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Ron Paul 2012!!! Your thoughts on who we should pick for our "Cause"?

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They repeated the debate......on CNN.....

They repeated the debate......on CNN.....

It was about 25 min until they aired the debate so I watched Anderson 360 while waiting.

In the entire 25 min I watched, which was a special focused on the debate, Ron Paul was only mentioned once and it was just an of handed comment about him being in it for the long haul. You could not tell from the comments and discussion Ron Paul was even up on the stage...... and boy "stage" is an appropriate term.

At one point Ron Paul was answering a question about helping veterans with special programs, after his answer the camera was directed not panned at a couple who looked at each other and then the male shook his head... they both looked like they were eating lemons.

Small subtleties like that make a huge psychological impact on the viewing audience. They seem small or imperceptable but it works.

To show how they are all in bed together. David Gergen was part of Anderson 360's discussion. You all know about the Bohemian Grove and who goes there. For those who don't here is the interview about him attending and how pissed he got. LOOK IT UP IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT I MEAN.



The debate last night was good. Paul got in on all the questions and even when the moderator tried to exclude him, the audience erupted and wouldn't let him. He probably won't get much of a bump due to the media ignoring him (again; they've switched tactics from attacking which backfired, to ignoring). So I think a strong 3rd in SC is realistic. A 2nd place finish would be amazing but unlikely.

It was much better than the FOX debate a few days ago where the audience was reminiscent of a Roman Colosseum. I'll never get the image of the fat guy shaking his fists and whooping during the foreign policy (errm... Iran war propaganda) section after a Gingrich answer. Put a feather behind his ear, a turkey leg in his hand and wrap his fat ass in a toga and it plays like the last days of ancient Rome.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
treating the symptoms rather than excising the tumors....
Extend and pretend and denial is much more palatable to the voters than actually dealing with the underlying fundamental deficiencies of the welfare/warfare state (the tumor).

The bad thing about this approach is you can do only do it for so long (we've been doing it for 30 years) before the cancer kills you.

And we are quickly dying as a nation and a culture.

To be honest even if RP were to get elected IMO it's too little too late. The patient is dead.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
When it comes to policy, I feel like I know more of Paul's ideas than all the other candidates combined. Everybody else is talking shit, making the latest gaffe, etc.
He's the only consistent politician in the USA. It's cause he speaks plainly and isn't a lying POS like Mittens and Co.


Well-known member
It was about 25 min until they aired the debate so I watched Anderson 360 while waiting.

In the entire 25 min I watched, which was a special focused on the debate, Ron Paul was only mentioned once and it was just an of handed comment about him being in it for the long haul. You could not tell from the comments and discussion Ron Paul was even up on the stage...... and boy "stage" is an appropriate term.

At one point Ron Paul was answering a question about helping veterans with special programs, after his answer the camera was directed not panned at a couple who looked at each other and then the male shook his head... they both looked like they were eating lemons.

Small subtleties like that make a huge psychological impact on the viewing audience. They seem small or imperceptable but it works.

To show how they are all in bed together. David Gergen was part of Anderson 360's discussion. You all know about the Bohemian Grove and who goes there. For those who don't here is the interview about him attending and how pissed he got. LOOK IT UP IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT I MEAN.

I agree most people don't notice the subtle brainwasing. Like when RP answered a question they panned to some old guy who was grimacing and when Newt answered they would pan to some smoking hot chick. lol


Enormous Member
Did you guys notice that during the vast majority of the CNN debate, the camera focus was excluding Ron Paul? If you didn't watch the whole thing, you wouldn't have even known he was there.


Active member
Well then it is a good thing WE all know he is there! Lol..I am doing more talking and work on the streets than I have ever done for any candidate ever at any time! Ron Paul 2012!! monkey5


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Did you guys notice that during the vast majority of the CNN debate, the camera focus was excluding Ron Paul? If you didn't watch the whole thing, you wouldn't have even known he was there.
Yeah it was ridiculous. The media is sooooo desperate to not give him any air time. They just wish he would go away so they can continue with their false left right paradigm conversation.

It's so blatant and overt it's disgusting. People are losing faith in MSM and Status Quo positions anyway. Just a matter of time before King's personal income comes into line with those he misleads.


from Morgan Stanley


Enormous Member


1st paragraph of USA TODAY article about the CNN debate:

A fierce debate caps a rollercoaster day in Republican race

"NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. – A debate that featured fierce exchanges among Republican presidential contenders Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum began with an extraordinary rebuke of another figure on stage: moderator John King of CNN."

WTFFF!!!! Aparantly, this article originally didn't even mention Ron Paul, read the comments, they updated a few inconsequential sentences about him.

"Paul was third and Santorum fourth."

"Texas Rep. Ron Paul noted that "my wife of 54 years is with me tonight.""

and... "Paul was not the target of the others' barbs and at times seemed overshadowed by their exchanges. At one point, when he wasn't given the opportunity to respond to a question about abortion, fans in the audience yelled "Ron Paul!" until he was allowed to speak."


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Status quo desperation. Anything to blackout his message.

"The truth is treason in the empire of lies." RP


Gentlemen,,, please don't give up the hope.

As long as Ron stays in,, it's still alive... very much alive.

If you've been watching throughout,,, Ron is biteing his lip big time.
He's not putting much effort into being in the thick of things yet. There is no real reason he shouldbe. Think about it....
He's letting the opposition self destruct. And I feel it's working very well. Let them whiddle each other down to the final one,, and then it'll be Puppet vs. the Doctor.
When that time comes,, they'll not be able to ignor RP.
I think RP is biding his time for the perfect attack... then the chits will hit the fan like we've never seen before.
The man is not a idiot,, I think the idiots are playing into his hand. His day will come. He's smart enough to know it's easier to fight on one front than multiples. It's coming. Hang with him I feel you'll be really shocked at what lays waiting for the children doing the crash and burn.

His game has not started yet. The other hopefulls are doing his work for him,, and quite well too may I add.

This is going to be a blood bath when he sets his spurrs into the final contender of the puppet club.

I know they showed little of him on camera,,, but if you saw,, he was like a lion,, foaming at the mouth,, waiting for the heard to move on before striking.

I don't think you'll be disapointed when his time comes to slam the last contender.

All them other jokers are doing now is spitting crap giving Obama ammo for the end.

Paul isn't nobodies fool. Watch and learn "strategy". :jump:
The more he says, the more I love his ideals,, the quieter he is the more I respect the man.
Nobody's fool.

I'm so confident in him,, I made yet another donation this morning.


Senior Member
so is ron even competing for south carolina? i listen to npr 10 hours a day at work and i haven't heard mention of him in over a week...not since new hampshire...i was starting to think he skipped south carolina...

i have been worried about corporations taking over the media for a long time, it's now at the point where we can see right in front of our eyes what it can do. if fascism is a combination of corporation and government...well now wallstreet is orchestrating this "race" of all their pawns...and one other guy, ron paul...at first they laughed at him, tried to use those tactics to belittle him in the eyes of viewers...then he started to catch on, people started to realize everything these guys say is scripted based on demographics and surveys...ron's the only guy who's been saying the same thing for decades...now it seems that he has gotten so close to actually making a run for the nomination that they are using every trick in their bag to make people think he isn't even running. everything is done subvertly, using psychological tricks, discussed by powers that be, passed onto major corporation ceo's who give the order to the network heads, tricks like calling the super rich "job creators" when in reality most of them don't, saying regulation "stifles" progress and job creation, it's all just an attempt to wring out the last bit of water from the sponge...drain the remainder of our resources and move on...

whomever wins doesn't really matter, they will be a slave to the republican party, which has radically changed it's views, they now want big government, they want to control everything, drugs, wars, homeland security is listening to all our conversations and going through all our emails. They want to tell you that if you are raped you have to raise his baby, they say gays can't get married because marriage is sacred, as they sneak off to their mistresses... stiffen the regulations on every welfare organization in the country and limit their funding while ensuring no regulation on wall street whatsoever...

the saddest part is that a good portion of this country is willing to just buy into this bs, they have absolutely no idea how politics works and just blindly vote based on 4 second soundbites, repeated on their favorite tv shows, because they deliberately avoid all political information like the plague, then they bitch that every single politician, republicans and democrats, pretty much ignore their problems and do arbitrary crap all year long to mask the messed up stuff they are doing for corporations with our tax code...

if you aren't getting your news from NPR you aren't getting the news, thats the truth, every single network is slanting the news, and not even reporting 80% of it. i am astounded daily when i find that most people have no idea who ron paul is, or what the arab spring movement is, where Syria is, or whats going on in Iran, or the situation in Somalia....we are so uninformed as a nation that it is truly frightening. they say that things like sports events and spectacles similar to what we call reality tv have long been used to distract and pacify the masses, so that the powers that be could start balls rolling on major world events that make them rich and all others poor...we are at the point now that the public is so completely oblivious to the actual events of the world that those "powers that be" could pretty much have us all in camps by now if they desired it! all you would have to do is put a huge tv in a huge cage and stream those fat cardassian whores talking about themselves all day or steven tyler reciting lines that were pre-written by other people to make him sound cool...


Even if Ron can get in,, it's no good if it stops there.
Congress itself is the bigger issue.
Congrees needs replacement for anything to come from this for the good of the majority.

Ron will make a terrific leader, of that I'm certain. But he needs folks to lead... not those working for their own personal agendas.

To take our country back,, the Presidency is just a beginning. We need to vote in a team that'll support him,,, not work against him.

Needs to be a "Team America" effort.:jump:Yea team! :jump:


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
Ron Paul can FUCK the GOP so hard if they keep ignoring him...

All he has to do is drop out and run as an indie and the republicans are done....

the gnome

Active member
ron paul for all his talk of fiscal conservatism sounds good but but if you look at his voting record he didn't vote for the money spending bills which is good,
but if you dig deeper what you will find is when a huge spending bill did come along and he knew it would still pass regardless if he voted no then he would load as much pork as he could into it and bring the bacon home... he's a politician like the rest.

what we need to make an effective change is not to get a *professional politician* but an outsider that has business management smarts, unfortunately that man has dropped out of the race.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
The whore media hates the American people. They study human psychology and anthropology to manipulate your perception of reality. America is being destroyed by design and the zombie media is the part of the plan that keeps the American people in the dark while the oligarch dismantles the constitution and bill of rights. They prey on your hopes your dreams and your fears. Some of these news anchors are such sociopaths they get off on dictating reality to you. They ignore Ron Paul because they fear what Ron Paul represents. He represents an awakening of the American people. An awakening to who is in control of our freedom. The global elite think we are all animals and we should be treated as animals.

^ you must spread some reputation around before giving it to draztik again.
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