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Ron Paul 2012!!! Your thoughts on who we should pick for our "Cause"?

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I'll stick with my smoke.

Good retort when I proved myself right about G H BUSH, NWO, and UN connection....

Of course I knew what I was talking about.

You proved that the US is a member and supporter of the UN?

Nice going Sherlock.


weed fiend
That's the guy with the silver foot in his mouth. Ann Richards used to make fun of HW when he'd step in shit that wasn't even there.

NWO isn't just a reference for diabolical plot enthusiasts. It's also reference to the global trade apparatus that's required to keep global trade from doing the same thing to international courts that AOC states did to their courts.

When you have a system you have to run it. Different folks will want to run it different ways. You'll get dynamic forces who pool their numbers and fringe elements who lack numbers. The dynamic forces will trade power back and forth while the fringe will diverge into diabolical theories that throw smoke screen to our genuine problems and their natural order of management.

Diabolical conspiracy theories don't consist of total baloney. There's tangible aspects like a former head of state saying "NWO" but it's the subsequent conclusions that derail the train.

zymos already said it, post after post of conspiracy theories aren't helping. So ironic that Paul, in part created a national name over... you guessed it, conspiracy theories. There's lots of conspiracy stuff in the newsletters that makes the incendiary stuff appear infrequent.


Active member
You proved that the US is a member and supporter of the UN?


You see you don't get dismiss that part from exsistence, just from exsistence in your mind!

I see you two are going to tell us now.....LMAO..Dismiss what u want to.

I still think what we think. I seem to be using a lot stronger information than you guys.

You said they were around but not now......
Then OLE BUSH was running his flapper of NWO....
that is just a coincidence...OWE I GET IT! LMAO. WAKE UP!


weed fiend
And you draw unfounded conclusions. Ron Paul might actually have more attention if it weren't for the Star Trek convention.


So you are so blinded by conspiracy theories that you refuse to believe the phrase "New World Order" has had an established, political, non-conspiracy-theory meaning since the 1920's?


Active member
And you draw unfounded conclusions.

LOL! UNFOUNDED??? I played a video where the man admitted what I said!
That is far from unfounded, that is the opposite of unfounded!
Your dismissals are UNFOUNDED!!


Active member
"New World Order" has had an established, political, non-conspiracy-theory meaning since the 1920's?

I'd like to see some literature then! POST IT!

Every president since Reagan has used those exact words..."New World Order" But Regan was a bit later that 1920!
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weed fiend
I imagine Alex sitting down at his broadcast desk and there's the latest envelope sitting in front of him. The envelope contains the latest diabolical plot to ruin the masses. He opens the envelope and there's dates, names, statements (always taken out of context or they wouldn't be there) and he makes up the rest - either him or a rather handy ghostwriter who can evaporate into the ether when stories get too whacked.

It's not that Alex can't connect the dots. But one might expect Alex to actually connect the dots in a single conspiracy as opposed to having a grain silo chocked full em. Alex doesn't have to conclude anything because there's always fresh stuff to fluff.

When conspiracy is exposed, it has media attention the likes of Watergate and the Pentagon Papers. Alex has a following of supporters, doesn't itself verify what he's saying. And when anybody says, "do the research for yourself" you can bet they didn't.

itisme, you have to convince yourself the three letters NWO spell EVIL before any of your conclusions will tread water. I could say Taco Bell is evil and point to a million pages that scientifically conclude that Taco Bell food is unhealthy. Let's call that fact - thus far.

When I get to intent - that's the baloney. I'd have to prove Taco Bell is trying to hurt people but they're probably just increasing margin. They probably want me to come back to buy more Taco Bell.

NWO was a phrase generated after the turn of the 20th century. It's not a cabal. It's the recognition that national entities meet international trade. Trade generates disputes. Disputes have to be litigated. You don't want international trade unmanaged to the point that international courts are overwhelmed.

Then you have people who don't like being told what to do, never mind the issue. It's the ideology. But they can't win arguments by convincing people that their ideology is better than practical application. So they make up conspiracy theories.
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Active member
By Chuck Baldwin
January 27, 2009

It is hard to believe, but a majority of Americans (including Christians and conservatives) seem oblivious to the fact that there is a very real, very legitimate New World Order (NWO) unfolding. In the face of overwhelming evidence, most Americans not only seem totally unaware of this reality, they seem unwilling to even remotely entertain the notion.

On one hand, it is understandable that so many Americans would be ignorant of the emerging New World Order. After all, the mainstream media refuses to report, or even acknowledge, the NWO. Even "conservative" commentators and talk show hosts such as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, or Joe Scarborough refuse to discuss it. And when listeners call these respective programs, these "conservative" hosts usually resort to insulting the caller as being some kind of "conspiracy kook." One host even railed that if anyone questions the government line on 9/11, we should "lock them up and throw away the key." So much for freedom of speech!
I doubt the writter knows that BAIN CAPITAL OWNS 850 CONSERVATIVE TALK STATIONS/Hosts including but not limited to Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity....I bet they own the other two he metioned but am not sure. MORE CONTROL MECHANISMS!

Entire Article

Why do all the station and even SNL acted as if Ron Paul didn't exsist. Why do they all act like that????? ALL???? Just asking what you all think.


Active member
Funny how some dis Alex Jones and what he says but they don't care that...

GEORGE H BUSH and all the others have spoke of the NWO! They dismiss facts and try to redirect. Your simple dismissals of such good evidence lead me to think you aren't being honest with yourselves. You just can't admit that I am right about a lot of what I have stated at the very least.

I am waiting on that NWO literature ZYMOS!!! SHOW ME some 1920 NWO info!


Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys
Research who started the American Cancer Society! Tell me who did that! Please.
http://www.whale.to/cancer/american_cancer_society_h.html 1913 by none other than John D. Rockefeller Jr,
We will never get a cure from them

I'm glad you.are finally getting on the right track.


The connections between acs and the pharma industry are closer to the plot for control than the whole nwo freemason aspect. Do yourself a favor and listen to dave emory research on the bormann capital network (specifically the german chemical company IG Farbin) the power they weild is real and documented.

The bush power comes from contol of oil. the rockefellers primary income came from standard oil.
Both bushes and cheney made their fortunes in oil, and continue to shape world events. you should study the ties between the bush family, the bin ladens and the saudi royal family.

Real power comes from wealth, not satan worship.


There's a good quote from "Manufacturing Consent" by Noam Chomsky:

"If I'm analyzing capitalism and I point out that General Motors tries to maximize profit, that's not a conspiracy theory. That's analysis."

All our presidents, and pretty much every other world leader, is invested in keeping "the system" running. You don't need to watch a bunch of youtube videos and pick out the codewords. It's business as usual, but where's the fun in that, when you could imagine
the Illuminati running everything behind the scenes.


Active member
The connections between acs and the pharma industry are closer to the plot for control than the whole nwo freemason aspect

I see them as connected and I have little to no doubt in my mind. I am very aware that many don't see what I see, I am also aware that many do. I don't mind if we don't see EYE to EYE :D on everything. It don't bother me. I am spiritual and proud of it.

The Bush's own 140,000 ACRES over the world's largest aquifier in Brazil. They bought about 65,000 under their daughters name while in office and bought the rest in their names after they got out of office. THEY ARE SET UP FOR BLUE GOLD TOO! Brazil has a booming economy over the last 5 years or so...yet many companies are having to leave because the business enviroment over there requires so many bribes that most can't compete and have to leave. So I ask....HOW WERE THE BUSH's ABLE TO PULL OFF THAT PURCHASE? Anecdotal, yes.....Make you wonder....IT SHOULD!

Dude MK ULTRA was Gov't funded and is linked to the Illuminati too. I am listening to your guy now MADBUDDAH...Have you researched the Illuminati and NWO....This guy is talking about all the same stuff but not with those conncetions as he is generalizing and not stating WHOM....What does he say about NWO??? He is talking about how they steal all the money in the same fashion as I spoke of it too :D

I also stated that they run the stock market creating fluctuations. They are stealing from us in so many ways it can't even name them all. Let me say..FED, IMF, US MILITARY, UN, NATO, WTO, EPA, FEMA, you get the picture.
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Active member
I would say you are agnostic then. not an atheist. Atheism is, in a broad sense, the rejection of belief in the existence of deities. Atheism is close minded. there is no evidence that there are deities, but there is no evidence that there is not either.

call me what you like. i don't label myself as either agnostic or atheist. but i do reject the rather bizarre notion that there's a supernatural being concerned with my sex life, who thinks homosexuality is evil, that a woman's lady parts should remain unused until marriage, a god who's written the perfect book on morality we all should embrace. i reject it because there's simply no reason to imagine it were true. further, the notion of a supernatural being goes against everything i know about the natural world. and the idea that the bible is perfect or moral (have you read it?) or that i should keep an open mind about a book that promotes slavery, misogyny and intolerance is risible.

that doesn't mean i'm not open to new evidence. but shit, we've been waiting for 2000 years ...


Active member
AN element in Contol of the Gov't did 911...He states...Which is what I have said. This dude is onto something. He just hasn't make the spiritual conncection from what I hear.


Active member
You don't need to watch a bunch of youtube videos and pick out the codewords

I have read multiple books too...Should I scan them in just so you know that too. VIDS are a great source thought. I know what one where BUSH admits he was NWO shut you up asking for fist hand info! Didn't it!


call me what you like. i don't label myself as either agnostic or atheist. but i do reject the rather bizarre notion that there's a supernatural being concerned with my sex life, who thinks homosexuality is evil, that a woman's lady parts should remain unused until marriage, a god who's written the perfect book on morality we all should embrace. i reject it because there's simply no reason to imagine it were true. further, the notion of a supernatural being goes against everything i know about the natural world. and the idea that the bible is perfect or moral (have you read it?) or that i should keep an open mind about a book that promotes slavery, misogyny and intolerance is risible.

that doesn't mean i'm not open to new evidence. but shit, we've been waiting for 2000 years ...

I completely agree with you. Christianity is pretty senseless. You cannot prove that it isn't true, but logically, its probably not. Either that, or it is just highly misunderstood. I believe jesus was really alive. I think christianity was made for soldier. Since constatine basically started it.

Same with atheism, though. They say nothing happens at death.. thats it and thats the end.. That to me is also not a fact, but much more logical than most religions. The argument is that consciousness cannot go on without a brain, but yet fungi mycelium can be sentient?

From my point of view, consciousness does not require a body or brain. to me conscious is part of the life force or "chi" that surrounds everything. It is the electricity and the magnetic field. It is what makes everything move. I believe we are all the same consciousness experiencing itself subjectively and when you die you lose the self. This isn't fact, but most of my experiences in life point to this. That we are all the same but just different perception of it. making this universe aware of itself and dreaming it up as we go. You can say god is consciousness as a whole if you want but I call that the ALL.
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