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Ron Paul 2012!!!

I like Ron Paul

I like Ron Paul

IM a socialist but I like most of Ron Pauls ideas. Mostly cause it will take what's going on around the world today and put it on steroids. I have believed this is the only way for a very long time now. There has to come a breaking point. When enough middle class people have lost everything and are forming massive groups to survive then will come world war three. And that ought to take care of the problems. I apologize if IM not with the program here I hope people will respect my view. People can disagree respectfully. I have been amazed this time of economic trouble at the "corportists" who always have understood if there is no middle class there are no consumers. My wife and i pay 50% of our pay for so called health insurance. It is well known the rest of the worlds health care costs are a fraction of that for better care in many cases. There are volumes more about the inequity and how it got this way but IM sure most here are not interested in that. So I'll just say having worked for a global corp for most of my life and understanding how things have turned against the people just trying to survive (Really starting about thirty years ago) This is just my observations. All the very best.
Yes ...And...?

Yes ...And...?

yes the weather channel is already predicting a hurricane thats going to hit the convention.http://www.weather.com/news/tampa-gop-convention-20100524

I have good friend (IM 56) he is (59) My friend's father was an Admiral in the Navy. He has told me when his father would get drunk and tell him about "Harp" the "Antenna Array" In the Antarctic is real and could in fact change the weather patterns, so was the "Philadelphia experiment" I have trusted this friend with my life a couple of times..(edit) mite as well go whole hog. If people are not interested of if off subject i'll understand. The navy has a ultra low freq system that is supossed to be used for under sea communications...that's what is told to the public.. It is why there are massive whale and dolpin and fish die off's sometimes ..you will see on the news.. I have it on some authority it's actually a way of creating earth quakes. Now I'll wait for the men in black...Knock-knock...!
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Active member
ive heard of another incident at the LA convention.that somone also had their fingers broke by police,but ill have to do some digging to see what went on.


Heard about that too, sounded like the convention heads tried to block the Paul supporters from representing


Active member

Behind the brutality in Louisiana

What was behind the broken bones, hysteria and bruised egos at last weekend’s Louisiana State GOP Convention? Why the attacks on legitimately elected Ron Paul delegates? Don’t the Romney folks get it? Don’t they want to win in November? Don’t they want and need the youth vote? Hispanics? Independents? Even, the Democrats, that Ron Paul is attracting to the party?

And the answer is way more complex that it appears.

Yes, in some state conventions, Romney people have orchestrated the efforts to disenfranchise the new Ron Paul delegates. Look to Nevada to see for yourself. In Clark County (Las Vegas) 111 out of 140 delegates went for Ron Paul so last week the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the GOP walked out, and in a redo of Alaska, they took the GOP money with them. It’s always about money.

In Arizona a Ron Paul victory was stolen. According to reports from the convention, a sealed box was taken home after the vote and the next day 100 ballots got added when it was opened. Said Ron Paul coordinator, Shawn Dow, “They took a bunch of our winners off and then stuck on a bunch of their losers.”

Nathan Sproul was the Romney operative tasked with stopping Ron Paul supporters in Arizona.

Here are the crib notes on Sproul:

“Accused of massive voter registration fraud in several states.”

More on voter registration fraud.

“Team Bush paid millions to Nathan Sproul and then tried to hide it.”

In Illinois, the RNC (Romney National Committee) has a sophisticated system in place to keep out the Ronulans. Many delegate slots to the state convention are empty and the party is actively trying to fill them with anyone but a Ron Paul supporter. As such they have a series of questions they use to screen the applicants. Of course they want to know their age, their race, their occupation, etc. Several applicants have called in to say that a GOP Illinois state official called back to decline their participation.

One was told, “I am so sorry but I will have to say no. You came back with a score of 87%. That’s too high.” It was explained to the applicant that the higher the score that greater the likelihood that they were a Ron Paul supporter and would thus not be allowed by the party to fill the vacant slot and participate in their state convention.

(Citizens from Illinois can contact state RP leader Scott Davis [email protected] or Laurie Bluedorn [email protected] for information on becoming a delegate or alternate.)

But it is the more malicious and violent attacks that happened last weekend that has garnered attention. Even if the main stream media ignores it, the stories are viral. And today we are getting a clearer pictures of what happened. This time, it is not the Romney people, indeed they were trying to make peace, understanding that breaking bones is not the way to unite the party. It was local and national Rick Santorum people behind the chaos.

The Santorum people, running the Louisiana State GOP Convention, hired off duty police to do their bidding. Knowing they were outnumbered by duly elected Ron Paul delegates, who had won their elections at precinct, county and district conventions, and knowing that they would immediately be voted out of their positions, the Santorum people decided to manhandle the state convention and make a win with brute force.

The Santorum team rationalized this because of their 49% primary win last March 24. Didn’t this give them the right to run the convention? They decided it did.

But the Santorum people had not turned out voters at the caucus meetings, nor had they elected enough delegates to the state convention. They were desperate. They had to find a place for their national leaders, Tony Perkins, for example, the choleric head of Family Research Council, who had endorsed Santorum and tried to bring along others.

And so off duty police were hired and when the vote went bad, they had the Ron Paul delegates roughed up a bit. All in the name of a loving, God of course. John Calvin would have smiled.




Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys
lol,ill edit it if it makes people nervous.

so if i post on twitter "The interstate was a disater so I took the subway to target and got a bomb ass deal on propane gas and a new craftsman drill" I should probably go take it down right?


Active member
so if i post on twitter "The interstate was a disater so I took the subway to target and got a bomb ass deal on propane gas and a new craftsman drill" I should probably go take it down right?

i am not sure MB,i have a feeling it will go unoticed, but better safe than sorry.

they just re-signed FISA the warrentless wire tapping program.


FISA 2012 Allows NSA to Spy and Steal 1.7 Billion Messages Daily

May 31st, 2012
by Admin.

FISA 2012, or the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 2012, is a member in a group of surveillance laws that aims to deliver more power over the internet to the government. FISA received attention in 2008 when it was expanded to grant the NSA warrentless wiretapping authority under the Bush Administration, which has been continued and seeks to expand under the obama administration.

The ACLU has estimated that the NSA, under the authority of FISA 2012, intercepts 1.7 billion calls, emails, texts, or other forms of communication per day in America. It is also understood that under FISA, warrentless wiretaps have been conducted on Judges, politicians, journalists and not just everday citizens.

FISA 2012 was in Congressional hearing today, where EFF and others covered live:

Why can’t we know how many people are affected by FISA amendment act in the US? This kind of vagueness creates suspicions,” the EFF quotes Rep. John Conyers (D-Michigan). Even before Thursday’s hearing, however, Rep. Conyers has adamantly opposed a FISA renewal. [Source]

According to Wired, lawmakers spent the day arguing merely about increasing accountability and transparency with FISA. From the various reviews I’ve read, I’ve noticed that there were few, if any, arguments on the Constitutional basis for this bill, and its clear and outright violation of the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution. Most of the attitude has been to accept the bill outright, as long as there are “increases in transparency”.

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. -Constitution for the United States of America

How the only demand can be “increases in transparency” baffles me… Where is the room for transparency when being warrentlessly wiretapped? How can the government intercepting and storing 1.7 billion messages a day from private citizens be more accountable?

It either is, or it isn’t. There is either a warrant required, or there is not. Every message in the 1.7 billion intercepted messages a day either has an accompanied warrant and justification, or it does not. The Fourth Amendment is either undermined and illegally rendered void, or it is enforced.

You cannot just take back someone being spied on and having their privacy stolen. Just think about it for a second, the government is literally spying on American citizens, possibly you, openly admitting to it, and claiming it is for security and that supersedes the Constitution.

FISA 2012 confirms what many of us already know, that this government is spying and stealing personal information from its own citizens without warrant. But it does beg the question, what does it mean for each of us as individuals and our country when they are openly admitting and defending it without remorse?

Ahmed Serag


Active member
i hope you all watch this,this is proof that all deligates are unbound,im sure its been posted before but this is conclusive,the media is lying,and you should vote for,or become deligates in your respective states if you can. theres a LOT more states to vote and im talking about state conventions and caucus's not just primaries wich the media uses. if you want you can look up your state here .http://www.thegreenpapers.com/P12/events.phtml?s=c



Active member

Massachusetts GOP upholds election of Ron Paul delegates in Mitt Romney’s congressional district

The Ron Paul supporters from Mitt Romney’s congressional district whose delegate selections were jeopardized by a ballot challenge are going to the Republican National Convention after all.

The Massachusetts Republican Party’s Allocation Committee has upheld the election of six Paul loyalists who defeated Romney backers at a Fifth Congressional District caucus in April.

The upsets did not strip Romney of delegate votes -- because of Romney’s decisive win in Massachusetts’s March primary, delegates from the state could not vote for Paul during the first, and likely only, round of balloting at the convention, even if they preferred the representative from Texas.

But the surprising wins by Paul supporters denied Romney enthusiasts the honor of voting for their candidate in Tampa.

Shortly after the caucus, Janet Leombruno, a losing Romney delegate candidate, filed a protest claiming the results should be invalidated because of procedural errors. Caucus voters were not required, as they should have been, to record or verify their names, addresses, and GOP affiliations, Leombruno alleged.

Raise Your Voice
Click to contact candidates or elected officials about this issue. The allocation committee determined Leombruno’s allegations were true but found no evidence that ineligible voters actually cast ballots, so it upheld the Paul supporters’ wins.

Statewide, Paul backers seized 18 of the 27 delegate slots Romney won on Super Tuesday


So this weekend the sellout Rand Paul announced his endorsement of Mitt Romney. I guess it's all over? Very sad :badday:


Active member


i hope you all watch this,this is proof that all deligates are unbound,im sure its been posted before but this is conclusive,the media is lying,and you should vote for,or become deligates in your respective states if you can.

So why is anyone campaigning anyway?

that guy is a joke, how can he advocate someone not being bound by the voters, and then in the next breath tell people to go be voters.

I understand the distinction, and that they are two different things, i would just kill to see the look on this assholes face if Mittens put 3% of the effort into the 'backdoor' entries that they are.

Mittens had more 'real' votes AND more 'bound' votes; Roniacs seem to forget the former...


Active member
So why is anyone campaigning anyway?

we ar campaigning for liberty ,he's spent 30+ years doing this non-stop,we have to pick up the ball at some point.

that guy is a joke, how can he advocate someone not being bound by the voters, and then in the next breath tell people to go be voters

i advocate getting out and showing up at caucuses and state conventions not voting in the popular vote. although some primaries are binding,up until they step into the RNC wich is run by the fed's wich state that all deligates are in fact unbound.

from wiki:
The series of presidential primary elections and caucuses held in each U.S. state and territory is part of the nominating process of United States presidential elections. This process was never included in the United States Constitution, and thus was created over time by the political parties. Some states only hold primary elections, some only hold caucuses, and others use a combination of both. These primaries and caucuses are staggered between January and June before the general election in November. The primary elections are run by state and local governments, while caucuses are private events that are directly run by the political parties themselves. A state's primary election or caucus usually is an indirect election: instead of voters directly selecting a particular person running for President, it determines how many delegates each party's national convention will receive from their respective state. These delegates then in turn select their party's presidential nominee.

Each party determines how many delegates are allocated to each state. Along with those delegates chosen during the primaries and caucuses, state delegations to both the Democratic and Republican conventions also include "unpledged" delegates, usually current and former elected officeholders and party leaders, who can vote for whomever they want.

This system of presidential primaries and caucuses is somewhat controversial because of its staggered nature. The major advantage is that candidates can concentrate their resources in each area of the country one at a time instead of campaigning in every state simultaneously. However, those states which traditionally hold their primaries and caucuses in the latter half of the primary season are normally at a tremendous disadvantage because the races are usually over by then. As a result, more states vie for earlier primaries to claim a greater influence in the process.

Mittens had more 'real' votes AND more 'bound' votes; Roniacs seem to forget the former...

well i dont know the rules in your specific state each state makes their own rules.but again they dont matter at the federal level.