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Safe From Garda?


Cookie monster

We should be concerned I think, it's a short step from outlawing paraphenalia to outlawing seeds n lights ect.

any indication in or on any place or vehicle where it is offered for sale that suggests the consumption of controlled drugs, including the presence of paraphernalia commonly associated with the consumption of controlled drugs,

The Bill will also deal with the sale of drug paraphernalia and so- called “grow your own” equipment in head shops. Mr Ahern is considering including an offence of selling a pipe or any other object made or adapted for use in connection with the consumption of the controlled drug or psychoactive substance
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here we go again

here we go again


Gardaí seize cannabis worth over €800,000


GARDAÍ HAVE seized almost 1,000 cannabis plants with an estimated street value in excess of €800,000.

The seizures were made in Stillorgan, Co Dublin and Kells, Co Meath, where gardaí said that quite elaborate “factories” had been established to cultivate the plants indoors with artificial lighting and sophisticated ventilation systems.

Four people were arrested in the Garda operation and were yesterday being held in Blackrock and Kells stations.

The arrests began when officers stopped and searched a car on the Drummartin link road in south Co Dublin at lunchtime on Monday. Following the discovery of 5kg of cannabis herb, a 33-year-old man was arrested.

Gardaí then moved to a private house at Mount Anville Park, Stillorgan, where a search revealed “the entire upstairs of the house was being used as a cannabis factory”, according to a spokesman.

“In each of the four bedrooms there was a pot-growing system with high-density lighting systems, reflective wall coverings and extensive ventilation and air extraction systems,” the Garda Press Office said. A 33-year-old woman was arrested at the scene.

The value of cannabis seized in the Stillorgan operation amounted to about €600,000, according to the Garda.

A neighbour in Mount Anville Wood, Terry Lillis, said the house was owned by a man who had moved to Co Laois about 10 years ago and was being rented.

He said he believed the current tenants were members of the Asian community.

The cul-de-sac of about 28 detached, red-brick houses is noted for its quiet atmosphere. Another neighbour explained most of the residents were “empty nesters” whose adult children had left.

At the corner opposite the house under investigation two women chatted about the discovery and confirmed the relevant house, but refused to go into detail about the occupants.

“I don’t know my neighbours. You would speak when you see them, but you wouldn’t really know them.”

In what officers said was “a related operation”, another apparent cannabis factory was found in a house on the Headfort Road, Kells, in the morning. The Garda said the house had an electricity supply “bypass” and air extraction system.

Elsewhere, in separate operations, gardaí in Dublin also seized cannabis herb with an estimated street value of €82,000 and a quantity of cash after two vehicles were stopped and a house searched.

Officers stopped and searched a car and van on the Ninth Lock Road at about 7pm last night. During the search they found 7kg of cannabis herb.
Never like to hear about that!

I'd be curious to see what grow operation wouldnt contain "sophisticated ventilation systems" with "artificial lighting". God bless the media for stating the fucking obvious like.

Any grow operation conducted indoors(by that i mean not just cannabis cultivation), is using ventilation systems, and i dont see how they can still be considered sophisticated. The fact that something is coated in aluminium, does not make it some other worldly science. Its simply fans and a duct for the air to travel through. And if its indoors, of course its gonna be using artificial lighting. Preaching to the choir i know lads just had a vent a little (pun intended :thank you: )


Never like to hear about that!

I'd be curious to see what grow operation wouldnt contain "sophisticated ventilation systems" with "artificial lighting". God bless the media for stating the fucking obvious like.

Any grow operation conducted indoors(by that i mean not just cannabis cultivation), is using ventilation systems, and i dont see how they can still be considered sophisticated. The fact that something is coated in aluminium, does not make it some other worldly science. Its simply fans and a duct for the air to travel through. And if its indoors, of course its gonna be using artificial lighting. Preaching to the choir i know lads just had a vent a little (pun intended :thank you: )

I couldnt agee more with ya Grim , media love to make it sound like Nasa HQ.

On another note they can never stop the grower and these sophisticated systems are here to stay..


it might be the durban poison talking but id make an uneducated observation, void of the knowledge of the realities of life, garda capabilities, the ways of the irish canna market and pure chance, but to me (with very little research, just reading the news, stoned observation) it just seems that ever since a whole sale shop set up shop there seems to be alot more big busts in that area of the country.

Cookie monster

Rented house, stealing power, Asians.....not really surprised.

Cops stop an Asian fella driving around with 5kg of weed, even they should be able to put 2 n 2 together.

Guest 147054

If your between 18-30, living out of home in a rented house with other people who smoke weed dont grow.

Its that simple.

People will be back in your house drinking or whatever, your buddy who you gave/sold some smoke too starts blazing up and it wont be long before he cant answer the questions hes asked.

"Where did ya get that from?"
"Get me a bag will ya"
"Who did it come from"
"Do you have much more"
"When will ther be more"

Your best buddy, best pal may have the best intentions but when drink is in sense is out. Im ashamed to say it but in my experience Irish lads are inherently rats.

We all know about the massive factory in the north side of cork city when a young fella got caught wit a nodge for a few at a traffic stop and blew the lid on a factory.

In my experience, (which is not long by any account, but ive seen enough) dont give your weed a name. I mean if your growing LA Woman and selling it, dont say what it is, be as blaise as possible and say you dont know. Act the fool, "its just smoke i got off a contact, i dunno what it is, all i know is its not sprayed or dipped".

If your living in Ireland and its unsprayed than thats enough. We're not in Cali or the Damm where you can decide what you want. People take what their givin and their happy once its clean. That being said most people still dont know the difference between sprayed and clean smoke, its soul destroying.

I know its hard not being able to show your final product as what it is, the fruits of your labour and such, but when you start talking like you know your shit people will assume you or your close friends are growing. The rumour mill will be your downfall

If anyone asks me all i say is "I got it off some Polish chap on the building site". End of

Never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever be at a party and hear people talkin about growing and join in. Sounds simple right? WRONG!!!!.

A good friend of mine, someone who i would say is not fool and has a good head on his shoulders overheard peope talking and chimed in innocently saying "Your PH is too high, it needs to be within 6.3-6,7".

Within days it was all around that Jimmy Murphy was a serious grower and knew his shit.
Since then iv had to keep contat with him to a minimium,

Im not a fear mongerer or a paranoid stoner but someone who dosent wanna get locked up or bring my familys name to court.

Please everyone be careful and keep your trap shut (and walk the other way when you see a D redge Ford)

Yup for the most part i agree completely with what your saying, there are however backgrounds where u can talk about growing in general. When i visit garden centres etc i can still talk about general plants and notice a lack of nitrogen, lack of calcium, excess phosphorus etc. They're are general signs than run through most plant species.

If you've got a background in something like that, its pretty easy to hide a knowledge u shouldn't know.

I'm hoping jimmy murphy is a pseudonym ......

I most definitely AM a paranoid stoner. What we do is illegal, thats not paranoia, its intelligence :)

Guest 147054

Ya i hear what your sayig man and i agree.

Im murder for gardening centers, nothing better than a rummage aroud woodies and B&Q on a sunday.

I ordered a load of nice strong smelling plants for the back garden today. Lovely smells all around the place. The chap was sound in there, I just said my house is near a dump and wanted to mask the smell

Yes Jimmy is a pseudonym...... dont worry "Jimmy", your secrets safe with me

What we do is illegal, thats not paranoia, its intelligence
I couldnt agree more grim



Two arrested over cannabis factory

Gardaí found what they called an “elaborate” cannabis-growing operation in Co Kilkenny on Saturday.

The discovery was made in an outhouse near a property in the Garrygaug area of Mullinavat.

Floors were specially adapted for the purpose of cultivation and a large generator as well as an elaborate ventilation and heating system were found.

Two men, in their 70s and 40s, were arrested.

Cookie monster

Courious to see how the courts will deal with a 70yo pot farmer

More than a million euro worth of cannabis has been seized in North County Dublin and three men arrested and detained at garda stations across the city.

The bumper seizure was made last night when gardai from the National Drugs Unit and the Organised Crime Unit raided a commercial premises in Ballyboughal at a quarter to eight, as part of their latest crack down on the drugs trade.

There, they discovered herbal cannabis – believed to be worth around €1.2 million euro..

Three men – aged 24, 28 and 44 have been arrested as part of the operation. Two of the men are being questioned at Ballymun Garda Station – with the third man is being held at Finglas Garda Station.

Gardai say their investigations are continuing.


Rule number one is extreamly important tell no one absolutely no one that you are growing. You will however break this rule no doubt, use your common sense and bare in mind you do so at your own risk.

The gardai whom you need to worry about are not generally the detectives involved in “Operation Nitrogen” and such operations, but the lowly scum who are to damn stupid to advance there careers through training education and constructive crime prevention…instead they are delighted to bust you for growin a couple of plants and then try to get you to rat on every one else to “make it easy for yourself” in order to advance their carrers. BURN PIGGYS, BURN! Its no coincidence that if you here of a raid that within the next 48 hours you will here a few more.

Watch the smell. Seriously. Especially if your growing in built up areas.

Try to limit the amount of plants you grow perhaps to 4 or less. Get caught with a sea of green set up of say 30+ plants and you could well be in for some serious serious trouble. You could be accused of opporating a cannabis factory (WTF IS A “cannabis factory” Im currently cooking dinner with my produce from my “pea factory” and “potato factory” ).
Trust me if you are caught it can drag on for years while your case is pissed upon by the ridiculous bureaucracy that exists within this sorry state of a legal system.

Unfortunately the new drugs strategy has also recommended that surveillance of shops that sell grow equipment or paraphernalia are to be monitored. Use your discretion. Many of the grow shops in Ireland are indeed fine institutions just don’t be parking your car outside and load it up with hundreds of liters of soil and nutes and drive directly to your grow.



Cannabis 'destined for UK and Irish gangs'

CONOR LALLY Crime Correspondent

Thu, Oct 07, 2010

GARDAÍ INVESTIGATING an international crime gang growing cannabis crops in the Republic have seized cannabis plants and cannabis herb valued at about €500,000 in three so-called “grow houses”.

The Irish Times has learned that gardaí have now fitted heat detecting equipment to the Garda helicopter to detect grow houses, which generate very significant heat, from the air. The move comes as detections of such houses show no signs of abating two years after their presence here first emerged.

“We believe they are now probably throughout the country,” said one Garda source.

The latest finds were made in three rented houses in Co Meath in an operation by the Garda National Drugs Unit and local gardaí that has been ongoing since the start of the week.

One man, a Vietnamese national, has been arrested. Gardaí believe he was working for an Asian crime gang that has been operating in the Republic in recent years.

Gardaí believe the gang has been growing cannabis in houses expertly fitted out with the heating, insulation and irrigation systems needed to grow large quantities of cannabis. The drug was being processed and sold to other criminals in Ireland and overseas.

The Garda operation into the latest finds began on Monday evening when a house on the Old Bog Road near Dunshaughlin was searched and 340 plants were found growing in a sophisticated operation.

On Tuesday gardaí carried out a follow-up operation at a house in Culmullen, Drumree, near Dunshaughlin where another growing operation was found, involving 450 plants. Some 10kg of processed cannabis ready for sale was also found at that location. In another search on Tuesday, 150 plants were found at a house in Hallstown, not far from Dunshaughlin.

Gardaí estimate the total value of the find is bout €500,000.

The 56-year-old Vietnamese man was arrested at the Hallstown address. Gardaí believe he was being used by the gang to tend to the plants and to ensure the lighting, heating and irrigation systems put in place in all three properties were functioning properly. The suspect has been in Ireland illegally for at least eight years. He is believed to have worked in fast food outlets before becoming involved with the criminal gang growing the plants.

He is being held at Kells Garda station and can be detained for up to seven days without charge.

The finds were part of Operation Nitrogen, which was put in place by the Garda National Drugs Unit to find grow houses since the trend first emerged about two years ago.

The gang involved in the houses in Co Meath is made up of Asian criminals with links to the UK. Gardaí believed they have been behind other growing operations found in the Republic and that they sell the processed cannabis to gangs in Ireland and the UK.


THE THREE houses being used as cannabis growing facilities in Co Meath had the capacity to each grow 400 cannabis plants, valued at €250,000, every eight weeks.

Had they been operating for just one year undetected they would have produced a total combined crop value of €4.9 million.

Garda sources said one of the houses raided this week not only had 400 plants growing throughout the property, but had a fresh crop planted in soil bags ready to begin growing once the existing crop was ready for processing.

“The plan appears to have been to place the bags with seeds into the growing system the minute the other crop was done, uninterrupted growing,” said one Garda source.

The man arrested at the house in Hallstown was working as what drugs gangs behind grow houses call “a gardener”.

He is suspected of moving between the three houses tending to the plants.

Gardaí believe he was very poorly paid by the Vietnamese-led gang behind the operation. The gang had also used an electrician to set up the heating and irrigation systems in the houses.

This man had hooked the power supply directly onto the national grid. This illegal wiring meant those renting the houses were not billed for the vast amounts of electricity needed to power the lamps systems for the 16 hours a day of mock sunshine needed to grow the cannabis plants.

Irrigation systems had been run to rows of the plants placed in soil throughout the properties.

The water was being stored in the baths of the houses and liquid feed had been added to ensure the plants grew in an eight-week cycle rather than the usual 12-week cycle.

The water and feed was carried to the rows of plants in tubes running from the bath attached to a pump.


These guys are fucking retarded, seriously how fucking hard can it be not to do a commercial grow in a border or pale county.

Cookie monster

Cant really see the cops using flir cameras just to fly about looking for grow op's....cost too much money to run the whirly birds.


Cant really see the cops using flir cameras just to fly about looking for grow op's....cost too much money to run the whirly birds.

certainly before this was the case, but busts are becoming too common
they make a nice easy targets and great publicity on the war on gangs, drugs etc

hoping that medical bill actually happens or at least that joe duffy doesnt pick up on this shit and cause more problems

Cookie monster

True enough bro, but I still think little guys like me will be fine..a whole grow house might be a different story tho.

Ah joe duffy now there's a guy i'd like to beat with a stick covered in dogshit!