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Ron Paul 2012!!! Your thoughts on who we should pick for our "Cause"?

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Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys
I agree with Ron Paul regarding the drug war. But there are too many other things that he insists on getting rid of (national parks, for instance) that I don't agree with.

We can and will eventually get legal status for cannabis. It's going to happen, and most people in the know think it will happen fairly soon. .

Most people "in the know" are kidding themselves.

They thought the same thing in the 60s and 70s. Howd that work out?

If anything we are heading for an 80s style war on pot.

This time it's gonna be backed by drones, privatized prisons, unprecedented surveillance, and religious extremists in our own country.

I want my friends out of jail for pot, not more of them to go away and lose their jobs, families, and homes.


Active member
Way to rebute Cannabunkerman.

Good stufff.


Thanks for that post bengtom187..I am out of REP POINTS but you got a big one!

This time it's gonna be backed by drones, privatized prisons, unprecedented surveillance, and religious extremists in our own country.

I want my friends out of jail for pot, not more of them to go away and lose their jobs, families, and homes.
Crazy but true!

For those who have time to spend hours on this forum, but are apparently too lazy to use a search engine:
For those fighting the comprehension of ENGLISH!!! HSKDHFAHFHSD BOOK. That was jibberish, asking for a book title. I said a book....That can be the title of any of these PRE REGAN NWO books you told me to read... WIKI IS CURRENT and not and OLD BOOK! Post me a book on the NWO from the 1920's until REGAN....if you can't produce even as much as a title of one of those books I have to assume you have not read one and that makes your statment that I "READ A FUXXING BOOK" pretty pointless and staight up rude. So I ask you to post the TITLE to one of these glorious books you have read to support you OPNION :D
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National Parks wouldn't be "sold", their management would be privitized. You make it sound like a vote for RP is a vote to slash and burn the parks.

Really? Ron Paul has made no bones about the fact he thinks national parks not only should be privatized but that at least some land should be sold off. While he and his ilk might not sell it all off at one time, they are not even trying to hide the fact that they want to get rid of parts of some parks, and other parks entirely. Putting the parks in private hands means the goal will be profit. The goal of federally owned national parks is preservation and enjoyment by everyone.

Oh yeah? Didn't they say that in the 60's? That when all of the old codgies in power die off, cannabis would be legalized?

Who is "they" from the '60s? The fact is we've made much progress since the '60s. There's still some ground to cover, but the lies the government and prohibition supporters have spewed are losing more traction every day. More than half the population supports full legalization, and many states have now implemented medical policies and decriminalization. That wasn't the case in the '60s. Time for you to come into the present and update your information and your argument.

You actually trust the government to take care of these parks in the long run? What funds are going to be cut first when uncle sam can't pay the bills? THE NATIONAL PARKS. At least they'll still be owned the US government, even though they'll be in disrepair.

When it comes to national parks, you god damn bet I trust the federal government to do a better job than greedy private owners. In addition to tax dollars, there are nominal fees collected in order to get into national parks, and they are run on strict budgets. Money well spent, in my opinion, and they're doing a good job so far. I'd rather spend tax dollars on national parks than war.

If the only reason that someone would vote for RP is because of his stance on wanting to end cannabis prohibition, then I think they need to open their eyes a little. The weed thing is only a symptom of a much larger problem, the erosion of our personal liberties.

I completely agree with you, except I'd say that if the only reason someone would vote for RP is due to his drug war stance, then they need to open their eyes A LOT!!! True, the drug war is a symptom of a larger problem, but the tide is is changing.

You won't be able to visit the parks when they cut funding to staff it. To clean it up. To make sure the bears don't eat the people.

Yeah, that's a well thought out and reasoned response.

You know what? You're right! Santorum 2012!!!!!

Ah, now I get you. You'd support an anti-science religious nut. You talk about eroding personal liberties. Santorum cares more about pushing his religious ideology on people than implementing common sense political policies. While I can't fully get behind Ron Paul, at least he wouldn't try to push his stupid mythological superstitious beliefs on the American people against their will. He seems to understand the first amendment, unlike Santorum. Santorum won't do shit to legalize cannabis, either.
Most people "in the know" are kidding themselves.

They thought the same thing in the 60s and 70s. Howd that work out?

If anything we are heading for an 80s style war on pot.

This time it's gonna be backed by drones, privatized prisons, unprecedented surveillance, and religious extremists in our own country.

I want my friends out of jail for pot, not more of them to go away and lose their jobs, families, and homes.

Geez... I've addressed this already, but hey...

We're not in the '60s, '70s, or '80s. Times are changing, whether you realize it or not. An increasing number of states are implementing medical marijuana laws and/or decriminalizing, and more than half the population believes cannabis should be legalized. These are fundamental differences from the '60s, '70s, and '80s.

I want my friends out of jail, too. Are you suggesting I feel otherwise? I just lost one really good friend to jail because of pot. I'm fighting every day and taking some serious risks to see non-violent pot "offenders" released from jail.

Again, stop living in the past. The government can't ignore people forever, and unprecedented numbers of citizens are demanding justice and legalization than ever before. We'll get there.


Active member
Really? Ron Paul has made no bones about the fact he thinks national parks not only should be privatized but that at least some land should be sold off.
Yes that is because the Government is not supposed to own all that land.... THey have no right to own all that land. It belongs to the people and would be protected much better if private citizens had contol of it. Stregthen Private Property Rights and you will be protecting the enviroment much better than the EPA GOV'T control mechansim ever could or ever will.

You can talk RON PAUL and stay on one subject that lends itsellf to weed every single time, PRINCIPLES.
We can be constructive and speak on the MMJ aspect more then we have lately but this thread is bigger and better than a single focus unless it is the RON PAUL PRINCIPLES... That is why he even called it a FASCIST STATE in the post a few pages back, I appreciate the originators and MODS input and we need to stay focused but this all goes back to the RON PAUL PRINCIPLES. Santorm seems a man of principle too, but he wants to force his views on others. Ron Paul wants to give us FREEDOM through his PRINCIPLES and they relate back to the CONSTITUION and BILL OF RIGHTS. The others TALK IT, Ron WALKS IT!

So if we don't honor The Constitution and The Bill of Rights...You can kiss your personal freedoms, which include any abilitly to grow, smoke, or enjoy weed in any capacity...GOOD BYE!
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Yes that is because the Government is not supposed to own all that land.... THey have no right to own all that land. It belongs to the people and would be protected much better if private citizens had contol of it. Stregthn Private Property Righs and you will be protecting the enviroment.

The citizenry of this country is the government. If the government owns the land, that means the people own the land and it is preserved for their use and enjoyment. I disagree with the statement that privatizing would protect the lands better than publicly funded management and ownership.

You can talk RON PAUL and stay on one subject that lends itsellf to weed every single time, PRINCIPLES. We can be constructive and speak on the MMJ aspect more then we have lately but this thread is bigger and better than a single focus unless it is the RON PAUL PRINCIPLES... That is why he even called is FASCIST in the post a few pages back, I appreciate the originators and MODS input and we need to stay focused but this all goes back to the RON PAUL PRINCIPLES If you look hard enough, you will see that. Santorm seems a man of principle too, but he wants to force his views on others. Ron Paul wants to give us FREEDOM through his PRINCIPLES and they relate back to the CONSTITUION and BILL OF RIGHTS. The others TALK IT, Ron WALKS IT!

Ron Paul is a straight shooter, and he never varies in his answers. He's the most honest of the republican candidates without a doubt. I just happen to disagree with him on some subjects that I consider so important I can't compromise on them.


Active member
The citizenry of this country is the government.
No we have a REPUBLIC which is the Rule of Law, which are created by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Democratic rule would be MOD RULE. We have a REPUBLIC created by the Constitution and Bill of Rights that give us our rule of law structure. All the other EPA, FDA, are just like the DEA, a control mechanism. I too once supported them until I found out what they really are and how they actualy work. I encourage you to view the UN AGENDA 21 video or literature I have posted. That one lady is really incredible and informed bro. Just check into these things further and I think you will see, because you do seem to be seeking the truth. PLEASE VIEW VIDS

The American Form of Government

Agenda 21 for lower living standards

Rosa Koire on Radio Liberty talks about the goals of Agenda 21. In disguise of sustainable development our Western living standards will be lowered. Forget about the future free energy and having a flying car, if you ask the UN. United Nations is after your car and your toilet! This is eco fashism where you and your style of living is seen as a threat for the earth.

Honestly, The Gov't has no right to own all that land. The have no right to tell us not to smoke, grow, eat, wipe our butts with Mary Jane :D On subject aspect, I am only trying to inform not sidetrack.

If the government owns the land, that means the people own the land
Your kidding right? You think that is because you have an honest and trusing heart, I made the same mistake. Some people want to do bad to us.

If the people own the land and have no say so, that is not ownership.
Go check out those FEMA CAMPS.
Go check out those PRISONS
Go check out AREA 51
Go check out a Military bases.
Go into a Court with a camera

You can't even grow a plant on your own land dude! A low systematic take over so most don't see it coming. It started with the WWI, the drug war, education, FED and IMF monetary control, Stock market control, imminent domain which UN AGENDA 21 is, Privatized jails, control of the media, hollywood, etc etc.....SYSTEMATIC CONTROL!
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Enormous Member
I think that most of us here believe in the same things. Freedom, liberty, and the right to be left the hell alone. However, we are divided by our ideas on how to get there. Our abilities to predict the future have been diminished by the political turmoil in the world. No one can tell how one honest man, if elected to POTUS, would fare against a corrupt system, and pretending to know how it would hash out is arrogant.

It's all about direction, and not so much about the specifics. Who will fight the hardest for the average American? While I don't believe in everything that RP says, or agree with him on every topic, I trust him infinitely more than anyone else currently in the race. I believe that he could begin to change the direction this country is moving in. Political momentum takes time to develop.
No we have a REPUBLIC which is the Rule of Law, which are created by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Democratic rule would be MOD RULE. We have a REPUBLIC created by the Constitution!

I don't have time to give you a civics lesson. But I'll say this and then I'm done with this thread. We live in a democratic republic. Look it up, and you'll find out that in democratic republics, the power of the government rests with the citizenry. As for the constitution, the general welfare clause, Article I, Section 8, makes national parks (among other things) constitutional and gives the federal government the right to establish, own, and run such parks, even without explicitly using the name "national parks".

I state it again. The Gov't has no right to own all that land, just like they have no right to tell us not to smoke, grow, eat, wipe our butts with Mary Jane :D

I'll never wipe my butt with cannabis.

Your kidding right? And Corportations are people too.

I never said corporations are people. Privatizing public lands fits in more with corporate personhood than keeping them federally (publicly) owned and funded.

If the people own the land and have no say so, that is not ownership.
Go check out those FEMA CAMPS.
Go check out those PRISONS
Go check out AREA 51
Go check out a Military base.
Go into a Court with a camera

I'm at a loss. Really.

You can't even grow a plant on your own land dude!

I'm working on changing that. Hopefully you are, too.


Active member
We live in a democratic republic
Exactly but you left off that second part.

You have no reason to be rude. I wasn't. Maybe you shoud research UN AGENDA 21 and not act as if you know everything because you know somethings. What do you know of UN AGENDA 21? I didn't hear anything on that.
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Active member
I never said corporations are people. Privatizing public lands fits in more with corporate personhood than keeping them federally (publicly) owned and funded

If the government owns the land, that means the people own the land and it is preserved for their use and enjoyment.
No but your statement kinda fits the same mold.
The Gov't isn't people any more than a Corporation is.
They both help to establish CENTRAL CONTROL and most people acknowledge they are vitually the same entity these days!
I didn't say coroporations should get the land either!

I also understand that some of the functions of the EPA, FDA, and others actauly try to do good but the Gov't always find a way to mess that up. I understand that others think the EPA and such are all trying to help.....That is nieve!

Children defy police in Washington, purchase lemonade at Capitol
Watch what these people are worried about selling on our Gov't (PEOPLE OWNED) land.
Tell me who OWNS/COTROLS the LAND NOW!!!

I know they need permits to sell there right? Who controls that? It is all about CONTROL. Just like the DEA.

Enjoy our freedoms while they last...I am about to burn a fatty.

On legal weed :D
I'm working on changing that. Hopefully you are, too.
Every day of my life. I also work to break down the hypocracy.
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Active member
im not sure, i hope thats not how this starts out,mabey these are escorts to the event lol.

ahh hey you know all that stimulous money for infastructure ,i beleive it was called the american recovery act,why should we put another cent into infastructure,they now lease it out to foreign companies/private companies doesnt matter to me, if its tax payer funded we were robbed once,now their taking the crap we paid for and allowing others to proifit from it thats twice.and if you actually use that roadand pay the toll you get robbed 3 times,and its not hard to figure out the govt leased it to cover some other deficit it had.
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