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S.F.V. OG Kush

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No, it doesn't look like your Karma cut. The sfv og is chem tasting: lemony, pinesol, fuel taste!!! :woohoo: Got any pics of your sfv og from calm??? Mine went 70 days and could have gone more. Tall, stretchy, popcorn's of lemony pinesol fuel everywhere!!! :yoinks: Love her dearly...

... S R... :wave:


hahahahahah no one listens but hey im sure orgnkid and his buds making all these dams crosses and s1's and shit are sitting back chilling counting the loot. you guys prob got an ireneog cut called og. or that other bs og that looks simila and smells like it but is a hybrid. im sure that idiot rudeboi could shed light on those since its his crew that is responsible for that shit. maybe he can actually be usefull for once.

but this cut you see right here from jimmy is sfv real sfv.. i know for fact trust me... now og has never had fat leaves the s1's and hybrids do . i mean my dawgs ahve very similar leaves to my ogs in thinnes. now the only og i ahve which i will neveer again call og is the abusive as its not og. sorry to say this but i call shenanegans...
now my abusive has a bit more rounded leaf structure. nut our original and the sfv ahve near identical leaves with slight variations in color. otherwise enjoy the "OG"

now back to your previously scheduled program

SFV OG--- lemon pledge pinesol could be tad fuely but mainly this exact taste
Original OG------Lemon chem fuel like sucking on lemon flavored gas.
Ghost cut-------lemon sour diesel with some funk underttones
Abusive----------faint lemon smelll super faint ahve to stick nose in the smashed bud to get it. taste like crap. no lemon no fuel just kinda hashy . strong hit though will sy that but not sfv or real og


man, you west coast guys sure do have it good.
all these bomb as kushes out there.
we need some ladies like that out on the east coast!
but we do have that killer diesel!
i guess either it works out like that,
or i don't know where to look.
i guess if you don't have a med card, you don't have a chance.
all i can say is "fuggetaboutit"
rain your pity on me left coasters!


dude its on the east coast. thats a fact. all our kushesare out there for sho


yeah, east coasters can get whatever. all you need is to make a friend on the west coast with a kind heart and a nearby post office. :)


Thanks for stopping in everybody!:wave:

Thanks for the photo tips Ezra.:smile:...that pic does look a little better. I'm too lazy though, I never use photoshop....just shoot the pics then upload them right to my gallery.

Ograskal...Hehe, thanks bro:D I'm close to having her dialed in on this 1st run. I hit her with the ferts a little too hard a few waterings ago....the leaves are very dark and some burnt tips.....but nothing that I can't work out in the end and still get killer, clean-burning bud. Yep,....Piney/Lemony :woohoo:

Now you Cali guys have me even more confused......the sfv OGK, IS the PK????.......or does it just look like it??? I thought the Pure Kush looked more like a Bubba Kush.....well Suge's "PK" does. I dunno anymore. :confused: As long as it tastes good and gets me ripped---WHATEVER!!! :D To be certain of what your ACTUALLY growing/smoking would be nice though.......call me crazy!

Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
Looks killer Jimmy!!

I need a friend also... :woohoo: :confused:

You guys keep posting up the killer Kush pics...It doesn't matter which one as they all look killer!!

Take care and grow safe....................................CC


ok lets looks at this right.. pk has a way different taste and look than og. not even close. no way are pk "purekush" and og the same or similar.. sorry aint happening...


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
og isnt the pure haha, this thread got too funny. how many cuts of og now days? lmao

Incase anyone is wondering.
Swerve is right on about everything.

of course he is, hes tha fellow kushhead.


Well-known member
Swerve said:
ok lets looks at this right.. pk has a way different taste and look than og. not even close. no way are pk "purekush" and og the same or similar.. sorry aint happening...

Swerve~ I don't want ta hijack Jimmy's thread to bad...but...I will say this...there's a 'circle' of catz in the Southern LA/Northern OC area who have had, what I believe to be, the so-called SFV OGK since at least '97...they call it, for one reason or anutha, "PK" or "Pure Kush"...clearly it's not tha same cut as Suge's PK...I never thought it was.

If I had ta guess...I'd say tha reason these folks call it tha "Pure Kush" is because of all tha S1's, Hybrids, & Fake OGK's...they're prolly only referring to it as tha Pure 'OG' Kush so as to differentiate it from all tha other impure OG Kushes...like I said though...this is only speculation on my part.

IGT :chin:

Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
While you guys are at it could you shed some light on the Pure/Puss Kush?

Flower time,potency,odor/flavor...
Thanks and I appreciate anything you guys can give me ...



Nspecta said:
Swerve~ I don't want ta hijack Jimmy's thread to bad...but...I will say this...there's a 'circle' of catz in the Southern LA/Northern OC area who have had, what I believe to be, the so-called SFV OGK since at least '97...they call it, for one reason or anutha, "PK" or "Pure Kush"...clearly it's not tha same cut as Suge's PK...I never thought it was.

If I had ta guess...I'd say tha reason these folks call it tha "Pure Kush" is because of all tha S1's, Hybrids, & Fake OGK's...they're prolly only referring to it as tha Pure 'OG' Kush so as to differentiate it from all tha other impure OG Kushes...like I said though...this is only speculation on my part.

IGT :chin:

Gotcha, makes sense...thanks for clarifying....!!!!


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
Swerve~ I don't want ta hijack Jimmy's thread to bad...but...I will say this...there's a 'circle' of catz in the Southern LA/Northern OC area who have had, what I believe to be, the so-called SFV OGK since at least '97...they call it, for one reason or anutha, "PK" or "Pure Kush"...clearly it's not tha same cut as Suge's PK...I never thought it was.

If I had ta guess...I'd say tha reason these folks call it tha "Pure Kush" is because of all tha S1's, Hybrids, & Fake OGK's...they're prolly only referring to it as tha Pure 'OG' Kush so as to differentiate it from all tha other impure OG Kushes...like I said though...this is only speculation on my part.


it clearly makes sense for anyone their group or knows them but for others is just pointless. just makes things harder with another name out there.


Nice pics Jimmy. Stay outta them clubs, people :noway: buy a few packs of seeds or somethin..

By the way ... :lurk:


JDOG6000 said:
Incase anyone is wondering.
Swerve is right on about everything.

Have you found out yet, JDog6000, whether or not Swerve's Pure Kush is the Pure Kush or the Leapard PK?
No offence Swerve, just asking for a second opinion, since I have another 4 months approx...till I find out for sure. I believe you, Swerve, but I know people can make mistakes as well, and I was wondering what JDog600 thinks about this cut of yours.
I lok forward to it personally, regardless of whether or not it's the Pure Kush. If Swerve believes it is, it must be good, nonetheless.
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