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Ron Paul 2012!!! Your thoughts on who we should pick for our "Cause"?

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I don't know if it's too early to throw this out there, but.........

If Paul doesn't get the republican nomination, will he make a go as an independent? I know he has said consistently that he won't, but how can he not with all this support?

I mean if he and Romney come out neck and neck in the end, The republican party will no doubt nominate Romney, right? Shit if Romney has a pulse they will probably still pick him...



Active member
Viva La Resistance :D

RP is about to be the only one left other that Goldman Sacs, I mean Mitt Romney. If R would vote on principles and not out of padding their pockets Ron Paul is the obvious choice. Honestly gang, No way a Ron Paul supporter votes for any of the others as they don't represent the same thing as he does.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
Gingrich could EASILY finish tied with Santorm (potentially 4th) and continue.

If Mitt keeps talking about how "he likes to give out pink slips", the GOP will continue to need an alternative. Newt and Fecalfroth are splitting votes.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to ShroomDr again.



Some “Real Truth”

Therefore RON PAUL didn't have the money to do what you claim he did!

Youre about to earn ignore list status because of your absurdity.

Money be damned THEY BOTH HAVE BEEN RUNNING IN IOWA AND NH since 2007.

Fuck Mitt, he is buying it, who the fuck is contesting that fact?

4 People went to Iowa, Mitt, Paul, Bachmann, and Santorum.
3 went to NH Mitt, Paul, Huntsman

Hunstman spent nothing in iowa. HE DIDNT EVEN TRY. Bachmann nothing in NH, Santorom only could contiue to NH because of Iowa.

Perry has money, i think he spent 5million in Iowa, but he cant catch fire. Cain was selling a books, and Newt got hot in late Nov.

BOTTOM LINE TWO people have been campaigning in both states for 5+ years, Mitt and Paul.


Active member
Youre about to earn ignore list status
Owe please...I'll give up my Constitutional Rights....Anything but somebody who is not using facts to ignore me. Please do. I'll consider it a compliment. You are wrong and I know it. PERIOD. Now ignore or mute me please.


Owe please...I'll give up my Constitutional Rights....Anything but somebody who is not using facts to ignore me. Please do. I'll consider it a compliment. You are wrong and I know it. PERIOD. Now ignore or mute me please.

You say something, like one guy has been campaign for 5 years

Then someone calls you on it, like both have been campaigns for 5 years

Then you say well one guy is spending more money

WHAT ABOUT THE BULLSHIT YOU SAID? Id love to debate and engage you in conversation, but when youre flat wrong, and decide to tangent into something different, its kind of pointless.

When some of your facts are obviously wrong it diminishes everything else you say.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
I don't know if it's too early to throw this out there, but.........

If Paul doesn't get the republican nomination, will he make a go as an independent? I know he has said consistently that he won't, but how can he not with all this support?

I mean if he and Romney come out neck and neck in the end, The republican party will no doubt nominate Romney, right? Shit if Romney has a pulse they will probably still pick him...


i don't think he will run as an independent, but if he did he could pull some votes away from obama, but probably not enough and he would hurt the GOP more than obama.

would be very interesting however ;)


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
You say something, like one guy has been campaign for 5 years

Then someone calls you on it, like both have been campaigns for 5 years

Then you say well one guy is spending more money

WHAT ABOUT THE BULLSHIT YOU SAID? Id love to debate and engage you in conversation, but when youre flat wrong, and decide to tangent into something different, its kind of pointless.

When some of your facts are obviously wrong it diminishes everything else you say.

he has a very difficult time communicating effectively...

i gave up... :dance013:


i don't think he will run as an independent, but if he did he could pull some votes away from obama, but probably not enough and he would hurt the GOP more than obama.

would be very interesting however ;)

After tonights VERY stong finish, im more convinced than ever. He damn near tripled his percentage from last time.

His failure to deliver a 'Sherman declaration' also point towards it.

I dont give a fuck how many times theyve asked him (167 according to Dr Paul earlier today). What else is he suppose to say?

The man speaks in absolutes, not slamming the door, (like theyve asked him) points toward more. But he has to keep getting 20%+ of the GOP.


Rubbing my glands together
I don't know if it's too early to throw this out there, but.........

If Paul doesn't get the republican nomination, will he make a go as an independent? I know he has said consistently that he won't, but how can he not with all this support?

I mean if he and Romney come out neck and neck in the end, The republican party will no doubt nominate Romney, right? Shit if Romney has a pulse they will probably still pick him...


Simple. Paul, as 3rd party would split the vote and keep Obama in the White House. You couldn't give the Dems a bigger gift if Paul went 3rd party. Besides they wouldn't let him in the debates anyway.


Besides they wouldn't let him in the debates anyway.

They would have a hard time denying him if he keeps getting 20% OF THE GOP VOTE.

And as crazy as this might sound, dont put it past 'The Donald'. I know it sounds somewhat absurd, but his show is about to start on NBC, and if he did run, NBC would be more apt to put him in their debates.

Trump keeps saying he will run if the GOP picks the 'wrong candidate', i dont know if that is code for 'Mormon' or what, but i cant figure out who else he would be against.

Motherfucker could afford it, and as much as i hate that whole machine, the Kardashians would have nothing on that kind of publicity.




Obama, Romney, Paul........ can only pick Paul.

Romney-- bought and paid for and way off base from my positions.

Obama-- have seen his game and am not impressed, his whole campaign was CHANGE. All I have seen from that is the little I get back from breaking a $20 for a candy bar and soda. Do not get me wrong he inherited a shit position but I don't see the next 4 years being any different.

Paul-- only positions I can agree on a majority. He is just crazy enough to try to do as much as he can as President to implement those.

Sadly, I am almost as cynical as GP7 but still not given up just a little sliver of hope we could make a difference. Agree... am afraid the American people are not to the point where they are ready for it. We fired Nixon for bugging the DNC but when W came out and said we been bugging you all for the past few years not so much as a peep. Our great grandfathers and their grandfathers had to role over in their graves.

I hear and feel your pain GP7. I do as you do but you know lots of times all you get is dead stares and changes of subject.... no real indignation or even interest. Complacency rules. It is sad.

Unfortunately, the groundwork has already been laid to prevent anything from making changes. Peaceable--bought and paid for. Non-peaceful and the laws are ready to label you a terrorist and enemy combatant. We have already seen what happens to US citizens that get those labels.



Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
thanks sacred... :tiphat:

i gotta admit i was impressed with RP's speech and his enthusiastic supporters tonight...

i would gladly eat all of my words in this thread if he could pull this off, but i still don't think Americans are there. plus there is always goldman sachs and the 1%...


Did any of you think of it.........

Did any of you think of it.........

Unfortunately, the groundwork has already been laid to prevent anything from making changes. Peaceable--bought and paid for. Non-peaceful and the laws are ready to label you a terrorist and enemy combatant. We have already seen what happens to US citizens that get those labels.

I rewrote that several times...... call me paranoid but I just had a little twinge at the back of my neck. That is the saddest part of it all. It is not just how the rest of the world view us post-2Bushes it is how we are starting to view ourselves that scares me most.


GP7--have to give credit where it is do!




Not good:


Romney position on Marijuana
Romney opposes the legalization of marijuana, including medical marijuana.

“People talk about medicinal marijuana. And you know, you hear that story that people who are sick need medicinal marijuana. But marijuana is the entry drug for people trying to get kids hooked on drugs. I don't want medicinal marijuana; there are synthetic forms of marijuana that are available for people who need it for prescription. Don't open the doorway to medicinal marijuana.”
July 25, 2007, Romney speaking at a town hall meeting in Bedford, New Hampshire

“I believe marijuana should be illegal in our country. It is the pathway to drug usage by our society, which is a great scourge -- which is one of the great causes of crime in our cities, and I believe we are at a state where, of course, we are very concerned about people who are suffering, and there are various means of providing pain management.”
October 4, 2007, Romney speaking to students at St. Anselm Institute of Politics in Manchester, New Hampshire

Won't get into any talk about some religious beliefs..... Respect people but don't have to agree.



The BBC is reporting it will probably be MR taking the GOP. What is his stance on weed?

He is against caffeine, what do you think?:tiphat:

Winning both Iowa and NH has made many people a shoe in before. I can see why the BBC would report that, but this election cycle is a lot different.
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