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Auto AK47 Outdoor Grow

Well, let me introduce myself. I'm not entirely new to growing, but I also don't have a load of experience, and it's been years since I've toyed with it. I'm a working man looking only to grow enough for personal use. Been browsing the forum and thought I'd join in. I posted an "Introduction" in the "Introduce Yourself" forum, but I guess the 8 folks who viewed it weren't too interested in greeting me.:moon: Only joking.

Here's my little project: Two plant ******** Feminized Auto AK47 Grow.

Outdoor "Stealth" Setup: 32 Gallon brute trashcan painted flat white on the inside. I also have two tops for the can. One top I have drilled a bunch of 1 and 1/8 inch holes in to let in plenty of sunlight and air. The other top I left factory, and use it to cover up on the rare occasion we have too much rain. I really haven't put either lid on it at all yet. Holes drilled in bottom for drainage, and rocks to keep the holes from clogging up. Trash can raised up on bricks.

Plant Medium: Foxfarm Ocean Forrest Potting Mix

Light: Approximately 13 Hours Per Day Natural Sunlight

Daytime Temp.s: Mid Seventies F. To Upper Eighties F. Throughout Grow

Night Time Temp.s: Mainly in the upper 50's F. to mid 60's F. right now, but they have gone as low as the upper 40's F..

Fertilizer: No Fertilizer For The Plant's "Veg." Stage as I'm Trying To Keep Them Small For The Can, But I Have Some Tiger Bloom For Flowering.

Alright Guys, I originally got the idea for this from YUKON'S trash can scrog on this site. One of the main reasons I'm posting this here. Same concept except for with autoflowers so there will hopefully be no need for training. The bottom of the trash can has Fox Farm's Ocean Forest Mix. From the top of the soil/mulch to the top of the trash can I only have about 18-19 inches of clearance, which I'm guessing might be a problem. I started my plants at the end of April, all outdoors with no supplemental lighting, and now they are only 6 inches tall. They Seem To be healthy/happy so far. I need to keep them from coming over the top of the can if at all possible.

This is my first autoflower grow, and my first grow period in at least 7 years.


1. In such a tight space, would it be possible to somehow make some seeds with only two plants? I've never done it, but read you can stress out or spray something on a female to make it grow balls?

2. If you mate two autoflowering plants, will the offspring keep the autoflowering trait?

3. Would it be possible to grow any regular strain and keep it in this can with or without LST/Topping, etc.?

4. I'm on day 20 something and my plants are only 6 inches tall. Is that normal for autoflowers given the amount of light they're getting?

This will be my first ever grow journal, and I hope we can all have a little fun with it. I haven't even viewed a forum like this since Overgrow back in the 90's or early 00's I believe it was. Thanks for viewing, and any opinions/ideas will be greatly appreciated.


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You guys let me know what you think.... I could definitely use all the advice I can get, since I have very little experience compared to most of you. From what I understand the Ocean Forest potting mix really doesn't "need" extra fertilizer, but my leaves do look a little light in color I guess. We've had a crap load of rain the past 3-4 days, so that may be the culprit. I did put the solid lid on the can one night during the heaviest rain. I've kept an eye on it, and no water holds in the can even with the heaviest rain we get here. Hope I didn't offend anybody with my little "mooning" emoticon, I was only joking......:) Let me know your thoughts if you would.:) Plan is to follow through with this journal to the end regardless of the final result.... Once again, I'm glad to be here. Thanks.
whats the point of the big trash can again?

Neighbors don't know what's in it... Could be a compost bin as far as they know. It's sitting out with my container vegetable plants. Wish I didn't have to do it that way, but I do. Hopefully next year I can invest in some equipment and start a regular strain indoors. Thanks for the reply.

I dont get the trash can either. You're growing outdoors but have a trash can blocking most of the light. So they're not getting 13 hours of light. Seriously loose the trash can, it only works if you got lights to hang in the trash can.

I dont get the trash can either. You're growing outdoors but have a trash can blocking most of the light. So they're not getting 13 hours of light. Seriously loose the trash can, it only works if you got lights to hang in the trash can.

I understand they're not receiving full light. I can't grow them in pots for everyone to see. Kind of have to go with what I have for now. You thinking I should trash it and wait until next year when I can get indoor equipment? I do know their getting more light than YUKON'S trash can grow, although he was using regular strains, and they didn't produce much. Thanks for the reply.
Thanks for the reply Toker. I appreciate it, and I'll definitely keep you posted.

Bluestreak, I only put the lid on to show the idea. I haven't actually kept any lid on it at all. Thanks for your reply.

Just experimenting here... Not expecting anything special at all, just trying an idea.. Regardless, I won't be disappointed. I appreciate the replys and advice.
Thanks for the reply Toker. I appreciate it, and I'll definitely keep you posted.

Bluestreak, I only put the lid on to show the idea. I haven't actually kept any lid on it at all. Thanks for your reply.

Just experimenting here... Not expecting anything special at all, just trying an idea.. Regardless, I won't be disappointed. I appreciate the replys and advice.

Your welcome bro..its a Great idea, and even better if it works, i think it will:). got my finger's crossed with you.Might copy ya and get balls to grow a few in the yard.
But then again maybe not..lol

You mite be suprized at what 6-8 hrs of sunlight can and will do..if the ak dont do it for ya..Get some Blue Streak, you wont be dissapointed..Keep up the good work...

Your welcome bro..its a Great idea, and even better if it works, i think it will:). got my finger's crossed with you.Might copy ya and get balls to grow a few in the yard.
But then again maybe not..lol

You mite be suprized at what 6-8 hrs of sunlight can and will do..if the ak dont do it for ya..Get some Blue Streak, you wont be dissapointed..Keep up the good work...


Thanks man. I hope they do a little something, but I'm not stressing it. I'm not too sketchy about them being out there. I really appreciate the comments and advice.

BTW are the females showing sex yet?

Yea, the girls have showed the goods. We'll see what comes of it. I've seen some "auto" journals never get finished. Results good or bad, I plan to finish this one...................


Nice idea :) dosnt matter if you get 1g or 100g its all free smoke ;) definetly watching this for the novelty idea
Alright, tried tilting the can to the south, and believe it or not, it didn't seem to help so much with letting more light in. I work my own hours, and swing by my place throughout the day, so I'm thinking about rotating the can throughout the day to allow more light to hit them. You'd be surprised the amount of light they get throughout the day. I also think they're about to take off on me. They've literally grown almost a full inch since yesterday. I know, as I measured with a tape. I'll update with pictures weekly from here on out. Thanks for viewing.
Wonder if it would help to get some mylar in there?
Mylar shows through but you have a white base should help reflect light better. But if they've grown an inch sounds like they love it.
Wonder if it would help to get some mylar in there?

I actually tried that before painting it Bluestreak. I tried using a cheap mylar film, and couldn't get it to fit the can how I wanted. I tried taping it in the can,,,, cut it a hundred different ways, and couldn't get it to lay against the side how I wanted..... It was frustrating as hell! Finally said screw it, and went with the white outdoor paint for plastic.. Good thing about my yard, the sun rises and sets without any obstruction, so I'm in about as good a spot as I could be. All morning and afternoon until about 3-4 pm they're in pretty much direct light, but I did tilt the can this afternoon to keep them in direct light the remainder of the day today. It actually worked really well. Thanks to everybody for that advice. Don't know why I didn't think of it before. I have no problem doing that most days, so maybe it will help. Thanks for the advice though Bluestreak.