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Ron Paul 2012!!! Your thoughts on who we should pick for our "Cause"?

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Has anybody heard all these non Ron Paul's choice for President? No! HHMMMmm..They should just shut up then.


Oh,, but yes I have. I've also checked back in time and compared track records.
Being well aware of Romney's part in Taxachussets, I looked towards others. Some are... interesting. Sound good. Talk a good talk. but...
Looking at who is sponsoring who,,, I see more Obama, Bush Jr. etc which got us where we are now.

It's how I came to the Ron Paul camp.

Simply checking old Youtube tapes speaks rather loudly if you'd like to take the time to do so.

The more I look at RP,, the more I like him. Media is big buisness catering to big buisness. Does that have anything to do with the media's air time for RP? I really do think so. All strange bed-fellows in the end.

Even if RP doesn't get on the presidential ballot,,, I'm (at this point) gonna write him in.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Are there any countries that practice Austrian economic policy?
No developed countries, but it's a big reason why they are all insolvent and imploding. The assumption that a small group of people can decide how to best allocate capital for nations has proved itself a failure....again. We never learn.

I reckon in the coming years it will make a come back when people start searching for answers in a post-default world.


Active member
Wouldn’t it be great if a Republican presidential candidate could just buy the support of just about every major conservative talk show host in America? Well, it may not be as far-fetched as you may think.

Clear Channel owns more radio stations (850) than anyone else in the United States. They also own Premiere Radio Networks, the company that syndicates the radio shows of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Glenn Beck, among others.

Needless to say, Clear Channel basically owns conservative talk radio in the United States. So who owns Clear Channel?

Well, it turns out that Bain Capital is one of the primary owners of Clear Channel. Yes, you read that correctly. The company that Mitt Romney ran for so long is one of the “big bosses” over virtually all conservative talk radio in America.

http://realityfail.com/ To read the rest.

I refuse to respond to any questions from those not willing to support anybody or anything!

Simply checking old Youtube tapes speaks rather loudly if you'd like to take the time to do so.
The only thing that changed in a Ron Paul message over the last 30 years is the surroundings. No wonder he never rehearses a speech, he never says anything new.....He just gets proven right over an over.


think how much different the world would be if there was a bigger national backlash against Nixons moves in 1970.

If there was a tea party?

Much of the move was to combat the Vietnam War's effect on our economy.

Who knows if 'Only Nixon Could Go To China' could ever happen.

Watergate doesnt matter if he doesnt get re-elected.

Ford is never President and Jimmy Carter (if running) doesnt have such a soft target in 1976.

A butterfly flaps its wings.


Ron Paul Places 2nd In New Hampshire DEMOCRATIC Primary


Not only did Ron Paul come second in the Republican presidential primary in New Hampshire Tuesday, figures published last night by the New Hampshire Secretary of State show that Paul also finished runner up in the Democratic primary as well.

Looks like your entire statement using only your opinion was proven wrong and you only used seven words and 2 numbers!!!!

Pull the stick out of your butt and I am sure some people knew that was partly a joke. Kinda like most of the comments from non Ron Paul supporters.

I figured it would be American Virgin islands with you.

Feel free to link to your crazier stories the first time.

Im 99% sure NH voters can vote in ANY primary, so unless they had horses in the state wide dem primary races, any fucking moron who picked the Dem Ballot and Dr Paul should be discounted as a fucking moron.

But i guess you are correct, and i am wrong.

The point you were originally trying to make is absolutely invalid, i guess that was where i should have focused.


Active member
But i guess you are correct, and i am wrong

Furthermore, 6,715 of those votes were write ins, meaning the candidate they chose was not on the ballot. So around 11 percent of voters went out of their way to go to a polling station and register a direct protest vote.
Part of the article I posted that tyrants don't read for themselves so I am left to educate.

Paul also finished runner up in the Democratic primary as well. That isn't my line!!! It is from the article I posted...What information you got to back up your slanderous mouth son!

You finally got something right! They WROTE it in....

I saw a ruling where you can video the cops in Public that was upheld, I forget what court but it was good for us and bad for any assholes that think we shouldn't video cops! Funny thing, three states tried to make it illegal to video cops in public...WTF...What kinda of a FX$King MORON could support that shit! Some idiots actually support that shit and try to say it didn't happen. WHAT FOOLS!!!!

"He got second is Democratic Primary" Do you mean IN A Democratic primary?
No I meant "is" LOL...You see how he dodges the TRUTH!!! Paul also finished runner up in the Democratic primary as well. I am not hear to explain myself to you, I don't care what you think and your are so petty that it is like dealing with a child. IT WAS A JOKE ABOUT RUNNING AS A DEMOCRAT SO STOP ACTING LIKE YOUR THAT FUCKING STUPID!!!!!!!!
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That isn't my line!!!
No this is your line
OMG!!! Ron Paul may run as a Democrat :D He got second is Democratic Primary
Ron Paul would have to BEAT Obama to run as a Democrat. Not get a small % of the vote:comfort:

"He got second is Democratic Primary" Do you mean "IN A Democratic Primary"?

The article you FINALLY linked to actually had lots of pertinent information, too bad you focused on the least important aspects.
11,516 Democrats out of the total of 60,996 that voted in New Hampshire voted for someone other than Barack Obama to be the Democratic nominee. That means that almost 19 percent of Democrats voted against the Obama presidency.

Furthermore, 6,715 of those votes were write ins, meaning the candidate they chose was not on the ballot. So around 11 percent of voters went out of their way to go to a polling station and register a direct protest vote.
Who came in second place has nothing to do with the article. It might be the headline, and a stupid fact, but it is not what is important. Reading comprehension is much more important than flashy headlines.



Active member
OMG!!! Ron Paul may run as a Democrat He got second is Democratic Primary
Part truth and part joke can add up to a good joke The issue is you seem to have a 2 X 4 lodged in your ass! You might had laughed if you would get that removed. Note: Ron Paul did get second just like I said! RON PAUL 2012 @)!@

Never Argue With A Fool – They Will Drag You Down To Their Level, Then Beat You With Experience!
Amen. I proved I am right so I will no longer reply.
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Enormous Member
Im 99% sure NH voters can vote in ANY primary, so unless they had horses in the state wide dem primary races, any fucking moron who picked the Dem Ballot and Dr Paul should be discounted as a fucking moron.

Well, I guess that makes me a fucking moron.

I thought, as you did, that NH voters could vote in the republican primary no matter their party affiliation. As it turned out, only republicans and independents could vote on the republican ticket. I was misinformed as well. Instead of not voting, I wrote in ron paul on the dem ticket.


Active member
Do you feel like every time you get involved in an argument, you have got to win? If you know that someone is wrong, and you have a solution, do you feel like, you’ve to argue with them until they embrace your point? You can try, but if the person you’re arguing with is a fool, you will be hitting your head against a rock! It won’t work.

You don’t need to win an argument. If someone doesn’t want to listen to you, leave them be. If you tell them your point, and they don’t want to listen, keep quiet and let it go!
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Well, I guess that makes me a fucking moron.

I thought, as you did, that NH voters could vote in the republican primary no matter their party affiliation. As it turned out, only republicans and independents could vote on the republican ticket. I was misinformed as well. Instead of not voting, I wrote in ron paul on the dem ticket.

i know which primaries i can vote in my state.

"fucking moron" may have been an overstatement, but misinformed voter sure fits the bill.

Your anecdote actually discounts the infowars article. If that many of the state voters were 'misinformed', then the volume of voters who turned out were not there 'just to vote against obama'.

Bottom line, all of this is based off of the inaccurate claim Dr Paul would run on the Dem ticket. After all, being in second place means he only has to pass one more person to be in the lead.:wave:

January 16, 2012 9pm ET on Fox News – Live Stream
Location: Myrtle Beach Convention Center in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
Sponsor: Fox News, The Wall Street Journal and the South Carolina Republican Party
Participants: Romney, Perry, Gingrich, Santorum, Paul

Lets get cloudy!



Active member
Read why the MEDIA is on Romney's junk like a $10 hooker that just got $100.

Wouldn’t it be great if a Republican presidential candidate could just buy the support of just about every major conservative talk show host in America? Well, it may not be as far-fetched as you may think.

Clear Channel owns more radio stations (850) than anyone else in the United States. They also own Premiere Radio Networks, the company that syndicates the radio shows of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Glenn Beck, among others.

Needless to say, Clear Channel basically owns conservative talk radio in the United States. So who owns Clear Channel?

Well, it turns out that Bain Capital is one of the primary owners of Clear Channel. Yes, you read that correctly. The company that Mitt Romney ran for so long is one of the “big bosses” over virtually all conservative talk radio in America.

Of course Mitt Romney is not running Bain Capital anymore. He is a “retired partner”, but he still has a huge financial stake in Bain Capital. We’re talking about millions upon millions of dollars. If you doubt this, just check out page 34 of this public financial disclosure report. So if you have been wondering why so many conservative talk show hosts are being so incredibly kind to Mitt Romney, this just might be the answer.

In the media world, there is a clear understanding that you simply do not bite the hand that feeds you. Some of the most prominent conservative talk radio hosts are earning tens of millions of dollars a year.

If you were making tens of millions of dollars a year, wouldn’t you be very careful to avoid offending your boss?

The deal in which Bain Capital became one of the owners of Clear Channel was initiated just a short time before Mitt Romney’s first run for president. The following comes from Wikipedia….

On November 16, 2006, Clear Channel announced plans to go private, being bought out by two private-equity firms, Thomas H. Lee Partners and Bain Capital Partners for $18.7 billion, which is just under a 10 percent premium above its closing price of $35.36 a share on November 16 (the deal values Clear Channel at $37.60 per share).
The deal was finalized in 2008. Today, Bain Capital is still one of the primary owners of Clear Channel.

One of the subsidiaries of Clear Channel is Premiere Radio Networks.

Premiere Radio Networks distributes a whole host of conservative talk radio shows. Everyone in the conservative world knows names such as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck. Clear Channel also controls some other conservative talk radio hosts (such as Michael Savage and Mark Levin) that are not part of the Premiere Radio family.

The power that Premiere Radio Networks has is absolutely staggering. The following is directly from the official Clear Channel website….

Premiere Radio Networks Inc., a subsidiary of Clear Channel Communications, syndicates 90 radio programs and services to more than 5,000 radio affiliations and reaches over 190 million listeners weekly. Premiere Radio is the number one radio network in the country and features the following personalities: Rush Limbaugh, Jim Rome, Casey Kasem, Ryan Seacrest, Glenn Beck, Bob (Kevoian) & Tom (Griswold), Delilah, Steve Harvey, Blair Garner, George Noory, John Boy and Billy, Big Tigger, Dr. Dean Edell, Bob Costas, Sean Hannity and others. Premiere is based in Sherman Oaks, California, with 13 offices nationwide.
So do you think that any of those hosts is going to risk viciously attacking Mitt Romney and Bain Capital during this election season?

Not likely.

One of the controversies that has plagued Premiere Radio Networks in recent years has been the uproar over their use of paid actors to call in to their radio shows.

The following comes from Wikipedia….

Clear Channel, through its subsidiary, Premiere Radio Networks, auditions and hires actors to call in to talk radio shows and pose as listeners in order to provide shows, carried by Clear Channel and other broadcasters, with planned content in the form of stories and opinions. The custom caller service provided by Premiere Radio ensures its clients they won’t hear the same actor’s voice for at least two months in order to appear authentic to listeners who might otherwise catch on.
So perhaps that explains where some of the “Romney callers” come from.

There is nothing illegal about what Romney and Bain Capital have done, but it sure does not pass the “smell test”.

Conservative talk radio has the potential to sway millions of conservative voters in one direction or another, and it is just not proper for Bain Capital and Romney to have such an overpowering financial interest in conservative talk radio.

And, yes, Mitt Romney is still bringing in lots of money from Bain Capital. The following comes from a Wikipedia article about Mitt Romney….

At the time of his departure, Romney negotiated an agreement with Bain Capital that allowed him to receive a passive profit share as a retired partner in some Bain Capital entities, including buyout and investment funds.[62][57] With the private equity business continuing to thrive, this deal would bring him millions of dollars in income each year.[57] As a result of his business career, by 2007 Romney and his wife had a net worth of between $190 and $250 million, most of it held in blind trusts.[62] An additional blind trust existed in the name of the Romneys’ children and grandchildren that was valued at between $70 and $100 million as of 2007.[63] The couple’s net worth remained in the same range as of 2011, and was still held in blind trusts.
In addition, Bain Capital and Bain & Company continue to pour huge amounts of money into Romney’s campaign coffers.



Kiss My Ring
^^^you're right, good article...couldn't agree more.

interventionism is what started military escalation globally, the military-industrial complex in the US is alive and well, wanting only continued conflict...they are after all, corporations dependent upon that premise.

my suspicions are that the alphabets are fomenting discord to this purpose.


I have NEVER ONCE seen anyone say PAKISTAN has suitcase size nuclear weapons.

This is a US backpack nuke

Good luck bring that into a major metro, pretty sure the array of nuclear sensors scattered around cites and ports would be off the charts way before you got within eyesight.

Its one thing to build a bomb, its another to make it small enough to deliver. The article doesn't touch on that what so ever.


Active member
Romney--have you viewed even one of the links in this thread concerning Romney and his stance on Cannabis? He has been literally brutal to a patient. knowingly on camera. I won't go into the reasons a Mormon is against ... caffine, nicotine, etc but lets just say it is much more important in that belief system than in most other large groups in the US. He will never move more towards Ron Paul's position on "Our Cause".

i did see that vid. his answer to that patient was shameful. i think you're right about Mitt and his bizarre religion. on the other hand, it's quite possible Obama hasn't embraced the rescheduling of cannabis for fear of political fallout, giving more ammunition to his enemies. and if legal cannabis, smaller government, and a leaner military resonate with the voters this election season then i could see at least one of these candidates moving towards these ideals.


Kiss My Ring
(Newser) – The latest group to get into Ron Paul's corner: prostitutes. Working girls at the Moonlite Bunny Ranch, a legal brothel in Nevada, launched a "Pimpin' for Paul" campaign weeks ago that's getting new attention thanks to a recent CNN segment. "If a client comes into the Bunny Ranch and says 'I'm pimpin' for Paul,' they're gonna have a real good time," says the brothel owner. The prostitutes support Paul because he's OK with legal prostitution, the New York Daily News notes, and they ask clients to donate to Paul.


wish that would work at home!!!


on the other hand, it's quite possible Obama hasn't embraced the rescheduling of cannabis for fear of political fallout, giving more ammunition to his enemies.

Our only hope is he breaks out the blunts for the second inauguration!
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