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Advanced Nutrients is a horrible brand

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Sensi 2 part is a cheap knock off of AB fertilizer co SVA/B and SBA/B. Should I say expensive. you know what I mean. give it a try. it is much more stabile than AN

Why should I switch when I'm soo close to 2 lbs per light? I also used GH 3 Part, AN has chleated micronutrients that help to stabilize pH. GH does not.
Sensi 2 part is a cheap knock off of AB fertilizer co SVA/B and SBA/B. Should I say expensive. you know what I mean. give it a try. it is much more stabile than AN

Never heard of them. Where do they sell those nutes? Was the AB fertilizer made for cannabis?
I've also had problems with AN. Im a noob though so im not sure if i wasn't paying close enough attention to PH (i was working with soil and tap) or if it was the nutes. I used them 1/1 with moderate results. Check my pics, they tell all.
I've also had problems with AN. Im a noob though so im not sure if i wasn't paying close enough attention to PH (i was working with soil and tap) or if it was the nutes. I used them 1/1 with moderate results. Check my pics, they tell all.

checked out the thread of your first grow... those leaves yellowing in flower is not because of the nutes, some strains just do that in flower... AN also contains more N than most other bloom nutes, so again it wasn't the nutes... just check out the NPK ratios... alot of first time growers like to blame it on the nutes, but the truth is that any of the major brands will give you great looking buds if used correctly :2cents: :joint:


Registered Non-Conformist
I DID have great results with AN Conny... Best ever.... Same genetics at least 33% higher yield. Hardest rock buds I ever produced.... I wouldn;t say they were the juiciest, but I can work on that.... They WERE maybe more potent, as well, over any other run I have ever had.

New run - same genetics - pulling presently, and it is the same result. Maybe more yield, than even the first AN grow.

VPuncher, you're (still) a putz. I've said it before and I said it again - nice name.....
Re: the original poster's growing skills.... No one said that but you. You are on his thread. Wherever you show up, rudeness cannot be far behind.


with your rapid rooters, spray them a little out of the bag or squeeze out if sopping.
water is the only thing the leaves need to be sprayed with, and probably only over 2 times a day if you don't have a tightly controlled humidity.

Don't overload humidity I.E. - covering cuttings in a sealed unvented rubbermaid.
But don't just let them go without some sort of humidity cover.


and you blame advanced nutrient brand for this? you think buying a certain brand will give you unbelievable clone success? i once heard "its a poor carpenter who blames his tools"......

yeah yeah w/e I even called AN, got a number, called that and talked to some dude who was wheezing and coughing into the phone so much I thought he was going to die on me. He claims to have been involved in the process of making Juicy Roots, and that "its a good product", yet he couldn't say dick about what I was doing wrong, and didn't even know what rapid rooters were...

I think bud candy is great, I have insane results with that and fox farms blend, and look forward to getting Voodoo. But AN let me down with their cloning gel.


HAHA! Another disgruntled AN user blaming their shitty product for a mediocre crop. go get some pure blend pro or foxfarm and try it again. Sorry, but whoever convinced you to use AN in the first place, whether it be a shop owner or their ridiculous ads, saw you coming... from miles away.

Whaaa? who said I got a mediocre crop? Take a look at my journal, cause my crop is at the tippity top. And I do use fox farms
Rooting agents and rapid rooters are great but temp and moisture content are key.

Yeah exactly. There is nothing wrong with your Juicy Roots gel dude, it's user error. Honestly rooting hormones help, but I have nearly as good of success without any hormone at all. I have done side by side in rainforest units with no gel, olivias and juicy roots. If anything the hormone starts showing roots about 24 hours earlier, but I still get 99-100% success regardless. As disco said, its all really about water temp and moisture content (well in a rainforest - cleanliness and water temp).
yeah yeah w/e I even called AN, got a number, called that and talked to some dude who was wheezing and coughing into the phone so much I thought he was going to die on me. He claims to have been involved in the process of making Juicy Roots, and that "its a good product", yet he couldn't say dick about what I was doing wrong, and didn't even know what rapid rooters were...

I think bud candy is great, I have insane results with that and fox farms blend, and look forward to getting Voodoo. But AN let me down with their cloning gel.

You can save yourself alot of money and buy Botanicare AquaShield instead of AN Voodoo Juice... they both contain the beneficial bacteria bacillus subtilis, that help your plant absorb nutes better

Jim Rockford

Well-known member
yea I agree AN is total crap, look at this horrible plant I grew from seed to harvest with AN:


I used to ski a lot as a kid, my one coach told me after a bad race, "Don't blame the skis." There are tons of great nutrients out there these days, they all take some time to learn and perfect. Dishing the nutrient company is ridiculous, especially Advanced. Like them or not, they've pushed the industry as hard as any company to make better nutrients. I still find the basics work as good as anything for me, GH and fox farm are so easy to use and really don't let me down. Can't say for sure Advanced did better for me, but I've never had anything wimpy using their goods.


Registered Non-Conformist
Looks awful, Jim. I think you should go back to GH... hahah... What the heck is that strain..? BOOM...!!

My AN Connoisseur-fed run pulled at 67 days.... My Second full run with the nute regimen.

GH SSH - Grape Romulan, Blue Dream, Double Kush (PKC Pure Kush X NL/OG Kush) and Querkle all turned out amazing this time...!!!

APPLES TO APPLES: The result from Half a room used, freshly trimmed and hanging, looks Very close to what a previously grown WHOLE room used to look like..!!!

I have tried soil, soiless mix, hydro, and all of the major nute regimens except Botanicare...

I am stoked. Again.
Looks awful, Jim. I think you should go back to GH... hahah... What the heck is that strain..? BOOM...!!

My AN Connoisseur-fed run pulled at 67 days.... My Second full run with the nute regimen.

GH SSH - Grape Romulan, Blue Dream, Double Kush (PKC Pure Kush X NL/OG Kush) and Querkle all turned out amazing this time...!!!

APPLES TO APPLES: The result from Half a room used, freshly trimmed and hanging, looks Very close to what a previously grown WHOLE room used to look like..!!!

I have tried soil, soiless mix, hydro, and all of the major nute regimens except Botanicare...

I am stoked. Again.

I tried many brands (botanicare, fox farms, Age Old) and I find I have less ph problems with AN... Salt buildup is rarely a problem and I haven't dusted off the ph pen i months... their nutes if mixed correctly are already at the right ph for cannabis... I know people think it's bs that AN nutes are a little more highly priced but they are a much smaller company than Botanicare and Fox Farms and they spend tons of money researching their products to specifically perform for cannabis... Not to mention they only thing (from AN) you really need to buy are the base nutes


You can save yourself alot of money and buy Botanicare AquaShield instead of AN Voodoo Juice... they both contain the beneficial bacteria bacillus subtilis, that help your plant absorb nutes better

Right on.

To everyone who proudly thought to "disprove" me by showing off their Advanced Nutrients crops, your all dumb asses, I wasn't talking shit about their nutrients... just their rooting gel!
Screw those guys, I even talked to them to find out what I was doing wrong and they couldn't tell me shit except that I sounded like I knew what I was doing and that they use rock wool cubes. :nono:

DIP AND GROW here I come!


you really get better yields with that shit? ive been sticking with the 3 part gh for some time now and it does me WONDERS... tried the conneuseur only to realize that i spent way to much money and it did no better then my pureblend or b.c

do you have your envio dialed in, because only then you get the benefits . and you are at your potential at the time so connisuer wont help you there .. dont give a bad name to something when you dont know how to incorporate it correctly into your system .. I have used GH, HESI and now using advanced, sorry hands down Advanced, although they get bad reputation, from people who cant grow so good yet, or it doesnt match their growingstyle and they used the nute calculator on the wrong root system and on the wrong sized plants .. think about what you do wrong before saying something is shit ..
i am Advanced fan, because the shit does work, and they stand for the medical community, sorry they give plenty of money to fund raisers and they do a lot of research, you can see that by their nutrient levels changing, and their products, they are always trying to be the best for us growers .. and for their pockets .. the shits gotta work right? and then work better then the rest .. in the future you will have your pics from me.. its almost the same as taking advice from a reader here on IC and it didnt help me and then i call him a shitty grower, why? hes only trying to help but its my system thats not dialled .. get the picture ?? why is advanced so expensive ?? they use the highest graded ingridients they can purchase, and you taste this in your final product ..


Registered Non-Conformist
When the original post was made, it seemed like an attack on AN.... That is why we are rising to defend it.... They get a lot of rotten press. We gotta remember - there are people behind any enterprise. Thus, there will be adjustments (hopefully) because of the nature of being human. Also, some greed, like the whole Canna-Bizness industry, in general. If you haven't noticed...

Yes, I agree. I am - and We Are, ALL "Dumb-Asses," because we were able to grow a successful run or two (or more) of Rock-hard buds of different strains ( a real show of the quality of the nutes ) simultaneously, with a certain product line...

It was strong (Conny) and I never even got to more than 3/4 strength on the light feeding chart.... Using the plants as barometers, it was easy to tell how they were responding to the Concentrated feeding power of the Conny. As a result, the BASE NUTRIENT has lasted a long time. Some of the additives are costly, fer sure... I will agree. I was able to get most of them at 20% off,due to a good sale nearby... Next run, I will taper down on the B-52, and Big Bud, using more BEASTIE BLOOMZ, and CHA CHING.

Minimal pH balancing was ever necessary - although I was hand-pouring. So, I cannot verify how a Reservoir-full of water behaves over days....

People are simply chiming in to tell the truth of their experience. It is nothing personal. SCIENCE Is all that matters.


Well i'm really considering using AN more now i know it's cheaper than Canna, Dutch-master looks good but they run some major high E.C levels which scares the shit out of me lol

Guest 18340

Yeah thats right, I got Juicy Roots (the rooting gel) and JumpStart (cloning nutrient, mainly vitamin B and Kelp).

I squeeze the juicy roots gel into the rapid rooter hole as instructed, make the final cut on the clone under water, at an angle, sometimes even making an extra slit. Everything was done perfectly including the environment.
I spray the clones with JumpStart as directed, sometimes giving it a rest.

This is the second time around failing with around 40 clones. The first time I failed I thought it might be because I was saturating the rapid rooters and squeezing them out a little. Then I heard that the Rapid Rooters are as moist as they need to be outta the package.

I did still get around 8 healthy clones from the first failed batch (after a month), but I did the second batch even more pro, and 2 and 1/2 weeks later I have nothing but yellow stumps.

I normally use Rootech cloning gel but picked up a bottle of Juicy roots recently.
The Rootech is a stronger formula (look at the ingredients)but thats only needed when you trying to roots woody cuts.
I too use the Rapid rooter plugs. In fact, I do it the way you do, squeezing gel into the plug etc. But I don't use anything but plain tap to keep my plugs wet. And when I say wet, I don't mean slightly damp. I pour water over the plug everyday, sometimes twice a day if its really warm in my room.
About 4 months ago I posted how I was having zero success rate cloning.
A few beautiful souls here on icmag came to my aid and i had a fellow icmagger come over and show me how to clone. Now I get 100% success.
In fact, I have such great success now that I had a load of extra clones so I gave some to the very icmagger who came over 4 months ago and showed me how to clone:ying:
Juicy roots is an ok product, no better or worse than other gels with the same strength. I even use Schultz rooting powder from Walmart, works as good as anything else.
What I really like about Juicy roots is the bottle it comes in, makes it easy to squeeze some into a small hole rather than dipping clones into a jar of gel.
BUT, how Advanced figures their rooting gel "gives you bigger harvests" is beyond me...
Anyway, Imo (and I mean no disrespect) I think it's something you're doing.
Try keeping the plugs wet.
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