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Ron Paul 2012!!! Your thoughts on who we should pick for our "Cause"?

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i just did 15 im gonna hang them in stores if possible ,then later im gonna hand them out at the primaries.
it might be helpfull to write down the primary/caucus info somwhere at the top.
we dont need the meadia.


also heres another way to use your fiat credit to get the word out(use red ink)



Active member


Must spread some Reputation around before giving any to Itisme and bentom187.....

I've been laying Ron Paul swag around at work..... some people are wearing them!!!!!!



Wouldn't it be crazy if Ron Paul won the delegate majority, but they went with Romney anyways.
You guys are driving me crazy. (I love you hash, so dont take offense)

Plurality = More votes than anyone else, but NOT MORE THAN HALF. (IE ≤ 50%)

Majority = Over half of the votes (> 50%).

Once you have a MAJORITY of the delegates, NO ONE CAN FUCK YOU.

If Dr Paul had a Plurality... say
40% Dr Paul
30% Romney
30% Santorm

Santorm could throw his weight behind Romney, and they could fuck Dr Paul (30% + 30% = 60% > 40%)

But if you have a MAJORITY (> 50%) no one can band together, because they must have ≤ 49%.




So everyone but Gingrich dropped out of the March 1 debate

on a side note, i just saw my first Santorm commercial! :puke:

And the UN just officially condemned Syria.


Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys
Must spread some Reputation around before giving any to Itisme and bentom187.....

I've been laying Ron Paul swag around at work..... some people are wearing them!!!!!!


SWEET! We need to be spreading the word in places other than just this site.

Cool stuff, but I only go with http://www.ronpaul2012.com/store because I know every penny goes to the campaign, not some "designers". Thats why I steered clear of cafepress and the like, even though I REALLY need that "Ron Paul is my homeboy" shirt.

"We fully support organizations like the Revolution SuperPAC and actively donate a portion of our proceeds to them."

But spreading the message is most important.

The official ron paul site carries shirts, hoodies, YARD SIGNS, and BANNERS (two big things if you got decent road traffic in your area), buttons, pocket constitutions, packages of cards highlighting talking points about RON PAULs stance on important issues, buttons, etc.



Active member
Except that's not really what they are saying at all...

whats not accurate? heres some quotes

"• Stem cells are drugs and therefore fall within their jurisdiction. (The clinic argues that stem cell therapy is the practice of medicine and is therefore not within the FDA’s jurisdiction!)
•The clinic is engaging in interstate commerce and is therefore subject to FDA regulation because any part of the machine or procedure that originates outside Colorado becomes interstate commerce once it enters the state. Moreover, interstate commerce is substantially affected because individuals traveling to Colorado to have the Regenexx procedure would “depress the market for out-of-state drugs that are approved by FDA.”

"This time the FDA just nakedly says in court documents that the agency wants to protect the market for FDA-approved drugs. No more beating around the bush—their agenda is right out in the open! This appears to be a novel interpretation of the Food Drug and Cosmetic Act (FD&C), as evidenced by the government’s failure to cite any judicial precedent for their argument.

The implication of the FDA’s interpretation of the law, if upheld by the court, would mean that all food, drugs, devices, and biologic or cosmetic products would be subject to FDA jurisdiction. The FDA is expanding its reach even to commerce within the state, which we argue is far beyond its jurisdiction, in order to protect drug company profits."

"The Centeno-Schultz Medical Clinic takes your blood and bone marrow, puts it into a centrifuge machine that separates the stem cells, and cultures it to get more cells before a doctor puts them back in your body to repair damaged tissue. The FDA states that when the stem cells are cultured, they become FDA-regulated drugs. The clinic has argued numerous times that stem cells aren’t drugs because they are components of the patient’s bone marrow from his or her own body."

"The primary role of adult stem cells in a living organism is to maintain and repair the tissue in which they are found. The hard part has been to get enough of them. But new technology is giving doctors the ability to obtain more stem cells from a patient than previously thought possible, which is why we’re now seeing new treatments. Blood, fat, or tissue is withdrawn from the patient, stem cells are obtained using one of these new processes, and the cells are injected back into the patient where they can repair the patient’s tissue."


Sorry if you don't have the education or scientific background to understand, and your Ron Paul thread probably isn't the place for this, but when a company makes drugs for human use, whether the starting material is someone's body, a few bottles of chemicals, a plant, whatever, it is the FDA's job to ensure their safety.

I might not agree with a lot of their actions and decisions, but this is completely in their normal area of operation.


Active member
but they clearly state there intent is not saftey in the quote ,the intent is to protect companies who have payed off the regulators to stop any compitition this is a form of gaming the system .
when there are regulators ,then there are people who run the show you can specificly identify ,to pay the money too, to oppress your compitition and look the other way when you violate,BP is a perfect example, the usual rebuttle is then, we need more regulations when they obviously fall flat when dealing with the big dogs.


Active member
Must spread some Reputation around before giving any to Itisme and bentom187.....

I've been laying Ron Paul swag around at work..... some people are wearing them!!!!!!


:D I have been telling everybody that Santorm hasn't busted a grape. Ron Paul very likely has the most delegates.....I could be pulling a little bit of a FOX or CNN but I know he has more DELEGATES than Santorm and can easily win if they would give him some credit....Which I know the Illuminati would rather kill us all first before they let RON PAUL get in office....I guess that is a chance we all take.


Zymos.... wrong.

Zymos.... wrong.

Sorry if you don't have the education or scientific background to understand, and your Ron Paul thread probably isn't the place for this, but when a company makes drugs for human use, whether the starting material is someone's body, a few bottles of chemicals, a plant, whatever, it is the FDA's job to ensure their safety.

I might not agree with a lot of their actions and decisions, but this is completely in their normal area of operation.

I do have the education (degrees) and scientific background (more than 20 years in the field) to understand. A good example is bone grafting material taken from the hip or from a cadaver (that of a deceased person) that is used in a cage around a spine that has failed due to compression fracture or discectomy. These are used to generate growth of a functional nature...... none is regulated by the FDA. It is a medical treatment and procedure performed in the Practice of Medicine. There is no difference in extracting stem cells and coaxing them into regenerating the same growth and fusion of bone structure. The bone and the stem cells are not medicine... they are part of a medical procedure..... not the same at all. Multitudes of examples if you would like more?

Now if you were to create special cells generalized to a vast demographic of patients and used broadly instead of the patients own their might be an argument but again.... how would that be different from using powdered cadaver bone? Osteophyte or Stem Cell is only a matter of the evolution of the stem cell into bone instead of Erythrocyte or blood cell.

It just seemed a bit rude to just assume you are the only one with knowledge. We all have our specialties. Can't just state them all on here due to security or I would indeed give you mine.

On another note, a thread about Ron Paul is the perfect place to discuss over empowerment of Department of the Federal Government.:tiphat:



Yeah, Itisme...... the stickers started showing up on name badges..... very cool. The new bracelets on the RonPaulswag.com, I think will be a bigger hit. Little more expensive but worth it. I just leave them laying around and next thing I know someone is wearing it. ;o)



Active member
" In another outrageous power-grab, FDA says your own stem cells are drugs—and stem cell therapy is interstate commerce because it affects the bottom line of FDA-approved drugs in other states!"



WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean really? WTF!!!!!!!!!! GTF OUTTA HERE!!!!!

Thanks for all the good stuff but that one even has me just utterly disgusted too....

PUKE! SANTORM can't even defend his views :D even on the NDAA! That dude Robert with the camera is great. I love it!


Active member
In Washington state, Paul decries 'war on drugs'

VANCOUVER, Wash. -- Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul decried the "war on drugs" Thursday night, telling supporters in Washington state that people should be able to make their own decisions on such matters.

Voters in Washington are likely to decide this year whether to legalize the recreational use of marijuana.

"If we are allowed to deal with our eternity and all that we believe in spiritually, and if we're allowed to read any book that we want under freedom of speech, why is it we can't put into our body whatever we want?" Paul told more than 1,000 people at a rally in Vancouver, a suburb of Portland, Ore.

Paul did not mention his rivals for the Republican nomination but criticized President Barack Obama for killing American citizens with suspected terrorist ties and for expanding federal regulations.

The Texas congressman said he wasn't sure if he'd win the GOP nomination and tries not to predict the future but added that he's encouraged by the enthusiasm of his supporters.

"People who are strong believers in issues and ideas and principals, they do lead the way," he said.

Paul is the second Republican to hold a major public event in Washington. Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum was in Olympia and Tacoma on Monday. Washington's caucuses are scheduled for March 3.

Some in the Vancouver audience came from neighboring Oregon, which has a primary set for May 15.

Paul was spending Thursday campaigning in Idaho and Washington and has rallies planned Friday in Richland and Spokane. He is expected to hit most of Washington's media markets before the state's nonbinding caucuses.

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Ron Paul: When the Republic Returns
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