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San Diego's Finest Cuts


Awesome info dude. I felt my mind expanding while reading through all of that.
I do agree with you that what people are most likely experiencing is prolly just genetic variegation and not a viral infection. Regardless, I do have some clones that compared to all else in a completely healthy environment are experiencing a subtle variegation. It almost appears to be thrip damage or leaf miner. It seems to be effecting chlorophyll synthesis and slowing growth. I'm positive the room is insect free so this has to be a systemic infection of some sort.

Pictures tomorrow.

Peace SD!


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
holy crap, i am officially that stereo typical stoner! i remember reading thru that thread, and i remember feeling a lil bit better, just like now! ha


ya you guys are all tripping/ overracting about the tmv... I have had og cuts that have shown signs of 'tmv' for years... Ive never seen it spread, or noticed any negative effects to the buds... Just a 'eyesore' if you will. Like its been mentioned, when the plants are perfectly healthy you dont even see it show up, but if its stressed/not perfectly fed it will show up lotsss.
The only strains i have seen it on have been og, I have always had other strains touching up against the og's that show the leaf curl, and i have yet to see it spread...

Oh yea and for differences in look on the socalmaster... She is a little bit lankier in the sense of node spacing, but ive also had her get super super tight noding. I couldnt ever imagine the socal cut getting as thick of tight bushing like GT's masterkush pic. The socal also has a more leathery/thick look to the leaves, and a wide indica profile.. I might actually have some pics already uploaded of her in veg


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
well it can spread...i can vouch for that. prob the thrips i had, but it showed up on my gdp cut.


Nibi, You have a line in the Godzookie??? Let me know man, Don't want to profit on it in anyway... It's the best meds I have ever had, Just reading your post got me all excited. Feeling warm and fuzzy right now. It would be a great holiday season with her around!


TMV, I have seen alot of what you guys show as a genetic mutation...Some G13 I have grown in the past had a few leaves similar to the pics, But moreso the leaf curling. Some people have experimented with it by forcing a plant to mutate and possibly create more THC. I'll look for a link later. Just couldn't sleep, especially after reading about the godzooks.


im growing bag seed over here, about 1/16 might have a leaf curl, but i also left them in the seedling container a little to long

Grow Tech

I've got a stalk of sinsemilla growing in my back
ya you guys are all tripping/ overracting about the tmv...

Probably. I started a post very similar to the one that Sub did that sparked this convo but ended up deleting it. I've worked in commercial nurseries & a single plant with a leaf or branch showing verigation isn't given a second thought. Leaf mutations are looked at more closely but usually to see if it's a symptom of pest damage.

Everything being said, I think there is still wisdom to selfing and vaulting the seeds from our most valuable strains.


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
Can anyone give me some feedback on tents? I have a room but the variables are bugging me, thinking it may be easier to just get a tent and get my 600w going in there.



Can anyone give me some feedback on tents? I have a room but the variables are bugging me, thinking it may be easier to just get a tent and get my 600w going in there.
Just bought my first tent...a Jardin DR 120. Got a screamin deal at the local store and the current place forces me to use tents. It will always come in handy. It's a 3' 11" x 3' 11" and plan on putting an air cooled 1000 in there.


You gonna eat it?

ya you guys are all tripping/ overracting about the tmv
Well..I don't see it killing plants. I have seen pics of a grow wiped out by what the grower, very experienced, said was TMV and it happened FAST which is how I understand viruses can work. His roomful of moms died and had to start over from seed. I really find the current issue more interesting than alarming cause virtually everyone seems to feel it does not affect plant vigor, growth, general health or quality.


Its the fucking thrips, whiteflys & other sucking pests that are spreading it...also it looks like us humans could spread it too. Here's a link-
and here's the most relevant part -
Prevention. TMV is spread readily by touch. The virus can survive on clothing in bits of plant debris for about two years, and can easily enter a new plant from a brief contact with a worker's contaminated hands or clothing. Tobacco products can carry the virus, and it can survive on the hands for hours after touching the tobacco product. Ensure that workers do not carry or use tobacco products near the plants, and wash well (with soap to kill the virus) after using tobacco products. Ensure that workers wear clothing not contaminated with tomato, tobacco or other host-plant material. Exclude non-essential people from greenhouses and growing areas.

Choose resistant varieties. Use disease-free seed and transplants, preferably certified ones. Avoid the use of freshly harvested seed (2 years old is best if non-certified seed is used). Seed treatment with heat (2 to 4 days at 158o F using dry seed) or trisodium phosphate (10% solution for 15 minutes) has been shown to kill the virus on the outside of the seed and, often, most of the virus inside the seed as well. Care must be taken to not kill the seeds, though. Use a two-year rotation away from susceptible species. In greenhouses, it is best to use fresh soil, as steaming soil is not 100% effective in killing the virus. If soil is to be steamed, remove all parts of the plant from the soil, including roots. Carefully clean all plant growing equipment and all greenhouse structures that come into contact with plants.

When working with plants, especially when picking out seedlings or transplanting, spray larger plants with a skim milk solution or a solution made of reconstituted powdered or condensed milk. Frequently dip hands, but not seedlings, into the milk. Wash hands frequently with soap while working with plants, using special care to clean out under nails. Rinse well after washing. Tools should be washed thoroughly, soaked for 30 minutes in 3% trisodium phosphate and not rinsed..

Another method for control of this disease is to artificially inoculate plants with a weak strain of the virus. This will not cause symptoms on the plants but protect them against disease-causing strains of the virus. This is used commonly in Europe, but strains of the virus are not yet available in the United States due to concerns about the possibility of the weak virus strains causing disease on the plants.

Cucumber mosaic is spread in a nonpersistant manner by aphids. It is not spread by seed. Control weeds, many of which are host species. Surrounding tomato fields with a taller, non-susceptible plant, such as corn, may help shield the plants from aphids blowing in from other areas. See current recommendations for control of aphids, although it is generally considered that insecticides will not control this disease. The aphids pick the virus up from the plants in about a minute and are able to spread it immediately. Insecticides take longer than this to kill the aphids. Mineral oil sprays can be used to prevent the virus from being transmitted.

i was just about to answer the mans question when GT said

"Its the fucking thrips, whiteflys & other sucking pests that are spreading it..."

that's about what i figured it had to be. as it's the only common denominator....



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
it can kill off a plant if everything is not kept perfect...i let a chem d get all the way dry in the soil, i went to a poker tourney one night from work and she had started to wilt due to lack of water. wasnt horrible, its happened before, but she never recovered, never even close. it displayed all the symptoms of light poisining, and i had the thrips but it was the one plant ive lost to this, and it was as much my error as anything else,but it is an error ive made a number of times over the years, just never seen a plant that couldnt recover. it was still good smoke, just not as good as it could have been.
---i guess what freaked me out was the fact i saw it spread to gdp....i had been thinking it only spread thru shared nutes or water, but it was in there before i got rid of thrips, so i guess thats how it got spread.
---its friday:woohoo:


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
Just bought my first tent...a Jardin DR 120. Got a screamin deal at the local store and the current place forces me to use tents. It will always come in handy. It's a 3' 11" x 3' 11" and plan on putting an air cooled 1000 in there.

Very nice! Good luck with it bud!


viral infection

viral infection

Here's the critical mass clone I picked up from PNC. I'm almost positive this is some form of mosaic virus. This particular variety really lagged up next to the GDP's and Strawberry Creams which are prolly 2x the size. Everything else is lush and healthy as can be. The critical mass clones all have this leaf issue. Any one experience this?


Active member
^ looks like some kind of mv, hope its not. doesnt look like you got it too bad though.. i've seen much bigger color differences then what you have. hope it all comes out well.. : )

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