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San Diego MMJ Shutdown

It's so fucked up, there is some seriously sick people out there & all the people cheating the system are fucking it up. If you have a med license for recreation Karma is gonna catch up with you one of these days.

Wish everyone the best of luck.


PNC is closed permanently.

PNC is closed permanently.

Most of you don't know about us here is san diego, but for those of you that do I just eant to make the formal announcement:
The Peoples Nursery or "PNC" as it is commonly referred to is closed!...forever, permanently, etc.

We were clone-only collective.

To make a long story short:
A couple of weeks ago a neighboring business after numerous complaints about us being too loud (were not at all), finally made a direct call to the DEA. Thats right...picked the phone and called the DEA.

Then it was like blood in the water. The DEA doesn't care about non-profit status, incorporation, OR doctors recs...they play by there own rules. Needless to say after two direct raids I have decided to end it. They have destroyed me personally, professionally, and financially.

That's probably all I should post at this time.-APE


I love my life
It's so fucked up, there is some seriously sick people out there & all the people cheating the system are fucking it up. If you have a med license for recreation Karma is gonna catch up with you one of these days.

Wish everyone the best of luck.

Gonna have to disagree with your police work there Leroy, if you feel ANYONE needs karmic retribution for choosing to use cannabis, this may not be the community for you.

Attitudes like you are exhibiting in the post above do far more damage to EASY SAFE ACCESS, than any 10,000 unemployed hippie pot heads ever could.


PS. If Karma is really going to catch up with pot smokers, heaven help the cigarette smokers around the world!


There's a lot of people that believe that you don't need to be sick to gain health benefits from smoking marijuana.

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
APE in San Diego at PNC was raided by the DEA twice this last week dude!!! He just posted at another site he's done with it...that really fucken blows


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Shan thanks for posting the news for us, sorry to hear that though, be well down South..
There's a lot of people that believe that you don't need to be sick to gain health benefits from smoking marijuana.

Nacho I'm one of those that thinks there are many benefits to cannabis, many to be discovered still too. Many that may not be considered health benefits on top of that. DD

Shan Diego

im just glad its not a citywide ban, luckily the dispensaries i frequent are within approved zones

If I'm reading it correctly, the dispensaries you frequent will soon be nonexistent. Every shop must close. If they can afford to apply for a permit, you could see them reopen in the future...


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
the answer to that question is a very long and complicated one as you can imagine...the gist of it, in my opinion...old fashioned, white, right, wealthy, ignorance...the good ole boy network with a ruthless woman devoid of morals as thier mouthpiece and field general.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
It's so fucked up, there is some seriously sick people out there & all the people cheating the system are fucking it up. If you have a med license for recreation Karma is gonna catch up with you one of these days.

Wish everyone the best of luck.
---while there have been many activists over the last two decades who have warned that mmj would be roadblock to true legalization(and i might add, not a single one of them sounded like a whining fucking little bitch) it is quite a far stretch to say karma is gonna catch up to all....i know we are all a little on edge today, but why dont you just go ahead and take a deeeeep breath, sit down, relax, smoke a lil and go fuck yourself....ha...im not really mad at ya...just fukn around a lil.... i think you actually bring up a valid point...kinda....
----if i thought, for one millisecond, that this was an attempt by the city, to ACTUALLY organize or regulate or standardize the industry....do anything that would lend ANY sort of legitimacy...ANYTHING that was within the spirit of the law...or for the spirit of the law(which we all know has been bastardized by our side) then i would ACTUALLY support it....but it dont, it aint, and it never will....guess what san diego city council? my money is on the ingenuity of a long repressed sub culture, no, scratch that, culture, to overcome this latest....it will take appr a year to go thru the app process? really? you kidn me? the city will give you a fuckin contractors license in san diego in three fuckin days! just ask all the people who get fucked every time the city burns cuz we cant afford to properly fight it!...ok...im getting off point here...where are all the fucking lawyers who were logged on before november? sounds like a year long process might be grounds for legal recourse...undue something or the other...they know they are gonna lose...they just want to make it as difficult as possible...they have to know whats waiting on the other side...hundreds of millions...maybe the people in charge dont need money or jobs huh? go figure


the answer to that question is a very long and complicated one as you can imagine...the gist of it, in my opinion...old fashioned, white, right, wealthy, ignorance...the good ole boy network with a ruthless woman devoid of morals as thier mouthpiece and field general.

True, and that ruthless woman is planing to run 4 mayor.


space gardener
This is a good time for a class action lawsuit against the city, or several thousand personal suits... Have to teach these control freaks a lesson..


One day you will have to answer to the children of
It's so fucked up, there is some seriously sick people out there & all the people cheating the system are fucking it up. If you have a med license for recreation Karma is gonna catch up with you one of these days.

Wish everyone the best of luck.
How bout you define Cheating the System?
How bout you get off your fucking Pedestal?

If anything, the increased openness of the community has helped more patients than you can ever comprehend. But, alas, you must have been one of those Medical people before it was open, that made a killing off of selling stems and seeds. Seen it here, know it must be there in spades.
The free market must prevail...Black, white, yellow, orange. You tell me what color it is.


APE in San Diego at PNC was raided by the DEA twice this last week dude!!! He just posted at another site he's done with it...that really fucken blows

I just checked their site and it's still up and running....does anyone have a media link to this story?

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