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Rookie Aero Flo Grow Together


Trichome Taste Tester
ICMag Donor
Make sure you calibrate the pH meter. I have found brand new meters up to 1.5 off from the factory. Meters and measuring are a pain, but there is simply no replacement for facts.

California Orange finishing out.





Thanks for starting the thread AK.

That's what got me out of hiding!

That California orange looks fat and delicious. Nice work man.


Active member
Yessir did that as soon a I opened the box. N to my surprise it was basically right on point.
Ya that cali orange looks fantastic.
SH, that meter will improve your grow immensely.

AK, yeah that Cali orange looks fine as all your grows do. Keep it up.

New gow started for me in my sig. Got my back up Diesel and some Weedbeat resin candy goin this grow, plus giving my og#18 one more chance.

GL everyone OG


Active member
Ya og for sure .already all the yellow is about faded if not fading and being replaced with nice welcomed green. Smell is stronger, growth is picking up. Ill never be without my meters again. Lesson learned. Can't imagine how much of my yield I drained with the ph being so far off for so long. Still looks like ill do alright tho.


Nice to have some good smoke again!




Compared to the mids outdoor I was smoking on before harvest.


Next batch comes down in 10 days.

The prize

The prize

Just wanted to let everyone involved with the aero grow that
I finally received my care package from OJD. Must have gotten 30+
beans and could not be more grateful.

A personal thanks to OJD for the beans, I know you must be really
busy and thanks for your time.

Also, thanks AK for your knowledge and time. Everyone that follows
your grows will be empowered with knowledge that can never be repaid. Thanks OG


Active member
Man good to hear. Excited for u bro.
This weekend I had the Pythium reaper come into my cloner.... Got pretty much everything. My temps got high this weekend. I really let the cloner sit on the back burner and kinda didn't check for a while. On top of that last week I was so confident in my clones I rooted some in soil and offed my mature mom... So cloning/ the next run, is gunna be put off a few weeks. I feel like a fucktard. Again ,live and learn I guess. So I took this opportunity to start germing some Irene kush seeds I managed to get off someone and a green house white widow. Maybe some magic will happen. Haven't had luck with greenhouse tho...
Looking to chop sometime within the next week n a half.


Active member
So had trouble lately getting time to post the pics. But I am trying to keep this thread running. Idk if there's time but if you are interested I believe aerokrafter and ojd are still sponsoring this thread.
Anywho I am beginning week 10 Saturday so anyday now ishould be chopping everything down. I wish there was more but ny mistakes/ learning experiences have set me back a little. I no this strain and especially this pheno will be good if I get everything right. Things are looking good, very kushy with the ball like growths. I have 4 moms of kushage now and a white widow seed looking very sweet,going very good. I can't wait to see what I have brewing next. I plan on 6 kushage and 3 white widow. God willing that's what it wil be. Thank you all for you help. Aero for you thread and such detail, and you hempy and older grower for you senserity. I wish al people were like y'all on icmag. I would definitely feel better bout raising these plants and my daughter!!!!!!!! Preciate everything


Active member
Massive failure ran into some type of off gassing issue not nutreint def . Flushed / got dead roots out from hremie plants , cleaned rez twice . Put a couple healthy plants from a vegging tote aero system into the 36 site and they went down hill fast . So it is in the system , thought i did everything right but learned alot . Have one other scenario in my head that could have been the problem , that im going to trouble shoot soon . That being said ..plants are vegging systems are being fabricated , In the middle of a harvest . And i will see you guys in a few weeks when i go at it again lol . I will post some pics soon , I was able to save a couple ladys by tossing them in the tote system luckily . On a sidenote , My SFV proved her value . All the stress i put her thru and that broad refused to grow nuts on me . Battle tested without a doubt . Peace


Active member
So still trying to get a hold of a decent camera but this is what I have now. By the end ill have one.
Anyways started flushing a few days ago and now just waiting for the right moment. I still got a little time it seems. Was hoping for an end of week 9 finish but thats def not happening . Guess ill see how she want to go. Anyways here's a couple pics.



New member
Still Time to Join?

Still Time to Join?

What's happening everyone? Invaluable info here, very much appreciated. Is there still time to join this thread? It seems like most people are about done with harvests, but I'm just getting started, and I'm sure I'll hit some snags at some point, so it would be nice to have some veterans around.

I have been lurking for a bit, compiling my supplies and reading through everything on here to get my first grow set up. I have assisted others before, but this is my first solo grow I am starting from seeds, which I have 15 germinated, planted in rapid rooter for 10 days and now they're in the cloner/veg, day 4. I already have all the nutrients and most everything else, just waiting on my RO unit to arrive.

I am using a DIY aeroflo-thank you robert furtune for the awesome thread and whole heap of info. I am using four 5" fence posts with 5 sites per post. I cut them to 45" so they fit inna my tent. My cloner is a 34 site DIY rubbermade roughneck-thanks KingJames for great thread on that. Both units have pre- and post-pump filters. Cloner has EZCloner guts and aeroflo has GH guts. I am using a 4x4 tent with a 600w hps.

I'm also debating what method I will use to sex and clone these babies, and for future grows. I'm planning to flower all the females and keep records of which plants produce the desired phenos before I decide to keep any as moms. Any input would be appreciated. Should I clone first and then discard all the males? Or sex first and then clone? Seems like waiting to sex before taking cuttings could be time the cuttings are in the cloner getting ready for flower. If I do take cuttings before I sex them, should I keep the plants from which I took the cuttings in the cloner to sex or move them to the aeroflo? I really appreciate your help. You guys are fuckin killin it here with all the info, keep it up!
Im about to try aerokrafter's recipe on my next run. Currently i use the botanicare line and have always had brown stained roots, and always felt that there could be a little pyth going on by the look of the roots.
I also thought part of the problem was because of the small root zone like the (aeroflo chamber)..but
I recently redesigned a system to allow for ample root space compared to the aeroflo, My chamber allows the upper roots to hang unobstructed from each other, but i was expecting them to look much better then they do. The plants above are looking great. (no complaints there) I just know that if i can get the roots looking better it will make all the difference.


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Trichome Taste Tester
ICMag Donor

Good smoke makes the world go round! So what are your plans for next round?


Keep swinging! It gets better every run - these setbacks are just investments in the future. Don't let setbacks take your eye off the prize.


I plan to continue supporting the thread as long as folks are interested. Connoissuer Seeds has pledged to help outfit anyone who goes through the process and shares it here with some of their gear.

If you are interested in participating, make sure you read this thread in detail from the beginning. You need to have all the basic nutes, document with measurements, RO water, and the basic equipment. I let people slide as much as possible - but the closer you follow my recipe - the closer you get to my results.

I'm here to help along with everyone else. This thread is about helping folks and results - no bs. If you are up to it - start posting and welcome to the group!


I sex by primordia. I do make id mistakes, but its rare. Normally most plants will show their stuff by the eighth node. I only put sexed clones in the cloner. If you check out any of my test run threads, you will see the procedure. I have maxxed out my methodology to the point that I go from planted seed to 2-topped 18" sexed clone ready to bloom in 105 days.

-farmhouse cat

The brown roots are normally a heat issue that leads to pythium. I found Zone to be more helpful than H2O2.


Purple Cheddar:

Odyssey OG:

Sour Power 14 days

OG Raskal White Crosses - day 2

I have some fun projects rolling, but I still consider this project to be my best. I am so proud of all the participants that have shared their journey together, and their continued helping hand to newcomers.

Thank you all again.

I get brown roots even with a chiller at 65-68 deg. Which leads me to believe its the botanicare recipe and mainly liquid karma. I rarely lose any plants and always make it to harvest, i just feel like it could be a bottleneck in my quest to do better. Which is why im searching for a mix that keeps things nice , white and fluffy.

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