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Ron Paul 2012!!! Your thoughts on who we should pick for our "Cause"?

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weed fiend
... The fact NObama said, "I will end the Iraq War Day ONE!" Well that is a real reason to stop listening.

Obama campaigned to take the fight to Al Qaeda. This wasn't as opposed to Iraq. Obama inferred that W had taken his eye of OBL and Obama would not.

Your quote is fabricated. W signed express Iraqi demands to leave the country after Iraq refused to sign W's Carbon Law, which would have opened Iraq to western oil corporations. Obama simply caried out his part in accordance with those conditions. Bush gets more credit for ending the Iraq conflict than Obama. Iraq would have pushed any president out the door but the date coincided with W.


Active member
slight correction he bought george sales translation of it,meaning it was already done.

The earliest known translation of the Qur'an in any European language was the Latin works by Robert of Ketton at the behest of the Abbot of Cluny in c.1143. As Latin was the language of the church it never sought to question what would now be regarded as blatant inaccuracies in this translation which remained the only one until 1649 when the first English language translation was done by Alexander Ross, chaplain to King Charles I, who translated from a French work L'Alcoran de Mahomet by du Ryer. In 1734, George Sale produced the first translation of the Qur'an direct from Arabic into English but reflecting his missionary stance. Since then, there have been English translation by the clergyman John Rodwell in 1861, E.H. Palmer in 1880, both show in their works a number of mistakes of mistranslation and misinterpretation, which brings into question their primary aim. Followed by Richard Bell in 1937 and Arthur John Arberry in the 1950s.


Active member
Raw milk is part of a bigger picture that some refuse to see. How many ponts can one dismiss?
MMJ, Raw Milk, FED, Undeclared Wars, EPA, FDA, Dept of Ed, Energy, Commerce has run a muck.

Kinda like when the Drug War began and now look where we are.
CA can't even have legal pot because of the Federal Gov't!


Active member
Your quote is fabricated
You got kool aid on your mouth there son. Get off that tricycle.

It was more of me paraphrasing but I did put it in ""

....Fabriacted Facts count, Take em to the bank.

My fabricated quote:
The fact NObama said, "I will end the Iraq War Day ONE!" Well that is a real reason to stop listening.

Obama's PROMISE To End The Iraq War - Oct. 27, 2007 - "You Can Take That To The Bank"

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VlXfs1K04g a 15 second headslam video.


Game Bred
Where im from "farming" pussy is the practice of "dating" younger chicks but not touching them till they come of age.(deplorable at best)
Milf farming sounds like a looong process...


Where im from "farming" pussy is the practice of "dating" younger chicks but not touching them till they come of age.(deplorable at best)
Milf farming sounds like a looong process...

I hear you can just get 'em when they are already Moms- saves a lot of waiting...


weed fiend
You got kool aid on your mouth there son. Get off that tricycle.

It was more of me paraphrasing but I did put it in ""

....Fabriacted Facts count, Take em to the bank.

My fabricated quote:

Obama's PROMISE To End The Iraq War - Oct. 27, 2007 - "You Can Take That To The Bank"

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VlXfs1K04g a 15 second headslam video.

Fair enough. But that's before Iraq forced Bush to meet their demands and leave in 2011.

Do you mind if I ask what's your beef?
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Active member
Do you mind if I ask what's your beef?

No beef you seem to have a severe case of confirmation bias is all.

If you agree with it you don't question it.
If you disagree you blast me for lying and call me names.
I posted a counter to your calling me a liar.
That isn't being spiteful. That is trying to get the truth out.

He ran against Bush and won, don't do the same damn thing.....
He didn't call off the AG and let them shut down dispensaries.
Now they are stopping things like Amish Raw Milk while they create an FAA law allowing 30,000 drones over the US buy 2020.
The Amish and raw milk along with weed have been around far longer and I am not to worried about them.....
Why is that a big concern for the Gov't is what I feel others should ask themsevles.
I am much more worried about 30,000 drones and FEAM Camps that raw milk.
How about you?
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Active member
NEW BILL STILL MOVIE! "the secret of oz" i havnt watched it an prolly wont till tommorow but good info for understanding lending and the fed.



Active member
This is sane fiscal policy? Where are the jobs that should have been created with Reagan's trickle down economics, and Bush era tax cuts?

great article in the Atlantic about what went down when Reagan/Stockman were working their trickle down/supply side magic and "... challenging the permanent government that modern liberalism had spawned."


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor


Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys
Raising the INCOME (active earnings) Tax wouldn't to nearly as much as they try to make it seem to help income disparity issues.

Most of the super wealthy make their money from Capital Gains (passive earnings).

They're not out making $40 million a year, it mostly through trading and investing.


Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys
and while we squabble over economics, the US govt is still chugging along doing awesome things like.....

Redflagging Seedbay so that US money Orders are no longer acceptable for seed orders.

there is no security risk, its a banking matter pure & simple
US banks will not honour money orders made out to SBN, this has also effected our ability to use CC cards

we are working on alternative methods of payment, something not related to the US banking system would be ideal
there are a few options but they need investigating before we would think of implementing them

Sure glad obama said he'd lay off pot.


Active member
what's your beef?

you're the beef bro. ;)

and we're the chickens, scared and struggling to make sense of our crumbling world. the sky is falling. we are living in a labyrinth of evil conspiracy. and then you come along all rational and erudite, the sun shining above your head, riding around on that brand new trike like a fucking Lord Fauntleroy, talking up the Muslim Antichrist, the man who hasn't kept all his campaign promises, nor solved all the countries problems in four years, even tho he's gotten the enthusiastic support of the republican party.

really, what do you expect?


No shit.... one wearing blue... one wearing read..... Same Elite, intrusive F*cks!

No shit.... one wearing blue... one wearing read..... Same Elite, intrusive F*cks!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Despite being propelled to victory by progressive supporters critical of the Bush administration’s record on civil liberties, President Barack Obama has directed the Justice Department to defend many of the policies of George W. Bush, including warrantless wiretapping.

Butt buddies in suits!



Active member
I mean, anybody can reasonably assimilate that "property rights" has something to do with beefs between the property owner and the state. But there's no disclaimer that says Joe Landowner's rights aren't going to end up righter than mine.

reasonably assimilate??? do you mean infer? and why would you reasonably infer property rights automatically refers to "beefs" between J.landowner and state? property rights refers to your property and your rights thereof...

furthermore the state really shouldn't have any "beef" with landowners as long as they aren't infringing on the rights of other land owners...

Our founding father's were rich landowners, bankers and slave owners. Some didn't want the unwashed to have a say in government. I wouldn't put all that on Ron Paul but the whole "property rights" discussion seems to suggest that deadly force shouldn't be questioned - as long as I shoot em on my property.

regardless they wrote the best pair of documents, thus far, to give people a shot, at success, freedom, and individuality...

no one here will says its perfect, but nothing ever will be, so stop living in a utopian dream... id rather take my chances in the big dangerous world without a big government bossing me around "for my protection"

All this shopoting peeps on yer property came about when SPLC and ACLU started collecting Ron Paul's newsletters. Between two locations they managed to archive the whole thing. One newsletter in particular states that a certain class of human being is surprisingly fleet of foot and after they try to steal your car, you can't catch em. And what's this? The newsletter discusses getting away with shooting people.

the newsletters have been proven to be garbage, not reflective of RON's view's, and he has more than once accepted responsibility for the lack of oversight.


So to me, the "property rights" argument has some connection to being able to use deadly force on your property w/o having to face nagging investigations over the use of deadly force. IMO, that would effectively make property owners more righteous than everybody else.

your showing your ignorance/trollish ways DB:peek:

what a ridiculous statement
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