the water out to avoid mold. If you see a bunch of buds that have pistils that have turned brown, you have pollinated plants. My daughter just went through the same thing. Hers was a heat problem. Several strains will hermie if it gets too hot. I lost part of a crop earlier this summer when our temps hit 115 outdoors. My a/c couldn't handle it. Like a dumbass, I had the fan on 15%. When i found that out and turned the fan to 95%, my temps dropped 12 degrees.Fortunately, my humidity is half what yours is. Sorry about your loss.
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Finally I see someone else using a botanicle bro bucket! How do you like those things? Ive played with them for the last year or so with so so results. Good for moms though IMO.

Shan Diego

Pops, thanks for the rapid reply. I pulled the hermie, so let's hope it turns out ok...if they stop growin bigger buds, I know I need to pull them. Aside from that, this looks like a bumper crop from my tiny closet.

To get this thread back to SD's finest cuts, I would have to warn you all against this hermie-ing menace...the "Original Diesel" I purchased many months ago from NNCC. Not only was this strain under-performing compared to its other diesel counterparts in terms of smell, taste, yield, and high...but it also may have ruined my bumper crop! Steer clear of the Original Diesel is my advice, and go for their awesome SSSDH or CHeM instead.

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