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Sad News on RC...PLEASE READ...

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Still weird. emery's sites were not down when he got arrested and there was a lot of news. Still no news on OG, only rumours, weird.


Active member
I wouldn't worry about getting seeds sent to a safe address. First off if you have ever had seeds seized all customs does is send you a sheet of paper saying That there was an item in your package that was illegal for importation. Thats it youre not put on a big scary list youre not going to have LEO kicking in your door. They just take your shit. And Most seed companies will send replacements. Obviously HS is going to have problems but everybody needs to stop worrying. I can also say with some certainty that the DEA may be putting pressure on the Canadian Govt, but this whole thing is Canada's move. And correct me if I'm wrong, but we have something in the good old US that they will never take away from us freedom of information. If they can have a web site dedicated to molesting children, NAMBLA, then they can have a site dedicated to giving growing information. After all it is just information. Now if you're trading weed or soliciting people to send you anything your an idiot. Also about the "evil empire" I know this maybe hard for some of you to believe, but I know alot of people in law enforcement and I can say will certainty that since 9/11/01 resources used in the "war on drugs" have been deferred to homeland security and border protection. Now that I have said that let me also say if you do stupid shit you will get caught. Never take unneccesary risks unless you want to go to the farm (prison). Just because you think the USA and president Bush is evil and is out to get everybody doesn't make it true.


Que said:
RC should have changed the way he shipped seeds.
Enough people told him.
You didnt have to be the smartest man in the world to know what was inside a letter from HS.

I told RC that,YEARS ago....
Body Punched

Body Punched

Nickcorp187 said:
... correct me if I'm wrong, but we have something in the good old US that they will never take away from us freedom of information.

... if you're trading weed or soliciting people to send you anything you're an idiot.

... let me also say if you do stupid shit you will get caught. Never take unneccesary risks unless you want to go to the farm (prison).

:cool: Amen for your words of comfort and wisdom at a time when a shitstorm rains down upon some of our dedicated brother and sister farmers.
Like the guy who makes lemonade with the lemons he's been given, perhaps we can harvest the fertilizer that has been falling and use it to provide nutrition for some mighty fine buds. Until that day, I guess we need to get out the ol' shitstorm umbrellas and hope the skies clear soon.

Depending on the laws in your particular neck-of-the-woods, growers must always think about the bottom line... getting busted. In the big scheme of things, the marijuana laws will (probably) always be a bone of contention in most societies. It's a heavyweight fight that will go the distance. Their side just landed a body blow that knocked us against the ropes. Some of us will take the "standing 8 count" and rethink our strategies. We will "adapt and overcome" in our own way -- perhaps being a tad more stealthy in our gardening pursuits. It's a real gamble for the hardiest risk-takers.

Thanks, Nick. I'll do safety and security checks (and try to 'think' more often) and try to avoid doing "stupid shit." I've got a couple of ex-wives that swear if there was a "Stupid Shit Parade," I'd be elected Grand Marshall. I wonder if I get a badge with that job. The same wisdom applies to any walk of life. Do somethin' stupid and you will be taken down by the people who have decided what is "stupid." My pop used to say, "Boy, don't be a fool or an idiot cause folks will notice."
Let's roll with the punches and grow on.
Peace, love, dope.
The Rev :cool:


Active member
i'm in the dark about bilbo's bust(sorry to hear), but i must ask, who is "Poppy"?


Billbo, I feel for you man!! I know the feelings you are probably having right now. It is a hell I couldnt wish for a worst enemy. Keep your head up and try to remember to let your lawyer do the worrying for you. Thats what they get paid for. Try to live you r life as normally as you can. I wish all the best for you.

Now on to some facts before some of you go of feeling all warm and fuzzy about funds being cut to the DEA or to drug warriors as a whole...


http://www.usdoj.gov/oig/reports/DEA/a9520.htm#I.COMMUNICATION OF PROGRAM REQUIREMENT

This one shows the INCREASE of 4% TO THE DEA THIS YEAR.....


The DEA has LOST FUNDING? Are you fucking serious?? I dont give a shit what a cop says, figures are figures. The fucking bastards have recieved increases every year since its inception AND this is just INITIAL costs!! By the time all is said and done at the end of the year they will have spent an estimated 4+ billion dollars on the war on weed!! The only people being "strapped" so to speak, would be your local pork. HOWEVER, if you look at a link from above you will see that the DEA themselves help fund local pork ALONG WITH THE IRS!! I think the estimated 4+ billion will most likely be FAR higher...mid 5's??

Dont be getting all warm and cozy feeling that the DEA has been hit in the pocketbook fer fuck sake, they have been anything but.

"Three decades later, despite the expenditure of $1 trillion in federal and
state tax dollars, the number of hard-core addicts is shortly expected to
exceed 5 million. Our nation has become the Wal-Mart of the drug world with
a wider variety and more drugs available at cheaper prices than ever
before. The problem now not only affects every town and hamlet on the map,
it is difficult to find a family anywhere that is not somehow affected.
There are now fifty-five federal and military agencies involved in federal
drug enforcement alone (not counting state and local agencies) and US
military troops are now invading South and Central American nations under
the banner of drug war. The federal drug war budget alone (not counting
state and municipal budgets) is now well over $20 billion a year, and my
personal quest to find one individual anywhere in the world who could
honestly testify that the trillion-dollar , US war on drugs had somehow
saved him or her from the white menace has thus far been fruitless."


Bang Wang


Active member
Okay first off let me start by saying most of what you say is absolutly correct Bang. Now a 4% increase isn't all that much. I mean is the last five years how much more money has the DEA received also the DEA doesn't just operate in the US they operate in central and south america and many other places to go after the source of commerically imported drugs. Also local law enforcement budgets are getting cut and more time and energy is spent on terrorism. Most of us don't ever have to worry about the DEA busting down our doors because remember the DEA is a federal agency and most grows aren't large enough to break federal law. They are too busy going after big fish than the kid growing 4 or 5 plants in his closet. Think about if the DEA spent their time going after every small grow their budget would have to have a lot more than a 4% increase. While I am most certainly not telling people not to let their guards down I am just saying the whole world isn't out to get you. Also just a heads up but my sources tell me LEO definately is looking at all growing web sites so just be carefull and don't be stupid. Be safe everyone.


Active member
"Also just a heads up but my sources tell me LEO definately is looking at all growing web sites so just be carefull and don't be stupid."

must be nice to have those "sources"...


RuralRoute420 said:
"Also just a heads up but my sources tell me LEO definately is looking at all growing web sites so just be carefull and don't be stupid."

^^^Yep, the foundation of the American way, a comon thread running from the massacre of the native peoples to the paranoia of smokers.


Not sure if this willl make anyone feel any better,but...
There was a bust in Barrie Ontario awhile ago,Vietnamese fellow.
On the news here yesterday it was announced that the case was dropped.
Why? Police profiling!!!!! :D They searched for any 'Asians' buying new houses
& set to watching them...not allowed here in Canada:D
There have been quite a few busts lately ....I think some one is snitching.LOL!
Seriously...our laws are our laws & there is only so much the DEA can do here.
However now that Bush's new bitch (Harper) is in power heaven only knows...

dj:2cents: :D


BTW...Bilbo,hon I am so sorry about the bust!:frown:
Hang in there my friend!:tup:


New member
I dont know if this has been covered but is there anyway we can archive the information on Overgrow to a local server or even run overgrow locally on our PC (not internet connected). I know that the community of Overgrow will be no more, but the information on OG is priceless. There is just a ton of information that most of us would hate to see lost.

I thought about this scenario before OG got shutdown. I always wondered if i could download or archive OG to my PC. I was paranoid for a while that OG would get shutdown and we would lose all the great information. But starting 2 years ago, I figured OG would be here forever. Look at what has happened. I should of asked about this long time ago, but i figured people would think I am trying to steal from OG. Thanks.
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