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San Diegos Finest Cuts #2

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Storm Shadow

Well-known member
Here is my 1 of 2 Kevorkian Seeds from 1996...only one sprouted but WTF is this thing? Odd looking thing....it has trichomes on and its only a couple of weeks old...I've never seen a plant like this b4....hope it is something fun


Damn are you sure that was a weed seed?? lol, looks like ivy or something! Crazy, keep it and flower for sure, ya never know!

Trinity Gold

Is that some Kevorkian bag seed Storm Shadow? Have you seen the Fuego, Junior, Walter, or Afi?

Trinity Gold

How about just calling it what it is..Kevorkian Bag Seed...Fuckin So Cal heads and your silly name games..


TMV, Hell's Angel OG, dang.

TMV, Hell's Angel OG, dang.

Hey yall, I'm looking for some local insight/advice on issues I'm having with what I think is Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), inherited from an OG strain called Hell's Angel that I acquired at PNC about 6 -7 weeks ago. All 5 clones of the HA looked pretty unhealthy from onset, with leaf twisting & curving to the side, leathery leaf surface, yellowing/splotchiness, and slow growth. It's been brought to my attention that some suggest this HA Og cut might have TMV, and after some research on the topic I agree. Greyskull has some good info in another thread on the topic of TMV about similar experience with the same cut... Hope he sees this post to chime in.

We also picked up cuts of 4 other strains at the same time, and have had lots of issues for the past ~2 months now keeping them happy in veg-- and now that I'm tuned in to it, all are showing similar telltale signs of TMV, the expression of which varies from strain to strain. Our setup and room are pretty dialed in, running coco DTW with canna coco and nutes, calibrated meters, simple formula, perfect temp / humidity, many flush outs, etc.. so it's been confusing why things have veg'd so slow, with lots of inconsistency within individuals of the same strain, despite the same feed and environment for each group.. and the leaf signs have been unique to me. Particularly the twisting and bending off to the side, and leaf blades overlapping one another.

Trying to formulate a plan now.. I've read tales of resetting the room and sterilizing everything, only to see such a virus reappear. It's a big set back to cull everything and start fresh, but I've got new cuts now to replace everything, and just want to make sure we don't get a recurring issue. Any thoughts and insights are appreciated!

pic1 = HA OG
pics 2-3 = Diablo Kush
pics 4-5 = Al Walker
pics 6-7 = Chem 4

*edited to include info that I have ordered the TMV test strips and will post results as soon as I get them checked out...


Just getting used to the forums, so I haven't had the chance to start any journals. Is it OK if I just post random pix of plants in here? Sometimes I don't have the stoner power to document everything but I have an interesting shot.

So just yell at me if I fuck up. This is a little Killa Kush girl that I have in a stealth mini-cab grow under CFL. I just FIM topped her and switched to flowering. You can almost see the topped growth (this was taken immediately after the cut) facing you between the uppermost fans. But of course you know that. I'm kinda intimidated by the level of growing talent in these forums. You guys are at a whole 'nother level.

Me, I just love that shade of green...and that purple she shows in this pheno ain't bad neither. :p



"Hey bud, lets party!"
hey max_well... The HA og does have TMV, or whatever 'MV' it is... But none of your pics look like what ive always known as TMV... Seems like a different issue your having

Zen Master

Yeah those look fine.

more than one variety of OG kush has thrown the variegated growth for me, Tahoe and Valley to be specific, however once they get settled in and have quality light, it seems to disappear. I haven't noticed any lack of vigor, rooting, or bud growth problems, everything is lookin fine. Mine are from PNC as well.

when I first saw heavy variegation I freaked and almost culled my plants too, I'm so glad I didn't.

whats your pH at? plants look off a bit.

and the slight curl of a finger of a fan leaf is nothing to stress about, a hard kink might not be nice to look at, but what you showed in the pix looks absolutely normal....


Hey ST and ZM
thanks for your input-- I agree that some of the examples here aren't coincident with the most common reported TMV symptoms and photos i've seen for cannabis; however, there doesn't seem to be a lot of accurate testing / confirmation in most of the threads that I've seen for TMV. What I see in my room is suggestive of some kind of virus, and seems to have spread from the HA OG, which has shown these symptoms from day 1. The test strips I ordered hopefully will make things more clear. My pics aren't the best, I'll try to get some better tonight.
pH has been 5.8 steady (meters calibrated always), lots of flushes with varying EC and calmag concentration controls for each strain ... things really started struggling when more light intensity was introduced (never had high intensity bulb less that 2 ft above though).. , even tried using mixed spectrum light. I too would be dubious about the virus had I not seen Greyskull thread indicating same cut had compromised his whole room (several rounds)
The fact that this cut was in a dispensary, considering it's known to have a virus, and the ability of the virus to spread from plant-to-plant contact, seems pretty negligent... although I've heard varying reports of what to expect from flowering out an infected strain, and maybe the HA can do well despite the virus.. but other strains seem majorly compromised, and I feel it's time to start over and try to get the room sterile as possible...
This paper suggests skim milk of all things as a potential preventative (as effective as bleach in preventing transfer from tool to plant in petunia):
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