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Ron Paul 2012!!! Your thoughts on who we should pick for our "Cause"?

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Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Would it be possible to go to a completely digitalized fiat currency? Maybe based on Special Drawing Rights or something else that would be completely global as apposed to national.

Say hypothetically...... a huge melt down of the dollar and corresponding melt down of the Euro or vise versa..... could a completely digitalized currency take the place of national currencies? Sort of like when we went off the gold standard and paper became the value exchanged.

If it is a stupid question or not stated properly, just say so.

That's probably what we'll end up going to and frankly that's scary as fuck. You are talking about a one world currency which implies all sovereigns implicitly forfeit their sovereignty to an unregulated non-governmental organization.

But crisis precipitates change. And as Machiavelli said. "Never let a crisis go to waste."

To me this sounds like a progressive wet dream (ie One world, one currency, one government). I think the end result would be social unrest and war.


yep if international drawing rights become the world currency we will be majorly fucked. the power to issue the stats money is 90% of being sovereign. it could be incredibly beneficial to the common good if this power was wielded in the interests of the people. giving that power to private bankers is so dumb i can't believe we all went along with it for so long. why should the gov have to pay interest on money that's printed for them by the fed? might as well create your own money debt free and use the power for the common good. the important thing is to allow competition. once you have that, the gov issue money can no longer be let lose in value too quickly as the competing currencies backed on metal will make it too obvious. this will hopefully force politicians to be more responsible about doing things that cause inflation, like printing and borrowing indiscriminately. so just allowing those alternative metal based currencies will be very beneficial for peoples fiat money too. so far the fed gov has come down hard on those that wanted to give the people an alternative to debt based fiat money. tons of metals were just plain stolen, company records confiscated and 1000s of customers gold and silver gone. this should show you how afraid they are of alternative currencies being offered to the common man.


if TPTB ever get the worldwide e-currency going the next step will be mandatory tattoos worldwide .............. we might still have the freedom to "choose" the color of the bar code.:crazy:



Technically, the economy has been in recovery for two years. But it turns out the rich have been doing most of the recovering.

In 2010 -- the first full year since the end of the Great Recession -- virtually all of the income growth in America took place among the country's very wealthiest people, says an economist at the University of California, Berkeley. The top 1 percent of earners took in a full 93 percent of all the income gains that year, leaving the other 7 percent of gains to be sprinkled among the vast majority of society.

Dr Pauls policies will only increase this income inequality.

The top 1% made 93% of the income gains.

One person made $93 dollars, and the other 99 people fight over $7.

We are talking Fiat Money, just like the game of Monopoly. (The guy winning the game of Monopoly just landed on 'Free Parking', lets all celebrate.)

Its easier to make money when you have money, and the first million will always be the hardest to make.

I love the Doc, except for his tax and monetary policy.



Spastic, gaiusmarius, greenmatter-- Thanks for the responses. I won't take us off topic but keep wondering "who benefits". Every "crisis" we go through, it seems it has been used to advantage of the elite. (am not talking upper middle class or even lower upper class) Some times I wonder if the egg came before the chicken or vice versa. They have many names like "false flag" and others. Sort of like, if you ask the right question, you always get the answer you want.

I rarely ever even touch money anymore. Anymore, it seems like we are close to digital now. The kind of control and transparency that kind of money system would evoke must be fairly alluring to people that want 30,000 drones by 2015. I am not an Armageddonist but there are many who are.

As I have read more and more back and forth about the money system and did some side research, it seems like it would make very good sense with the direction things are going by a few at the top.


benton--yes, they are walls of text but I have learned much from them. I have to look stuff up to completely understand it all but excellent information. It is very much appreciated.


Spastic, gaiusmarius, greenmatter-- Thanks for the responses. I won't take us off topic but keep wondering "who benefits". Every "crisis" we go through, it seems it has been used to advantage of the elite. (am not talking upper middle class or even lower upper class) Some times I wonder if the egg came before the chicken or vice versa. They have many names like "false flag" and others. Sort of like, if you ask the right question, you always get the answer you want.

^^^^And this is what ive been trying to illustrate.

going from one reverse currency to another reserve currency wont benefit average americans (only the speculators of the 'new' reserve currency).

The speculators whip the populace into a frenzy, getting them to rally against their best interest, and push the speculators agenda.

Rattling the markets = turning a gun powder accident on our ship in Havana Harbor into a cry for war against Spain.

This war gave us possession of the Philippines, Guam, Puerto Rico, an unquestioned hand in this hemisphere, and a MUCH stronger one in the Pacific.

This is an example where it helps Americans, The Gulf Of Tonken is an example of a major LOSS for average Americans.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
if TPTB ever get the worldwide e-currency going the next step will be mandatory tattoos worldwide .............. we might still have the freedom to "choose" the color of the bar code.:crazy:

I would just convert back to Judaism and claim tattoos are against my religion. Especially identifying ones

Seriously if it ever got to forced tattoos people would just go bat shit and kill the entire government over the course of 4 hours. Have you ever been to south. There are thousands of individual citizens with gun and ammo stashes in Texas that could supply an army for a short period of time. Not to mention most citizens there have at least 2 guns in a house hold. The majority of my family there has no less then 20 guns each.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
^^^^And this is what ive been trying to illustrate.

going from one reverse currency to another reserve currency wont benefit average americans (only the speculators of the 'new' reserve currency).
Of course it won't benefit the average American. When the USD loses reserve currency status prices will skyrocket for Americans, but what you aren't grasping is it doesn't matter what's good or bad for Americans it's going to happen anyway.

Read the IMF statement again. They are calling for a replacement to the USD to "stabilize the global financial system." Implicit in that statement is that the USD is destabilizing the global financial system which is what I've been saying for a while now. The market needs another reserve currency because the USD is on it's last leg. All of the printing and debasing has ruined it. The market is demanding something else because the USD is a ticking time bomb.

The FED ruined the dollar and the average American will pay for it by going into poverty. Shit happens.


I really do want to believe as Disco does but I really look around and see some changes that people 25 years ago would have laughed their asses off if you would have told them this was going to be happening.

We are living in some strange times and seeing some even stranger events. In some ways I don't think any people who did not live through the 60's could understand. The history has been rewritten to make us believe it was all about drugs and sex. In a large part it was... if you lived in pre-sixties America you could understand why those two things were such a big issue, but it was also about seeing the bullshit and rejecting it. They were in their own ways trying to break the strings of the puppeteers.

Today those "strings" have become "cables" with the increase in structure and decrees of laws and executive orders. We have become so dumbed down we don't even get pissed. Maybe my father was a radical but he use to tell me about all this crap. Hell, we fired a President for bugging a couple of offices and then 30 years later say nothing when another president comes out and tells us we have all been bugged for the last few years, we have secret prisons in other countries, we are using "advanced interrogation techniques", we can be stripped of our citizenship, detained without due process..... etc. I am glad for this thread because I know there are others that find this surreal, too.

In a perfect world, I would be a socialist were it not for the human factor to screw it up. The only glimmer of hope I see to turn this around with any semblance of FREEDOM is Ron Paul. I look at the other five clowns and see puppets.



Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
And when you have idiots like this running the FED is it any surprise we are screwed.

Here is Fed Governor Fisher and he's shocked, befuddled, confused, and angry and why his brilliant central planning is blowing up in his face. Sadly he's one of the smarter ones.

Dallas Fed's Fisher "Perplexed" By Wall Street "Fetish" With QE3 And Disgusted With The Addiction To "Monetary Morphine"
And now for some pure irony, we have a member of the Fed, granted a gold bug, but a Fed member nonetheless, one of the same people who not only enacted ZIRP, but encourage easy money every time there is a downtick in the market, complaining about, get this, Wall Street's "continued preoccupation, bordering upon fetish" with QE3. The irony continues: "Trillions of dollars are lying fallow, not being employed in the real economy. Yet financial market operators keep looking and hoping for more. Why? I think it may be because they have become hooked on the monetary morphine we provided when we performed massive reconstructive surgery, rescuing the economy from the Financial Panic of 2008–09, and then kept the medication in the financial bloodstream to ensure recovery....I believe adding to the accommodative doses we have applied rather than beginning to wean the patient might be the equivalent of medical malpractice." So let's get this straight: these academic titans, who for one reason or another, are given free rein to determine the fate of the once free world with their secret decisions every two or three months, are completely unaware of classical conditioning, discovered by Pavlov nearly 90 years ago, also known as a salivation response. The same Fed is shocked, shocked, that every time the market dips, the red light goes off, and the "balls to the wall" crowd scream for more, more, more free money. Really Fisher? Really? Oh, and let us guess what happens the next time the S&P slides into the tripple digits: will the Fed a) do nothing, thereby letting the market slide to its fair value in the 400 point range, or b) print. Our money, in the form of hard yellow metal, is on the latter, just like we predicted, correctly, back in March 2009 in " Bailoutspotting (Or The Search For The Great Financial Methadone Clinic)" that nothing will ever change vis-a-vis the great market junkie until it all comes crashing down.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Yes. I reckon it's going to be a major disaster. The analogies that Fisher uses to describe what the FED did post Panic is hilarious in one sense, but the hubris is disturbing in another.

Their "massive reconstructive surgery" created a Frankenstein. They fancy themselves more powerful than the market. Pull this lever here, pull that lever there. Everything is fixed. Whoopie.

While he's standing around scratching his head in bemusement wondering WTF is going on and why his plan isn't working, the market is going to come back and kick his ass and take the printing press and responsibility away from him.


i believe the disaster only comes if you preach for it.

The Euro is the current 'best' alternative to the Dollar, and its not, and will almost certainly never be, a better alternative.

China has the best 'case' for an alternative reserve currency, but NO ONE will put their faith in China over the USA, and china keeps their currency artificially low to build their middle class.

They will not rival the Dollar.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
i believe the disaster only comes if you preach for it.
So the subprime meltdown was just because people were "preaching" for it? Disaster happens when the market gets too much out of equilibrium and reverts to the mean. Nothing more. Nothing less. Self important academics and politicians propping up the failed system with printed money only delays the inevitable and makes the reversion that much more difficult.
The Euro is the current 'best' alternative to the Dollar, and its not, and will almost certainly never be, a better alternative.
There is a reason why the IMF didn't offer the Euro as an alternative. The IMF has gone broke bailing out the bankrupt Euro. Not an once of hyperbole in that statement either.


weed fiend
Hell yeah, I'd get me a reserve currency too. Especially after the debt ceiling fiasco. What the opponents of raising the debt ceiling didn't seem to understand or care about was we already owed the money. We weren't raising a spending limit as much as meeting our existing obligations. When revenues dip below our ability to pay existing debt, we either raise the debt ceiling or we default.

Turns out we weren't in that bad of shape but our petrified process still got us downgraded to AA.

IMO, the special reserve currency isn't as much to replace the dollar as it is to substitute for the dollar when America's politics are whacked and the dollar doesn't necessarily correctly value said transaction. IMO, if IMF was talking about a hard substitute for the dollar, we'd have more than one side of the issue reporting the story. Reads like the folks predicting collapse and hyperinflation. IMF isn't referencing QE, collapse or hyperinflation. They're not raising hell at Bernanke. They do keep an eye on Congress and anticipate policy changes - some for the good and some not so much. The debt ceiling negotiations didn't just rock the US, the world looks at us and says, "Get your legislative shit together and btw, we're considering activating the reserve currency that's been available since the 1960s. We just never considered actually having to use it."

IMF ain't stupid. The dollar is pretty strong right now against other world currencies. One would have to anticipate cutting off their arm to spite their finger should IMF drop the dollar altogether.
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