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root rot in coco?


just trying to confirm that what you see in these pictures is root rot...

these are 3 gallon pots with a 3/1 coco/perlite ratio but also with the bottom 2in being complete perlite. im currently half way thru flower at 5.5weeks and buds have grown pretty slow this round and ive also noticed a ranky kind of smell in the grow room the last month so im just wondering if a) is this root rot
b)if it is, what can i expect if i ride out the crop and c)anything i can do to combat it?

im not using an enzyme of any sort so that might have been a huge problem right from the start but i thought it might be avoidable.
is there anything i would notice my plants doing other than growing slow and small if i had root rot?? like leaf deformation or anything like that???


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Active member
Use your nose man! what does it smell like?, Rot usually smells like smelly feet, worse it gets the worse it smells rotton, & thats a give away. What makes you think its rot? is it slimey at all?

If its been there for a while id say it isnt rot. Rot turns bad pretty quick ime(if left untreated), goes Brown-Black!.
If it is an infection you have caught it early.

Fill the infirmary form out & post more pics, give as much extra info as you can. looks more like staining to me(its the same colour as the run-off on the floor?). What nute/addy programme you on, Coco brand etc.?
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Burly root system! I can't confirm anything. Nonetheless, how long has it been in that 3gal. 5.5+ weeks? If the smell is coming from the roots, then they are definitely rotting. For orchids, I rub roots down with either iso or hydrogen peroxide then i repot when they get funky. 5.5 weeks is pretty late to repot but if you can prune you might get it back into the 3 with a little fresh coco. Maybe pot up it you think you might be looking at a 10-12 week cycle.Good Luck..hope someone who knows more can help more. peace.


Use your nose man! what does it smell like?, Rot usually smells like smelly feet, worse it gets the worse it smells rotton, & thats a give away. What makes you think its rot? is it slimey at all?

If its been there for a while id say it isnt rot. Rot turns bad pretty quick ime(if left untreated).
If it is an infection you have caught it early.

Fill the infirmary form out & post more pics, give as much extra info as you can. looks more like staining to me. What nute/addy programme you on etc.?

ok so when i go into my grow room it just smells funky sometimes but i feel like that could either be my rotting roots or maybe just a years worth of making spills on my carpet and now when the room gets humid its just kind of smells funky...

other than that what makes me think that its root rot is this is the first time in coco ive used drip trays and also the first time ive done a feed to waste so they've spent quite a few days sitting in waste until they transpire or the water evaporates(takes about 12hrs)

everything uptop on the plants look great except the small buds and what seems like slow growth rate...

i know i should have filled out the infirmary questioner but im feeling a little lazy here at 2am and im just a little stressed out but ill post some more pictures of the plants in there current state

scrogerman- thanks for posting even though i took the lazy route without filling out the iq. ill definitely do that here soon but on a side note,
i only use canna a+b
dyno grow silica
organic black strap molasses

the molasses could definitely be coloring the roots but my concern is really the bottom 3 inches of roots. they are darker colored, a bit slimy and seem to be creeping higher up...


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Burly root system! I can't confirm anything. Nonetheless, how long has it been in that 3gal. 5.5+ weeks? If the smell is coming from the roots, then they are definitely rotting. For orchids, I rub roots down with either iso or hydrogen peroxide then i repot when they get funky. 5.5 weeks is pretty late to repot but if you can prune you might get it back into the 3 with a little fresh coco. Maybe pot up it you think you might be looking at a 10-12 week cycle.Good Luck..hope someone who knows more can help more. peace.

thanks for stopping by epiphyte. plants have been in these 3 gallons for about 11weeks and have about 4weeks to go...


Active member
get your nose right on them, have a bloody good smell of those roots, take one out of the room & do it, you'll get a better sense/idea then.

Slime could or might not be an indicator of infection(not always). you based your pots with perlite too. you might wanna stop leaving them standing in solution for so long bro-12h's. You'll get your answer soon enough.

G'Luck man! btw, they look lovely & i dont think you'll have a problem finishing these off, if i was worried id think about what treatment to use, even as a preventative!.
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get your nose right on them, have a bloody good smell of those roots, take one out of the room & do it, you'll get a better sense/idea then.

Slime could or could not be an indicator. you based your pots with perlite too. you might wanna stop leaving them standing in solution for so long bro. You'll get your answer soon enough.

G'Luck man! btw, they look lovely & i dont think you'll have a proble finishing these off, if i was worried id think about what treatment to use, even as a preventative.

definitely over the feed to waste method. and as far as removing a plant from the room... they plants are way too big at this point for that kind of abuse so for now ill just have to ride it out and wait and see...


Active member
definitely over the feed to waste method. and as far as removing a plant from the room... they plants are way too big at this point for that kind of abuse so for now ill just have to ride it out and wait and see...

My point is youd be able to smell the rot, even in the room, unless youi have a cold. Its a gardeners thing man. trust me, smell the roots, ive always done it & many times its helped me get early ID of infection, always best to catch these things early. Honestly, i think that slime mark is because you have left them standing in solution for 12H everyday. see the line, is that where the standing water level would be? Mollasses has stained them imo! Not exactly an aerobic solution to leave your plants sitting in for 12H, could cause issues.

Have you played with hempy buckets before have you mate?

Anyway Good Luck buddy! great looking ladies! let us know how you get on!
My sensei taught me an aggressive treatment when root rot sets in--dip the entire rootball into h2o2, rinse/wash it. (Or in your case, the affected area) Watched him do it and saw plants recover real quick. He had sizable mini-trees too...but it was about week3 or 4 of flower. You could try the h2o2 treatment on one plant and see? Would be horrible to have the bacteria multiply and start eating their way upward.


My point is youd be able to smell the rot, even in the room, unless youi have a cold. Its a gardeners thing man. trust me, smell the roots, ive always done it & many times its helped me get early ID of infection, always best to catch these things early. Honestly, i think that slime mark is because you have left them standing in solution for 12H everyday. see the line, is that where the standing water level would be? Mollasses has stained them imo! Not exactly an aerobic solution to leave your plants sitting in for 12H, could cause issues.

Have you played with hempy buckets before have you mate?

Anyway Good Luck buddy! great looking ladies! let us know how you get on!

never tried hempy buckets and i tried to give them a smell but right now i just notice kind of a phishy-watery smell so nothing thats too alarming but when lights are out in a few hours ill turn out a couple extra fans i have and really give it a shot and see what i can smell with my nose. thanks for the advice and ill definitely make sure and check back soon and let ya'll know whats going on...


My sensei taught me an aggressive treatment when root rot sets in--dip the entire rootball into h2o2, rinse/wash it. (Or in your case, the affected area) Watched him do it and saw plants recover real quick. He had sizable mini-trees too...but it was about week3 or 4 of flower. You could try the h2o2 treatment on one plant and see? Would be horrible to have the bacteria multiply and start eating their way upward.

hey thanks for the advice bblovr! i actually have helped a friend do the same thing in a under current system. was actually really easy with the netting pots but i was wondering do you know if you can just water with the h202 in coco? thanks again my friend! :tiphat:

edit:it's not really an option for me to dunk my root balls as im only able to pck them about 4in off the ground as they have already fully grown into a trellis


Active member
If it does kick off down there, then yeah you'll have limited options for a fix, H2o2 is one, but it will kill all beneficials/fungi ect, good & bad all dead, at least.

Id try to find another product specifically for treating rot in Coco/soil myself first(If it happens), cant believe i said that, im an avid fan of H2o2. I think just stop leaving the pots standing in water for soo long & your problem will fade away on its own, 'without treatment'. 1/2(half) hour should be Ok though, 12H no-no! Dont forget you nose is a powerfull tool in gardening/horti!
Coco is naturally full of Lignin which is anti rot anyway! another reason why Cocos is a great medium.

G'Luck with it mate!
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Doing what we do because we are who we are
I agree with mango420 %100

not only does this help the roots to spread around the pot better as it forces them to search for food/water it also stops your coco getting root rot... I have never ever watered my coco pots everyday even in 40C heat waves that we get here in Australia and have grown monsters in 50ltr pots

Dr. D

Active member
It looks like your roots have been getting saturated at the bottom of the pot id put the pots up on a couple of bits of bamboo just to raise the pot off the floor maybe remove some of the more infected roots and hit them with a good dose of Canna's trichoderm.
Can't really see anything else you can do at this stage....Peace

Guest 18340

Dr. D is right on the money!
Your bottom roots are staying too wet for too long because they're sitting in water in your drip tray.
Dump out the trays after the run off stops. Or use a shop vac to suck it up.

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