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SAD, SAD day for Central Cali


Active member
I'm pretty peaceful, but the people of Oakland, and all of California..... not so much. It might seems like the "hippy" state, but California has a lot of poor, angry, rebellious people and their state is only getting worse. They riot over a lot of stuff. If the federal government comes in and takes away the only revenue source that has been cleaning up that crime ridden town; Oaklanders will fucking kill them. I would be willing to bet that there is more angry armed people in that area then there are DEA agents. There is a breaking point with those folks, and the arrogant federal government seems to really being trying to find that point. I hope they are ready to chew what they dish out..... actually thats not true. I hope they are not ready at all. :D

But if you look at the streets it wasn't about Rodney King,
It's bout this fucked up situation and these fucked up police.
It's about coming up and staying on top
and screamin' 187 on a mother fuckin' cop.
It's not written on the paper it's on the wall.
National guard??!
Smoke from all around,


el dub

Thanks for that shot of good news this morning, bro.

Better take a good look at the latest ruling, Fresno council/cops/sheriff.



Active member
any time i hear about cali and MJ i get thinkin fish tacos !!! we can get some good mexi in brooklyn and NY... but cali's got the tacos and kush, we got the pizza and sour !!

^why did you have to go and talk about tacos. now I am really hungry again. :)

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYKsxtPeqO0 even the peace guy in the crowd is not listened too.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HeDjJf02fac&feature=related 2min 53sec they start bashing the cops cars. 4min 09seconds, the photographer starts starts humming the song of the evil empire. 5:03 you see two solid city blocks of cops cars . That's way to many fucking cops. it makes it very obvious that the USA is a Nazi police state. you also see how many people there are. think of all of the insane possibilities

http://www.metacafe.com/watch/2263947/the_bart_shooting_downtown_oakland_riot_zennies_account/ 6min 25 sec look at all the scared white people. lol 7min 21sec. they're tear gassing the ice rink. 8min 17sec, and 9min 19 sec the truth of the matter.

also it's not the law they will riot over, it is the innocent people that the DEA, and the cops helping them are most certainly going to kill, and/or hurt in the process.

That ain't no fuckin riot. Homie I was living in LA during the 92 riots. Shit my grandmoms wouldn't even goto 7/11 witout her loaded .38 s&w when that shit was goin on. ID seen people dragged out they fuckibg vehicles and catch an ass beatin just for being white. A few 5-0 s and some tear gas ain't shit....
The next couple years should be quite interesting for us in CA. I do wonder how they intend to crack down on the local level...good luck with that, popo. Though a wide screen for power consumption could probably net 3+ light home-growers.

Concerning the prop19 comments, even if it did pass, the feds would still raise the same (if not bigger) shit-storm and we'd be fighting for 215 regardless.

Stay safe, y'all.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
That ain't no fuckin riot. Homie I was living in LA during the 92 riots. Shit my grandmoms wouldn't even goto 7/11 witout her loaded .38 s&w when that shit was goin on. ID seen people dragged out they fuckibg vehicles and catch an ass beatin just for being white. A few 5-0 s and some tear gas ain't shit....

yes that was a quiet riot in comparison to LA 1992, but LA is also much larger.

Do you notice how no one is messing with dispensaries in LA now? A judge even ruled the moratorium unconstitutional.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
yes that was a quiet riot in comparison to LA 1992, but LA is also much larger.

Do you notice how no one is messing with dispensaries in LA now? A judge even ruled the moratorium unconstitutional.

ya if they allow em again in LA ill be trying to lock down a location... im pretty sure i read they might be allowing for new applications?

The Phoenix

Risen From The Ashes
One of the biggest problems in SoCal and the major population centers is that there are so many people that are desensitized and saturated by what goes on here. It's really hard to get people here stirred up to get anything done.

Another problem is that the unions are so strong here, that getting change to happen seems impossible sometimes. Classic example is the teachers unions. Very dificult to get MJ legalized when the power of that union is working against you.

It was said that Prop 19 had more yes votes than people that voted for Meg Whitman, so it did have support, but they said that if we only counted votes of people under 36 then prop 19 would have passed. So it looks like we might have to wait until many of the older voters pass away before we see legalization. The clock ticks every day on that one.

And guess what. The new governor takes office in 3 weeks with the worst financial situation in Cali history. That should be interesting.

And the biggest blunder of them all....We couldn't find a candidate to defeat Barbera Boxer. WTF


The area in Calif I live in just got it's first Brick and Mortar shop and there are 2-3 new delivery places a week opening up. It's going to be hard to stop my friends hard to stop.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Unbelievable how she's been able to cling on for dear life all these years. ugh.

Maybe they should run a republican whos not a complete fucktard like fiorina was...did she really campaign to create jobs after sending 30,000+ HP jobs overseas? did that dumb kunt really think she had a chance?


There is no longer any point in Obama supporters trying to obfuscate the true nature of the Obama regime. Obama can "talk the talk" of a progressive (usually just before election time), but he continues to "walk the walk" of the Bush Crime Family agenda -- American-branded Fascism is still Fascism.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
The next couple years should be quite interesting for us in CA. I do wonder how they intend to crack down on the local level...good luck with that, popo. Though a wide screen for power consumption could probably net 3+ light home-growers.

Concerning the prop19 comments, even if it did pass, the feds would still raise the same (if not bigger) shit-storm and we'd be fighting for 215 regardless.

Stay safe, y'all.

they only have enough resources now to control about one percent of the pot production in California. how exactly will they be able to control an excepted state legal market that produces billions in tax revenue for a dying state?

I am still right. if prop 19 would have passed the anti pot crowd would have concentrated it's resources on it and left 215 alone out of sheer lack of funding. IT"S CALLED OVER GROWING GOVERNMENT CONTROL, AND IT IS THE WHOLE POINT OF THIS WEB SITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Barn Owl

Active member
In many ways, you can say Obama's drug war fiasco is worse than the Bush dictatorship simply because the media still paints the fucker as a "liberal". I still go in dispensaries and see that Obama HOPE bullshit poster. Obama has hijacked the word "liberal" and applied it to recycled Bush policy. The problem is, the media let's OBummer Administration get away with this bullshit.

This is changing. People are waking up. He probably won't survive another term, but I see a future of drug war assholes running the show.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Maybe yal don't remember...but I was runnin a few shops in LA during bush's presidency and we could count on at least 2 major swoops of raids every year. Summer and winter. Ya a few have been raided under Obama. But not nearly as much as under bush. Please don't compare Obama to that piece of shit. He's not the best president but far better choice for us then bush was or McCain would have been...NONE of you can argue that.

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