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Round Five, lets see them thrive!


Well in my never ending quest to become a perpetual grower, i've started some new beanz
They are:
Core's MiSfiT x5
Core's Dominatrix x5
NRS Bubblelicious x3, these seeds are more then 5 yrs old I believe..i'd found out I had some left so..why not start them up and see if I can make some more F2s?
Pipeline's Chunky Micks 08 x4

While looking for me Chunky Micks (i'd misplaced the package..doh) i discovered I'd also been given some Amnesia Kush F2 freebies..I've done some reading up on those and WoW!!! these are going to be some killer plants!! unfortunately i haven't got the space for them this round so they'll be going in next round..

Here's some pix
Core's MiSfIT x5 hit the water a day before yesterday and are already showing me a tiny tiny bit of taproot.
Core's Dominatrix x5 hit the water a day before yesterday and they too are already showing me a tiny tiny bit of taproot :smoke:
Here's me last Bubblelicious beans, i'm planning on using a boy box and make some more beans..:yes:
The Chunky Micks have been soaking for a little under 24 hours now...i'm also planning on making some more beanz with these, as soon as i'll have a Chunky Mick-boy he'll be going in the box :D

This round will take place indoors as the OD season is runnin to a close this year..Will be using my Silverbox as a grow and flowerbox and my little homebox xs as a boy-box/stud-shack :kos:

there will prolly be not that many pix at first because growin plants are always a lil bit less interesting to watch as flowering plants but the text updates will be frequent (or so i hope :joint:)

Laterz, Low


go on .. pull my finger
ICMag Donor
hey low u got a real nice choice in seed there mate
grabbin my seat


ooo I must be in the front row..

:wave: HighLow! consider me lurkin!
Well, one of the Chunky Micks beans refused to sink so I checked it...and was able to squeeze it to pulp in between me fingertips..so that one was a dud..oh well..
3 beanz is still better than no beanz right :smoke:
Laterz, Low


yeah HIghLow that was that ol beer commercial..I forget the guys name..Bob Uecker mebbe?
I wonder what cause's one or two beans to turn to that white mush out of a bunch? I've had it happen a few times.
:wave:Hiya Cella,
yeah HIghLow that was that ol beer commercial..I forget the guys name..Bob Uecker mebbe?
Hmm must look-up that beer commercial then :yes: :smoke:
I wonder what cause's one or two beans to turn to that white mush out of a bunch? I've had it happen a few times.
In my case I think it was a shrivelled up seed inside the shell sorta deal..Cause it felt really light picking it up and when i when i squeezed the shell/hull sort of fell apart with nothing inside as far as i saw at that moment.
ALthought the white mush has happened sometimes too, i think it mightbe dependant on germination technique...in my case i've used the presoak in plain tap water, in a glass stored in a consistently warm place...but maybe some of the seeds where a bit less viable and had already died but still left enough material inthere to turn into white mush...or maybe because the cotyledons had already developed inside the shell but had not been strong enough to push themselves out..that happens sometimes too and when you leave the seed in just water and forget to check regularly :wallbash: then yeah..the once viable but maybe a bit weaker seed will turn to mush

Pffft can ya tell i'm toking some good stuff :biglaugh:
B 52 outta the bong w00t! :bongsmi:
Thanx for stopping by!
Laterz, Low
and so it begins....

and so it begins....

Today i've planted all my seeds, all of them had cracked except for the Chunky Micks but they've got pretty hard shells....i'm hoping/guessing that the pre-soak may have made the shells weaker and that they will sprout no problem.
Lost one Misfit bean..took it out of the glass with tweezers as to not disturb the tiny bit of taproot showin..must have exerted a lil bit too much pressure because I heard the tweezers click and the seed fallin in me tray..but cannot find it again..If i'm lucky it will have planted itself but i'm not expecting anything from that..
so all in all 15 beans have been planted in seedling soil in me propagator..now it's a waiting game till they sprout :joint:
Laterz, Low


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
yea got the seat :D

edit :

lol wanted to have frontrow on this one!!...hehehe thats why i grabbed the seat first and i'm editing now :D
Nhow ...i'm very exited you are popping them beans i spread out....i hope they will make it worth while....i do have to be honest though....the Dominatrix's could have sensetive specimens between'm...just that you know that you gotte watch them from time to time....Did't have any problems with them Misfits though..they grow very nice...but top'm atleast once or give'm a good training...they love that...both of'm
i'll drop some pix of the ones i grew ;)




MiSfiT Purple Pheno
Last edited:
Whoops...Forgot to give shout outs
Black Ra1n,Dr Dog, Verdant Green & Stevius
Thanx for tagging along :yes: :respect:
Laterz, Low
PS, Verdant Green thanx for the rep! :smoke:
Well dammit!
I broke my big blue CFl which was quite expensive :wallbash:
So now I'm gonna have to scrape together some more €'s and visit the local DIY store to get some sockets with lines+plugs attached and some small cfls..
Why? well because one of Core's Dominatrix' is already popping its head (still in shell) above soil already so I need to get a move on with new lights..
We have lift off

We have lift off

Well seems the Dominatrix are really set on dominating the grow :D
There's four Dom sprouts already
2 Misfits, and I think I've found me misplaced Misfit bean too, it hadplanted itself and is one of the two sprouts :)
Then there's one Bubl sprout visible but there's another one which i had to free from its shell and replant as gentle as I could.. and there's one Chunky Mick sprout, it's just not visible in the pix yet..


I did find some more € so i've bought me a reasonably cheap CFL and hung it inside the reflector :yes:

Till next update,