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Ron Paul 2012!!! Your thoughts on who we should pick for our "Cause"?

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Active member
Zymos anything the Gov't does they screw up! They are supposed to uphold the Constitution. They don't. They say they help the poor. Yet the warlords get the foreign aid that actually goes out and they are trying to add drug testing here. More Gov't control. Look up all the Raw Milk people getting jammed up by Obummer peeps. REALLY, RAW MILK is our big concern. The EPA fined several companies money for not using a chemical that is not ever available to them. \
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KE9sfT0Teqw&feature=player_embedded#! You need to WATCH this post by BENTOM187 on FDA and raw milk and MEDICAL MJ!

All of these subcommittees that have appointiees and nobody ever ELECTED are just Illuminati control structure pieces, as well as some fake elections held for others!
Just like FDA,
Just like HUD
Just like Fannie & Freddie
Just like Medicare
Just like Medicaid
Just like TSA
Just like Social Security
Just like the FCC
Just like EPA,
Just like NAM North American Union
Just like Dept of Ed,
Just like Dept of Energy,
Just like FEMA,
Just like IMF,
Just like FED,
Just like WTO,
Just like NATO,
Just like UN,
Just like FAA (see 30,000 drones in US by 2020)
Just like CIA,
Just like FBI,
Just like DEA,
Just like Senate,
Just like Congress,
Just like some in the Israel Military
Just like a few in the US Military,
Just like Other Infiltrated Countries Military Forces

There are many many others but I hope you get my point. We need protections, yes. Bureaucratic propaganda and crones, NO!

How many jobs do you think RON PAUL would destroy on that list and some entire departments? :D
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Well-known member
Ron Paul is the only one of the entire lot, that would bring hope to the MJ cause.

Unfortunately, America is not yet ready for a Ron Paul to occupy the White-House. His ideas are ahead of the majority of Americans time. Ron Paul's ideas are to honest, logical, and simple for the vast majority of Americans to understand & accept, therefore, he scares the shit out of the Bible-thumbing, half-wit, simpletons that are more concerned about what took place on last-nights episode of Big Brother or American Idol that they missed, than how their own children's day went at school.

America has turned into a country of reality-show junkies, which contain no reality what so ever. And 50% of young people in America who earned a college degree from a major US University within the past 10 years, can't tell the name of the country that borders the southern USA.

And we wonder why the rest of the world looks upon us as becoming a 3rd world country, of lazy, spoiled, adult-children who can't even balance our own check-book. And spend all our time criticizing other country's for they're problems, and telling them what they need to do to correct them when we don't even have the ability to get our own house in order.

I guess as long as our elected officials can keep us focused on other nations troubles, and dumb Jerry Springer & Reality show junkies. Programs created by morons to entertain the masses of morons, they chances are good they can hoodwink us again at election time to vote to keep they're jobs another 4 years so they are able to continue to obtain they're personal selfish agenda.

The only way Ron Paul could win would be if he had more money then the rest of the field. In America, who ever has the most money always wins the White-House. Character, Intelligence, Integrity, Honesty, and Morality play no part, and have no influence in the US Presidential elections, it's the rat with the most cheese who will always when the race!!!




Active member
Trouble, I am not too sure about that! People are pissed off! About healthcare bill they did not want passed! Pissed about taxes, abuse of power, DUI check points, ..I see DO NOT TREAD ON ME stickers on many cars now! More people want there FREEDOMS back..NOW!! I for one HOPE you are wrong! I Hope People Are Pissed ENOUGH!!!! monkey5


weed fiend
You guys have the narrative down but you're possibly too young to remember how life was before government was bought by the rich. We had our problems but everything wasn't broken like today.

Some of you advocate going after fraudulent and or criminal corporations. This requires laws, enforcement of said laws and the money required for enforcement. Three decades of DEregulation has taken away many laws, thus enforcement of pollution and or worker/product safety.

On the other hand, some of you suggest getting out of the way - so these proven transgressors can what? Show us that some of them will put profits ahead of ethics... again?

If Paul's worth his rhetoric, he'd attempt to drive the nail in the coffin of environmental protections. If he's not worried about environmental degradation, he's probably not too skippy on worker/product safety laws either. It's that ol' let-the-market-sort-it-out kinda thing.

By all appearances, Paul supporters don't want to encourage fraud and or crime. But everywhere we see DEregulation of laws that protected the environment, workers and the general public for decades, we see disaster. In any industry that's been DEregulated, you'll find that not only were profits pursued at the expense of excessive risk, pursuits were so aggressive they rocked and sometimes wrecked their industries.

Compare all this to corporations that haven't yet managed to buy enough DEregulation to satisfy. Where DEregulation didn't take place, enforcement funding was stripped.

Add the brilliant concept that titans of industry are their own best regulators. :biglaugh:

Let the states work it all out for themselves. Thing is, they already tried, failed and demanded federal intervention after the first 8 years of our country. The rich had enough money to tie up the courts, leaving your principal vestige of litigation in limbo. Suing somebody in another state? Sorry, states have no arbitrating power between themselves. You're left holding the bad or tying things up so everybody else holds theirs. See how great that works out? For any presidential candidate wanted to return to those days, one might expect to hear how they plan to dodge, bump and weave (or get hit right between the eyes) by the same things that hit us under the AOC.

I'm sure even Ron Paul doesn't want all the bad that came with 18th century policies. Problem is, Ron Paul doesn't provide an objective look at all the cons in his proposals and how he'd avoid repeat episodes. Notice I didn't say prevent. Ron Paul doesn't deserve undue scrutiny, until it's apparent that so much isn't addressed.

It's all based on the pretext the current system will wreck so bad we'll all be destitute. Before I buy a car to replace the one I own, I'm going to do everything I know to see it's a better investment.

Not only is the near octogenarian salesman telling me my car is going to explode yesterday (for practically his entire life) I find he recommends a horse. After all, a horse can't throw a crankshaft.

It's a tough job folks. If Ron Paul makes it to the big show, I wish him all the best because he's gonna be in for many surprises that every non-incumbent president faces.


Well-known member
Trouble, I am not too sure about that! People are pissed off! About healthcare bill they did not want passed! Pissed about taxes, abuse of power, DUI check points, ..I see DO NOT TREAD ON ME stickers on many cars now! More people want there FREEDOMS back..NOW!! I for one HOPE you are wrong! I Hope People Are Pissed ENOUGH!!!! monkey5

Monkey5, I hope I'm wrong on this one as well. However, I don't believe there are enough pissed-off people at this time in America to put Ron Paul in the White House.

For every one pissed-off American that can see what's really going on and the reality of our nations dreadful situation, there are 10 Americans that choose to keep their heads in the sand, and pretend everything is going to be OK.

If Washington DC doesn't clean-up it's houses quick, America will see a revolt against government that will make the Arab -Spring look like a sunny day at Disney World.

Have you noticed all the false numbers of new jobs. low unemployment numbers, and all the other false BS the Obama Administration has been flooding the TV networks with the closer election time comes?

The reason there are less people receiving unemployment is because they're benefits expired, not because they found jobs that don't exist. Obama and his gang of ruffians have taken propaganda to another new level, and make Hitler look like a novice when it comes to hoodwinking the masses!!!



Rubbing my glands together
American Sheeple are too hung up on R's and D's.
At my caucus site the other week I was the youngest there. I'm slightly over 50. Most were in the 65 and older range. These people genuinely believe the Republican party can fix the mess the country is in. They are either ignorant or to fucking stupid to understand the BOTH parties have put us where we are as a country today. Sadly, once this age group dies out and are replaced with voters that have seen what is going on then maybe things will really change or even a 3rd party that represents their values can stand a chance. Until then I'm arfaid we are screwed.


weed fiend
you are confusing regulations with laws. They are not the same thing, though the regulators like for you to believe they are.

Regulations start out as bills before becoming law. Regulations aren't regulations without the statutes that back them. Regulations not only spell out the limits of the law, they define excess and detail mitigation limits.

Of course when a corporation breaks the law you have to hold them responsible, but that is not happening under government regulation.
Government regulation takes place 24/7/365. They're not all perfect and they're not transgrression free. But it's that or face the circumstances of un/under regulated commerce.

You do realize the regulations are written by the corporations, right?

The Free Market: A Primer on Regulation

The Free Market as Regulator, by Ron Paul
Krugman interviewed in March Playboy and says bank laws had to be broken. We've not only DEregulated, we've underfunded enforcement of existing regulations. We don't have the manpower nor the budgeted money to give what it takes in criminal courts. So we negotiate agreements with corporations, penalizing them for fractions of illegal gains while not having to admit guilt in court.

Aside from the narrative, this is what the market has produced, a playground for the richest and most powerful to perpetuate the game.

We have ethical corporations. IMO, the ethical ones outnumber the bad guys exponentially. But left alone, fraud eventually becomes crime. The bar is lifted to the point that once ethical standards are pushed beyond standard. And if the profits are high enough and or the demands for market share great enough, folks have a way of justifying their actions.

We also have ethical lawmakers. Many go to Washington and are compromised. Many play the right game and avoid scandal. Reforming private money would turn the game back into a working system. Working systems have a way of weeding the chaff. Just like markets with fair rules that everybody has to play by, gub works the same way. My opinion, of course.

Follow the private money, it's not greasing the wheel of progress. It's greasing the rich wrench that wrecks the wheel for everybody below the top.



Ron Paul speaks to supporters in WA., decries 'war on drugs'

VANCOUVER, Wash. — Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul decried the “war on drugs” Thursday night, telling supporters in Washington state that people should be able to make their own decisions on such matters.

Voters in Washington are likely to decide this year whether to legalize the recreational use of marijuana.

“If we are allowed to deal with our eternity and all that we believe in spiritually, and if we’re allowed to read any book that we want under freedom of speech, why is it we can’t put into our body whatever we want?” Paul told more than 1,000 people at a rally in Vancouver, a suburb of Portland, Ore.






I love that term..... "Sheeple and Faux News"

The young are awake and pissed. I hope we have enough time for this all to take effect. They are getting involved and learning. Questioning everything and not taking the same old "Party Lines". Course, they ought to be since really they are the ones who are going to be paying for all this..... that and their children, and their children's children.. etc

We don't really know what markets would do now days. People are more conscious and aware of environmental impacts. You can refer to long ago before controls but that was really before the majority were even literate. If I looked out my window and saw a corporation tearing a mountain down I think I might be more apt to get a movement going about it. Happened in Colorado Springs, Colorado..... government didn't do shit.... the people shut that shit down and made them fix the mountain the best it could be.

Regulations and laws only work if the corporations are not protected by corrupt.... bought and paid for politicians and legal system, that is what we have now!

You guys have the narrative down but you're possibly too young to remember how life was before government was bought by the rich. We had our problems but everything wasn't broken like today.

Sing the praises of the past government (good old days) we had, all you want.... it was just a transitiontion from a Republic to the Corporatist-Oligarchy we have now.



you are confusing regulations with laws. They are not the same thing, though the regulators like for you to believe they are.

Of course when a corporation breaks the law you have to hold them responsible, but that is not happening under government regulation.

You do realize the regulations are written by the corporations, right?

The Free Market: A Primer on Regulation

The Free Market as Regulator, by Ron Paul

things like the EPA were started to fight the corporations, and they actually have done some good. then the corporation did what they do best and bought the system.

there are actually programs that work IF special interest groups and lobby fuck heads stay out of the workings ....... but these fucks have been throwing sand in the gears for about the last 40 years. the fact that the whole thing has not completely collapsed with one group after another chipping away at the foundations says to me it was very well designed.

we need to throw a bag over the whole game in washington and fumigate. if we can actually kill all the pests and clean this place up it'll work again. when i hear that we should get rid of the kitchen just because we have let the frat party assholes shit on the floor all i can do is wonder if it would be easier to just clean the place out and get down to eating at home again


when i hear "down with the EPA" i say "do you remember love canal?"

if you think the big boys are going to regulate themselves any better now than they did then ........... (no offense intended , but) ....... maybe you have actually smoked yourself stupid

if you think the corporations will disappear if RP wins the game ............. can i have a clone?


i guess what im trying to say is the whole thing is fucked

its not black or white, its all gray.

When Monstanto can sue a farmer for growing plants containing their patented GMO 'Round-Up Ready' genes, even when the farmer has never bought their seeds (pollinated/contaminated from upwind pollen), the little guy is FuXX0r! (Clarence Thomas use to be their lawyer!)

Farmers can sue Monsanto, but the legal fees will go through the roof and bottom line, Monsanto has deeper pockets than you!

This is the 'fallacy' i see with RP for President. Leveling 1/4 of WV mountains will not be enough, and trying to sue companies for destroying your creeks water quality will be futile....

On the other hand... i think the re-scheduling of MJ could be a 'black swan' type event, allowing our culture to look at other 'concrete' ideas, that really serve us zero purpose.

On the other hand... Beware of Greeks bearing gifts...

(three hands!)

He will get my vote in the primary... unless i my 98% sure he will run 3rd party (im only 92% sure now), and my vote will be better served to further fracture the GOP (gasp... i might vote for Newt or Santorum). General election, im still on the fence.


Our form of democracy needs updated... the only way RP wins the Presidnecy is a 'screwjob' (in the House), and that might be the best thing for us.
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Enormous Member
I thought this was funny:



Active member
If Paul's worth his rhetoric, he'd attempt to drive the nail in the coffin of environmental protections. If he's not worried about environmental degradation, he's probably not too skippy on worker/product safety laws either. It's that ol' let-the-market-sort-it-out kinda thing.

I appreciate your thoughts and I really appreciate your respect for most Ron Paul supporters. You need to understand that Gov't isn't supposed to own land. They are supposed to uphold their "OATH" to the Constitution. If the Gubbyment didn't own land it would be held by private citizens. If you strengthen private property rights and stop letting the Gubbymongers use the Constitution like Santorm "for appearance only" then the environment would be better protected.

Whether you believe the Mayan calender or not they were incredible at Astrology, and tney as well as current day scientist have confirmed that the earth axis changes every 26,000 years and right now we are in that time frame. Other scientists are observing changing atmospheres on all the other planets now too, not just Earth. Are we destroying up those environments? I do admit and accept that oil spoils, air pollution, deforestation and many things impact our environment. If the GubbyNati wanted to protect the earth the first thing we would do is utilize HEMP for energy, cloths, wood, and many other things but they want to destroy the PLANET or make us think we are doing it. We do need to protect our PRIVATE PROPERTY RIGHTS while taking back the land owned by the GUBBYNATI. That will protect our environment much better.

What environment do you protect and which do you not protect? Do you think depleted uranium degrades the environment? How much of that has the GUBBYNATI launched over the last 11 years in AFGHANISTAN and IRAQ? How about those enviroments? How about the oil pipelines the GUBBYNATI and others Countries GUBBYNATI components attack every time they start a war? How about all that environmental degradation? I could go into things like turtle population that our bombs have nearly put into extinction. I could also state that WARS are one of the reasons the SNOW LEOPARD is nearly extinct. Those are just two I know of right off top of my head. I mean aren't the creatures a part of the environment we want to protect?

With WAR you get Gov't sponsored death. It can be soldiers or civilians. It can be environmental destruction, monetary destruction, the depletion of our Civil Rights, and more theft from the evil demon controlled Illuminati than you could ever imagine. They control the stock market with massive buy/sells. They control the fluctuations with WAR and MEDIA PROPAGANDA. They control election by controlling the voting machines. They control the sheeple with the smedia. The control the youth with WAR video games to desensitize. They collude and conspire on every level you can and can't imagine.

Ron Paul gets the big picture. The FED and IMF are the money controls, The CIA and FBI are the coverts ops. BlackWater, Seals, Rangers and other components of Most every Military are the enforcers. They are training and militarizing ALL the US LOCAL POLICE forces with the same DRONES and weapons. Clearing the way with the GUBBYNATI controls mentioned in the DEA, FAA, EPA....next stop FEMA DEATH CAMPS!

Why The Rush For Feds to Monitor Social Media?
http://www.infowars.com/why-the-rush-for-feds-to-monitor-social-media/ @ 9:00 time stamp they demand the retired military not the endorse and anti war or Ron Paul support.
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Believe it or not, it is possible to be both pro-EPA and antiwar.

PS- the FEMA death camp illuminati stuff just comes off like tinfoil hat wingnut ranting and is not helping your cause at all....


i didnt want to get involved, but it seems to me some folks don't want to see the world in front of them.

when you have individual rights as the over most law, as well as the first duty of the federal gov, then no cooperation can cause harm to another man rights. it's very simple, when you take away most of the present day (politically correct, but morally corrupt) regulations, you make an even playing field, where law is based on the common law. things like fraud, insider trading, embezzling gov funds and all the rest of the corrupt shit going on is only possible due to the crazy complex regulations written up by the industries it's supposed to regulate and watched over by a revolving door system of moving ceo's back and forth between the industry and the agency supposed to watch over it. the gov makes regulations for the common man, but if you have lobbyists you can get wavers to regulation np. further more regulation is written at an incredible rate now, by unelected officials appointed to their posts. in fact most of the regulations are not real laws at all.

so yes, lets go back to the basics, do on to others as you'd have them do on to you. if some big corporation is polluting, they are infringing on the right of all other inhabitants. no need for complex, expensive to implement regulation with waivers given to the worst offenders? why the fuck should we bother with that? anyone defending the masses of regulation being dumped on the common man trying to survive, must be willfully blind.


weed fiend
i didnt want to get involved, but it seems to me some folks don't want to see the world in front of them. when you have individual rights as the over most law, as well as the first duty of the federal gov, then no cooperation can cause harm to another man rights. it's very simple, when you take away most of the present day (politically correct, but morally corrupt) regulations, you make an even playing field, where law is based on the common law. things like fraud, insider trading, embezzling gov funds and all the rest of the corrupt shit going on is only possible due to the crazy complex regulations written up by the industries it's supposed to regulate and watched over by a revolving door system of moving ceo's back and forth between the industry and the agency supposed to watch over it. the gov makes regulations for the common man, but if you have lobbyists you can get wavers to regulation np. further more regulation is written at an incredible rate now, by unelected officials appointed to their posts. in fact most of the regulations are not real laws at all.

so yes, lets go back to the basics, do on to others as you'd have them do on to you. if some big corporation is polluting, they are infringing on the right of all other inhabitants. no need for complex, expensive to implement regulation with waivers given to the worst offenders? why the fuck should we bother with that? anyone defending the masses of regulation being dumped on the common man trying to survive, must be willfully blind.

Kinda creepy coming from the party of personal responsibility.
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