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SAD, SAD day for Central Cali


The Mad Monk
I wonder what a world would be like, where all drugs are legal or decriminalized (it'll happen) and all these government agencies begin to focus on fighting real crime. Maybe the DEA will begin taking a shit on the FDA and pharmaceutical company, and the police will begin going after real criminals who commit crimes that actually involve a victim that's not the perpetrator himself (how ridiculous.)

You don't have to wonder -- Portugal is something similar to what you're wondering about. The UN and US bitched and moaned in 2001 when Portugal decided to decrim all drugs, including coke and heroin. The sky didn't fall, crime didn't sky rocket, and the "moral fabric" of society stayed in tact. In fact, rates of usage for young people are lower in Portugal than most of Europe and lower than the US. It can work, it has worked, and it will work.

The trick is getting the US to basically admit, we were wrong, we've been wrong, and we encouraged countries the world over to be as wrong as us... and we're going to change all that. It's tragic because that's no excuse NOT to do it but that is the major hurdle, on the surface. As many of us know, big business interests are involved as well but that's a murkier water altogether.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Let's pray that they only took their inventory and didn't charge them with any crime

I'm still amazed this is what people are fighting for... Let's pray they only robbed us and won't stick us in a cage fir years due to a "crime" that has no victim and effected no one ...

Fucking legalize it!!!!

Safety first

New member
You all have it wrong..Cannibis should be strictly for those that apply themselves and have some underground connects,,You cant go on msnbc and glamourize the bud life..You cant throw shit up in the feds face..I have been there 7 yrs in fed..this isnt a joke..only the real need apply...Everybody shouldnt have access to buds...


You all have it wrong..Cannibis should be strictly for those that apply themselves and have some underground connects,,You cant go on msnbc and glamourize the bud life..You cant throw shit up in the feds face..I have been there 7 yrs in fed..this isnt a joke..only the real need apply...Everybody shouldnt have access to buds...
You're being sarcastic, right? If you're not then I'm sorry, but your a piece of shit that needs to be flushed.


Registered Med User
Hmmm... this is great news in my eyes. fuck those commercial pot farms! Long live homegrown!

The Bling

Hmmm... this is great news in my eyes. fuck those commercial pot farms! Long live homegrown!


I really disapprove of the one-sidedness of your post and of the gross exaggeration in the posting title. You present yourself as fatalistic thinker, and you are very passionate.

to maintain authority the DEA must exert authority. AND WE ALL KNOW THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO ABUSE THE MEDICAL MARIJUANA SYSTEM.

Better to realize that statement by the DEA as a call to sharpen your metaphorical saws.

In other words cleanup your act get within your limits use it as medicine.



Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Ya know, I never really thought about that aspect. The legal door would've be open to reducing MMJ rights but enforcement may have very well negated the legal implications. Gonna mull this over for awhile. Thank you for the input.

you still don't fucking get it god dammit. Not only would LEO have been to busy. Prop 19 WOULD NOT HAVE RESTRICTED YOUR MED RIGHTS AT ALL. NOT ONE LITTLE BIT!!!!!!!!!!! FUCKING A. All of you "No Voters" Get it through your thick fucking heads. You were deceived by the anti pot crowd to vote their way. they wanted you to fall for there tricks and you FUCKING DID!

all can do is FACE PALM!


Active member
is there an emoticon for "the bigger picture"...:p

Heres a good one real quick....sorry off topic but i couldnt help it....
GET MO....of what?....The Bling:D...you guys are awesome;)

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
wanna start taking bets on the next oakland riot? lol

wanna start taking bets on the next oakland riot? lol

I'm pretty peaceful, but the people of Oakland, and all of California..... not so much. It might seems like the "hippy" state, but California has a lot of poor, angry, rebellious people and their state is only getting worse. They riot over a lot of stuff. If the federal government comes in and takes away the only revenue source that has been cleaning up that crime ridden town; Oaklanders will fucking kill them. I would be willing to bet that there is more angry armed people in that area then there are DEA agents. There is a breaking point with those folks, and the arrogant federal government seems to really being trying to find that point. I hope they are ready to chew what they dish out..... actually thats not true. I hope they are not ready at all. :D

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
If they didn't riot over OPD killing an unarmed civilian I doubt they will over some weed. Shit just look at the people on ic who are happy to see people get busted so they can possibly sell their mj for higher prices due to less competition. Too many selfish assholes....

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^yes, they did riot.

^yes, they did riot.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYKsxtPeqO0 even the peace guy in the crowd is not listened too.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HeDjJf02fac&feature=related 2min 53sec they start bashing the cops cars. 4min 09seconds, the photographer starts starts humming the song of the evil empire. 5:03 you see two solid city blocks of cops cars . That's way to many fucking cops. it makes it very obvious that the USA is a Nazi police state. you also see how many people there are. think of all of the insane possibilities

http://www.metacafe.com/watch/2263947/the_bart_shooting_downtown_oakland_riot_zennies_account/ 6min 25 sec look at all the scared white people. lol 7min 21sec. they're tear gassing the ice rink. 8min 17sec, and 9min 19 sec the truth of the matter.

also it's not the law they will riot over, it is the innocent people that the DEA, and the cops helping them are most certainly going to kill, and/or hurt in the process.
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Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^I just want you to see the big picture. No harm intended, sorry

also about propaganda. the American, and British propaganda machines are more effective than Hitler's.... and just think. Hitler made regular good Germans think it was ok to commit genocide. In a nation like ours where the people are split 50/50, and the government is hated by both sides it is either genocide or civil war. We wont spend our selves to death because no one is crazy enough to try to collect debt on us. the more I study ancient Rome, and the US civil war the more I realize we are headed in the direction of both and at this current rate it is inevitable. people like to think things like that could never happen now, but there are many historic, and current examples. give it until the rest of the 99 percent of wikileaks are released and we will see, luckily US citizens still have the bill of rights.... a little, so hopefully the corruption can be over thrown 99% peacefully. I can think of a few politicians who are treasonous though, and they will face their day in court.
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Madrus Rose

post 69
Lets add to that ---> the massive frauds that have been uncovered & market manipulation in this decade which followed one of the most incredible Market Bubble's of a past century in the 1990's . Stocks that are lucky enough to be $10 now that were being called "strong buys" in the last decade by Lehman Brothers analysts when they were $300/share ?

Where's Lehman Brothers now after they bullshitted so many people ?
Can u say Bankrupt ? ! ;)

But who got left holding the bag in the end ...

great post Zep...

PS: Wait ...there's been a new updated ruling by Judge down in LA regarding the unconstitutionality of closing many of the clubs , i started thread in Politcal forum thats still awaiting IC Mod approval ..will post here

Madrus Rose

post 69
[b]Judge issues injunction against L.A.'s medical marijuana law[/b]

Judge issues injunction against L.A.'s medical marijuana law

Judge issues injunction against L.A.'s medical marijuana law

Judge issues injunction against L.A.'s medical marijuana law
The ruling finds the law's provision outlawing all dispensaries except those that registered under the moratorium unconstitutional. It leaves the city with little power to control pot shops. City officials vow to quickly address the concerns.

By John Hoeffel, Los Angeles Times
December 11, 2010

A judge handed Los Angeles a setback in its faltering drive to limit the number of medical marijuana dispensaries, granting a preliminary injunction on Friday that bars the city from enforcing key provisions in its controversial six-month-old ordinance.

The decision, issued by Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Anthony J. Mohr, leaves the city with limited power to control pot stores, which opened by the hundreds, angering neighborhood activists when city officials failed to enforce a 2007 moratorium.

Near the end of his 40-page ruling, Mohr acknowledged "there is a good chance that a large number of collectives could open once this injunction takes effect," but said his order was warranted because the dispensaries that sued the city are highly likely to prevail in a trial.

The City Council first discussed regulating dispensaries 5 1/2 years ago. At the time, the Los Angeles Police Department could find just four of them. It was five years before the city's ordinance, one of the most complex and convoluted in the state, took effect.

More than 100 dispensaries have filed at least 42 lawsuits challenging the ordinance. "We're singing 'Happy Days Are Here Again,'" said Stewart Richlin, an attorney who represents nine dispensaries, while David Welch, an attorney who represents more than five dozen, described his clients as "ecstatic." He said Mohr's decision would curtail city enforcement efforts. "It means they can't use strong-arm tactics, such as arresting my clients," Welch said.

But Jane Usher, a special assistant city attorney, said, "I suspect that their exuberance will be short-lived." She noted that Mohr, in ruling against some provisions, also suggested ways to fix the ordinance. "He left 90% of it intact and gave us methods for quickly correcting the remaining provisions. I think we'll be gracious and accept," she said.

Councilman Ed Reyes, who led the City Council's drive to draft the ordinance, said he hoped to have a proposal to address the judge's ruling by Monday. "My sense of urgency is that great," he said. "I've already learned from the past that, if you open up the window a little, people just crash through. We have to close that window as quick as possible."

Mohr enjoined a crucial provision of the ordinance that outlawed all dispensaries in Los Angeles except those that registered with the city under the moratorium the council placed on new stores. He ruled that the provision is unconstitutional because the ban was not properly extended and expired almost two months before the Nov. 13, 2007, registration deadline for dispensaries.

"The justification for using that date as a bright line was compromised, if not confounded, by the fact that it was unnecessary to register," he wrote.

His decision throws into disarray the city's ongoing process for identifying which dispensaries are qualified to stay open. The council has already delayed by six months enforcement of the ordinance's restrictions, such as requiring dispensaries to be at least 1,000 feet from schools.

The judge, however, offered the council a quick remedy. He said the council could simply allow all dispensaries that existed before a certain date and ban the others. He noted that the documents that dispensaries filed with the city in 2007 when they registered could be used as proof they were operating at the time. "Amending the ordinance accordingly would most likely be the easiest way to avoid another equal protection challenge," he said.

Usher said the city attorney's office would probably recommend the council do that.

Michael Larsen, president of the Eagle Rock Neighborhood Council, said, "I think what Judge Mohr has said is that the city attorney and City Council have written a flawed ordinance, and they need to go back to the drawing board very quickly to get it fixed."

Mohr's decision came after the fast-multiplying lawsuits were routed to his courtroom. The judge delved deeply into the state's medical marijuana laws in a series of hearings that stretched out over more than half the year.

Defending the ordinance has cost the city many hours of legal time. At some hearings, half a dozen city lawyers showed up. Usher said the city would probably appeal some of the ruling.

The judge also decided the ordinance violated the due-process rights of the dispensaries because it shut them down without a hearing, and the privacy rights of patients because it required dispensaries to make records on members available to the police.

The judge concluded state law preempts a provision that makes violations of the ordinance subject to criminal penalties under the municipal code and a provision that sunsets the ordinance after two years, which he said is "a blanket ban" on collectives and "goes too far."


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Judge issues injunction against L.A.'s medical marijuana law


Mohr acknowledged "there is a good chance that a large number of collectives could open once this injunction takes effect," but said his order was warranted because the dispensaries that sued the city are highly likely to prevail in a trial."
Slap me silly this morning Madrus..many thanks for your getting this current update posted. DD

Madrus Rose

post 69
Slap me silly this morning Madrus..many thanks for your getting this current update posted. DD

Just trying to do my best DD , DD ;)

Bout time something happened like this down there ...those many
lawsuits brought against the City of LA finally took their toll &
the good judge responded .

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