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Updates..week 3 of veg

Updates..week 3 of veg

For me remaining two (!!!) plantlets...
I've had to pull the two Dominatrix and the one Chunky Mick because they just didn't do anything, completely stalled out..
I'm thinking it might have something to do with the Plagron Alga grow, i've always gotten better results using the BioBizz range, but since I still had these bottles I thought i'd give them a try again...won't do that again and will toss the Plagron asap..Gonna be doing some modding to my lamp later this weekend as there's currently just one CFL bulb spreading it's lumens..

So the remaining plants in me garden are: 2 MisFiTs and 5 Safarimix sprouts..
Ph comes in at 8.2!! :yoinks: anybody know of any easy everyday things I could use to lower that? I know vinegar can be used to up the Ph is there something similar which will lower the ph?? Any help is muchly appreciated!!

I should have thought of a better thread title (cause they're not exactly thriving now are they :spank::noway::mad:) ah well, i'll just chalk that up to the overzealousness of youth..or something like that :laughing:
Anyways, see yallz laterz,

Be safe, be high, be happy, Low


go on .. pull my finger
ICMag Donor
hey low how u doin mate
get white vinegar mate ,ur confused bro it lowers the ph (acidic) or lemon juice , but theese products dont hold the ph there for long ,but its what ive used for yrs
if ur waters comin at 8.2 ,trust me a 2-3 tiny drops in a ltr of water will sort it mate
or u can get dolomite lime aswell to keep ur soil stable at around 7

so what soil are u using ?
and plz throw the propergator away ...trust me
Still using seedling/cutting soil, but gonna be remedying the soil thing as the two misfits wiol get their own pots with richer mixture, I know the prop does tend to make em stretch but otherwise it's too cold to get em to sprout :confused:
Thanx for clearing up the mistakes on the vinegar, got some already will apply asap, how long does the water need to stand for before giving it to the plantlets?
Thanx man! :respect: back to ya :D
Laterz, Low


Active member
Hey Low!

Damn bro- sorry to see your littleuns struggling!

I agree with the above suggestion... get yourself some dolomite lime (make sure it's in fine powder form), and sprinkle it on the soil surface, then water in. Also, mix some into a new soil mix, in preparation for your next transplant. Lay off all nutes just until they have grown a bit, and then only give them if they look hungry.

The cold may affect the uptake of certain nutrients more than others also, so try and get a small 1-2Kw heater with a thermostat in there if you can. They are not that expensive, and well worth it if you want to see the plants growing to their full potential. Make sure, if you use an extension cable for the heater, that it is rated for 13A, and that your mains can handle 13A!

Sending out some positive vibes to you bro for a quick recovery!

Hey Neon!
Thanx for the tips, im gonna see if I can get that DL in me local gardencentres if not, gonna have to source it online then..

well, modded me lamp, which took much more effort and time then I thought it would :biglaugh: but at least it's working now and it's working like it should so i'm not gonna be blowin out any mains :dance:
Repotted the MisFiTs into some fresh soil, only gave them a tiny tiny dose of rootjuice and alg-a-mic to help deal with the stress and to hopefully get their legs on in the new soil, checked me mandala seedlings..two of them had begun to mold in me heated propagator so I pitched those and ditched the propagator as well..The other three were fine if a bit stretched so they've been repotted all three in one deep pot filled with seedling soil, these have also gotten a light light dose of rootjuice and alg-a-mic to help deal with the stress..
I've got a theory about the discolourization of those MisFiTs..i noticed an old screw had found it's way into the MiSfItS watering tray, ofcourse that screw then started to oxidize and i'm thinkin the subsequently rusty water must have poisoned me plantlets somewhat...Now why do I think that is the reason for the discolourization?? well because as soon as the MisFiTs were transplanted and had had some time, they began to get back some green colour, Yay!!
So hopefully that's the reason for all the stressing out of the MiSfItS and they'll turn around something soon in the days to come...

Be safe, be high, be happy,


Active member
sorry to hear about the troubles, Low...

my pH is always high...8.5-9.0 range...every time i water, i have to adjust the pH...you need to get some pH down. period.

that soil may be a little hot for seeds, too...

"naw just regular seedling- and clones soil, Ratios that were printed on the bag: NPK 12-14-24
and i've put them in a heated propagator so that might 've helped, warm feet ya know
I'd attribute the vigor to the genetics mostly but thanx for the compliment!"

sounds like overfert to me, but if you jave had success with this mix in the past, what do i know?

do you have any straight pro~mix, or peat laying around to start the seeds?

i'm pullin' for ya!
Heya Sleepy :wave:

sorry to hear about the troubles, Low...

my pH is always high...8.5-9.0 range...every time i water, i have to adjust the pH...you need to get some pH down. period.

that soil may be a little hot for seeds, too...

sounds like overfert to me, but if you jave had success with this mix in the past, what do i know?

do you have any straight pro~mix, or peat laying around to start the seeds?

i'm pullin' for ya!

Yeah now that ya mentioned the ratio's again..:chin:..but the thing is--> I did have succes with that mix, just not right now :wallbash: It's made up mostly of sand peat and a bit of starter soil I think...i'm gonna have to re-check the bag to be certain (if i haven't tossed it already since i emptied it out)..as for the pH down----> M@rg suggested using white vinegar for that..i'll keep a close eye and add a few drops of the vinegar into the water next watering..see if that helps anything..Thanks for all the tips and support! :friends:
Be safe, be high, be happy, Low

Well...utter failure are the right words I think..so----->THREAD CLOSED!!!!!!!
Untill i've resolved what the hell it is i'm doing wrong, there will be no grow for me..
Laterz, Low