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My little pony.. my little pony
I played the paper D&D back in 1978. That was a hoot. Having a good imaginative dungeon master made the whole experience. My first PC rpg game was Nethack from 1988 and was a DOS acsii based game. Heres a screenshot of what it looked like. Same d&d ruleset but after character creation you started on the first level of a dungeon and worked your way down to more dangerous levels. About as primative as you can get but I remember playing this for hours.

I have a closet full of old PC games on floppy disks. Some of the memorable ones were the Ultima series and Might&Magic. Tales of the Sword Coast,etc.

Oblivion was good and Fallout 3 rocked but Im surprised no one mentioned the Baldurs Gate series w/o it there would be no Oblivion or Gothic.


In that case you must remember Bards Tale?

That kept me going for hours. I held a 72 hour nonstop session on that in 2000!, was a blast.

Mr. Burgundy

Active member
I played the paper D&D back in 1978. That was a hoot. Having a good imaginative dungeon master made the whole experience. My first PC rpg game was Nethack from 1988 and was a DOS acsii based game. Heres a screenshot of what it looked like. Same d&d ruleset but after character creation you started on the first level of a dungeon and worked your way down to more dangerous levels. About as primative as you can get but I remember playing this for hours.


That was exactly what I was referring to in my post-MOIRA/NETHACK/ROGUE/ and that addicting game!!! :woohoo: I knew one guy that made it to the BALROG, saved his game, and kept tryin until he beat it. Then he put the saved game on a FLOPPY disk and gave it to me. Damn. A freakin Floppy disk. I was in college in the late 80's and I wasted many a productive opportunity on that damn game...I still know a few folks that take it back to the old ways and bust out the dice and paper.. I used to sit in on my older brothers D&D campaigns in the 70's...I could sit and read the MONSTER MANUAL for hours as a kid..wow.

Speaking of D&D, I just NETFLIX'd the old D&D cartoon show from '83. I was watching the first disc, and it really helps to be stoned first...

Stay Classy!


i was into d & d back in like 92 with my cuz we had made a few worlds of our own but we didn't play that long

enter sandman

Active member
I've gamed since around 83 and nothing will ever compare to pen & paper rpgs. It was usually AD&D (all editions) but just fantasy rpgs that made you use your imagination to picture stuff in the game. I've since played the very best of any game, pc mostly.....and nothing has quite compared to the early years for me. I fell in love with the Fighting Fantasy Gamebook series, written by Ian Livingston & Steve Jackson. Man...I was 14 years old & would get high & play those gamebooks, it was sooo much fun. I still order various gamebooks just out of curiosity and those books are now back out in new editions with new adventures. They have a cool website, so check it out.

Before he died, Gary Gygax said that video games can never compare to or replace the human imagination................


Did anyone play D&D Birthright: The gorgons alliance? Or the first pc based D&D Eye of the Beholder?:joint:


New member
Fallout 3, Oblivion, Fable 2 and tons of others. D & D isn't so bad either even though that's not what you were talking about.


xcogollox- Yea, until you reach endgame, then its a mindless series of raid after raid.


Registered Med User
suikoden was the shit! when I was young I played final fantasy all the time, I think FF7 was the greatest. All the zeldas up to ocarina of time were dope, oblivion was cool as fuck to. Now I have no time for rpgz. fight night baby!


i still play ,i just beat the new suikoden on the ds.it was ok i think the next will be better


Gary Gygax and the other guy who i cant remember his name for the life of me pretty much died as gods in the ad & d circle.my cuz still plays and he will play the new books and out of no where he will show up and be like here bro i got this for me and got you one two.i'll read through them thats about it


My little pony.. my little pony
" Speaking of D&D, I just NETFLIX'd the old D&D cartoon show from '83. I was watching the first disc, and it really helps to be stoned first..."

Funny I watched that too .. I remember some of the all star cast. Willie Ames [ 8 is Enough ] played Hank and Donnie Most [ Happy Days ] played Eric.
Haven't thought about the D&D cartoon in ages... that's a Sat. morning flashback. I want to ride the roller coaster that sends me to a mythical realm and imbues me with powers and/or weapons. I may actually be able to take that trip if I can find the right smoke... ah, here it is.


everquest was fun when i played it the first few times after that i didnt really care to play it.if i played any pc games it would have been the quest for glory series