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SAD, SAD day for Central Cali

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Your precious 19 defined cannabis in legal precedent... and included hemp in that definition.

What it didn't do was define any other regulations for it.

The two should be treated seperately if they are to be treated seperately.

I don't see the problem with addressing it in the same bill as recreational cannabis, but at this rate it should be a different one.

Maybe the hemp bill would pass quicker than waiting on people to argue about everything else.

its because no one gives a shit about hemp except a few burnt out hippies who create itchy clothes nobody wants to wear....

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Your brain seems to switch on and off at will.

I'll be back when it comes back online.

notice how hemp was rarely talked about? notice how it was never brought up on news medias? and rarely even mentioned on ICMAG? its because there is much more shit going on with marijuana then hemp. once mj is legal, then you can campaign all day for hemp....


Freedom Fighter
Your precious 19 defined cannabis in legal precedent... and included hemp in that definition.

What it didn't do was define any other regulations for it.

The two should be treated seperately if they are to be treated seperately.

I don't see the problem with addressing it in the same bill as recreational cannabis, but at this rate it should be a different one.

Maybe the hemp bill would pass quicker than waiting on people to argue about everything else.

19 included an open ended Amendment clause for Hemp--
Too much to include both on 1 Prop--
You are delusional if you think you will get everything you want on 1 Vote--
Maybe you could move here, and help us develop a contingent plan--:tiphat:
EDIT**I don't mean this in a negative way bro...but I still have my opinions--


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
people still pushing for the all inclusive perfect bill? are you high? haaaaaa....how much trouble do you think it will be to straighten out the hemp situation once thc carrying canna is legalized? really? cmon now...if that was the logic used for ANYONE to have voted no on proposition 19, even just a STRAND of a reason lingering in the back of someones head on voting day, then we truly have found people who should not be entrusted to vote on anything from bubblegum tax to fixing roads to who burped the loudest on american idol.

Madrus Rose

post 69
San Jose council rejects plan to ban pot clubs

San Jose council rejects plan to ban pot clubs

San Jose council rejects plan to ban pot clubs

Updated: 12/13/2010 10:08:35 PM PST

The San Jose City Manager's Office wants to take a hard line on medical marijuana, arguing that the City Council should ban all 100 or so cannabis clubs in town and start from scratch with new regulations.

However, on Monday, council members said: "Not so fast." In an 8-2 vote, they put off for another day the burning questions of bans, caps on the number of cannabis clubs and even their basic legality.

Instead, the council adopted a new 7 percent tax on dispensaries, as city voters approved last month.

Council members Pete Constant and Rose Herrera were the sole votes against the motion, saying the legality and regulation of the pot clubs needed to be resolved before taxation. Councilman Kansen Chu was
not present.

"We need the money, pure and simple," Mayor Chuck Reed said in support of the vote. He later added that he, too, was concerned that current city regulations seem to hold that all pot sales are illegal.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
logic prevails.

logic prevails.

^money talks (tax revenue)
bullshit walks (reefer madness)

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
If hemp isn't important, and we don't need to worry about it until you can smoke legally, then WHY was it mentioned in 19?

I wouldn't be bitching about them defining it as an intoxicant if they never did.

I think that it should be a separate issue... approached seperately.

Nobody really reads my posts do they?


breathe deep
its because no one gives a shit about hemp except a few burnt out hippies who create itchy clothes nobody wants to wear....

go get yourself a copy of 'the emperor wears no clothes' and edumacate yourself. Anger is often expressed in ignorance.

An argument could easily be made that legalization of hemp would do the world more good than that of ganja.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
go get yourself a copy of 'the emperor wears no clothes' and edumacate yourself. Anger is often expressed in ignorance.

An argument could easily be made that legalization of hemp would do the world more good than that of ganja.

honestly ill pass. hemp has never intrested me in the least and obviously many others feel the same from the amount of + rep and PMs i got reittirating my statement.

and its not ignorance. i just simply dont care. people arent losing their familes over hemp plants. people arent robbing and killing over hemp plants. the dea isnt putting all the resources to work busting hemp dispensaries.:tiphat:


Active member
The Cali situation is why Governor Christie is being such a pill in New Jersey. He stated several times he doesn't want the California experience.
FUCK JERSEY!!!Ya mean if I am terminal and have less than a fuckin year to live I can smoke a joint!!!!Jersey doesnt have to worry about a California experience,lets face it.......if the US map was a human body Jersey would be the fuckin ASSHOLE!!!!Colorado startin to look more and more like the place to be!!:tiphat:


19 didn't pass, get the fuck over it!!!!!

sound like little bitches whining.....not like they aren't gonna keep trying until it happens just sit back and wait, shit cant happen over night, its a big issue and needs TIME to evolve. I too want cannabis legalized, eventually, like it should be.



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
19 didn't pass, get the fuck over it!!!!!

sound like little bitches whining.....not like they aren't gonna keep trying until it happens just sit back and wait, shit cant happen over night, its a big issue and needs TIME to evolve. I too want cannabis legalized, eventually, like it should be.

:laughing: thats the attitude that keeps us mired where we are...it will happen someday....fukn idiot...thanks for playing.
---i say dont ever get over it...the greedy pigs and the ignorant sheep SHOULD be held accountable...at least on this sight...i mean, it dont mean much but we have to remember who the enemies of the movement are.
---get the fuck over it?...im willing to bet you havent put much effort into the movement...get over it...what a dumbfuck
Last edited:

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
go get yourself a copy of 'the emperor wears no clothes' and edumacate yourself. Anger is often expressed in ignorance.

An argument could easily be made that legalization of hemp would do the world more good than that of ganja.

At least someone sees what a benefit hemp would be. I can't express how amazed I am that anyone would argue that.

i wonder what Lennon would have voted on Prop 19......

Look up John Sinclair on youtube... you'll find he wanted what I want... people to be SET FREE.

honestly ill pass. hemp has never intrested me in the least and obviously many others feel the same from the amount of + rep and PMs i got reittirating my statement.

and its not ignorance. i just simply dont care.

If hemp has never interested you in the least I'd have to say it's due to ignorance. If you bothered to do some research you'd realize very easily it's an immensely important aspect.

I think you'd care simply because it was in 19. If you don't I can't make you. Enjoy your rep and PMs from people who just don't give a shit.

people arent losing their familes over hemp plants. people arent robbing and killing over hemp plants. the dea isnt putting all the resources to work busting hemp dispensaries.:tiphat:

Wage earners that have been laid off in mass numbers could have jobs to better families. I'd say those families are getting robbed of opportunity. The DEA still has a ditchweed eradication program but they've recentley stopped releasing numbers... probably because people know it's innocuous and hate seeing money paid on it while they starve.

:laughing: thats the attitude that keeps us mired where we are...it will happen someday....fukn idiot...thanks for playing.
---i say dont ever get over it...the greedy pigs and the ignorant sheep SHOULD be held accountable...at least on this sight...i mean, it dont mean much but we have to remember who the enemies of the movement are.
---get the fuck over it?...im willing to bet you havent put much effort into the movement...get over it...what a dumbfuck

So it won't happen someday?

Don't get over it. Hold your enemies of your movement accountable. My movement involves people out of prison and not going back for cannabis. I'd like to see the aforementioned "uninteresting" hemp totally left out of any recreational bill.

I've devoted unmeasurable time and task for my movement... if it moves yours forward, I'm happy. I hope to hell you don't help mine because it'd probably anger you further... why I have no idea.

Am I your enemy?

You're going to have to get over something sometime...

You just chastised someone simply because they agreed with you.

They just said it's not like it isn't going to happen, as it should.

Dwelling on shit and pointing fingers seems to suit you.

That doesn't do much for any movement that I've ever known... except maybe Congress. But I don't consider that progress.


Active member
if your mom was in jail and they offered her house arrest would you simply let her stay there until a better "something" happened or would you just go with the best thing goin to get her out?

I would even let them build the damn prison in my house just to get her free......
Marry Jane is in jail and anything is more free than it is now.....mo

meanmr, i was just wondering what he would've voted on prop 19 thats all.....


dwelling on the past is more of a hinderance than thinking about the future.

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