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SAD, SAD day for Central Cali


Active member
so 10K a year to run a dispensary? doesn't sound that bad.... hehe... and having grown up in that fine city prop 19 had ZERO bearing on this ruling and for those of you who think otherwise spend a week in fresno; i dare you pussies... that town is like a melting pot of south east asian gangsters, peckerwoods, surennos, nortenos and another gang called the bulldogs who fancy themselves as EBKs ala everybody killers and have no truce/allegiance to any other gangs; throw in some diamond crips in the south side and you have quite a mix... not to mention a complete lack of jobs and education.. hell i don't even think you can have alcohol+live music+18 over there; it's 21 only if alcohol is even on the premise; forget wristbands and shit... but really; you should go there for yourself and see how progressive the born again christians are; their daughters are hot though and of loose moral character so it's not all bad ;)

but this was a long time coming; really surprised it took as long as it did... heard medmar is still open next door; one of the dispensary owners is being charged with the attempted kidnapping of a city attorney... fun stuff... i don't think my parents will ever grow old living there hehe


Well-known member
well put broh i gotta agree with ya on that Optic !!! one day ill run for the hills !!!


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
i didnt read the story....dont need to...just the entertainment value from the fukn traitor anti 19 crowd is what im here for...fukn idiots....


Freedom Fighter
I still would. I use it for medical purposes, mostly Fibromyalgia. Prop 19 allowed considerably less freedom than the MMJ status does.

He is talking about LEO messing with MMJ if 19 had passed-- They would have been too busy with recreational shops, to fuck with MMJ--:tiphat:


Ya know, I never really thought about that aspect. The legal door would've be open to reducing MMJ rights but enforcement may have very well negated the legal implications. Gonna mull this over for awhile. Thank you for the input.

He's absolutely right budlover. No need to mull it over. It's bulletproof logic.

Had 19 passed, legitimate MMJ patients like you and I would have had considerably more freedom than we do in a medical only paradigm.

Recreational use would have taken the heat off us. Instead, over zealous anti-MJ forces will now operate as though they have a mandate to snuff it out in any form, no matter how legitimate. Get ready for safe access to be considerably curtailed in the near future. Eventually, city/county bans are going to get shot down by reasonable judges, but a fair amount of damage is going to be done in the interim...


Active member
gettin to be a sad sad day for Cali period.....

gettin to be a sad sad day for Cali period.....

Obama Administration Opposes Oakland’s Medical Marijuana Grow Plan, Threatens Potential Statewide Crackdown

Obama administration officials strongly oppose plans by the city of Oakland to license and tax industrial sized medical cannabis producers, according to a just published report on CaliforniaWatch.org, the website of the Center for Investigative Reporting. Sources at the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and the United States attorney’s office in San Francisco said that federal officials would likely pursue criminal or civil litigation against local marijuana growers as well as Oakland city officials if they decide to move forward with plans to license medical cannabis farming. “Oakland would be on the hook for violating state and federal law,” an unnamed administration official told the website.
Oakland City Attorney John Russo confirmed that DOJ officials are opposed to the city’s licensing plan. “They’ve expressed their concerns that the path Oakland is taking is in violation of the law,” Russo said in a prepared statement.
Oakland officials are seeking to license up to four industrial-sized medical marijuana grow operations within the city limits. The permits do not set limits regarding the quantity of cannabis that licensed producers may cultivate at each given site. City officials began accepting applications from prospective growers in November.
According to the California Watch report, federal officials are also planning to initiate a broader crack down on marijuana production and distribution statewide. The story reports that DOJ and Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) officials met with California’s four U.S. attorneys on November 10 “to develop a plan to deal with some of the loopholes and gray areas in the state’s medical marijuana program.”
The administration’s threats appear to be in conflict with an October 19, 2009 DOJ memo stating, “As a general matter, pursuit of [federal law enforcement] priorities should not focus federal resources … on individuals whose actions are in clear and unambiguous compliance with existing state laws providing for the medical use of marijuana.” Nevertheless, as previously reported by Americans for Safe Access and others, the administration since issuing that memo has engaged in an estimated 30 federal raids of medical marijuana providers, producers, and laboratory facilities that engage in the testing of cannabis potency and quality.
NORML will have further details on this story in Thursday’s weekly media advisory.

i think someone said "uphill battle".......


i'm not a cali resident, and i do appreciate the scene and its cause, BUT.
i don't know why "you guys don't know or care to recognize the tonnes of weed ya'll dump on the rest of the country where its still MEGA-illegal still and worth way more. from an organizational level it looks bad and needs to be dealt with.


Freedom Fighter
i'm not a cali resident, and i do appreciate the scene and its cause, BUT.
i don't know why "you guys don't know or care to recognize the tonnes of weed ya'll dump on the rest of the country where its still MEGA-illegal still and worth way more. from an organizational level it looks bad and needs to be dealt with.

Here in Cali, it is getting cheaper than I can remember it in Decades!!
What is going out to other places...well, we can't control the price there...shit, if we could control the price here, we wouldn't be so cheap!! lol
Seriously tho...most of the weed ppl are saying is from Cali...isn't--
Just another Marketing ploy--:tiphat:

rick shaw

Just be glad Kamala Harris is going to Attorney General. Cooley would be leading the feds. LA is going to have to deal with him,I will not do anything south until he is gone.


Freedom Fighter
Just be glad Kamala Harris is going to Attorney General. Cooley would be leading the feds. LA is going to have to deal with him,I will not do anything south until he is gone.

I thought he was done as La Da now....didn't he accept a retirement plan or something??

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
now we are all going to see why we needed 19. Now we have to fight to keep 215

I hate to say it but maybe if they destroy 215 all these lazy fucking stoners will get the fuck off their ass if we get another legalization proposition on the ballot. Too many people thinking mj is legal because of 215.....

rick shaw

The Cali situation is why Governor Christie is being such a pill in New Jersey. He stated several times he doesn't want the California experience.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
The Cali situation is why Governor Christie is being such a pill in New Jersey. He stated several times he doesn't want the California experience.

im still amazed that in this day and age people can be more scared of a substance like marijuana which has never caused a single death from its use rather then substances like alcohol and tobacco which continue to claim hundreds of thousands of deaths every year. when will people wake up?

rick shaw

It isn't the marijuana per se. It's the hippies,pot docs,clubs that sprout overnight with twenty one year olds double parked outside,etc. I can not honestly say I'm proud of the current situation in California. Yes alcohol is more dangerous,but it is regulated,therefore accepted. Hey, may be we should have legalized and regulated marijuana.


Active member
im still amazed that in this day and age people can be more scared of a substance like marijuana which has never caused a single death from its use rather then substances like alcohol and tobacco which continue to claim hundreds of thousands of deaths every year. when will people wake up?


It isn't the marijuana per se. It's the hippies,pot docs,clubs that sprout overnight with twenty one year olds double parked outside,etc. I can not honestly say I'm proud of the current situation in California. Yes alcohol is more dangerous,but it is regulated,therefore accepted. Hey, may be we should have legalized and regulated marijuana.
you got somthing against hippies?


I'm just throwing this out there. But Rick your right on the money, There's a Medical Marijuana Dispensary commercial on in SO Cal on local access TV that shows a 18 yr old kid bee-bopping out of there with his little bag of "Medicine". Not a very good example of what or how I think a dispensary should be advertising

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