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Roots Excelurator


Well-known member
That's not what I said. You said the rez goes bad after about 2 weeks. So change out the rez at about 10 days. Stop using the RE in your rez since it seems to be the culprit, but use the Cannatonic and Rizotonic since your having problems. -granger

i allready answered to this, i switched from RE to Rhizo but it make me the same shit as the RE, 3 days after i get glunk in the rez.
cannazym make me shit too, but it take longer(10days).


@SooperSmurph- did you ever run the RE before they changed it? To me that was some good stuff and made a noticeable difference, then h&g had to go and try and make it better and screwed it all up. Hopefully they will feel it in the pocket book and change it back, or at least make 2. They can call it REv1 and REv2, Ha! Bet the original would outsell the new and improved!
Tried both versions, i'll admit my clone trays did root a little faster using the old product, but otherwise on adult plants it didn't cause noticeable differences.
RE did change their formula. They added aminos tried making it better and totally fucked it up. At first they had normal dilution but back tracked to .5ml per gallon for hydro.With what ive seen I wouldn't personally use it in its current state. I manage a hydrostore and used to recommend it to everyone but now I cant, I don't even use it myself anymore. I did hear from their rep that they are working on a "silver" line that is their old formula without the added things the gold has in it but for now its broken :(