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what up budly,i had tactics didn't care for it to much,but i do like tactics 2 though


Legend of Zelda the Twilight Princess on nintendo Wii is my favorite, Way back The Legend of Dragoon on playstation 1. It was awesome for its time..


sunshine in a bag
I am embarrassed to say that I played WoW from open beta until right before the latest expansion retailed.

Fuck that game.


i never got into wow.i did play the ps1 version i thought that was pretty cool


Registered Pothead
Hands down World of Warcraft is one of the best rpgs ever made. I played for four years tough. The only down side is if you are a loner player you cant accomplish shit. Got full tier 7.5 and then quit. It only gets boring when you can kill another player in five seconds. I would still play WOW but i know how evil it really is.


Hands down World of Warcraft is one of the best rpgs ever made. I played for four years tough. The only down side is if you are a loner player you cant accomplish shit. Got full tier 7.5 and then quit. It only gets boring when you can kill another player in five seconds. I would still play WOW but i know how evil it really is.

yes WoW is EVIL.. not to mention addicting ! :yeahthats :noway: :laughing:


Jagged Alliance, i have every game, mod, update, editting suite available. I also wrote the faq's and guides for this game. Spend hundreds of hours on it.

Also love Sudden strike but that's not so much an RPG.

Mr. Burgundy

Active member
Pfft. You guys are all a bunch of nerdy geeks with your computer games. All the cool people know that the only real RPGs are pen and paper. Now as soon as I find my 20-siders I'm gonna go party with all my other hip friends while putting the whop ass on a green dragon.

Don't forget to play some Dream Warriors "roll of the 12 sided dice" in the background...

I gets my OBLIVION on from time-to-time..I downloaded MOIRA not too long ago, and sometimes I get a few hours in on that..keeps me humble :)


Active member
One I can remember well, final fantasy 7


my friend and I each got a playsation 1 for christmas from the rents

so christmas time, he comes over, and he has ff7, so he starts his game, and it's so, well, attractive, nice story, so much effort put into it, nice graphics, fun to play

so yeah I got it too, and man, what a story , 3 discs
played that game over a hundred hours

diablo 1 was cool, played a little bit of 2, but... too big, too much time

super marioi rpg, legend of the seven stars I played a bit

other then that, nope, played a lot of fps, counter strike !
stoned is fun man lol

sometimes i'm like, wow, i am playing with other people, real people man
and we have guns and it's strategy you know

but then you die and you gotta wait 3 mins each time, and then I get bored :p

good times none the less , I don't really play anymore video games

oh. I remember now

Zelda 1-2 for NES
Zelda for SNES

lots of times with the nes and snes


The Hopeful Protagonist
Damn...nobody else down with America's Army ?


That's me with the M203


Here I am prone with the M249 laying down suppressive fire



New member
Earthbound. FF6 (3 US). Soul Blazer, Illusion of Gaia, Terranigma. Dragon Quest 8. Quest for Glory series.
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the quest for glory series were damn good games and illusion of gaia was damn good too
Diablo 2 is the best RPG to this point IMO... looking forward to Diablo 3's release... site is up for it at www.Diablo3.com if you haven't checked it out.

I've played Warhammer Online since open beta, I'll be letting my subscription run out this cycle though. It's a very solid game but they are still getting some things worked out. Graphics are far superior to WoW, but you would expect that given the age difference. If you are into PvP, it's a great MMO (Still prefer PvP in D2). Warhammers end game gets stale very quickly though, it's a big rinse and repeat of taking over keeps and battlefield objectives. Gear could be a little more unique and random and they need to merge some servers to get better populations.

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