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Ron Paul 2012!!! Your thoughts on who we should pick for our "Cause"?

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Game Bred
The pres's speech this morning and some idiot calling some other idiot a slut matters?



you have been watching the 24 hour faux news cycle for a while now dag ......... there is no way this is the dumbest thing we have seen on the front page.


With that reasoning, Ron's an idiot for commenting and you're in the idiot chain reaction.

most things involved in a chain reaction don't have the option of opting out. the power of reason only gives you a headache in these situations


weed fiend
IMO, Ron would do better to narrow the gap between the galactic stump and what he actually expects to accomplish as president.


weed fiend
possibly some reporter asked him to comment?

Ron Paul was asked about commentary that isn't doing the entire Republican Party any favors. Women didn't raise hell that they were helping pay Viagra bills for limp men who must obviously want to fuck all the time. Would be kinda silly when private insurance provides the coverage. Not silly enough for Rush and Billo to flip and fling at women. We don't want major incidences of female cancers associated with the dimes to doughnuts cost of hormonal birth control. Folks like Rush and Billo extrapolate to the lowest common denominator and refuse to consider everything involved. They pick and choose what can be politicized and even then they take indecent liberties with truth.

Might not be a bad time to suggest that Rush's offensive statements "do not reflect the views of _______________."

Presidential moments often contain language that brings folks together. Ron might offer empathy for the target and reason that suggests Rush's impulses could be exercised more responsibly.

This was a chance on national television to appeal to women voters that a vote for Ron Paul is a vote for a president who will at least consider women's points of view. Assuming that Rush had no moral objective and that all his apology amounts to is the recognition his bottom line is contracting is something one might expect from the bowels of left-wing commentary. Might have been nice to hear Ron say something like, "Even Rush Limbaugh cares enough about women to apologize for his poor choice of words."

Reminded me when Ron told Lenno that Bachmann "hates Muslims." Not something you typically see world class diplomats lobbing at each other. And here's Ron giggling like he said something funny.


The FED is as Federal as Federal Express. We the people don't control anything a private banking cartel has the control and Greenspan himself will even tell you that.
Just because You and I dont control it, doesnt mean we dont benifet from it. Im not against reigning in the disorder.

It's become clear that this is an untenable position for the US, just as it is for any schoolyard bully stealing lunch money from everyone else. Many countries are fed up with being manipulated and controlled by our financial dominance. So far, we have attacked every country that threatened to stray outside of it. Iran, of course, is the latest.

Does this seem like a sustainable path? If you say yes, you are not such a good student of history as you claim to be.

who or what world reserve is replacing US dollars?

Forget 'sustainable path', look at it from the other direction, what is better?

Rubles? Yuan? Hell the Euro (the worlds second largest world reserve currency) doesnt even try to pretend its backed by gold...

So instead of pointing the finger, crying the sky falling, falling prey and championing a cause that is not in your best interest, analyze the situation, note there is no better alternative to the Dollar.

Im not advocating giving the Fed a free hand, im merely looking at the facts at hand.

There is not enough gold in the world to serve as a worldwide currency. The world must use something, advocating anything other than dollars is foolish for an American (unless you own a bunch of gold [or seashells] and stand to get rich leveraging the issue.)

You cant eat sea shells, soft metal or paper money, Why does it matter if we use one vs the other?

We are the DeBeers of reserve currency, and no one else is even close to controlling as many 'diamonds' as we do, even if our market share has fallen.

Obama put the assholes who crashed the market in charge of the Fed, seems pretty stupid to me, but you dont throw the baby out with the bathwater, and say the Fed has to go.



weed fiend
Not invading Iran is a glacial stump?

Ron's stump just shrunk to a fleck of frozen? sawdust. Kinda like when you posted that Ron "want's to audit the fed", as if to distract from "End The Fed" (which just happens to be the title of his book.)

I imagine a vacuum cleaner salesman telling me my current model is doomed to explode and the walls of my house will crumble around it. Then I find out the guy doesn't actually have a vacuum cleaner for sale and my imminent explosion doesn't sound so imminent. Turns out all the vacuum cleaner salesman really wants is to sell me is vacuum cleaner bags with his picture on em.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
who or what world reserve is replacing US dollars?
With post it notes.

IMF calls for dollar alternative
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- The International Monetary Fund issued a report Thursday on a possible replacement for the dollar as the world's reserve currency.
The IMF said Special Drawing Rights, or SDRs, could help stabilize the global financial system.
Obama put the assholes who crashed the market in charge of the Fed
Nothing to see here. Move along.


I asked in another thread but no answers?

I asked in another thread but no answers?

Would it be possible to go to a completely digitalized fiat currency? Maybe based on Special Drawing Rights or something else that would be completely global as apposed to national.

Say hypothetically...... a huge melt down of the dollar and corresponding melt down of the Euro or vise versa..... could a completely digitalized currency take the place of national currencies? Sort of like when we went off the gold standard and paper became the value exchanged.

If it is a stupid question or not stated properly, just say so.



IMF calls for dollar alternative

I just see it as one persons shell game vs another persons shell game.

Currently we run the 'three card monte'

Dr Pauls tax polices are basically the only thing i disagree with him on that he can accomplish.

End the foreign, drug, and border wars!

The biggest danger of coke and H are their impuritie and inflated prices (varying potent-ices are almost always the cause of a heroin OD).

Anyone who want to lose their soul will do it whether its legal or not. If you want to huff gasoline go for it, i know better.

Biden is in central and S America to help convince them not to further legalize drugs. Hopefully they will greet him kindly, wait til he leaves, and forget he ever came.

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New member
Ron Paul likes to suggest the Fed creates boom and bust. Ron Paul doesn't touch on pre federal reserve boom and bust cycles. He doesn't go there because this would reflect that gold has very little correlation to recovery. Recoveries require demand and that's what we're lacking atm.
Oh yes he does go there. The Fed is no different than the Central bank. Every boom and bust we've gone through has been about the free money concept and the mal investment it causes. The House of Cook, the railroad scandal of the 1870s, was the same thing.

FDR reforms largely prevented major busts - S&L crisis, MCI, Enron and housing and more wrecked after modern-day deregulation. With the exception of the housing crisis, these circumstances took no more than a year or two to manifest.
Semantics but i'd call it Congress regulated the housing market. They told the free market to go to hell and made their own rules. example - If a bank wanted to buy another bank they couldn't unless they made a certain percentage of the "low income" housing loans.

Which free market principle said it is a good idea to make a housing loan to someone who has little to no down payment, a below average credit history and not enough income to pay it back?
And look what happened. The very ones the "No Down Payment Left Behind Housing Bill' was supposed to help, the Lower and Middle class had their equity wiped out. And now those very same ones are having to foot the bill to bail out the ones who had a hand in this mess, the banks. Talk about kicking someone when they are down.

If adults in the room are control freaks, there's a great chance that kids in the same room exercise too little of it.
lol you made that up.


New member
Just because You and I dont control it, doesnt mean we dont benifet from it. Im not against reigning in the disorder.

who or what world reserve is replacing US dollars?

Forget 'sustainable path', look at it from the other direction, what is better?

Rubles? Yuan? Hell the Euro (the worlds second largest world reserve currency) doesnt even try to pretend its backed by gold...

So instead of pointing the finger, crying the sky falling, falling prey and championing a cause that is not in your best interest, analyze the situation, note there is no better alternative to the Dollar.

Im not advocating giving the Fed a free hand, im merely looking at the facts at hand.

There is not enough gold in the world to serve as a worldwide currency. The world must use something, advocating anything other than dollars is foolish for an American (unless you own a bunch of gold [or seashells] and stand to get rich leveraging the issue.)

You cant eat sea shells, soft metal or paper money, Why does it matter if we use one vs the other?

We are the DeBeers of reserve currency, and no one else is even close to controlling as many 'diamonds' as we do, even if our market share has fallen.

Obama put the assholes who crashed the market in charge of the Fed, seems pretty stupid to me, but you dont throw the baby out with the bathwater, and say the Fed has to go.
The Federal Reserve has been the cause of every boom and bust cycle since they were created in 1913.
Why give all that power to an oligarchy when the peoples purchasing power is a far more accurate measurement on what is important to us.
"We" are not the DeBeers of reserve currency. The ones who control the money supply, the Federal Reserve is. The ones who gave away trillions of Americas money to foreign businesses and banks which devalued the money I have and didn't help Americans. Unless of course you were tied into one of those foreign banks or businesses then boy howdy, let the good times roll.

Why do we have have to have tons and tons of gold in order to serve as money? Who says gold has to be the world currency or any currency has to be the worlds currency? Competing currencies are where it's at imo. So many choices to fit different needs.

Fiat money is left to the desires of a few and can be debased easily. Metal is harder to debase.
All great empires fall for one of two reasons sometimes both. The expand beyond their means and dont have the resources to continue. They debase their coinage. (usually in order to expand their empire)

It’s a sin
But it’s the nature of the beast
You’d better go and find a priest and confess
Because your greed is gonna leave you soulless


Active member
post 4094


post 3802

http://library.mises.org/books/Murray N Rothbard/Mystery of Banking.pdf

post 695

http://library.mises.org/books/Murray N Rothbard/Mystery of Banking.pdf

i understand that somtimes i post walls of text,but please read them they explain all the questions being continuously asked.
what makes gold or anything else money and how much we need,and the question of the neccesity of the federal reserve.

also links to the sources,you can find the graphs reffered to in my post there.
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