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S.E. Asian Expedition 2008...Cambodia/Vietnam...




I love the birds-of-paradise...makes me long for a place I hope to get back to one day.

Thanks, you guys, for the great tale.



Gypsy....DG....I'm living vicariously through y'all here........y'all are killing me with all of this suspense between updates......

...tune in next week.....same bat time....same bat channel.....LoL

Loving the photo journal! It's awesome....the narratives are great too!

Rut Roh......2 more posts to hit #420.......
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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
A fine and interesting dinner-date....

A fine and interesting dinner-date....

Mr Ho showed up at one of the resorts fine restaurants that evening around 8.30pm dressed casually with a fine looking lady of around 25 years old with long silky jet-black hair and a smile that could melt the heart and raise the blood pressure of any man.....she was slim, tall for a Vietnamese but also curvateous in the right places with fine features, a face that looked like it had been honed and polished from the finest marble......she needed no make-up but had slightly accentuated her look with just a smidgin.....Mr Ho introduced both myself and D.G.to her......her name was 'Jen'.....

I had not seen Ho in 5 years or so when we had got together in Canada where he had been growing on a fairly large scale for the U.S. market...From what he told me back then his family had left Vietnam towards the end of the Vietnamese/American conflict as refugees, his Father was a stone mason that had quickly picked up work in construction in Canada soon forming his own company and doing very well with it indeed.....Ho had worked in his Fathers business for a while untill he decided upon getting into cultivation during the late 1980’s.......with his skills and contacts in construction and real estate he was able to create many grow houses and teach many others how to go about it, most he past on the knowledge to were also mainly Vietnamese and over the years the profits from this business had mushroomed to the extent that he now had many business interests outside of cultivation worldwide and was a very, very wealthy man.......

The meal was absolutely divine and the service impeccable and we talked at length about Vietnam and Ho’s association with our favourite plant in purgatory which was very interesting for Mr Ho’s Father originated from the Da Nang area and was back in the 1960’s one of the main suppliers of cannabis to the ever growing U.S. military personnel, supplying many much smaller distributors with the locally grown ‘erb who in-turn supplied many young Americans with their first taste of the inebriating buds.....which in turn gave many of them much relief from the torture of war.....

During a break between courses I crossed paths with Ho on the way back from the comfort room and getting him alone from our female companions for a couple of minutes I asked him if it was possible to be able to aquire some local genetics in seed form....Ho laughed briefly and said ‘Gypsy.....I will show you something spectacular tommorrow if you have a few hours to travel to and visit Quang Nam Province where we have something going on around an old quarry’........’O.K. Ho......I’ll be ready anytime you want to pick me up’ I said with an obviously gleeful tone.....’Can I bring a camera to document it for posterity?’......’Sorry man.......no pictures, I will have one of my guys pick you up around 10a.m......be advised that it will be necessary to blind-fold you for part of the journey just for the sake of basic security’.......he said....’Would it be O.K. if I brought D.G. along with me for company?’......’For sure’ said Ho....’She would surely enjoy the experience too’........

After a sumptuous desert and petit fours we bade our farewells....Ho’s driver showed up after being summoned by cell-phone and Ho and his lady-friend sped off into the night in a large shiny new Mercedes E-Class limousine......As D.G. and myself made our way back to the suite I informed her of what was on the agenda for the following day, much to her delight.

During our brief....but sweet conversation away from the dinner table that night Ho had very discretely passed a small well rolled spliff to me which I swiftly pocketed to retrieve later on the veranda of my suite to savour......I twisted it lightly and ran the spliffs length under my nose whilst enjoying the scent that came from it.......trying to place what it reminded me of....and finally came to the conclusion that it was not dissimilar to some erb’ that I had acquired in my late teens from a Vietnam veteran in Boise Idaho.......30 years ago.....Back then the ex-U.S.Marine had called it Vietnamese Gold and had grown it from seeds he had got in Vietnam and grown out in a friends place in Hawaii.......

D.G. came out onto the veranda after I had fired up the spliff and inhaled holding the very fragrant smoke in my lungs for a few seconds before exhaling into the warm still night air overlooking China Beach.....Ahhhh......bliss........Then I passed it on to the lady.....


one in the chamber
Sounds divine! I always enjoy the travelogues you and DG post up on here. That suite at the Furama looks great too. Every time I have plans to go to Vietnam or Cambodia, something comes up. I was supposed to head out to Phnom Penh in the first or second week of October, but it doesn't look likely now. Ah well, maybe I'll try and squeeze in a trip to Bangkok at some point in the near future!


Getting high on China Beach

Getting high on China Beach

Gypsy passed me the joint after I caught a whiff of the dank smoke leaking into our suite from the balcony and walked out to him, following my nose....lol Damn it smelled good, kinda sugar and spice and all things nice :canabis:

Gypsy was reclining on one of the wooden sun loungers looking into space with a big grin on his face. 'Try this' Gypsy said to me while passing me the quarter toked joint and saying 'It reminds me of what was once passed to me years ago, the guy called it Vietnamese Gold'. :smoker:

We never travel with weed between countries these days. It's just not worth the risk, but I wondered where Gypsy had got the joint from. 'Did Mr Ho give this to you?' I asked. 'Yeah, Ho slipped it to me during dinner', Gypsy said. 'How nice of him' I said as I took a good sized hit and within a few seconds I began to feel the effects. :kos: My body felt much lighter and it was as if time was standing still almost, like slow motion and I began to start to concentrate on looking in detail at all of the high features of the wooden architecture of the balcony, the way the hardwoods had been used to create such an aesthetically pleasing space here in this fine suite of rooms.

We were both silent not bothering to say anything but obviously very entertained in our heads by the effects of this local herbal delight! Sounds became amplified and although it was really a very quiet night, every small sound became a wonder to hear. The faint wash of the waves on the beach, the croaking of a distant frog, the odd noise of cicadas rubbing their legs together in a symphony. I was just sure they were playing this symphony just for us. :D



Ha ha ha...this is classic storytellin at it's best...LoL. DG was checking out the wood architecture...LoL....with pictures even, LoL!
DG = stoned...LoL.

I gotta get some of that Vietnamese Gold...

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
D.G. finding God?

D.G. finding God?

I must have drifted off somewhere into a soft, light dreamsleep out there on the balcony, even the hard wooden slats of the sun-lounger felt like cotton-wool to my spine. I dreamed of mountains of marble with beautifull asian faces carved into them and I was base jumping past them in slow motion without a parachute, falling.....falling....falling....The aroma of bouganvilla and frangipani drifting up from the gardens filled my head with wierd emotional sensations and odd thoughts that are difficult if not impossible to explain with mere words.

After a span of time that I could not even guess at I arose from where I was and made my way shuffling into the suite noticing that D.G. was sprawled out on one of the sofa’s staring at the ceiling like she was examining the horse-head nebula in orion thru a telescope....Her eyes were open wide and she had this expression of total wonder on her happy looking face....’Hey!’.....I said in a fairly loud voice....’Have you just found God or something?’...'No....she said.....I was just examining this wooden architecture, is'nt it just sooo wonderfull?'....

At that juncture her gaze left the eaves and her mouth spread into a wide smile as she looked at me and started giggling quietly at first. It was one of those infectious giggles that turned into a hearty, side-splitting laughter and we both ended up rolling around in stitches wondering if we had lost our minds or what?.......

It was definately the effects of the fine ‘erb that had brought us such joy that night and we both slept extreemly well amongst the duckdown comforter on the king sized bed......


boy i'd kill for a spot next to dg just gigglin heehee=)
you're a lucky man gypsy
thanks for the wonderful story, i'm still lurkin'
much love



which joint had the better high? Da Nang or Khmer?

the Da Nang grass sounded like it was strong and trippy
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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Chamba said:
which joint had the better high? Da Nang or Khmer?

the Da Nang grass sounded like it was strong and trippy

...both were outstanding Chamba.......difficult to fathom what was better than the other......they both did the trick!


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Hey you two travelers...I'm enjoying this as if I were there. I'm curious though...do these contacts you have know of or ever go on Ic Mag...they must know of your seed business? Great morning wake up on the West Coast.....DD
update please

update please

Hey Gypsy or DG,

It would be nice to get an update to this story..anticapation is killing me. Great story, thanks.



Active member
You got my attention, I like to travel from my chair. I wouldn't mind thinking about wooden architecture as well, that I would handle personally. Good story.


So jealous. I wish I could have adventures such as these. you know traveling to exotic places then smokeing fine ass weed. Have a good trip!


The way we were left hanging, a real cliffhanger - I wonder if there won't be some Vietnamese beans announced at some point.

:sasmokin: :alien: :sasmokin:

Then again, I may talking out of my ass



So sorry ya'll.....have been selecting and resizing pics....to go along with the next
update in our travel log here....wow, looks like we have you on the edges of your chairs. :D

Stay tuned...update on the way....sooooooon! :lurk:



Active member
ICMag Donor
I thought you might be sitting blind folded in some bamboo cage half filled with water and snakes, great story so far.......